changeset 1 be27ed110b50
child 315 6325833fc679
child 584 56dd7656a965
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/imaker/src/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: iMaker common Perl routines
+use subs qw(CORE::GLOBAL::die);
+package imaker;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES);
+use Archive::Zip::Tree;
+use Cwd;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Time::Local;
+use XML::Simple;
+sub Max(@);
+sub Min(@);
+sub Quote($);
+sub Unquote($);
+sub Byte2Str($@);
+sub Str2Byte($);
+sub Str2Xml($);
+sub Ascii2Uni($);
+sub Uni2Ascii($);
+sub GetTimestamp();
+sub Sec2Min($);
+sub Wcard2Restr($);
+sub Wcard2Regex($);
+sub DPrint($@);
+sub Echo($$$);
+sub PathConv($;$$);
+sub ParseFiles($);
+sub GlobFiles($);
+sub GetBasename($);
+sub GetDirname($);
+sub GetAbsDirname($;$$);
+sub GetAbsFname($;$$);
+sub GetRelFname($;$$$);
+sub GetWriteFname($);
+sub GetFreeDrive();
+sub Search($$$$$\@\$);
+sub Find($$$$$\$);
+sub ChangeDir($);
+sub DeleteDir($;$);
+sub FindDir($$$$);
+sub MakeDir($);
+sub MakeChangeDir($);
+sub SetWorkdir($);
+sub OpenFile(*$$;$);
+sub Test($);
+sub CutFile($$$$$);
+sub Copy($$;$);
+sub DeleteFile($;$);
+sub FindFile($$$$);
+sub HeadFile($$$);
+sub TailFile($$$);
+sub TypeFile($;$);
+sub WriteFile($$$;$);
+sub UnzipFile($$);
+sub Zip($$$$@);
+sub Move($$);
+sub Touch($$);
+sub SetLogfile($);
+sub WidgetUnzip($$$);
+sub RunSystemCmd($$;$);
+sub ParseSystemCmd($$$);
+sub GenExclfile($$$$$);
+sub GenIbyfile($$$@);
+sub GenMakefile($$$$$);
+sub AddImageHeader($$$$$);
+sub Sleep($);
+sub FindSOSFiles($$$$$);
+sub CheckTool(@);
+sub GetIPar();
+sub PeekICmd($);
+sub GetICmd();
+sub EndICmd();
+sub RunICmd();
+sub RunIExtCmd($);
+sub GetFeatvarIncdir($;$);
+sub SetVerbose($);
+sub ReadICmdFile($);
+sub CloseLog();
+sub MakeStep($$$$$$);
+sub HandleCmdArg($);
+sub HandleExtCmdArg($);
+sub MenuRuncmd($);
+sub Menu($$$);
+use constant READBUFSIZE => 2097152;  # 2 MB
+our $STARTSTR = '>>>[START]=========8<==========8<==========8<==========8<==========8<==========';
+our $ENDSTR   = '==========>8==========>8==========>8==========>8==========>8===========[END]<<<';
+our $gBuflog     = 1;
+our $gCmdcnt     = 0;
+our @gCmdoutbuf  = ();
+our $gEpoc32;
+our @gFindresult = ();
+our $gError      = 0;
+our @gIcmd       = ();
+our $gImakerext  = 0;
+our $gKeepgoing  = 0;
+our @gLogbuf     = ();
+our $gLogfile    = "";
+our $gMakestep   = "";
+our $gOutfilter  = "";
+our $gParamcnt   = 0;
+our $gPrintcmd   = 0;
+our @gStepDur    = ();
+our %gStepIcmd   = ();
+our $gVerbose    = 1;
+our $gWarn       = 0;
+our $gWinOS      = ($^O =~ /win/i);
+our $gWorkdir    = "";
+our $gWorkdrive  = (Cwd::cwd() =~ /^([a-z]:)/i ? $1 : "");
+our @iVar        = ();  # General purpose variable to be used from $(call peval,...)
+    ($gEpoc32 = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32") =~ tr/\\/\//;
+    push(@INC, "$gEpoc32/tools");
+    eval { require featurevariantparser };
+sub Max(@)
+    my $max = (shift() || 0);
+    map { $max = $_ if $_ > $max } @_;
+    return($max);
+sub Min(@)
+    my $min = (shift() || 0);
+    map { $min = $_ if $_ < $min } @_;
+    return($min);
+sub Quote($)
+    local $_ = shift();
+    return("") if !defined();
+    s/\\( |n|t)/\\\\$1/g;
+    return($_);
+sub Unquote($)
+    local $_ = shift();
+    return("") if !defined();
+    s/(?<!\\)(?<=\\n)\s+(\\n)?//g;
+    s/(?<!\\)\s+(?=\\n)//g;
+    s/(?<!\\)\\ / /g;
+    s/(?<!\\)\\n/\n/g;
+    s/(?<!\\)\\t/\t/g;
+    s/\\\\( |n|t)/\\$1/g;
+    s/\x00//g;
+    return($_);
+sub Byte2Str($@)
+    my ($base, @byte) = @_;
+    return(join("", map(($_ % 16 ? "" : sprintf("%04X:", $base + $_)) . sprintf(" %02X", $byte[$_]) .
+        (!(($_ + 1) % 16) || ($_ == (@byte - 1)) ? "\n" : ""), (0 .. (@byte - 1)))));
+sub Str2Byte($)
+    my ($str, $ind, @byte) = (shift(), 0, ());
+    $str =~ s/,$/, /;
+    map {
+        $ind++;
+        s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+        if (/^\d+$/ && $_ < 256) {
+            push(@byte, $_);
+        } elsif (/^0x[0-9A-F]+$/i && hex() < 256) {
+            push(@byte, hex());
+        } else {
+            die("Invalid $ind. byte: `$_'.\n");
+            return;
+        }
+    } split(/,/, $str);
+    return(@byte);
+sub Str2Xml($)
+    my $str = shift();
+    $str =~ s/(.)/{'"'=>'&quot;', '&'=>'&amp;', "'"=>'&apos;', '<'=>'&lt;', '>'=>'&gt;'}->{$1} || $1/ge;
+    return($str);
+sub Ascii2Uni($)
+    (local $_ = shift()) =~ s/(?<!\r)\n/\r\n/g;  # Use CR+LF newlines
+    s/(.)/$1\x00/gs;
+    return("\xFF\xFE$_");
+sub Uni2Ascii($)
+    (local $_ = shift()) =~ s/(.)\x00/$1/gs;
+    s/\r\n/\n/g;
+    return(substr($_, 2));
+sub GetTimestamp()
+    my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday) = localtime();
+    return(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
+        $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, int(($yday + 1) / 7) + 1));
+sub Sec2Min($)
+    my $sec = shift();
+    return(sprintf("%02d:%02d", $sec / 60, $sec % 60));
+sub Wcard2Restr($)
+    (my $wcard = shift()) =~ s/(.)/{"*"=>".*", "?"=>"."}->{$1} || "\Q$1\E"/ge;
+    return($wcard);
+sub Wcard2Regex($)
+    my $restr = Wcard2Restr(shift());
+    return(qr/$restr/i);
+sub DPrint($@)
+    my ($verbose, @outlist) = @_;
+    map { tr/\x00\x1F/#/ } @outlist;
+    print(@outlist) if !$verbose || ($verbose & $gVerbose);
+    push(@gLogbuf, @outlist) if ($verbose < 32) || ($verbose & $gVerbose);
+    return if $gBuflog && !$gLogfile;
+    print(LOG @gLogbuf) if $gBuflog;
+    @gLogbuf = ();
+sub Echo($$$)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($verbose, $str) = (shift(), shift());
+    DPrint($verbose, shift() ? "$str\n" : Unquote($str));
+# Overload die
+*CORE::GLOBAL::die = sub {
+    $gError = 1;
+    return if PeekICmd("iferror");
+    CORE::die(@_) if !$gKeepgoing;
+    warn(@_);
+# Handler for __DIE__ signal
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+    select(STDERR);
+    DPrint(0, "*** Error: " . ($gMakestep ? "($gMakestep): " : "") . $_[0]);
+    select(STDOUT);
+    exit(1);
+# Handler for __WARN__ signal
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+    select(STDERR);
+    my $msg = ($gMakestep ? "($gMakestep): " : "") . $_[0];
+    if ($gError) { DPrint(0, "*** Error: $msg") }
+    else { DPrint(127, "Warning: $msg") }
+    select(STDOUT);
+    $gError = $gWarn = 0;
+# File operations
+sub PathConv($;$$)
+    my $path = shift();
+    if (shift()) { $path =~ tr-\/-\\- }
+    else { $path =~ tr-\\-\/- }
+    if (shift()) { $path =~ s/^(?![a-z]:)/$gWorkdrive/i }
+    else { $path =~ s/^$gWorkdrive//i }
+    $path =~ s/^([a-z]:)/\u$1/;
+    return($path);
+sub ParseFiles($)
+    my ($file, @files) = (shift(), ());
+    push(@files, defined($1) ? $1 : (defined($2) ? $2 : ())) while $file =~ /""|"+(.+?)"+|((\\\s|\S)+)/g;
+    return(@files);
+sub GlobFiles($)
+    return(@gFindresult) if (my $file = shift()) =~ /^__find__$/i;
+    return(map(/[\*\?]/ ? glob(/\s/ ? "\"$_\"" : $_) : $_, ParseFiles($file)));
+sub GetBasename($)
+    return((File::Basename::fileparse(shift()))[0]);
+sub GetDirname($)
+    (my $dir = shift()) =~ s/^>>?(?!>)//;
+    return((File::Basename::fileparse($dir))[1]);
+sub GetAbsDirname($;$$)
+    (my $dir = shift()) =~ s/^>>?(?!>)//;
+    my $absdir = "";
+    eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $absdir = Cwd::abs_path($dir) };
+    return(PathConv($absdir || File::Spec->rel2abs($dir,
+        $dir !~ /^$gWorkdrive/i && $dir =~ /^([a-z]:)/i ? "$1/" : ""), shift(), shift()));
+sub GetAbsFname($;$$)
+    my $file = shift();
+    return($file) if $file eq "" || $file =~ /STD(IN|OUT|ERR)$/;
+    my $append = ($file =~ s/^>>(?!>)// ? ">>" : "");
+    return($append . PathConv(File::Spec->catpath("", GetAbsDirname(GetDirname($file)), GetBasename($file)), shift(), shift()));
+sub GetRelFname($;$$$)
+    my ($file, $base) = (shift(), shift());
+    my $append = ($file =~ s/^>>(?!>)// ? ">>" : "");
+    return($append . PathConv(File::Spec->abs2rel($file, GetAbsDirname(defined($base) && ($base ne "") ? $base : ".")), shift(), shift()));
+sub GetWriteFname($)
+    (my $file = shift()) =~ s/^>?/>/;
+    return($file);
+sub GetFreeDrive()
+    for my $drive ("F", "A".."E", "G".."Z") {
+        return("$drive:") if
+            !system("subst $drive: . >nul") and !system("subst $drive: /d >nul");
+    }
+    die("No free drive letter available.\n");
+sub Search($$$$$\@\$)
+    my ($dir, $inclre, $exclre, $subdir, $finddir, $files, $total) = @_;
+    my @dir = ();
+    map {
+        my $isfile = -f();
+        my $isdir  = !$isfile && -d();
+        if ($finddir ? $isdir : $isfile) {
+            ++$$total;
+            my $fname = File::Basename::basename($_);
+            push(@$files, $_) if ($fname =~ /$inclre/ && $fname !~ /$exclre/);
+        }
+        push(@dir, $_) if $isdir && $subdir;
+    } sort({lc($a) cmp lc($b)} ($dir =~ /\s/ ? <"$dir/*"> : <$dir/*>));
+    map { Search($_, $inclre, $exclre, 1, $finddir, @$files, $$total) } @dir;
+sub Find($$$$$\$)
+    my ($dir, $inclpat, $exclpat, $subdir, $finddir, $total) = @_;
+    ($dir, $$total) = (GetAbsDirname($dir), 0);
+    my ($inclre, $exclre, @files) = ("", "", ());
+    if ($inclpat =~ /^\//) {
+        $inclre = eval("qr$inclpat");
+        $inclpat = "";
+    } else {
+        $inclre = join("|", map(Wcard2Restr($_), split(/\s+/, $inclpat)));
+        $inclre = qr/^($inclre)$/i;
+    }
+    if ($exclpat =~ /^\//) {
+        $exclre = eval("qr$exclpat");
+        $exclpat = "";
+    } else {
+        $exclre = join("|", map(Wcard2Restr($_), split(/\s+/, $exclpat)));
+        $exclre = qr/^($exclre)$/i;
+    }
+    DPrint(16, "Find" . ($finddir ? "Dir" : "File") . ": Directory `$dir'" . ($subdir ? " and subdirectories" : "") .
+        ", pattern `" . ($inclpat ne "" ? "$inclpat' $inclre" : "$inclre'") .
+        ($exclre eq qr/^()$/i ? "" : " excluding `" . ($exclpat ne "" ? "$exclpat' $exclre" : "$exclre'")));
+    Search($dir, $inclre, $exclre, $subdir, $finddir, @files, $$total);
+    DPrint(16, ", found " . @files . "/$$total " . ($finddir ? "directories\n" : "files\n"));
+    return(@files);
+sub ChangeDir($)
+    if ((my $dir = GetAbsDirname(shift())) ne GetAbsDirname(".")) {
+        DPrint(16, "ChangeDir: `$dir'\n");
+        chdir($dir) or die("Can't change to directory `$dir'.\n");
+    }
+sub DeleteDir($;$)
+    return if !-d(my $dir = GetAbsDirname(shift()));
+    DPrint(16, "DeleteDir: `$dir'\n");
+    for my $sec (0, 2, 5) {
+        warn("Can't delete directory `$dir', retrying in $sec seconds...\n"), sleep($sec) if $sec;
+        eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{}; File::Path::rmtree($dir) };
+        return if !-d($dir);
+    }
+    $dir = "Can't delete directory `$dir'.\n";
+    shift() ? warn($dir) : die($dir);
+sub FindDir($$$$)
+    my ($dir, $inclpat, $exclpat, $opt) = @_;
+    @gFindresult = () if (($opt = (defined($opt) ? $opt : "")) !~ /a/);
+    push(@gFindresult, Find($dir, $inclpat, $exclpat, $opt =~ /r/, 1, local $_));
+sub MakeDir($)
+    my $dir = GetAbsDirname(shift());
+    return if -d($dir);
+    eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; File::Path::mkpath($dir) };
+    if (-d($dir)) {
+        DPrint(16, "MakeDir: `" . GetAbsDirname($dir) ."'\n");
+    } else {
+        DPrint(16, "MakeDir: `$dir'\n");
+        die("Can't create directory `$dir'.\n");
+    }
+sub MakeChangeDir($)
+    MakeDir(my $dir = shift());
+    ChangeDir($dir);
+sub SetWorkdir($)
+    MakeChangeDir(shift());
+    $gWorkdrive = (Cwd::cwd() =~ /^([a-z]:)/i ? $1 : "");
+    $gWorkdir   = GetAbsDirname(".");
+sub OpenFile(*$$;$)
+    my ($fhandle, $file, $binmode, $print) = @_;
+    MakeDir(GetDirname($file)) if $file =~ /^>/;
+    DPrint(16, defined($print) ? $print : ($file =~ /^>/ ? "Write" : "Read") . "File: `$file'\n");
+    return(open($fhandle, $file)) if !$binmode;
+    return(open($fhandle, $file) and binmode($fhandle));
+sub Test($)
+    if (-d(my $file = shift())) {
+        DPrint(16, "TestDir: `" . GetAbsDirname($file) . "'\n");
+    } elsif (-f($file)) {
+        DPrint(16, "TestFile: `" . GetAbsFname($file) . "'\n");
+    } else {
+        DPrint(16, "Test: `$file'\n");
+        die("File or directory `$file' doesn't exist.\n");
+    }
+sub CutFile($$$$$)
+    my ($msg, $src, $dest, $head, $len) = @_;
+    my ($buf, $srctmp) = (undef, "$src.CUT");
+    OpenFile(*INFILE, $src, 1, $msg) or
+        die("Can't read file `$src'.\n"), return;
+    my $out = GetWriteFname($head ? $dest : $srctmp);
+    OpenFile(*OUTFILE, $out, 1) or die("Can't write to `$out'.\n"), return;
+    while ($len > 0) {
+        read(INFILE, $buf, $len < READBUFSIZE ? $len : READBUFSIZE);
+        print(OUTFILE $buf);
+        $len -= READBUFSIZE;
+    }
+    close(OUTFILE);
+    $out = GetWriteFname($head ? $srctmp : $dest);
+    OpenFile(*OUTFILE, $out, 1) or die("Can't write to `$out'.\n"), return;
+    print(OUTFILE $buf) while read(INFILE, $buf, READBUFSIZE);
+    close(OUTFILE);
+    close(INFILE);
+    Move($srctmp, $src);
+sub Copy($$;$)
+    my ($src, $dest, $dir) = @_;
+    my $append = ($dest =~ /^>>[^>]/);
+    $dir  = defined($dir) && $dir || !$append && -d($src);
+    $src  = ($dir ? GetAbsDirname($src)  : GetAbsFname($src));
+    $dest = ($dir ? GetAbsDirname($dest) : GetAbsFname($dest));
+    if ($append) {
+        my $buf;
+        OpenFile(*INFILE, $src, 1, "AppendFile: `$src' => `$dest'\n") or die("Can't read file `$src'.\n"), return;
+        OpenFile(*OUTFILE, $dest, 1, "") or die("Can't write to `$dest'.\n"), return;
+        print(OUTFILE $buf) while read(INFILE, $buf, READBUFSIZE);
+        return if close(INFILE) && close(OUTFILE);
+    }
+    elsif (!$dir) {
+        DPrint(16, "CopyFile: `$src' => `$dest'\n");
+        warn("CopyFile: Destination file `$dest' already exists\n") if -f($dest);
+        File::Copy::copy($src, $dest) and return;
+    } else {
+        DPrint(16, "CopyDir: `$src' => `$dest'\n");
+#        warn("CopyDir: Destination directory `$dest' already exists\n") if -d($dest);
+        !RunSystemCmd('xcopy "' . PathConv($src, 1) . '" "' . PathConv("$dest/" . GetBasename($src), 1) . '" /e /i /y /z', "") and return;
+    }
+    die("Can't copy `$src' to `$dest'.\n");
+sub DeleteFile($;$)
+    return if !-f(my $file = GetAbsFname(shift()));
+    DPrint(16, "DeleteFile: `$file'\n");
+    for my $sec (0, 1, 2) {
+        warn("Can't delete file `$file', retrying in $sec second(s)...\n"), sleep($sec) if $sec;
+        unlink($file);
+        return if !-f($file);
+    }
+    $file = "Can't delete file `$file'.\n";
+    shift() ? warn($file) : die($file);
+sub FindFile($$$$)
+    my ($dir, $inclpat, $exclpat, $opt) = @_;
+    @gFindresult = () if (($opt = (defined($opt) ? $opt : "")) !~ /a/);
+    push(@gFindresult, Find($dir, $inclpat, $exclpat, $opt =~ /r/, 0, local $_));
+sub HeadFile($$$)
+    my ($src, $dest, $len) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsFname(shift()), shift());
+    $len = hex($len) if $len =~ /^0x/;
+    CutFile("HeadFile: Cut first $len bytes from `$src' => `$dest'\n", $src, $dest, 1, $len);
+sub TailFile($$$)
+    my ($src, $dest, $len) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsFname(shift()), shift());
+    $len = hex($len) if $len =~ /^0x/;
+    CutFile("TailFile: Cut last $len bytes from `$src' => `$dest'\n", $src, $dest, 0, (-s($src) ? -s($src) : 0) - $len);
+sub TypeFile($;$)
+    my ($file, $str, $mode) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), "", shift() || "");
+    OpenFile(*FILE, $file, $mode, "TypeFile: `$file'" .
+        ($gOutfilter && ($mode ne "b") ? ", filter: `/$gOutfilter/i'" : "") . "\n") or
+            die("Can't read file `$file'.\n"), return;
+    DPrint(8, "$STARTSTR\n");
+    read(FILE, $str, -s($file));
+    if ($mode eq "b") {
+        DPrint(1, Byte2Str(0, map(ord(), split(//, $str))));
+    } else {
+        $str = Uni2Ascii($str) if $mode eq "u";
+        DPrint(1, map("$_\n", grep(!$gOutfilter || /$gOutfilter/i, split(/\n/, $str))));
+        $gOutfilter = "";
+    }
+    DPrint(8, "$ENDSTR\n");
+    close(FILE);
+sub WriteFile($$$;$)
+    my ($file, $str, $mode) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), shift(), shift() || "");
+    OpenFile(*FILE, GetWriteFname($file), $mode) or
+        die("Can't write to `$file'.\n"), return;
+    if ($mode eq "b") {
+        my @byte = Str2Byte($str);
+        DPrint(64, Byte2Str($file =~ s/^>>(?!>)// ? -s($file) : 0, @byte));
+        print(FILE map(chr(), @byte));
+    } else {
+        $str = Unquote($str) if !shift();
+        $str = Ascii2Uni($str) if $mode eq "u";
+        print(FILE $str);
+    }
+    close(FILE);
+sub UnzipFile($$)
+    my ($zipfile, $dir) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsDirname(shift()));
+    DPrint(16, "UnzipFile: `$zipfile'");
+    Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler(sub{});
+    my ($error, $zip) = (0, Archive::Zip->new());
+    if ($zip->read($zipfile) != AZ_OK) {
+        DPrint(16, " to directory `$dir'\n");
+        die("Can't read zip archive `$zipfile'.\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    my @files = map($_->fileName(), grep(!$_->isDirectory(), $zip->members()));
+    DPrint(16, ", " . @files . " files to directory `$dir'\n");
+    foreach my $file (@files) {
+        DPrint(16, "ExtractFile: `$dir/$file'");
+        eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $error = ($zip->extractMember($file, "$dir/$file") != AZ_OK) };
+        DPrint(16, $error ? " Failed\n" : "\n");
+        die("Can't extract file `$file' to directory `$dir'.\n") if $error;
+        $error = 0;
+    }
+sub Zip($$$$@)
+    my ($zipfile, $dir, $opt, $prefix) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), shift(), shift(), shift());
+    $opt = (defined($opt) ? ", options: `$opt'" : "");
+    $prefix = GetAbsDirname($prefix) if $prefix ne "";
+    my %files = ();
+    map {
+        my $key = lc();
+        $files{$key} = $_ if !exists($files{$key});
+    } ($dir ? map(GetAbsDirname($_), grep(-d(), @_)) : map(GetAbsFname($_), grep(-f(), @_)));
+    DPrint(16, ($dir ? "ZipDir: `$zipfile'$opt, " . keys(%files) . " directories" :
+        "ZipFile: `$zipfile'$opt, " . keys(%files) . " files") . ($prefix ? ", prefix: $prefix\n" : "\n"));
+    Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler(sub{});
+    my ($error, $zip) = (0, Archive::Zip->new());
+    $zip->zipfileComment("iMaker-created zip archive `$zipfile'$opt.");
+    foreach my $file (sort({lc($a) cmp lc($b)} values(%files))) {
+        my $newfile = $file;
+        if ($opt !~ /j/) {
+            $newfile =~ s/^.*?\/+/$prefix\// if $prefix ne "";
+        } else {
+            $newfile = ($dir ? "" : GetBasename($file)) if ($prefix eq "") || ($newfile !~ s/^$prefix//);
+        }
+        DPrint(16, "Add" . ($dir ? "Dir" : "File") . ": `$file'" . ($file ne $newfile ? " => `$newfile'" : "")) if $opt !~ /q/;
+        eval {
+            local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{ $gWarn = 1 };
+            $error = ($dir ? $zip->addTree($file, $newfile) != AZ_OK :
+                !$zip->addFile($file, $newfile)) || $gWarn;
+        };
+        DPrint(16, $error ? " Failed\n" : "\n") if $opt !~ /q/;
+        warn("Can't add " . ($dir ? "directory tree" : "file") . "`$file' to zip archive `$zipfile'.\n") if $error;
+        $error = 0;
+    }
+    ($zip->writeToFileNamed($zipfile) == AZ_OK) or
+        die("Can't create zip archive `$zipfile'.\n");
+sub Move($$)
+    my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+    my $dir = -d($src);
+    $src = ($dir ? GetAbsDirname($src) : GetAbsFname($src));
+    MakeDir(GetDirname($dest));
+    $dest = ($dir ? GetAbsDirname($dest) : GetAbsFname($dest));
+    DPrint(16, "Move" . ($dir ? "Dir" : "File") . ": `$src' => `$dest'\n");
+    File::Copy::move($src, $dest) or
+        die("Can't move `$src' to `$dest'.\n");
+sub Touch($$)
+    my ($file, $time) = (shift(), shift() =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ ?
+        Time::Local::timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900) : time);
+    my $dir = -d($file);
+    $file = ($dir ? GetAbsDirname($file) : GetAbsFname($file));
+    DPrint(16, "Touch" . ($dir ? "Dir" : "File") . ": `$file': " .
+        POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S", localtime($time)) . "\n");
+    utime($time, $time, $file) or
+        die("Can't touch " . ($dir ? "directory" : "file") . " `$file'.\n");
+sub SetLogfile($)
+    $gBuflog = 0, return if !(my $file = GetAbsFname(shift()));
+    CloseLog();
+    OpenFile(*LOG, GetWriteFname($file), 0) or
+        warn("Can't log to file `$file'.\n"), return;
+    $gLogfile = $file;
+sub WidgetUnzip($$$)
+    my ($wgzfile, $outdir, $plist) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsDirname(shift()), shift());
+    my $tmpdir = "$outdir/wgz_unzip_temp";
+    DeleteDir($tmpdir);
+    UnzipFile($wgzfile, $tmpdir);
+    for my $dir (Find($tmpdir, "*", "", 0, 1, local $_)) {
+        my $xml = undef;
+        eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{}; $xml = XMLin("$dir/$plist") };
+        die("Can't find/parse XML file `$dir/$plist'.\n"), next if !defined($xml);
+        my $id = "";
+        for my $ind (0 .. @{$xml->{dict}{key}} - 1) {
+            $id = $xml->{dict}{string}[$ind], last if $xml->{dict}{key}[$ind] =~ /^\s*Identifier\s*$/i;
+        }
+        die("Can't find Identifier from XML file `$dir/$plist'.\n"), next if $id eq "";
+        Move($dir, "$outdir/$id/" . GetBasename($dir));
+    }
+    DeleteDir($tmpdir);
+sub RunSystemCmd($$;$)
+    my ($cmd, $file, $ignorerr) = @_;
+    DPrint(1, "$cmd\n"), return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my $null = ($file =~ /^null$/i);
+    $file = ($null ? "" : GetAbsFname($file));
+    @gCmdoutbuf = ();
+    DPrint(4, "RunSystemCmd(" . GetAbsDirname(".") . "): `$cmd'" .
+        ($file ? ", redirect to: `$file'" : ($null ? ", redirect to null" : "")) .
+        ($gOutfilter ? ", filter: `/$gOutfilter/i'" : "") . "\n");
+    OpenFile(*FILE, GetWriteFname($file), 0) or
+        (die("Can't write to `$file'.\n"), $file = "") if $file;
+    my $dur = time();
+    open(CMD, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
+    DPrint(8, "$STARTSTR\n");
+    while (my $line = <CMD>) {
+        chomp($line);
+        push(@gCmdoutbuf, $line);
+        DPrint(8, "$line\n") if !$null && (!$gOutfilter || ($line =~ /$gOutfilter/i));
+        print(FILE "$line\n") if $file;
+    }
+    close(CMD);
+    close(FILE) if $file;
+    push(@gStepDur, $dur = time() - $dur);
+    $gOutfilter = "";
+    my $error = ($? >> 8) && !$ignorerr && !$null;
+    print(map("$_\n", @gCmdoutbuf)) if $error && $gVerbose && !($gVerbose & 8);
+    $dur = Sec2Min($dur);
+    DPrint(8, substr($ENDSTR, 0, -16) . $dur . substr($ENDSTR, length($dur) - 16) . "\n");
+    die("Command `$cmd' failed (" . ($? >> 8). ").\n") if $error;
+sub ParseSystemCmd($$$)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($title, $regex, $file) = @_;
+    $regex = ($regex =~ /^\// ? eval("qr$regex") : Wcard2Regex($regex));
+    return if !(my @parse = grep(/$regex/, @gCmdoutbuf));
+    if (!$file) {
+        Echo(1, $title, 0);
+        DPrint(1, map(sprintf("%" . length(@parse) . "s", $_) . ") $parse[$_ - 1]\n", 1 .. @parse));
+        return;
+    }
+    OpenFile(*FILE, GetWriteFname($file = $title), 0) or
+        die("Can't write to `$file'.\n"), return;
+    print(FILE join("\n", @parse));
+    close(FILE);
+sub GenExclfile($$$$$)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($exclfile, $base, $prefix, $addfiles) = (shift(), shift(), shift(), shift());
+    my ($file, $rmfiles, %files) = ("", "", ());
+    WriteFile($exclfile, "", "");
+    $base = GetAbsDirname($base);
+    foreach $file (ParseFiles(shift())) {
+        $file =~ tr/\\/\//;
+        $file =~ s/^\///;
+        $file =~ s/\/$/\/\*/;
+        $rmfiles .= ($rmfiles eq "" ? "" : "|") . Wcard2Restr($file);
+    }
+    $rmfiles = qr/^(?:$rmfiles)$/i;
+    foreach $file (ParseFiles($addfiles)) {
+        $file =~ tr/\\/\//;
+        $file =~ /^\/?(?:(.*)\/)?(.+?)$/;
+        (my $dir, $file) = ($base . (defined($1) ? "/$1" : ""), $2);
+        map {
+            $files{$_} = 1 if ($_ = GetRelFname($_, $base)) !~ $rmfiles;
+        } ($file =~ /[\*\?]/ ? Find($dir, $file, "", 1, 0, local $_) : "$dir/$file");
+    }
+    map {
+        $files{"$_/"} = 1 while (s/^(.*)\/.*?$/$1/) && !exists($files{"$_/"});
+    } keys(%files);
+    $files{""} = 1;
+    WriteFile($exclfile, join("", map(($_ = "$prefix$_\n") =~ tr/\//\\/ ? $_ : $_, sort({lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%files)))), "u", 1);
+sub GenIbyfile($$$@)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($ibyfile, $srcdir, $subdir) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), shift(), shift());
+    my ($header, $footer, $body, %files) = ("", "", "", ());
+    foreach my $dir (split(/\s+/, $srcdir)) {
+        $dir = GetAbsDirname($dir);
+        my ($found, $total, $lines) = (0, 0, "");
+        my @param = @_;
+        while (@param) {
+            my ($filepat, $format, @lines) = (shift(@param), shift(@param), ());
+            $header = $format, next if $filepat =~ /^__header__$/i;
+            $footer = $format, next if $filepat =~ /^__footer__$/i;
+            foreach my $src (Find($dir, $filepat, "", $subdir, 0, $total)) {
+                next if $files{$src};
+                $files{$src} = 1;
+                (my $line = $format) =~ s/%1/$src/g;
+                $line =~ s/%2/GetRelFname($src, $dir, 1)/ge;
+                $line =~ s/%3/GetRelFname($src, GetDirname($ibyfile))/ge;
+                push(@lines, $line);
+            }
+            $found += @lines;
+            $lines .= "//\n// Format: `$format', " . @lines . " files: `$filepat'\n" .
+                (@lines ? "//\n" . join("\n", @lines) . "\n" : "");
+        }
+        $body .= "\n// Collected files $found/$total from directory `$dir'" .
+            ($subdir ? " and subdirectories" : "") . "\n$lines";
+    }
+    my $append = ($ibyfile =~ s/^>>(?!>)// && -f($ibyfile) && ">>" || "");
+    (my $fname = "__" . uc(GetBasename($ibyfile)) . "__") =~ s/\W/_/g;
+    my @previby = ();
+    if ($append) {
+        OpenFile(*FILE, $ibyfile, 0) or die("Can't read file `$ibyfile'.\n"), return;
+        @previby = <FILE>;
+        close(FILE);
+        $previby[0] =~ s/(, collected )(\d+)( files)$/$1.($2 + keys(%files)).$3/e;
+        $previby[@previby - 1] = "";
+    }
+    OpenFile(*FILE, GetWriteFname($ibyfile), 0) or
+        die("Can't write to `$ibyfile'.\n"), return;
+    print(FILE @previby, ($append ? "// Appended" : "// Generated") . " `$append$ibyfile', " .
+        "collected " . keys(%files) . " files\n" .
+        ($append ? "" : "\n#ifndef $fname\n#define $fname\n") .
+        ($header ? Unquote("\\n$header\\n") : "") . $body . ($footer ? Unquote("\\n$footer\\n") : "") .
+        "\n#endif // $fname\n");
+    close(FILE);
+sub GenMakefile($$$$$)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($hdrfile, $mkfile, $filter, $prepros, $assignop) =
+        (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsFname(shift()), shift(), shift(), shift());
+    ChangeDir(GetDirname($hdrfile));
+    RunSystemCmd("$prepros " . GetBasename($hdrfile), "");
+    my $maxdef = Max(map(/^\s*\#define\s+($filter)/ && length($1), @gCmdoutbuf));
+    WriteFile($mkfile, join('\n',
+        map(/^\s*\#define\s+($filter)\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ? sprintf("%-${maxdef}s $assignop %s", $1, $2 eq "" ? 1 : $2) : (), sort(@gCmdoutbuf))) . '\n', "");
+sub AddImageHeader($$$$$)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($file, $hdrfile, $hdrstr, $hdrsize, $align) =
+        (GetAbsFname(shift()), GetAbsFname(shift()), shift(), shift(), shift());
+    $hdrstr =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\///g;
+    $hdrstr =~ s/,\s*$//;
+    WriteFile($hdrfile, $hdrstr, "b");
+    die("Invalid image header size: " . sprintf("0x%X", -s($hdrfile)) . " (!=$hdrsize).\n"), return
+        if -s($hdrfile) ne hex($hdrsize);
+    $align = Max(hex($align), hex($hdrsize)) - hex($hdrsize);
+    WriteFile(">>$hdrfile", ("0," x ($align - 1)) . "0", "b") if $align;
+    Copy($file, ">>$hdrfile") if $file ne "";
+sub Sleep($)
+    sleep(shift()) if !$gPrintcmd;
+sub FindSOSFiles($$$$$)
+    my ($dirs, $tmpoby, $imgoby, $pluglog, $opt) = @_;
+    my ($file, %files) = ("", ());
+    local $_;
+    foreach my $dir (GlobFiles($dirs)) {
+        $dir = GetAbsDirname($dir);
+        foreach $file (Find($dir, $tmpoby, "", 1, 0, $_)) {
+            OpenFile(*FILE, $file, 0) or warn("Can't read file `$file'.\n"), last;
+            (my $dir = GetDirname($file) . "/") =~ s/\/+$/\//;
+            while (<FILE>) {
+                next if !/^#\s+\d+\s+"(.+?)"/;
+                $_ = $1;
+                $file = GetAbsFname(/^(?:[a-z]:)?[\/\\]/i ? $_ : "$dir$_");
+                $files{lc($file)} = $file if !exists($files{lc($file)});
+            }
+            close(FILE);
+        }
+        foreach $file (Find($dir, $imgoby, "", 1, 0, $_)) {
+            OpenFile(*FILE, $file, 0) or warn("Can't read file `$file'.\n"), last;
+            while (<FILE>) {
+                next if !/^\s*(?:bootbinary|data|device|dll|extension|file|primary|secondary|variant)\S*?\s*[=\s]\s*(?:"(.+?)"|(\S+))/i;
+                $file = GetAbsFname(defined($1) ? $1 : $2);
+                $files{lc($file)} = $file if !exists($files{lc($file)});
+                next if ($file !~ s/\.[0-9a-f]{32}\./\./i);
+                $file .= ".vmap";
+                $files{lc($file)} = $file if !exists($files{lc($file)});
+            }
+            close(FILE);
+        }
+        my ($plugfile, $patched) = (0, 0);
+        foreach $file (Find($dir, $pluglog, "", 1, 0, $_)) {
+            OpenFile(*FILE, $file, 0) or warn("Can't read file `$file'.\n"), last;
+            while (<FILE>) {
+                $plugfile = 1, next if /^Reading (ROM|ROFS1|UDEB|UREL) files$/;
+                $plugfile = 0, next if ($plugfile && /^Found \d+ entries$/);
+                if ($plugfile) {
+                    next if !/`(.+)'$/;
+                    $file = GetAbsFname($1);
+                    $files{lc($file)} = $file if !exists($files{lc($file)});
+                    next;
+                }
+                $patched = $1, next if /^Found (\d+) ROM-patched components:$/;
+                next if (!$patched || !/^`(.+)'$/);
+                $patched--;
+                $file = GetAbsFname($1) . ".map";
+                $files{lc($file)} = $file, next if -f($file);
+                $file =~ s/(\..*?\.map)$/\.\*$1/;
+                foreach (glob($file =~ /\s/ ? "\"$file\"" : $file)) {
+                    ($file = lc()) =~ s/\.map$//;
+                    $files{lc()} = $_, last if exists($files{$file});
+                }
+            }
+            close(FILE);
+        }
+        $dir .= "/" if $dir !~ /\/$/;
+        foreach $file (keys(%files)) {
+            delete($files{$file}) if ($file =~ /^$dir/i);
+        }
+    }
+    @gFindresult = () if (!defined($opt) || $opt !~ /a/);
+    push(@gFindresult, values(%files));
+sub CheckTool(@)
+    return if $gPrintcmd;
+    my ($maxtlen, $maxvlen, @tools) = (4, 9, ());
+    while (@_) {
+        my ($tool, $vquery, $getver, $version, $md5sum) = (shift(), shift(), shift(), " -", " ?");
+        if (length($vquery) > 1) {
+            RunSystemCmd($vquery, "null");
+            $version = (join("\n", @gCmdoutbuf) =~ eval($getver =~ /^\// ? "qr$getver" : "qr/$getver/ims") ?
+                (defined($1) && defined($2) && "`$1 $2'" || defined($1) && "`$1'" || " ?") : " ?");
+        }
+        OpenFile(*FILE, $tool, 1) and $md5sum = "`" . md5_hex(<FILE>) . "'";
+        close(FILE);
+        $maxtlen = Max($maxtlen, length($tool));
+        $maxvlen = Max($maxvlen, length($version));
+        push(@tools, "`$tool'", $version, $md5sum);
+    }
+    $maxtlen += 2;
+    @_ = (" Tool", " Version", " MD5 Checksum", "-" x $maxtlen, "-" x $maxvlen, "-" x 34, @tools);
+    DPrint(1, sprintf("%-${maxtlen}s %-${maxvlen}s ", shift(), shift()) . shift() . "\n") while(@_);
+sub GetIPar()
+    local $_ = shift(@gIcmd);
+    $_ = "<UNDEFINED>" if (my $empty = !defined());
+    while (/\@PEVAL{.*}LAVEP\@/) {
+        my $start = rindex($_, '@PEVAL{', my $end = index($_, '}LAVEP@') + 7);
+        my ($expr, $eval, $evalerr) = (substr($_, $start + 7, $end - $start - 14), undef, "");
+        eval {
+            local ($_, $SIG{__DIE__});
+            local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{} if $gPrintcmd;
+            $eval = eval($expr);
+            ($evalerr = $@) =~ s/^(.+?) at .*/$1/s;
+        };
+#        DPrint(64, "GetIPar: Evaluate `$expr' = `" . (defined($eval) ? $eval : "") . "'\n");
+        if (!defined($eval)) {
+            $eval = "";
+            warn("GetIPar: Evaluation `$expr' failed: $evalerr.\n") if !$gPrintcmd;
+        }
+        substr($_, $start, $end - $start) = $eval;
+    }
+    DPrint(32, "iPar: $gParamcnt. `$_'\n") if $gParamcnt;
+    $gParamcnt++;
+    return($empty ? undef : $_);
+sub PeekICmd($)
+    return(defined($gIcmd[0]) && $gIcmd[0] =~ /^$_[0]$/i);
+sub GetICmd()
+    $gParamcnt = 0;
+    my $cmd = GetIPar();
+    DPrint(32, "iCmd: " . ++$gCmdcnt . ". `$cmd'\n") if defined($cmd) && $cmd ne "";
+    return($cmd);
+sub EndICmd()
+    GetICmd(), return(1) if !defined($gIcmd[0]) || PeekICmd("end");
+    return(0);
+sub RunICmd()
+    my ($cmd, $file, $iferror) = ("", "", 0);
+    while (defined($cmd = GetICmd())) {
+        next if $cmd eq "";
+        local $_ = lc($cmd);
+        if (/^(error|warning)$/) {
+            my ($errwarn, $msg) = (GetIPar(), Unquote(GetIPar()));
+            die($msg)  if $errwarn && /e/;
+            warn($msg) if $errwarn && /w/;
+        }
+        elsif (/^echo(\d+)?(-q)?$/) {
+            my ($verbose, $quote) = (defined($1) && ($1 < 128) ? $1 : 1, defined($2));
+            Echo($verbose, GetIPar(), $quote);
+        }
+        elsif (/^filter$/) {
+            $gOutfilter = GetIPar();
+        }
+        elsif (/^cmd(tee)?$/) {
+            $file = $1;
+            RunSystemCmd(GetIPar(), $file ? GetIPar() : "");
+        }
+        elsif (/^parse(f)?$/) {
+            $file = $1;
+            ParseSystemCmd(GetIPar(), GetIPar(), $file);
+        }
+        elsif (/^(cd|copy(dir)?|del(dir)?|find(dir)?(-[ar]+)?|headb|logfile|mkcd|mkdir|move|tailb|test|touch|type[bu]?|unzip|workdir|write[bu]?(-q)?|zip(dir)?(-[jq]+)?)$/) {
+            my @files = GlobFiles(GetIPar());
+            my $par1 = GetIPar() if /^(?:copy|find|head|move|tail|touch|(un)?zip|write)/;
+            my $par2 = GetIPar() if /^(?:find|head|tail|zip)/;
+            next if $gPrintcmd;
+            foreach $file (@files) {
+                ChangeDir($file)                           if /^cd/;
+                DeleteDir($file)                           if /deldir/;
+                FindDir($file, $par1, $par2, $1)           if /finddir(-[ar]+)?/;
+                MakeDir($file)                             if /mkdir/;
+                MakeChangeDir($file)                       if /mkcd/;
+                SetWorkdir($file)                          if /workdir/;
+                Zip($file, 1, $1, $par2, GlobFiles($par1)) if /zipdir(-[jq]+)?/;
+                DeleteFile($file)                          if /del/;
+                FindFile($file, $par1, $par2, $1)          if /find(-[ar]+)?$/;
+                HeadFile($file, $par1, $par2)              if /headb/;
+                SetLogfile($file)                          if /logfile/;
+                TailFile($file, $par1, $par2)              if /tailb/;
+                TypeFile($file, $1)                        if /type(b|u)?/;
+                UnzipFile($file, $par1)                    if /unzip/;
+                WriteFile($file, $par1, $1, $2)            if /write(b|u)?(-q)?/;
+                Zip($file, 0, $1, $par2, GlobFiles($par1)) if /^zip(-[jq]+)?$/;
+                Copy($file, $par1, $1)                     if /copy(dir)?/;
+                Move($file, $par1)                         if /move/;
+                Test($file)                                if /test/;
+                Touch($file, $par1)                        if /touch/;
+            }
+        }
+        elsif (/^genexclst$/) {
+            GenExclfile(GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar());
+        }
+        elsif (/^geniby(-r)?$/) {
+            my ($sub, $iby, $dir, @par) = ($1, GetIPar(), GetIPar(), ());
+            push(@par, GetIPar(), GetIPar()) while !EndICmd();
+            GenIbyfile($iby, $dir, $sub, @par);
+        }
+        elsif (/^genmk$/) {
+            GenMakefile(GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar());
+        }
+        elsif (/^iferror$/) {
+            $iferror++;
+            $gError = 0, next if $gError;
+            while (defined($gIcmd[0])) {
+                GetICmd(), last if PeekICmd("endif") && !--$iferror;
+                $iferror++ if shift(@gIcmd) =~ /^iferror$/i;
+            }
+        }
+        elsif (/^endif$/ && $iferror--) {
+        }
+        elsif (/^imghdr$/) {
+            AddImageHeader(GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar());
+        }
+        elsif (/^pause$/) {
+            DPrint(0, "Press Enter to continue...\n");
+            getc();
+        }
+        elsif (/^sleep$/) {
+            Sleep(GetIPar());
+        }
+        elsif (/^sosfind(-a)?$/) {
+            my $opt = $1;
+            FindSOSFiles(GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar(), $opt);
+        }
+        elsif (/^toolchk$/) {
+            my @tools = ();
+            push(@tools, GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar()) while !EndICmd();
+            CheckTool(@tools);
+        }
+        elsif (/^wgunzip$/) {
+            ($file, my $dir, my $fname) = (GetIPar(), GetIPar(), GetIPar());
+            map { WidgetUnzip($_, $dir, $fname) } GlobFiles($file);
+        }
+        elsif (!$gImakerext || !RunIExtCmd($_)) {
+            die("Unknown iMaker command `$cmd'.\n");
+        }
+    }
+sub GetFeatvarIncdir($;$)
+    my ($varname, $nbv) = @_;
+    my %featvar = ();
+    my @incdir  = ("Invalid SBV feature variant");
+    my $valid   = 0;
+    local $_;
+    open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
+    open(STDERR, $gWinOS ? ">nul" : ">/dev/null");
+    select(STDERR);
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{__DIE__};
+        %featvar = featurevariantparser->GetVariant($varname);
+        $valid = $featvar{VALID};
+    };
+    close(STDERR);
+    open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR");
+    close(OLDERR);
+    select(STDOUT);
+    return(grep(tr/\\/\// || 1, @{$featvar{ROM_INCLUDES}})) if $valid;
+    return(@incdir) if !$nbv;
+    # N*kia Binary Variation
+    foreach my $file (<$gEpoc32/tools/*.bsf>) {
+        (my $varname = lc($file)) =~ s/^.*\/(.+?)\.bsf$/$1/;
+        open(FILE, $file);
+        while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+            $featvar{$varname}{CUSTOMIZES} = lc($1) if $line =~ /^\s*CUSTOMIZES\s+(\S+)\s*$/i;
+            $featvar{$varname}{VARIANT} = (uc($1) || 1) if $line =~ /^\s*(VIRTUAL)?VARIANT\s*$/i;
+        }
+        close(FILE);
+    }
+    $varname = lc($varname);
+    my @variant = ();
+    while ($featvar{$varname}{VARIANT}) {
+        unshift(@variant, $varname) if $featvar{$varname}{VARIANT} ne "VIRTUAL";
+        $varname = $featvar{$varname}{CUSTOMIZES};
+    }
+    while (@variant) {
+        map { push(@incdir, join("/", $_, @variant)) } ("$gEpoc32/rom", "$gEpoc32/include");
+        pop(@variant);
+    }
+    return(@incdir);
+sub SetVerbose($)
+    my $verbose = shift();
+    return($gVerbose = int($1)) if ($verbose =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($1 < 128);
+    $gVerbose = 1;
+    warn("Verbose level `$verbose' is not integer between 0 - 127\n");
+    return(1);
+sub ReadICmdFile($)
+    my ($file, $steps) = (GetAbsFname(shift()), "");
+    OpenFile(*FILE, $file, 0) or
+        die("Can't read iMaker command file `$file'.\n"), return;
+    while (<FILE>) {
+        DPrint(2, $_), next if /^\s*#/;
+        next if !/^\s*(\S+?)\s*=(.*)$/;
+        $gStepIcmd{my $step = $1} = (my $icmd = $2);
+        $steps .= ($steps ? ", " : "") . $step . ($icmd =~ /^\s*$/ ? " (empty)" : "");
+    }
+    close(FILE);
+    DPrint(2, "Steps: $steps\n");
+sub CloseLog()
+    close(LOG) if $gLogfile;
+    $gLogfile = "";
+sub MakeStep($$$$$$)
+    (my $step, my $clean, my $build, $gKeepgoing, my $verbose, $gPrintcmd) = @_;
+    (my $dur, @gStepDur) = (time(), ());
+    SetVerbose($verbose);
+    ChangeDir($gWorkdir);
+    $gMakestep = "S:$step,C:" . ($clean ? 1 : 0) . ",B:" . ($build ? 1 : 0) .
+        ",K:" . ($gKeepgoing ? 1 : 0) . ",V:$gVerbose";
+    DPrint(2, "=" x 79 . "\nENTER: `$gMakestep'\n");
+    map {
+        if (defined($gStepIcmd{$_})) {
+            DPrint(64, "$_ = `$gStepIcmd{$_}'\n");
+            $gStepIcmd{$_} =~ s/(?<!(\\|\s))\|/ \|/g;  # ???
+            @gIcmd = map((s/^\s+|(?<!\\)\s+$//g, s/\\\|/\|/g) ? $_ : $_, split(/(?<!\\)\|/, "$gStepIcmd{$_} "));
+            RunICmd();
+        } else {
+            warn("Step `$_' is undefined.\n");
+        }
+    } ($clean ? "CLEAN_$step" : (), $build ? "BUILD_$step" : ());
+    DPrint(2, "EXIT: `$gMakestep', duration: " . Sec2Min($dur = time() - $dur) . "\n");
+    return((@gStepDur, $dur));
+sub HandleCmdArg($)
+    my $arg = (defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : "");
+    return($gImakerext ? HandleExtCmdArg($arg) : $arg);
+sub MenuRuncmd($)
+    ($ENV{IMAKER_MAKECMD}, my @menubuf) = (shift(), ());
+    map {
+        chomp();
+        push(@menubuf, $_);
+    } qx($ENV{IMAKER_MAKECMD});
+    return(@menubuf);
+sub Menu($$$)
+    my ($makecmd, $mainmk, $cmdarg) = @_;
+    my $quietopt = 'LOGFILE= PRINTCMD=0 VERBOSE=1 WORKDIR=$(CURDIR)';
+    my ($prodind, $prodmk, @product) = (0, "", ());
+    my ($targind, $target, $targcols, $targrows, @target)  = (0, "", 4, 0, ());
+    my ($vartype, $varudeb, $varsym) = ("", 0, 0);
+    my $cfgfile = "./imaker_menu.cfg";
+    $cmdarg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+    $cmdarg = " $cmdarg" if $cmdarg ne "";
+    open(FILE, "<$cfgfile") and
+        (($prodind, $targind, $vartype, $varudeb, $varsym) = map(chomp() ? $_ : $_, <FILE>)) and close(FILE);
+    while (1) {
+        system($gWinOS ? "cls" : "clear");
+        print("\nPRODUCTS\n--------\n");
+        #
+        if (!@product) {
+            map {
+                push(@product, [ucfirst($1), $_]) if /image_conf_(.+?)\./;
+            } MenuRuncmd("$makecmd $mainmk $quietopt help-config");
+        }
+        $prodmk = ($prodind ? " -f $product[$prodind - 1][1]" : "");
+        my $maxlen = Max(map(length(@$_[0]), @product));
+        map {
+            printf(" %" . (length(@product)) . "s) %-${maxlen}s  %s\n", $_ + 1, $product[$_][0], $product[$_][1]);
+        } (0 .. $#product);
+        print(" NO PRODUCTS FOUND!\n") if !@product;
+        print("\nTARGETS\n-------\n");
+        #
+        if (!@target) {
+            @target = MenuRuncmd("$makecmd$prodmk $mainmk $quietopt help-target-*-list");
+            $targrows = int($#target / $targcols + 1);
+            my $maxind = 0;
+            map {
+                if (!($_ % $targrows)) {
+                    $maxind = length(Min($_ + $targrows, $#target + 1)) + 1;
+                    $maxlen = Max(map(length(), @target[$_ .. Min($_ + $targrows - 1, $#target)]));
+                }
+                $target[$_] = sprintf("%${maxind}s) %-${maxlen}s", "t" . ($_ + 1), $target[$_]);
+            } (0 .. $#target);
+        }
+        ($target = ($targind ? $target[$targind - 1] : "")) =~ s/^.+?(\S+)\s*$/$1/;
+        foreach my $row (1 .. $targrows) {
+            foreach my $col (1 .. $targcols) {
+                my $ind = ($col - 1) * $targrows + $row - 1;
+                print(($ind < @target ? " $target[$ind]" : "") . ($col != $targcols ? " " : "\n"));
+            }
+        }
+        print(" NO TARGETS FOUND!\n") if !@target;
+        print("\nCONFIGURATION\n-------------\n");
+        #
+        if (!$vartype) {
+            ($vartype, $varudeb, $varsym) = map(/^\S+\s+=\s+`(.*)'$/ ? $1 : (),
+                MenuRuncmd("$makecmd$prodmk $mainmk $quietopt TIMESTAMP=" . GetTimestamp() .
+                    " $target print-TYPE,USE_UDEB,USE_SYMGEN"));
+            $varudeb =~ s/0//g;
+            $varsym  =~ s/0//g;
+        }
+        print(
+          " Product: " . ($prodind ? $product[$prodind - 1][0] : "NOT SELECTED!") . "\n" .
+          " Target : " . ($targind ? $target : "NOT SELECTED!") . "\n" .
+          " Type   : " . ucfirst($vartype) . "\n" .
+          " Tracing: " . ($varudeb ? ($varudeb =~ /full/i ? "Full debug" : "Enabled") : "Disabled") . "\n" .
+          " Symbols: " . ($varsym ? "Created\n" : "Not created\n"));
+        print("\nOPTIONS\n-------\n");
+        #
+        print(
+          " t) Toggle between rnd/prd/subcon\n" .
+          " u) Toggle between urel/udeb/udeb full\n" .
+          " s) Toggle symbol creation on/off\n" .
+          " r) Reset configuration\n" .
+          " h) Print usage information\n" .
+          " x) Exit\n\n" .
+          "Hit Enter to run: imaker$prodmk$cmdarg TYPE=$vartype USE_UDEB=$varudeb USE_SYMGEN=$varsym $target\n");
+        print("\nSelection: ");
+        #
+        (my $input = <STDIN>) =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/\L$1\E/;
+        if ($input =~ /^(\d+)$/ && ($1 > 0) && ($1 <= @product) && ($1 != $prodind)) {
+            $prodind = $1;
+            ($targind, @target) = (0, ());
+        }
+        elsif ($input =~ /^t(\d+)$/ && ($1 > 0) && ($1 <= @target) && ($1 != $targind)) {
+            $targind = $1;
+        }
+        elsif ($input eq "t") {
+            $vartype = ($vartype =~ /rnd/i ? "prd" : ($vartype =~ /prd/i ? "subcon" : "rnd"));
+        }
+        elsif ($input eq "u") {
+            $varudeb = (!$varudeb ? 1 : ($varudeb !~ /full/i ? "full" : 0));
+        }
+        elsif ($input eq "s") {
+            $varsym = !$varsym;
+        }
+        elsif ($input eq "r") {
+            ($prodind, @product) = (0, ());
+            ($targind, @target)  = (0, ());
+            ($vartype, $varudeb, $varsym) = ("", 0, 0);
+        }
+        elsif ($input eq "h") {
+            print("\nTODO: Help");
+            sleep(2);
+        }
+        elsif ($input =~ /^(x|)$/) {
+            open(FILE, ">$cfgfile") and
+                print(FILE map("$_\n", ($prodind, $targind, $vartype, $varudeb, $varsym))) and close(FILE);
+            return($input eq "x" ? ("", "menu") :
+                ("$prodmk$cmdarg TYPE=$vartype USE_UDEB=$varudeb USE_SYMGEN=$varsym", $target));
+        }
+    }
+die($@) if !defined($gImakerext = do("")) && $@;