--- a/imgtools/romtools/maksym/maksym.pl Mon Nov 22 10:41:57 2010 +0800
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/maksym/maksym.pl Mon Nov 22 10:56:31 2010 +0800
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
no strict 'vars';
use English;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
+use File::Copy;
# Version
my $MajorVersion = 1;
@@ -47,285 +48,16 @@
sub main()
- my $file;
- my $mapfile;
- my $mapfile2;
- my $text;
- my $data;
- my $bss;
- my $textsize;
- my $datasize;
- my $bsssize;
- my $totaldatasize;
- my $totalsize;
- open (ROM, "<$rombuild")
- or die "ERROR: Can't open rombuild log file \"$rombuild\"\n";
- if ($maksym ne "") {
- open (SYM, ">$maksym")
- or die "ERROR: Can't open output file \"$maksym\"\n";
- print "Creating $maksym...\n";
- }
- while (<ROM>) {
- # Start of ROM
- if (/^Creating Rom image (\S*)/) {
- if ($maksym eq "") {
- # For backwards compatibility, replace trailing .img with .symbol
- # if no trailing .img, just append .symbol anyway
- $maksym = $1;
- $maksym =~ s/(\.img)?$/.symbol/i;
- close SYM;
- open (SYM, ">$maksym")
- or die "ERROR: Can't open output file \"$maksym\"\n";
- print "\nCreating $maksym...\n";
- }
- next;
- }
- # end of ROM
- if (/^Writing Rom image/) {
- close SYM;
- $maksym = "";
- next;
- }
- # Data file
- if (/^Reading resource (.*) to rom linear address (.*)/) {
- $file = $1;
- my $data = hex($2);
- $file =~ /([^\\]+)$/;
- printf SYM "\nFrom $file\n\n%08x 0000 $1\n", $data;
- }
- # Executable file
- elsif (/^Processing file (.*)/) {
- $file = $1;
- $text = 0;
- $data = 0;
- $bss = 0;
- $textsize = 0;
- $datasize = 0;
- $bsssize = 0;
- $totaldatasize = 0;
- # Work out final addresses of sections
- while (defined($_=<ROM>) && !/^$/) {
- if (/^Size:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $totalsize = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Code start addr:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $text = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Data start addr:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $data = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^DataBssLinearBase:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $bss = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Text size:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $textsize = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Data size:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $datasize = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Bsssize:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $bsssize = hex($1);
- } elsif (/^Total data size:\s+(\w+)/) {
- $totaldatasize = hex($1);
- }
- }
- # Sanity check - text section can't be zero
- die "ERROR: Can't find rombuild info for \"$file\"\n"
- if (!$text);
- print SYM "\nFrom $file\n\n";
+ my $symbolfile = $rombuild;
+ $symbolfile =~ s/\.log$/\.symbol/i;
+ my @cmdres = `rombuild -loginput=$rombuild`;
+ print "@cmdres\n";
- # Look in map file for symbols in .text and relocate them
- $mapfile2 = $file.".map";
- $mapfile = $file;
- $mapfile =~ s/\.\w+$/\.map/;
- if (!(open (MAP, "$mapfile2") || open (MAP, "$mapfile"))) {
- print "$file\nWarning: Can't open \"$mapfile2\" or \"$mapfile\"\n";
- $file =~ /([^\\]+)$/;
- printf SYM "%08x %04x $1\n", $text, $totalsize;
- } else {
- local $/ = undef;
- my (@maplines) = split(/\n/, <MAP>);
- close MAP;
- # See if we're dealing with the RVCT output
- if ($maplines[0] =~ /^ARM Linker/) {
- print "$file\n";
- my %syms;
- my @hasharray;
- # Starts from begining of map file.
- while (@maplines) {
- $_ = shift @maplines;
- if (/Global Symbols/) {
- last;
- } elsif (!/(ARM Code|Thumb Code)/) {
- next;
- }
- # name address type size section
- if (/^\s*(.+)\s*(0x\S+)\s+(ARM Code|Thumb Code)\s+[^\d]*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/) {
- # Check for static methods in local symbols section.
- my $sym = $1;
- my $addr = hex($2);
- my $size = sprintf("%04x",$4);
- my $section = $5;
- $size = sprintf("%04x", 8) if ($section =~ /\(StubCode\)/);
- if(exists($syms{$addr})) {
- push @{ $syms{$addr} }, "$size $sym $section";
- }
- elsif ($addr > 0){
- @hasharray = "$size $sym $section";
- $syms{$addr} = [@hasharray];
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (@maplines) {
- # name address ignore size section
- if (/^\s*(.+)\s*(0x\S+)\s+[^\d]*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/) {
- my $sym = $1;
- my $addr = hex($2);
- my $size = sprintf("%04x",$3);
- my $section = $4;
- $size = sprintf("%04x", 8) if ($section =~ /\(StubCode\)/);
- if(exists($syms{$addr})) {
- push @{ $syms{$addr} }, "$size $sym $section";
- }
- elsif ($addr > 0) {
- @hasharray = "$size $sym $section";
- $syms{$addr} = [@hasharray];
- }
- }
- } # end of foreach
- # .text gets linked at 0x00008000
- # .data gets linked at 0x00400000
- my $srctext = hex(8000);
- my $srcdata = hex(400000);
- my $j;
- # Write symbols in address order
- my @addrs = sort CompareAddrs keys %syms;
- for ($i = 0; $i < @addrs ; $i++) {
- my $thisaddr = $addrs[$i];
- my $romaddr = 0;
- # see if its in the text segment
- if ($thisaddr >= $srctext && $thisaddr <= ($srctext+$textsize)) {
- $romaddr = $thisaddr-$srctext+$text;
- } elsif ( $data && ( $thisaddr >= $srcdata && $thisaddr <= ($srcdata+$datasize))) {
- # its in the data segment
- # is it from .data or .bss
- # confusingly (?) $bss is the right value to use here
- # since we're interested in where the data gets copied to
- # in RAM rather than where it sits in ROM
- $romaddr = $thisaddr-$srcdata+$bss;
- } elsif ( $bss && ( $thisaddr >= $srcdata && $thisaddr <= ($srcdata+$totaldatasize))) {
- # its BSS
- $romaddr = $thisaddr-$srcdata+$bss;
- } else {
- my $errsym = $syms{$thisaddr}[0];
- my $erraddr = sprintf("%08x", $thisaddr);
- print "WARNING: Symbol $errsym @ $erraddr not in text or data segments\n";
- print "WARNING: The map file for binary $file is out-of-sync with the binary itself\n\n";
- next;
- }
- printf SYM "%08x %s\n", $romaddr, $_ for @{$syms{$addrs[$i]}};
- } # end of for.
- # See if we're dealing with the GCC output
- } elsif ($maplines[0] =~ /^Archive member included/) {
- my $imgtext;
- my $textlen;
- my %syms;
- my $stubhex=1;
- # Find text section
- while (@maplines) {
- $_ = shift @maplines;
- last if /^\.text\s+/;
- }
- /^\.text\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/
- or die "ERROR: Can't get .text section info for \"$file\"\n";
- $imgtext=hex($1);
- $textlen=hex($2);
- print "$file\n";
- # Slurp symbols 'til the end of the text section
- foreach (@maplines) {
- # blank line marks the end of the text section
- last if (/^$/);
- # .text <addr> <len> <library(member)>
- # .text$something
- # <addr> <len> <library(member)>
- # <addr> <len> LONG 0x0
- if (/^\s(\.text)?\s+(0x\w+)\s+(0x\w+)\s+(.*)$/io) {
- my $address = hex($2);
- my $length = hex($3);
- my $libraryfile = $4;
- next if ($libraryfile =~ /^LONG 0x/);
- $syms{$address+$length} = ' '; # impossible symbol as end marker
- # EUSER.LIB(ds01423.o)
- # EUSER.LIB(C:/TEMP/d1000s_01423.o)
- if ($libraryfile =~ /.*lib\(.*d\d*s_?\d{5}.o\)$/io) {
- $stubhex=$address;
- }
- next;
- }
- # <addr> <symbol name possibly including spaces>
- if (/^\s+(\w+)\s\s+([a-zA-Z_].+)/o) {
- my $addr = hex($1);
- my $symbol = $2;
- $symbol = "stub $symbol" if ($addr == $stubhex);
- $syms{$addr} = $symbol;
- next;
- }
- }
- # Write symbols in address order
- @addrs = sort CompareAddrs keys %syms;
- for ($i = 0; $i < @addrs - 1; $i++) {
- my $symbol = $syms{$addrs[$i]};
- next if ($symbol eq ' ');
- printf SYM "%08x %04x %s\n",
- $addrs[$i]-$imgtext+$text, $addrs[$i+1]-$addrs[$i], $symbol;
- }
- # last address assumed to be imgtext+lentext
- close MAP;
- }
- # Must be x86 output
- else {
- while (@maplines) {
- $_ = shift @maplines;
- last if /^ Address/;
- }
- shift @maplines;
- my ($lastname, $lastaddr);
- while (@maplines) {
- $_ = shift @maplines;
- last unless /^ 0001:(\w+)\s+(\S+)/;
- my ($addr, $name) = (hex $1, $2);
- if ($lastname) {
- my $size = $addr - $lastaddr;
- printf SYM "%08x %04x %s\n", $lastaddr + $text, $size, $lastname;
- }
- ($lastname, $lastaddr) = ($name, $addr);
- }
- printf SYM "%08x %04x %s\n", $lastaddr + $text, 0, $lastname if $lastname;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close SYM;
- close ROM;
+ if(($maksym ne "") && ($maksym ne $symbolfile))
+ {
+ copy($symbolfile, $maksym);
+ unlink $symbolfile;
+ }