changeset 1 be27ed110b50
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/2.5/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx/ext/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    sphinx.ext.intersphinx
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Insert links to Python objects documented in remote Sphinx documentation.
+    This works as follows:
+    * Each Sphinx HTML build creates a file named "objects.inv" that contains
+      a mapping from Python identifiers to URIs relative to the HTML set's root.
+    * Projects using the Intersphinx extension can specify links to such mapping
+      files in the `intersphinx_mapping` config value.  The mapping will then be
+      used to resolve otherwise missing references to Python objects into links
+      to the other documentation.
+    * By default, the mapping file is assumed to be at the same location as the
+      rest of the documentation; however, the location of the mapping file can
+      also be specified individually, e.g. if the docs should be buildable
+      without Internet access.
+    :copyright: 2008 by Georg Brandl.
+    :license: BSD.
+import time
+import urllib
+import posixpath
+from os import path
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx.builder import INVENTORY_FILENAME
+def fetch_inventory(app, uri, inv):
+    """Fetch, parse and return an intersphinx inventory file."""
+    invdata = {}
+    # both *uri* (base URI of the links to generate) and *inv* (actual
+    # location of the inventory file) can be local or remote URIs
+    localuri = uri.find('://') == -1
+    try:
+        if inv.find('://') != -1:
+            f = urllib.urlopen(inv)
+        else:
+            f = open(path.join(app.srcdir, inv))
+    except Exception, err:
+        app.warn('intersphinx inventory %r not fetchable due to '
+                 '%s: %s' % (inv, err.__class__, err))
+        return
+    try:
+        line =
+        if line.rstrip() != '# Sphinx inventory version 1':
+            raise ValueError('unknown or unsupported inventory version')
+        line =
+        projname = line.rstrip()[11:].decode('utf-8')
+        line =
+        version = line.rstrip()[11:]
+        for line in f:
+            name, type, location = line.rstrip().split(None, 2)
+            if localuri:
+                location = path.join(uri, location)
+            else:
+                location = posixpath.join(uri, location)
+            invdata[name] = (type, projname, version, location)
+        f.close()
+    except Exception, err:
+        app.warn('intersphinx inventory %r not readable due to '
+                 '%s: %s' % (inv, err.__class__, err))
+    else:
+        return invdata
+def load_mappings(app):
+    """Load all intersphinx mappings into the environment."""
+    now = int(time.time())
+    cache_time = now - app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit * 86400
+    env = app.builder.env
+    if not hasattr(env, 'intersphinx_cache'):
+        env.intersphinx_cache = {}
+    cache = env.intersphinx_cache
+    update = False
+    for uri, inv in app.config.intersphinx_mapping.iteritems():
+        # we can safely assume that the uri<->inv mapping is not changed
+        # during partial rebuilds since a changed intersphinx_mapping
+        # setting will cause a full environment reread
+        if not inv:
+            inv = posixpath.join(uri, INVENTORY_FILENAME)
+        # decide whether the inventory must be read: always read local
+        # files; remote ones only if the cache time is expired
+        if '://' not in inv or uri not in cache \
+               or cache[uri][0] < cache_time:
+            invdata = fetch_inventory(app, uri, inv)
+            cache[uri] = (now, invdata)
+            update = True
+    if update:
+        env.intersphinx_inventory = {}
+        for _, invdata in cache.itervalues():
+            if invdata:
+                env.intersphinx_inventory.update(invdata)
+def missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode):
+    """Attempt to resolve a missing reference via intersphinx references."""
+    type = node['reftype']
+    target = node['reftarget']
+    if type == 'mod':
+        type, proj, version, uri = env.intersphinx_inventory.get(target,
+                                                                 ('','','',''))
+        if type != 'mod':
+            return None
+        target = 'module-' + target   # for link anchor
+    else:
+        if target[-2:] == '()':
+            target = target[:-2]
+        target = target.rstrip(' *')
+        # special case: exceptions and object methods
+        if type == 'exc' and '.' not in target and \
+           'exceptions.' + target in env.intersphinx_inventory:
+            target = 'exceptions.' + target
+        elif type in ('func', 'meth') and '.' not in target and \
+           'object.' + target in env.intersphinx_inventory:
+            target = 'object.' + target
+        if target not in env.intersphinx_inventory:
+            return None
+        type, proj, version, uri = env.intersphinx_inventory[target]
+    print "Intersphinx hit:", target, uri
+    newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+    newnode['refuri'] = uri + '#' + target
+    newnode['reftitle'] = '(in %s v%s)' % (proj, version)
+    newnode['class'] = 'external-xref'
+    newnode.append(contnode)
+    return newnode
+def setup(app):
+    app.add_config_value('intersphinx_mapping', {}, True)
+    app.add_config_value('intersphinx_cache_limit', 5, False)
+    app.connect('missing-reference', missing_reference)
+    app.connect('builder-inited', load_mappings)