changeset 1 be27ed110b50
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/compile/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#!perl -w
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# ==============================================================================
+#  %name: %
+#  Part of:        juno_build
+#  %version:	   1 %
+#  %date_modified: Mon Feb 06 17:21:13 2006 %
+#  See POD text at the end of this file for usage details.
+# ==============================================================================
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use XML::Simple;
+use lib "$ENV{'BUILD_DRIVE'}\\epoc32\\tools";
+use Scanlog;
+use XML::Parser::Expat;
+my $help        = 0;
+my $man         = 0;
+my $unique      = 0;
+my $logfilename = '';
+GetOptions('unique' => \$unique,
+           'log=s'  => \$logfilename,
+           'man'    => \$man,
+           'help|?' => \$help)
+  or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
+$logfilename = shift unless $logfilename;
+my $logfile;
+if ($logfilename)
+    open(LOGFILE, $logfilename) or die("Can't open '$logfilename': $!\n");
+    $logfile = \*LOGFILE;
+    $logfile = \*STDIN;
+#<!DOCTYPE logfile SYSTEM "logfile.dtd">
+#<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="logfile.xsl"?>
+print <<EOT;
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ascii"?>
+print("<logfile name=\"$logfilename\">\n");
+my %logentry  = ();
+my $phase     = '';
+my $component = '';
+my $parser = new XML::Parser::Expat;
+while (<$logfile>)
+    chomp;
+    next if Scanlog::CheckForIgnore($_);
+    ($phase = $1) =~ s/\\/\\\\/ and next
+      if /^=== (.+) started ... ... .. (..):(..):(..)/;
+    $phase = $1 and next if /^=== (.+) started ... ... .. (..):(..):(..)/;
+    $component = $1 and next if $phase && /^=== $phase == (\S+)/;
+    if ($phase && /^=== $phase finished ... ... .. (..):(..):(..)/)
+    {
+        $component = '';
+        next;
+    }
+    my $logrec = {line    => $.,
+                  content => $parser->xml_escape($_)};
+    $logrec->{severity} = 'info'
+      if Scanlog::CheckForMigrationNotes($_)
+      or Scanlog::CheckForRemarks($_);
+      if ( Scanlog::CheckForErrors($_)
+      or Scanlog::CheckForNotBuilt($_)
+      or Scanlog::CheckForMissing($_) )
+    {
+        $logrec->{severity} = 'error';
+    }
+    $logrec->{severity} = 'warn' if Scanlog::CheckForWarnings($_);
+    next unless $logrec->{severity};
+    print XMLout($logrec, rootname => 'logentry', noescape => 0);
+=head1 NAME
+scanbuildlog - Scan EBS build log for errors and warnings
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+perl [-h] | -l <log file>
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-help>
+Print a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<-man>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+=item B<-l>
+Specify the log file to parse.
+Prints out a summary of the errors, warnings and informational
+messages found in the log file in an XML format conforming to the
+following DTD:
+ <!ELEMENT logfile (logentry*)>
+ <!ELEMENT logentry (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ATTLIST logentry
+   severity (error|warn|info) #REQUIRED
+   line     CDATA             #REQUIRED
+   errfile  CDATA             #IMPLIED
+   errline  CDATA             #IMPLIED>
+=head1 SEE ALSO