changeset 648 d5a8d436d33b
parent 645 b8d81fa19e7d
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/preparation/password.ant.xml	Wed Oct 13 16:27:55 2010 +0800
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/preparation/password.ant.xml	Wed Oct 13 16:31:27 2010 +0800
@@ -75,12 +75,6 @@
-    <!-- Retrieve the GRACE password from the .netrc file and store it into release.grace.password property. -->
-    <target name="grace-password" if="release.grace">
-        <hlm:netrcPasswordMacro output-prop="release.grace.password" result-prop="grace.password.available" type="grace"/>
-        <hlm:logreplace regexp="${release.grace.password}"/>
-    </target>
     <!-- Retrieve the NOE password from the .netrc file and store it into noe.password property. -->
     <target name="noe-password">
         <hlm:netrcPasswordMacro output-prop="noe.password" result-prop="noe.password.available" type="noe"/>
@@ -190,18 +184,5 @@
     <!-- check synergy is available needs ccm.enabled to be set to 'true' as well.-->
     <target name="ccm-check" unless="skip.password.validation" if="internal.ccm.enabled">
         <hlm:ccmAvailableMacro resultproperty="ccm.session.created"/>
-        <echo>ccm.session.created = ${ccm.session.created}</echo>
-        <if>
-            <equals arg1="${ccm.session.created}" arg2="-1"/>
-            <then>
-                <fail message="Unable to create CCM session."/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <if>
-            <equals arg1="${ccm.session.created}" arg2="-2"/>
-            <then>
-                <fail message="Access Denied for user."/>
-            </then>
-        </if>