changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
parent 1 be27ed110b50
child 180 e02a83d4c571
child 592 3215c239276a
--- a/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/2.5/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    sphinx.htmlwriter
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    docutils writers handling Sphinx' custom nodes.
-    :copyright: 2007-2008 by Georg Brandl.
-    :license: BSD.
-import sys
-import posixpath
-import os
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer, HTMLTranslator as BaseTranslator
-from sphinx.locale import admonitionlabels, versionlabels
-from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
-from sphinx.util.smartypants import sphinx_smarty_pants
-    import Image                        # check for the Python Imaging Library
-except ImportError:
-    Image = None
-class HTMLWriter(Writer):
-    def __init__(self, builder):
-        Writer.__init__(self)
-        self.builder = builder
-    def translate(self):
-        # sadly, this is mostly copied from parent class
-        self.visitor = visitor = self.builder.translator_class(self.builder,
-                                                               self.document)
-        self.document.walkabout(visitor)
-        self.output = visitor.astext()
-        for attr in ('head_prefix', 'stylesheet', 'head', 'body_prefix',
-                     'body_pre_docinfo', 'docinfo', 'body', 'fragment',
-                     'body_suffix', 'meta', 'title', 'subtitle', 'header',
-                     'footer', 'html_prolog', 'html_head', 'html_title',
-                     'html_subtitle', 'html_body', ):
-            setattr(self, attr, getattr(visitor, attr, None))
-        self.clean_meta = ''.join(visitor.meta[2:])
-class HTMLTranslator(BaseTranslator):
-    """
-    Our custom HTML translator.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, builder, *args, **kwds):
-        BaseTranslator.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
-        self.highlighter = PygmentsBridge('html', builder.config.pygments_style)
-        self.no_smarty = 0
-        self.builder = builder
-        self.highlightlang = builder.config.highlight_language
-        self.highlightlinenothreshold = sys.maxint
-        self.protect_literal_text = 0
-    def visit_desc(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'dl', CLASS=node['desctype']))
-    def depart_desc(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</dl>\n\n')
-    def visit_desc_signature(self, node):
-        # the id is set automatically
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'dt'))
-        # anchor for per-desc interactive data
-        if node.parent['desctype'] != 'describe' and node['ids'] and node['first']:
-            self.body.append('<!--[%s]-->' % node['ids'][0])
-        if node.parent['desctype'] in ('class', 'exception'):
-            self.body.append('%s ' % node.parent['desctype'])
-    def depart_desc_signature(self, node):
-        if node['ids'] and self.builder.add_definition_links:
-            self.body.append(u'<a class="headerlink" href="#%s" ' % node['ids'][0] +
-                             u'title="%s">\u00B6</a>' %
-                             _('Permalink to this definition'))
-        self.body.append('</dt>\n')
-    def visit_desc_addname(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'tt', '', CLASS='descclassname'))
-    def depart_desc_addname(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</tt>')
-    def visit_desc_type(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_desc_type(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_desc_name(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'tt', '', CLASS='descname'))
-    def depart_desc_name(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</tt>')
-    def visit_desc_parameterlist(self, node):
-        self.body.append('<big>(</big>')
-        self.first_param = 1
-    def depart_desc_parameterlist(self, node):
-        self.body.append('<big>)</big>')
-    def visit_desc_parameter(self, node):
-        if not self.first_param:
-            self.body.append(', ')
-        else:
-            self.first_param = 0
-        if not node.hasattr('noemph'):
-            self.body.append('<em>')
-    def depart_desc_parameter(self, node):
-        if not node.hasattr('noemph'):
-            self.body.append('</em>')
-    def visit_desc_optional(self, node):
-        self.body.append('<span class="optional">[</span>')
-    def depart_desc_optional(self, node):
-        self.body.append('<span class="optional">]</span>')
-    def visit_desc_annotation(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'em', CLASS='property'))
-    def depart_desc_annotation(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</em>')
-    def visit_desc_content(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'dd', ''))
-    def depart_desc_content(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</dd>')
-    def visit_refcount(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'em', '', CLASS='refcount'))
-    def depart_refcount(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</em>')
-    def visit_versionmodified(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p'))
-        text = versionlabels[node['type']] % node['version']
-        if len(node):
-            text += ': '
-        else:
-            text += '.'
-        self.body.append('<span class="versionmodified">%s</span>' % text)
-    def depart_versionmodified(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</p>\n')
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_reference(self, node):
-        BaseTranslator.visit_reference(self, node)
-        if node.hasattr('reftitle'):
-            # ugly hack to add a title attribute
-            starttag = self.body[-1]
-            if not starttag.startswith('<a '):
-                return
-            self.body[-1] = '<a title="%s"' % self.attval(node['reftitle']) + \
-                            starttag[2:]
-    # overwritten -- we don't want source comments to show up in the HTML
-    def visit_comment(self, node):
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_admonition(self, node, name=''):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(
-            node, 'div', CLASS=('admonition ' + name)))
-        if name and name != 'seealso':
-            node.insert(0, nodes.title(name, admonitionlabels[name]))
-        self.set_first_last(node)
-    def visit_seealso(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'seealso')
-    def depart_seealso(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition(node)
-    # overwritten for docutils 0.4
-    if hasattr(BaseTranslator, 'start_tag_with_title'):
-        def visit_section(self, node):
-            # the 0.5 version, to get the id attribute in the <div> tag
-            self.section_level += 1
-            self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS='section'))
-        def visit_title(self, node):
-            # don't move the id attribute inside the <h> tag
-            BaseTranslator.visit_title(self, node, move_ids=0)
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_literal_block(self, node):
-        if node.rawsource != node.astext():
-            # most probably a parsed-literal block -- don't highlight
-            return BaseTranslator.visit_literal_block(self, node)
-        lang = self.highlightlang
-        linenos = node.rawsource.count('\n') >= self.highlightlinenothreshold - 1
-        if node.has_key('language'):
-            # code-block directives
-            lang = node['language']
-        if node.has_key('linenos'):
-            linenos = node['linenos']
-        highlighted = self.highlighter.highlight_block(node.rawsource, lang, linenos)
-        starttag = self.starttag(node, 'div', suffix='', CLASS='highlight-%s' % lang)
-        self.body.append(starttag + highlighted + '</div>\n')
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    def visit_doctest_block(self, node):
-        self.visit_literal_block(node)
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_literal(self, node):
-        if len(node.children) == 1 and \
-               node.children[0] in ('None', 'True', 'False'):
-            node['classes'].append('xref')
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'tt', '', CLASS='docutils literal'))
-        self.protect_literal_text += 1
-    def depart_literal(self, node):
-        self.protect_literal_text -= 1
-        self.body.append('</tt>')
-    def visit_productionlist(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'pre'))
-        names = []
-        for production in node:
-            names.append(production['tokenname'])
-        maxlen = max(len(name) for name in names)
-        for production in node:
-            if production['tokenname']:
-                lastname = production['tokenname'].ljust(maxlen)
-                self.body.append(self.starttag(production, 'strong', ''))
-                self.body.append(lastname + '</strong> ::= ')
-            else:
-                self.body.append('%s     ' % (' '*len(lastname)))
-            production.walkabout(self)
-            self.body.append('\n')
-        self.body.append('</pre>\n')
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    def depart_productionlist(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_production(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_production(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_centered(self, node):
-        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p', CLASS="centered") + '<strong>')
-    def depart_centered(self, node):
-        self.body.append('</strong></p>')
-    def visit_compact_paragraph(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_compact_paragraph(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_highlightlang(self, node):
-        self.highlightlang = node['lang']
-        self.highlightlinenothreshold = node['linenothreshold']
-    def depart_highlightlang(self, node):
-        pass
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_image(self, node):
-        olduri = node['uri']
-        # rewrite the URI if the environment knows about it
-        if olduri in self.builder.images:
-            node['uri'] = posixpath.join(self.builder.imgpath,
-                                         self.builder.images[olduri])
-        if node.has_key('scale'):
-            if Image and not (node.has_key('width')
-                              and node.has_key('height')):
-                try:
-                    im =,
-                                                    olduri))
-                except (IOError, # Source image can't be found or opened
-                        UnicodeError):  # PIL doesn't like Unicode paths.
-                    print olduri
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    if not node.has_key('width'):
-                        node['width'] = str(im.size[0])
-                    if not node.has_key('height'):
-                        node['height'] = str(im.size[1])
-                    del im
-        BaseTranslator.visit_image(self, node)
-    def visit_toctree(self, node):
-        # this only happens when formatting a toc from env.tocs -- in this
-        # case we don't want to include the subtree
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    def visit_index(self, node):
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    def visit_tabular_col_spec(self, node):
-        raise nodes.SkipNode
-    def visit_glossary(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_glossary(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_acks(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_acks(self, node):
-        pass
-    def visit_module(self, node):
-        pass
-    def depart_module(self, node):
-        pass
-    def bulk_text_processor(self, text):
-        return text
-    # overwritten
-    def visit_Text(self, node):
-        text = node.astext()
-        encoded = self.encode(text)
-        if self.protect_literal_text:
-            # moved here from base class's visit_literal to support
-            # more formatting in literal nodes
-            for token in self.words_and_spaces.findall(encoded):
-                if token.strip():
-                    # protect literal text from line wrapping
-                    self.body.append('<span class="pre">%s</span>' % token)
-                elif token in ' \n':
-                    # allow breaks at whitespace
-                    self.body.append(token)
-                else:
-                    # protect runs of multiple spaces; the last one can wrap
-                    self.body.append('&nbsp;' * (len(token)-1) + ' ')
-        else:
-            if self.in_mailto and self.settings.cloak_email_addresses:
-                encoded = self.cloak_email(encoded)
-            else:
-                encoded = self.bulk_text_processor(encoded)
-            self.body.append(encoded)
-    # these are all for docutils 0.5 compatibility
-    def visit_note(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'note')
-    def depart_note(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition(node)
-    def visit_warning(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'warning')
-    def depart_warning(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition(node)
-    def visit_attention(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'attention')
-    def depart_attention(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_caution(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'caution')
-    def depart_caution(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_danger(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'danger')
-    def depart_danger(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_error(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'error')
-    def depart_error(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_hint(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'hint')
-    def depart_hint(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_important(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'important')
-    def depart_important(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    def visit_tip(self, node):
-        self.visit_admonition(node, 'tip')
-    def depart_tip(self, node):
-        self.depart_admonition()
-    # these are only handled specially in the SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator
-    def visit_literal_emphasis(self, node):
-        return self.visit_emphasis(node)
-    def depart_literal_emphasis(self, node):
-        return self.depart_emphasis(node)
-    def depart_title(self, node):
-        close_tag = self.context[-1]
-        if self.builder.add_header_links and \
-               (close_tag.startswith('</h') or
-                close_tag.startswith('</a></h')) and \
-               node.parent.hasattr('ids') and node.parent['ids']:
-            aname = node.parent['ids'][0]
-            # add permalink anchor
-            self.body.append(u'<a class="headerlink" href="#%s" ' % aname +
-                             u'title="%s">\u00B6</a>' %
-                             _('Permalink to this headline'))
-        BaseTranslator.depart_title(self, node)
-    def unknown_visit(self, node):
-        raise NotImplementedError('Unknown node: ' + node.__class__.__name__)
-class SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator(HTMLTranslator):
-    """
-    Handle ordinary text via smartypants, converting quotes and dashes
-    to the correct entities.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        self.no_smarty = 0
-        HTMLTranslator.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
-    def visit_literal(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty += 1
-        try:
-            # this raises SkipNode
-            HTMLTranslator.visit_literal(self, node)
-        finally:
-            self.no_smarty -= 1
-    def visit_literal_emphasis(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty += 1
-        self.visit_emphasis(node)
-    def depart_literal_emphasis(self, node):
-        self.depart_emphasis(node)
-        self.no_smarty -= 1
-    def visit_desc_signature(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty += 1
-        HTMLTranslator.visit_desc_signature(self, node)
-    def depart_desc_signature(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty -= 1
-        HTMLTranslator.depart_desc_signature(self, node)
-    def visit_productionlist(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty += 1
-        try:
-            HTMLTranslator.visit_productionlist(self, node)
-        finally:
-            self.no_smarty -= 1
-    def visit_option(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty += 1
-        HTMLTranslator.visit_option(self, node)
-    def depart_option(self, node):
-        self.no_smarty -= 1
-        HTMLTranslator.depart_option(self, node)
-    def bulk_text_processor(self, text):
-        if self.no_smarty <= 0:
-            return sphinx_smarty_pants(text)
-        return text