changeset 645 b8d81fa19e7d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/pythoncorecpythontests/	Sun Oct 10 15:22:15 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" Testing TDriver framework. """
+# pylint: disable=E1101
+import logging
+import os
+#import shutil
+from path import path
+import ats3.tdriver
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+import platform
+import unittest
+OUTPUT = None
+class Bunch(object):
+    """ Configuration object. Argument from constructor are converted into class attributes. """
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+def setup_module(_):
+    """ Setup the module. """
+    global TEST_PATH
+    global OUTPUT
+    global TDRIVER
+    global SISFILES
+    TEST_PATH = path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
+    component = TEST_PATH
+    component.joinpath("tdriver").makedirs()
+    for path_parts in (("tdriver_testcases", "profile", "all.sip"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "profile", "bat.sip"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "profile", "fute.sip"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "hwdata", "paths.pkg"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "hwdata", "file1.txt"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "hwdata", "settings.ini"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "tdriver_parameters", "tdriver_parameters.xml"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "unit_test1.rb"),
+                       ("tdriver_testcases", "unit_test2.rb"),
+                       ("output", "images", "image1.fpsx"),
+                       ("output", "images", "image2.fpsx"),
+                       ("sisfiles", "abc.sis"),
+                       ("sisfiles", "xyz.sis"),
+                       ("output", "ats", "temp.txt")):
+        filepath = component.joinpath(*path_parts)
+        if not filepath.parent.exists():
+            filepath.parent.makedirs()
+        filepath.touch()
+        TEST_FILES.setdefault(path_parts[1], []).append(filepath)
+    OUTPUT = component.joinpath(r"output")
+    TDRIVER = component.joinpath("tdriver_testcases")
+    SISFILES = component.joinpath(r"sisfiles")
+    if not filepath.parent.exists():
+        filepath.parent.makedirs()
+    filepath.touch()
+    #mtc => tdriver_testcases
+    mtc = component.joinpath("tdriver_testcases")
+    mtc.joinpath("unit_test1.rb").write_text("unit_tests")
+    mtc.joinpath("unit_test2.rb").write_text("unit_tests")
+    # profiles
+    profiles = component.joinpath("tdriver_testcases", "profile")
+    profiles.joinpath("all.sip").write_text("sip profile")
+    profiles.joinpath("bat.sip").write_text("sip profile")
+    profiles.joinpath("fute.sip").write_text("sip profile")
+    #hwdata => hardware data
+    profiles = component.joinpath("tdriver_testcases", "hwdata")
+    profiles.joinpath("file1.txt").write_text("data file")
+    profiles.joinpath("settings.ini").write_text("settings initialization file")
+    profiles.joinpath("paths.pkg").write_text(
+        r"""
+        ;Language - standard language definitions
+        &EN
+        ; standard SIS file header
+        #{"BTEngTestApp"},(0x04DA27D5),1,0,0
+        ;Supports Series 60 v 3.0
+        (0x101F7961), 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
+        ;Localized Vendor Name
+        %{"BTEngTestApp"}
+        ;Unique Vendor name
+        :"Nokia"
+        ; Files to copy
+        "[PKG_LOC]\file1.txt"-"C:\Private\10202BE9\PERSISTS\file1.txt"
+        "[PKG_LOC]\settings.ini"-"c:\sys\settings.ini"
+        """.replace('\\', os.sep))
+def teardown_module():
+    """ stuff to do after running the tests """
+    path(TEST_PATH).rmtree()  
+class TestTDriverTestPlan(unittest.TestCase):
+    """ test """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """initialize TDriver Tests"""
+        self.file_store = OUTPUT
+        self.test_asset_path = TDRIVER
+        self.tdriver_sis_files = r"%s/abc.sis#f:\data\abc.sis#c:\abc.sis, %s/xyz.sis#f:\data\abc.sis#f:\xyz.sis" % (SISFILES, SISFILES)
+        self.build_drive = "j:"
+        self.drop_file = path(r"%s/ats/" %OUTPUT).normpath()
+        image_files = r"%s/images/image1.fpsx, %s/images/image2.fpsx " % (OUTPUT, OUTPUT)
+        self.flash_images = image_files 
+        self.template_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['TEST_DATA'], 'data/tdriver/tdriver_template.xml')
+        self.template_loc = os.path.normpath(self.template_loc)
+        self.tdriver_parameters = ""
+        self.config = None
+    def read_xml(self, file_location, zip_file=False):
+        """reads test.xml file if a path is given"""
+        xml_text = ""
+        file_location = path(file_location)
+        if zip_file:
+            if zipfile.is_zipfile(file_location):
+                myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(file_location, 'r')
+                xml_text ='test.xml')
+                myzip.close()
+                xml_text = xml_text.replace("\n", "")
+                xml_text = xml_text.replace("\t", "")
+        else:
+            hnd = open(file_location, 'r')
+            for line in hnd.readlines():
+                xml_text = xml_text + line.strip()
+        return xml_text
+    def test_xml_with_all_parameters(self):
+        """ test with all parameters present and correct and tdrunner is enabled"""
+        opts = Bunch(build_drive=self.build_drive,
+                     drop_file=path(r"%s/ats/" %OUTPUT).normpath(),
+                     flash_images=self.flash_images,
+                     tdriver_sis_files=self.tdriver_sis_files,
+                     testasset_location=self.test_asset_path,
+                     template_loc=self.template_loc,
+                     tdrunner_enabled="True",
+                     test_profiles="bat, fute",
+                     tdriver_parameters="",
+                     tdriver_timeout="1200",
+                     tdrunner_parameters="--teardown",
+                     file_store="",
+                     report_email="",
+                     testrun_name="TDriver test run",
+                     alias_name="alias",
+                     device_type="new_device",
+                     diamonds_build_url="",
+                     email_format="simplelogger",
+                     email_subject="TDriver test report",
+                     verbode="false")
+        self.config = ats3.tdriver.Configuration(opts)
+        ats3.tdriver.create_drop(self.config)
+        xml_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['TEST_DATA'], 'data/tdriver/test_all_present.xml')
+        stored_xml = self.read_xml(xml_loc, False).strip()
+        drop_loc = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'ats/')
+        generated_xml = self.read_xml(drop_loc, True).strip()
+        if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+            assert stored_xml.replace('\r', '') in generated_xml
+        else:
+            assert stored_xml in generated_xml
+    def test_xml_if_tdrunner_is_not_enabled(self):
+        """ test with all parameters present and correct and tdrunner is not enabled (or false)"""
+        opts = Bunch(build_drive=self.build_drive,
+                     drop_file=path(r"%s/ats/" %OUTPUT).normpath(),
+                     flash_images=self.flash_images,
+                     tdriver_sis_files=self.tdriver_sis_files,
+                     testasset_location=self.test_asset_path,
+                     template_loc=self.template_loc,
+                     tdrunner_enabled="False",
+                     test_profiles="bat, fute",
+                     tdriver_parameters="",
+                     tdriver_timeout="1200",
+                     tdrunner_parameters="--teardown",
+                     file_store=r"\\network\drive",
+                     report_email="",
+                     testrun_name="TDriver test run",
+                     alias_name="alias",
+                     device_type="new_device",
+                     diamonds_build_url="",
+                     email_format="simplelogger",
+                     email_subject="TDriver test report",
+                     verbode="false")
+        self.config = ats3.tdriver.Configuration(opts)
+        ats3.tdriver.create_drop(self.config)
+        xml_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['TEST_DATA'], 'data/tdriver/test_all_present_tdrunner_disabled.xml')
+        stored_xml = self.read_xml(xml_loc, False).strip()
+        drop_loc = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'ats/')
+        generated_xml = self.read_xml(drop_loc, True).strip()
+        if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+            assert stored_xml.replace('\r', '') in generated_xml
+        else:
+            assert stored_xml in generated_xml
+    def test_xml_if_tdrunner_is_enabled_template_location_is_missing(self):
+        """ test with all parameters present and correct and if tdrunner is enabled but template location is used as default one"""
+        opts = Bunch(build_drive=self.build_drive,
+                     drop_file=path(r"%s/ats/" %OUTPUT).normpath(),
+                     flash_images=self.flash_images,
+                     tdriver_sis_files=self.tdriver_sis_files,
+                     testasset_location=self.test_asset_path,
+                     template_loc="",
+                     tdrunner_enabled="True",
+                     test_profiles="bat, fute",
+                     tdriver_parameters="",
+                     tdriver_timeout="1200",
+                     tdrunner_parameters="--teardown",
+                     file_store="",
+                     report_email="",
+                     testrun_name="TDriver test run",
+                     alias_name="alias",
+                     device_type="new_device",
+                     diamonds_build_url="",
+                     email_format="simplelogger",
+                     email_subject="TDriver test report",
+                     verbode="false")
+        self.config = ats3.tdriver.Configuration(opts)
+        ats3.tdriver.create_drop(self.config)
+        xml_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['TEST_DATA'], 'data/tdriver/test_all_present.xml')
+        stored_xml = self.read_xml(xml_loc, False).strip()
+        drop_loc = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'ats/')
+        generated_xml = self.read_xml(drop_loc, True).strip()
+        if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+            assert stored_xml.replace('\r', '') in generated_xml
+        else:
+            assert stored_xml in generated_xml
+    def test_ctc(self):
+        """ test ctc """
+        opts = Bunch(build_drive=self.build_drive,
+                     drop_file=path(r"%s/ats/" %OUTPUT).normpath(),
+                     flash_images=self.flash_images,
+                     tdriver_sis_files=self.tdriver_sis_files,
+                     testasset_location=self.test_asset_path,
+                     template_loc="",
+                     tdrunner_enabled="True",
+                     test_profiles="bat, fute",
+                     tdriver_parameters="",
+                     tdriver_timeout="1200",
+                     tdrunner_parameters="--teardown",
+                     file_store="",
+                     report_email="",
+                     testrun_name="TDriver test run",
+                     alias_name="alias",
+                     device_type="new_device",
+                     diamonds_build_url="",
+                     email_format="simplelogger",
+                     email_subject="TDriver test report",
+                     verbode="false",
+                     ctc_enabled=True)
+        self.config = ats3.tdriver.Configuration(opts)
+        ats3.tdriver.create_drop(self.config)
+        xml_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['TEST_DATA'], 'data/tdriver/test_ctc.xml')
+        stored_xml = self.read_xml(xml_loc, False).strip()
+        drop_loc = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'ats/')
+        generated_xml = self.read_xml(drop_loc, True).strip()
+        if platform.system().lower() == "linux":
+            assert stored_xml.replace('\r', '') in generated_xml
+        else:
+            assert stored_xml in generated_xml
\ No newline at end of file