changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/common/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx/	Wed Dec 23 19:29:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    sphinx.builder
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Builder classes for different output formats.
+    :copyright: 2007-2008 by Georg Brandl, Sebastian Wiesner, Horst Gutmann.
+    :license: BSD.
+import os
+import time
+import codecs
+import shutil
+import gettext
+import cPickle as pickle
+from os import path
+from cgi import escape
+from docutils import nodes
+from import StringOutput, FileOutput, DocTreeInput
+from docutils.core import publish_parts
+from docutils.utils import new_document
+from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
+from docutils.readers.doctree import Reader as DoctreeReader
+from sphinx import addnodes, locale, __version__
+from sphinx.util import ensuredir, relative_uri, SEP, os_path, texescape, ustrftime
+from sphinx.htmlhelp import build_hhx
+from sphinx.htmlwriter import HTMLWriter, HTMLTranslator, SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator
+from sphinx.textwriter import TextWriter
+from sphinx.latexwriter import LaTeXWriter
+from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment, NoUri
+from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
+from sphinx.util.console import bold, purple, darkgreen
+from import js_index
+    import json
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        import simplejson as json
+    except ImportError:
+        json = None
+# side effect: registers roles and directives
+from sphinx import roles
+from sphinx import directives
+ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME = 'environment.pickle'
+LAST_BUILD_FILENAME = 'last_build'
+INVENTORY_FILENAME = 'objects.inv'
+class Builder(object):
+    """
+    Builds target formats from the reST sources.
+    """
+    # builder's name, for the -b command line options
+    name = ''
+    def __init__(self, app, env=None, freshenv=False):
+        self.srcdir = app.srcdir
+        self.confdir = app.confdir
+        self.outdir = app.outdir
+        self.doctreedir = app.doctreedir
+        if not path.isdir(self.doctreedir):
+            os.makedirs(self.doctreedir)
+ = app
+        self.warn = app.warn
+ =
+        self.config = app.config
+        self.load_i18n()
+        # images that need to be copied over (source -> dest)
+        self.images = {}
+        # if None, this is set in load_env()
+        self.env = env
+        self.freshenv = freshenv
+        self.init()
+        self.load_env()
+    # helper methods
+    def init(self):
+        """Load necessary templates and perform initialization."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def init_templates(self):
+        # Call this from init() if you need templates.
+        if self.config.template_bridge:
+            self.templates =
+                self.config.template_bridge, 'template_bridge setting')()
+        else:
+            from sphinx._jinja import BuiltinTemplates
+            self.templates = BuiltinTemplates()
+        self.templates.init(self)
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        """
+        Return the target URI for a document name (typ can be used to qualify
+        the link characteristic for individual builders).
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def get_relative_uri(self, from_, to, typ=None):
+        """
+        Return a relative URI between two source filenames. May raise environment.NoUri
+        if there's no way to return a sensible URI.
+        """
+        return relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(from_),
+                            self.get_target_uri(to, typ))
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        """
+        Return an iterable of output files that are outdated, or a string describing
+        what an update build will build.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def status_iterator(self, iterable, summary, colorfunc=darkgreen):
+        l = -1
+        for item in iterable:
+            if l == -1:
+      , nonl=1)
+                l = 0
+   + ' ', nonl=1)
+            yield item
+        if l == 0:
+    supported_image_types = []
+    def post_process_images(self, doctree):
+        """
+        Pick the best candidate for all image URIs.
+        """
+        for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.image):
+            if '?' in node['candidates']:
+                # don't rewrite nonlocal image URIs
+                continue
+            if '*' not in node['candidates']:
+                for imgtype in self.supported_image_types:
+                    candidate = node['candidates'].get(imgtype, None)
+                    if candidate:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    self.warn('%s:%s: no matching candidate for image URI %r' %
+                              (node.source, getattr(node, 'lineno', ''), node['uri']))
+                    continue
+                node['uri'] = candidate
+            else:
+                candidate = node['uri']
+            if candidate not in self.env.images:
+                # non-existing URI; let it alone
+                continue
+            self.images[candidate] = self.env.images[candidate][1]
+    # build methods
+    def load_i18n(self):
+        """
+        Load translated strings from the configured localedirs if
+        enabled in the configuration.
+        """
+        self.translator = None
+        if self.config.language is not None:
+  'loading translations [%s]... ' % self.config.language),
+                      nonl=True)
+            locale_dirs = [path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'locale')] + \
+                          [path.join(self.srcdir, x) for x in self.config.locale_dirs]
+            for dir_ in locale_dirs:
+                try:
+                    trans = gettext.translation('sphinx', localedir=dir_,
+                            languages=[self.config.language])
+                    if self.translator is None:
+                        self.translator = trans
+                    else:
+                        self.translator._catalog.update(trans.catalog)
+                except Exception:
+                    # Language couldn't be found in the specified path
+                    pass
+            if self.translator is not None:
+      'done')
+            else:
+      'locale not available')
+        if self.translator is None:
+            self.translator = gettext.NullTranslations()
+        self.translator.install(unicode=True)
+        locale.init()  # translate common labels
+    def load_env(self):
+        """Set up the build environment."""
+        if self.env:
+            return
+        if not self.freshenv:
+            try:
+      'loading pickled environment... '), nonl=True)
+                self.env = BuildEnvironment.frompickle(self.config,
+                    path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))
+      'done')
+            except Exception, err:
+                if type(err) is IOError and err.errno == 2:
+          'not found')
+                else:
+          'failed: %s' % err)
+                self.env = BuildEnvironment(self.srcdir, self.doctreedir, self.config)
+                self.env.find_files(self.config)
+        else:
+            self.env = BuildEnvironment(self.srcdir, self.doctreedir, self.config)
+            self.env.find_files(self.config)
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(self.warn)
+    def build_all(self):
+        """Build all source files."""
+, summary='all source files', method='all')
+    def build_specific(self, filenames):
+        """Only rebuild as much as needed for changes in the source_filenames."""
+        # bring the filenames to the canonical format, that is,
+        # relative to the source directory and without source_suffix.
+        dirlen = len(self.srcdir) + 1
+        to_write = []
+        suffix = self.config.source_suffix
+        for filename in filenames:
+            filename = path.abspath(filename)[dirlen:]
+            if filename.endswith(suffix):
+                filename = filename[:-len(suffix)]
+            filename = filename.replace(os.path.sep, SEP)
+            to_write.append(filename)
+, method='specific',
+                   summary='%d source files given on command '
+                   'line' % len(to_write))
+    def build_update(self):
+        """Only rebuild files changed or added since last build."""
+        to_build = self.get_outdated_docs()
+        if isinstance(to_build, str):
+  ['__all__'], to_build)
+        else:
+            to_build = list(to_build)
+  ,
+                       summary='targets for %d source files that are '
+                       'out of date' % len(to_build))
+    def build(self, docnames, summary=None, method='update'):
+        if summary:
+  'building [%s]: ' %, nonl=1)
+        updated_docnames = []
+        # while reading, collect all warnings from docutils
+        warnings = []
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(warnings.append)
+'updating environment: '), nonl=1)
+        iterator = self.env.update(self.config, self.srcdir, self.doctreedir,
+        # the first item in the iterator is a summary message
+        for docname in self.status_iterator(iterator, 'reading sources... ', purple):
+            updated_docnames.append(docname)
+            # nothing further to do, the environment has already done the reading
+        for warning in warnings:
+            if warning.strip():
+                self.warn(warning)
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(self.warn)
+        if updated_docnames:
+            # save the environment
+  'pickling environment... '), nonl=True)
+            self.env.topickle(path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))
+  'done')
+            # global actions
+  'checking consistency... '), nonl=True)
+            self.env.check_consistency()
+  'done')
+        else:
+            if method == 'update' and not docnames:
+      'no targets are out of date.'))
+                return
+        # another indirection to support methods which don't build files
+        # individually
+        self.write(docnames, updated_docnames, method)
+        # finish (write static files etc.)
+        self.finish()
+        status = == 0 and 'succeeded' or 'finished with problems'
+        if
+  'build %s, %s warning%s.' %
+                           (status,,
+                   != 1 and 's' or '')))
+        else:
+  'build %s.' % status))
+    def write(self, build_docnames, updated_docnames, method='update'):
+        if build_docnames is None or build_docnames == ['__all__']:
+            # build_all
+            build_docnames = self.env.found_docs
+        if method == 'update':
+            # build updated ones as well
+            docnames = set(build_docnames) | set(updated_docnames)
+        else:
+            docnames = set(build_docnames)
+        # add all toctree-containing files that may have changed
+        for docname in list(docnames):
+            for tocdocname in self.env.files_to_rebuild.get(docname, []):
+                docnames.add(tocdocname)
+        docnames.add(self.config.master_doc)
+'preparing documents... '), nonl=True)
+        self.prepare_writing(docnames)
+        # write target files
+        warnings = []
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(warnings.append)
+        for docname in self.status_iterator(sorted(docnames),
+                                            'writing output... ', darkgreen):
+            doctree = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(docname, self)
+            self.write_doc(docname, doctree)
+        for warning in warnings:
+            if warning.strip():
+                self.warn(warning)
+        self.env.set_warnfunc(self.warn)
+    def prepare_writing(self, docnames):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def write_doc(self, docname, doctree):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def finish(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class StandaloneHTMLBuilder(Builder):
+    """
+    Builds standalone HTML docs.
+    """
+    name = 'html'
+    copysource = True
+    out_suffix = '.html'
+    indexer_format = js_index
+    supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif',
+                             'image/jpeg']
+    searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.js'
+    add_header_links = True
+    add_definition_links = True
+    # This is a class attribute because it is mutated by Sphinx.add_javascript.
+    script_files = ['_static/jquery.js', '_static/doctools.js']
+    def init(self):
+        """Load templates."""
+        self.init_templates()
+        self.init_translator_class()
+        if self.config.html_file_suffix:
+            self.out_suffix = self.config.html_file_suffix
+        if self.config.language is not None:
+            jsfile = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'locale', self.config.language,
+                               'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js')
+            if path.isfile(jsfile):
+                self.script_files.append('_static/translations.js')
+    def init_translator_class(self):
+        if self.config.html_translator_class:
+            self.translator_class =
+                self.config.html_translator_class, 'html_translator_class setting')
+        elif self.config.html_use_smartypants:
+            self.translator_class = SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator
+        else:
+            self.translator_class = HTMLTranslator
+    def render_partial(self, node):
+        """Utility: Render a lone doctree node."""
+        doc = new_document('<partial node>')
+        doc.append(node)
+        return publish_parts(
+            doc,
+            source_class=DocTreeInput,
+            reader=DoctreeReader(),
+            writer=HTMLWriter(self),
+            settings_overrides={'output_encoding': 'unicode'}
+        )
+    def prepare_writing(self, docnames):
+        from import IndexBuilder
+        self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env)
+        self.load_indexer(docnames)
+        self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self)
+        self.docsettings = OptionParser(
+            defaults=self.env.settings,
+            components=(self.docwriter,)).get_default_values()
+        # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it
+        # typically doesn't include the time of day
+        lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt
+        if lufmt is not None:
+            self.last_updated = ustrftime(lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'))
+        else:
+            self.last_updated = None
+        logo = self.config.html_logo and \
+               path.basename(self.config.html_logo) or ''
+        favicon = self.config.html_favicon and \
+                  path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) or ''
+        if favicon and os.path.splitext(favicon)[1] != '.ico':
+            self.warn('html_favicon is not an .ico file')
+        if not isinstance(self.config.html_use_opensearch, basestring):
+            self.warn('html_use_opensearch config value must now be a string')
+        self.relations = self.env.collect_relations()
+        rellinks = []
+        if self.config.html_use_index:
+            rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index')))
+        if self.config.html_use_modindex and self.env.modules:
+            rellinks.append(('modindex', _('Global Module Index'), 'M', _('modules')))
+        self.globalcontext = dict(
+            project = self.config.project,
+            release = self.config.release,
+            version = self.config.version,
+            last_updated = self.last_updated,
+            copyright = self.config.copyright,
+            master_doc = self.config.master_doc,
+            style = self.config.html_style,
+            use_opensearch = self.config.html_use_opensearch,
+            docstitle = self.config.html_title,
+            shorttitle = self.config.html_short_title,
+            show_sphinx = self.config.html_show_sphinx,
+            has_source = self.config.html_copy_source,
+            file_suffix = self.out_suffix,
+            script_files = self.script_files,
+            sphinx_version = __version__,
+            rellinks = rellinks,
+            builder =,
+            parents = [],
+            logo = logo,
+            favicon = favicon,
+        )
+        self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context)
+    def get_doc_context(self, docname, body, metatags):
+        """Collect items for the template context of a page."""
+        # find out relations
+        prev = next = None
+        parents = []
+        rellinks = self.globalcontext['rellinks'][:]
+        related = self.relations.get(docname)
+        titles = self.env.titles
+        if related and related[2]:
+            try:
+                next = {'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[2]),
+                        'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[2]])['title']}
+                rellinks.append((related[2], next['title'], 'N', _('next')))
+            except KeyError:
+                next = None
+        if related and related[1]:
+            try:
+                prev = {'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[1]),
+                        'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[1]])['title']}
+                rellinks.append((related[1], prev['title'], 'P', _('previous')))
+            except KeyError:
+                # the relation is (somehow) not in the TOC tree, handle that gracefully
+                prev = None
+        while related and related[0]:
+            try:
+                parents.append(
+                    {'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[0]),
+                     'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[0]])['title']})
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            related = self.relations.get(related[0])
+        if parents:
+            parents.pop() # remove link to the master file; we have a generic
+                          # "back to index" link already
+        parents.reverse()
+        # title rendered as HTML
+        title = titles.get(docname)
+        title = title and self.render_partial(title)['title'] or ''
+        # the name for the copied source
+        sourcename = self.config.html_copy_source and docname + '.txt' or ''
+        # metadata for the document
+        meta = self.env.metadata.get(docname)
+        return dict(
+            parents = parents,
+            prev = prev,
+            next = next,
+            title = title,
+            meta = meta,
+            body = body,
+            metatags = metatags,
+            rellinks = rellinks,
+            sourcename = sourcename,
+            toc = self.render_partial(self.env.get_toc_for(docname))['fragment'],
+            # only display a TOC if there's more than one item to show
+            display_toc = (self.env.toc_num_entries[docname] > 1),
+        )
+    def write_doc(self, docname, doctree):
+        self.post_process_images(doctree)
+        destination = StringOutput(encoding='utf-8')
+        doctree.settings = self.docsettings
+        self.imgpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), '_images')
+        self.docwriter.write(doctree, destination)
+        self.docwriter.assemble_parts()
+        body =['fragment']
+        metatags = self.docwriter.clean_meta
+        ctx = self.get_doc_context(docname, body, metatags)
+        self.index_page(docname, doctree, ctx.get('title', ''))
+        self.handle_page(docname, ctx, event_arg=doctree)
+    def finish(self):
+'writing additional files...'), nonl=1)
+        # the global general index
+        if self.config.html_use_index:
+            # the total count of lines for each index letter, used to distribute
+            # the entries into two columns
+            genindex = self.env.create_index(self)
+            indexcounts = []
+            for _, entries in genindex:
+                indexcounts.append(sum(1 + len(subitems)
+                                       for _, (_, subitems) in entries))
+            genindexcontext = dict(
+                genindexentries = genindex,
+                genindexcounts = indexcounts,
+                split_index = self.config.html_split_index,
+            )
+  ' genindex', nonl=1)
+            if self.config.html_split_index:
+                self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext, 'genindex-split.html')
+                self.handle_page('genindex-all', genindexcontext, 'genindex.html')
+                for (key, entries), count in zip(genindex, indexcounts):
+                    ctx = {'key': key, 'entries': entries, 'count': count,
+                           'genindexentries': genindex}
+                    self.handle_page('genindex-' + key, ctx, 'genindex-single.html')
+            else:
+                self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext, 'genindex.html')
+        # the global module index
+        if self.config.html_use_modindex and self.env.modules:
+            # the sorted list of all modules, for the global module index
+            modules = sorted(((mn, (self.get_relative_uri('modindex', fn) +
+                                    '#module-' + mn, sy, pl, dep))
+                              for (mn, (fn, sy, pl, dep)) in
+                              self.env.modules.iteritems()),
+                             key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
+            # collect all platforms
+            platforms = set()
+            # sort out collapsable modules
+            modindexentries = []
+            letters = []
+            pmn = ''
+            num_toplevels = 0
+            num_collapsables = 0
+            cg = 0 # collapse group
+            fl = '' # first letter
+            for mn, (fn, sy, pl, dep) in modules:
+                pl = pl and pl.split(', ') or []
+                platforms.update(pl)
+                if fl != mn[0].lower() and mn[0] != '_':
+                    # heading
+                    modindexentries.append(['', False, 0, False,
+                                            mn[0].upper(), '', [], False])
+                    letters.append(mn[0].upper())
+                tn = mn.split('.')[0]
+                if tn != mn:
+                    # submodule
+                    if pmn == tn:
+                        # first submodule - make parent collapsable
+                        modindexentries[-1][1] = True
+                        num_collapsables += 1
+                    elif not pmn.startswith(tn):
+                        # submodule without parent in list, add dummy entry
+                        cg += 1
+                        modindexentries.append([tn, True, cg, False, '', '', [], False])
+                else:
+                    num_toplevels += 1
+                    cg += 1
+                modindexentries.append([mn, False, cg, (tn != mn), fn, sy, pl, dep])
+                pmn = mn
+                fl = mn[0].lower()
+            platforms = sorted(platforms)
+            # apply heuristics when to collapse modindex at page load:
+            # only collapse if number of toplevel modules is larger than
+            # number of submodules
+            collapse = len(modules) - num_toplevels < num_toplevels
+            modindexcontext = dict(
+                modindexentries = modindexentries,
+                platforms = platforms,
+                letters = letters,
+                collapse_modindex = collapse,
+            )
+  ' modindex', nonl=1)
+            self.handle_page('modindex', modindexcontext, 'modindex.html')
+        # the search page
+        if != 'htmlhelp':
+  ' search', nonl=1)
+            self.handle_page('search', {}, 'search.html')
+        # additional pages from
+        for pagename, template in self.config.html_additional_pages.items():
+  ' '+pagename, nonl=1)
+            self.handle_page(pagename, {}, template)
+        if self.config.html_use_opensearch and != 'htmlhelp':
+  ' opensearch', nonl=1)
+            fn = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'opensearch.xml')
+            self.handle_page('opensearch', {}, 'opensearch.xml', outfilename=fn)
+        # copy image files
+        if self.images:
+  'copying images...'), nonl=True)
+            ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_images'))
+            for src, dest in self.images.iteritems():
+      ' '+src, nonl=1)
+                shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src),
+                                path.join(self.outdir, '_images', dest))
+        # copy static files
+'copying static files... '), nonl=True)
+        ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_static'))
+        # first, create pygments style file
+        f = open(path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'pygments.css'), 'w')
+        f.write(PygmentsBridge('html', self.config.pygments_style).get_stylesheet())
+        f.close()
+        # then, copy translations JavaScript file
+        if self.config.language is not None:
+            jsfile = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'locale', self.config.language,
+                               'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js')
+            if path.isfile(jsfile):
+                shutil.copyfile(jsfile, path.join(self.outdir, '_static',
+                                                  'translations.js'))
+        # then, copy over all user-supplied static files
+        staticdirnames = [path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'static')] + \
+                         [path.join(self.confdir, spath)
+                          for spath in self.config.html_static_path]
+        for staticdirname in staticdirnames:
+            for filename in os.listdir(staticdirname):
+                if filename.startswith('.'):
+                    continue
+                fullname = path.join(staticdirname, filename)
+                targetname = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', filename)
+                if path.isfile(fullname):
+                    shutil.copyfile(fullname, targetname)
+                elif path.isdir(fullname):
+                    if filename in self.config.exclude_dirnames:
+                        continue
+                    if path.exists(targetname):
+                        shutil.rmtree(targetname)
+                    shutil.copytree(fullname, targetname)
+        # last, copy logo file (handled differently)
+        if self.config.html_logo:
+            logobase = path.basename(self.config.html_logo)
+            shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo),
+                            path.join(self.outdir, '_static', logobase))
+        # dump the search index
+        self.handle_finish()
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        if self.templates:
+            template_mtime = self.templates.newest_template_mtime()
+        else:
+            template_mtime = 0
+        for docname in self.env.found_docs:
+            if docname not in self.env.all_docs:
+                yield docname
+                continue
+            targetname = self.env.doc2path(docname, self.outdir, self.out_suffix)
+            try:
+                targetmtime = path.getmtime(targetname)
+            except Exception:
+                targetmtime = 0
+            try:
+                srcmtime = max(path.getmtime(self.env.doc2path(docname)),
+                               template_mtime)
+                if srcmtime > targetmtime:
+                    yield docname
+            except EnvironmentError:
+                # source doesn't exist anymore
+                pass
+    def load_indexer(self, docnames):
+        keep = set(self.env.all_docs) - set(docnames)
+        try:
+            f = open(path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename), 'rb')
+            try:
+                self.indexer.load(f, self.indexer_format)
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        except (IOError, OSError, ValueError):
+            if keep:
+                self.warn("search index couldn't be loaded, but not all documents "
+                          "will be built: the index will be incomplete.")
+        # delete all entries for files that will be rebuilt
+        self.indexer.prune(keep)
+    def index_page(self, pagename, doctree, title):
+        # only index pages with title
+        if self.indexer is not None and title:
+            self.indexer.feed(pagename, title, doctree)
+    # --------- these are overwritten by the serialization builder
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        return docname + self.out_suffix
+    def handle_page(self, pagename, addctx, templatename='page.html',
+                    outfilename=None, event_arg=None):
+        ctx = self.globalcontext.copy()
+        # current_page_name is backwards compatibility
+        ctx['pagename'] = ctx['current_page_name'] = pagename
+        def pathto(otheruri, resource=False,
+                   baseuri=self.get_target_uri(pagename)):
+            if not resource:
+                otheruri = self.get_target_uri(otheruri)
+            return relative_uri(baseuri, otheruri)
+        ctx['pathto'] = pathto
+        ctx['hasdoc'] = lambda name: name in self.env.all_docs
+        ctx['customsidebar'] = self.config.html_sidebars.get(pagename)
+        ctx.update(addctx)
+'html-page-context', pagename, templatename, ctx, event_arg)
+        output = self.templates.render(templatename, ctx)
+        if not outfilename:
+            outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix)
+        ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename)) # normally different from self.outdir
+        try:
+            f =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+            try:
+                f.write(output)
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        except (IOError, OSError), err:
+            self.warn("Error writing file %s: %s" % (outfilename, err))
+        if self.copysource and ctx.get('sourcename'):
+            # copy the source file for the "show source" link
+            source_name = path.join(self.outdir, '_sources', os_path(ctx['sourcename']))
+            ensuredir(path.dirname(source_name))
+            shutil.copyfile(self.env.doc2path(pagename), source_name)
+    def handle_finish(self):
+'dumping search index... '), nonl=True)
+        self.indexer.prune(self.env.all_docs)
+        f = open(path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename), 'wb')
+        try:
+            self.indexer.dump(f, self.indexer_format)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+'dumping object inventory... '), nonl=True)
+        f = open(path.join(self.outdir, INVENTORY_FILENAME), 'w')
+        try:
+            f.write('# Sphinx inventory version 1\n')
+            f.write('# Project: %s\n' % self.config.project.encode('utf-8'))
+            f.write('# Version: %s\n' % self.config.version)
+            for modname, info in self.env.modules.iteritems():
+                f.write('%s mod %s\n' % (modname, self.get_target_uri(info[0])))
+            for refname, (docname, desctype) in self.env.descrefs.iteritems():
+                f.write('%s %s %s\n' % (refname, desctype, self.get_target_uri(docname)))
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+class SerializingHTMLBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
+    """
+    An abstract builder that serializes the HTML generated.
+    """
+    #: the serializing implementation to use.  Set this to a module that
+    #: implements a `dump`, `load`, `dumps` and `loads` functions
+    #: (pickle, simplejson etc.)
+    implementation = None
+    #: the filename for the global context file
+    globalcontext_filename = None
+    supported_image_types = ('image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif',
+                             'image/jpeg')
+    def init(self):
+        self.init_translator_class()
+        self.templates = None   # no template bridge necessary
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        if docname == 'index':
+            return ''
+        if docname.endswith(SEP + 'index'):
+            return docname[:-5] # up to sep
+        return docname + SEP
+    def handle_page(self, pagename, ctx, templatename='page.html',
+                    outfilename=None, event_arg=None):
+        ctx['current_page_name'] = pagename
+        sidebarfile = self.config.html_sidebars.get(pagename)
+        if sidebarfile:
+            ctx['customsidebar'] = sidebarfile
+        if not outfilename:
+            outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix)
+'html-page-context', pagename, templatename, ctx, event_arg)
+        ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename))
+        f = open(outfilename, 'wb')
+        try:
+            self.implementation.dump(ctx, f, 2)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        # if there is a source file, copy the source file for the
+        # "show source" link
+        if ctx.get('sourcename'):
+            source_name = path.join(self.outdir, '_sources',
+                                    os_path(ctx['sourcename']))
+            ensuredir(path.dirname(source_name))
+            shutil.copyfile(self.env.doc2path(pagename), source_name)
+    def handle_finish(self):
+        # dump the global context
+        outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, self.globalcontext_filename)
+        f = open(outfilename, 'wb')
+        try:
+            self.implementation.dump(self.globalcontext, f, 2)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        # super here to dump the search index
+        StandaloneHTMLBuilder.handle_finish(self)
+        # copy the environment file from the doctree dir to the output dir
+        # as needed by the web app
+        shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME),
+                        path.join(self.outdir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))
+        # touch 'last build' file, used by the web application to determine
+        # when to reload its environment and clear the cache
+        open(path.join(self.outdir, LAST_BUILD_FILENAME), 'w').close()
+class PickleHTMLBuilder(SerializingHTMLBuilder):
+    """
+    A Builder that dumps the generated HTML into pickle files.
+    """
+    implementation = pickle
+    indexer_format = pickle
+    name = 'pickle'
+    out_suffix = '.fpickle'
+    globalcontext_filename = 'globalcontext.pickle'
+    searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.pickle'
+class JSONHTMLBuilder(SerializingHTMLBuilder):
+    """
+    A builder that dumps the generated HTML into JSON files.
+    """
+    implementation = json
+    indexer_format = json
+    name = 'json'
+    out_suffix = '.fjson'
+    globalcontext_filename = 'globalcontext.json'
+    searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.json'
+    def init(self):
+        if json is None:
+            from sphinx.application import SphinxError
+            raise SphinxError('The module simplejson (or json in Python >= 2.6) '
+                              'is not available. The JSONHTMLBuilder builder '
+                              'will not work.')
+        SerializingHTMLBuilder.init(self)
+class HTMLHelpBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
+    """
+    Builder that also outputs Windows HTML help project, contents and index files.
+    Adapted from the original Doc/tools/
+    """
+    name = 'htmlhelp'
+    # don't copy the reST source
+    copysource = False
+    supported_image_types = ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg']
+    # don't add links
+    add_header_links = False
+    add_definition_links = False
+    def init(self):
+        StandaloneHTMLBuilder.init(self)
+        # the output files for HTML help must be .html only
+        self.out_suffix = '.html'
+    def handle_finish(self):
+        build_hhx(self, self.outdir, self.config.htmlhelp_basename)
+class LaTeXBuilder(Builder):
+    """
+    Builds LaTeX output to create PDF.
+    """
+    name = 'latex'
+    supported_image_types = ['application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/gif',
+                             'image/jpeg']
+    def init(self):
+        self.docnames = []
+        self.document_data = []
+        texescape.init()
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        return 'all documents' # for now
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        if typ == 'token':
+            # token references are always inside production lists and must be
+            # replaced by \token{} in LaTeX
+            return '@token'
+        if docname not in self.docnames:
+            raise NoUri
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def init_document_data(self):
+        preliminary_document_data = map(list, self.config.latex_documents)
+        if not preliminary_document_data:
+            self.warn('No "latex_documents" config value found; no documents '
+                      'will be written.')
+            return
+        # assign subdirs to titles
+        self.titles = []
+        for entry in preliminary_document_data:
+            docname = entry[0]
+            if docname not in self.env.all_docs:
+                self.warn('"latex_documents" config value references unknown '
+                          'document %s' % docname)
+                continue
+            self.document_data.append(entry)
+            if docname.endswith(SEP+'index'):
+                docname = docname[:-5]
+            self.titles.append((docname, entry[2]))
+    def write(self, *ignored):
+        # first, assemble the "appendix" docs that are in every PDF
+        appendices = []
+        for fname in self.config.latex_appendices:
+            appendices.append(self.env.get_doctree(fname))
+        docwriter = LaTeXWriter(self)
+        docsettings = OptionParser(
+            defaults=self.env.settings,
+            components=(docwriter,)).get_default_values()
+        self.init_document_data()
+        for entry in self.document_data:
+            docname, targetname, title, author, docclass = entry[:5]
+            toctree_only = False
+            if len(entry) > 5:
+                toctree_only = entry[5]
+            destination = FileOutput(
+                destination_path=path.join(self.outdir, targetname),
+                encoding='utf-8')
+  "processing " + targetname + "... ", nonl=1)
+            doctree = self.assemble_doctree(docname, toctree_only,
+                appendices=(docclass == 'manual') and appendices or [])
+            self.post_process_images(doctree)
+  "writing... ", nonl=1)
+            doctree.settings = docsettings
+   = author
+            doctree.settings.title = title
+            doctree.settings.docname = docname
+            doctree.settings.docclass = docclass
+            docwriter.write(doctree, destination)
+  "done")
+    def assemble_doctree(self, indexfile, toctree_only, appendices):
+        self.docnames = set([indexfile] + appendices)
+ + " ", nonl=1)
+        def process_tree(docname, tree):
+            tree = tree.deepcopy()
+            for toctreenode in tree.traverse(addnodes.toctree):
+                newnodes = []
+                includefiles = map(str, toctreenode['includefiles'])
+                for includefile in includefiles:
+                    try:
+               + " ", nonl=1)
+                        subtree = process_tree(includefile,
+                                               self.env.get_doctree(includefile))
+                        self.docnames.add(includefile)
+                    except Exception:
+                        self.warn('%s: toctree contains ref to nonexisting file %r' %
+                                  (docname, includefile))
+                    else:
+                        sof = addnodes.start_of_file()
+                        sof.children = subtree.children
+                        newnodes.append(sof)
+                toctreenode.parent.replace(toctreenode, newnodes)
+            return tree
+        tree = self.env.get_doctree(indexfile)
+        if toctree_only:
+            # extract toctree nodes from the tree and put them in a fresh document
+            new_tree = new_document('<latex output>')
+            new_sect = nodes.section()
+            new_sect += nodes.title(u'<Set title in>', u'<Set title in>')
+            new_tree += new_sect
+            for node in tree.traverse(addnodes.toctree):
+                new_sect += node
+            tree = new_tree
+        largetree = process_tree(indexfile, tree)
+        largetree.extend(appendices)
+"resolving references...")
+        self.env.resolve_references(largetree, indexfile, self)
+        # resolve :ref:s to distant tex files -- we can't add a cross-reference,
+        # but append the document name
+        for pendingnode in largetree.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref):
+            docname = pendingnode['refdocname']
+            sectname = pendingnode['refsectname']
+            newnodes = [nodes.emphasis(sectname, sectname)]
+            for subdir, title in self.titles:
+                if docname.startswith(subdir):
+                    newnodes.append(nodes.Text(_(' (in '), _(' (in ')))
+                    newnodes.append(nodes.emphasis(title, title))
+                    newnodes.append(nodes.Text(')', ')'))
+                    break
+            else:
+                pass
+            pendingnode.replace_self(newnodes)
+        return largetree
+    def finish(self):
+        # copy image files
+        if self.images:
+  'copying images...'), nonl=1)
+            for src, dest in self.images.iteritems():
+      ' '+src, nonl=1)
+                shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src),
+                                path.join(self.outdir, dest))
+        # the logo is handled differently
+        if self.config.latex_logo:
+            logobase = path.basename(self.config.latex_logo)
+            shutil.copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.latex_logo),
+                            path.join(self.outdir, logobase))
+'copying TeX support files... '), nonl=True)
+        staticdirname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'texinputs')
+        for filename in os.listdir(staticdirname):
+            if not filename.startswith('.'):
+                shutil.copyfile(path.join(staticdirname, filename),
+                                path.join(self.outdir, filename))
+class ChangesBuilder(Builder):
+    """
+    Write a summary with all versionadded/changed directives.
+    """
+    name = 'changes'
+    def init(self):
+        self.init_templates()
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        return self.outdir
+    typemap = {
+        'versionadded': 'added',
+        'versionchanged': 'changed',
+        'deprecated': 'deprecated',
+    }
+    def write(self, *ignored):
+        version = self.config.version
+        libchanges = {}
+        apichanges = []
+        otherchanges = {}
+        if version not in self.env.versionchanges:
+  'no changes in this version.'))
+            return
+'writing summary file...'))
+        for type, docname, lineno, module, descname, content in \
+                self.env.versionchanges[version]:
+            ttext = self.typemap[type]
+            context = content.replace('\n', ' ')
+            if descname and docname.startswith('c-api'):
+                if not descname:
+                    continue
+                if context:
+                    entry = '<b>%s</b>: <i>%s:</i> %s' % (descname, ttext, context)
+                else:
+                    entry = '<b>%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.' % (descname, ttext)
+                apichanges.append((entry, docname, lineno))
+            elif descname or module:
+                if not module:
+                    module = _('Builtins')
+                if not descname:
+                    descname = _('Module level')
+                if context:
+                    entry = '<b>%s</b>: <i>%s:</i> %s' % (descname, ttext, context)
+                else:
+                    entry = '<b>%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.' % (descname, ttext)
+                libchanges.setdefault(module, []).append((entry, docname, lineno))
+            else:
+                if not context:
+                    continue
+                entry = '<i>%s:</i> %s' % (ttext.capitalize(), context)
+                title = self.env.titles[docname].astext()
+                otherchanges.setdefault((docname, title), []).append(
+                    (entry, docname, lineno))
+        ctx = {
+            'project': self.config.project,
+            'version': version,
+            'docstitle': self.config.html_title,
+            'shorttitle': self.config.html_short_title,
+            'libchanges': sorted(libchanges.iteritems()),
+            'apichanges': sorted(apichanges),
+            'otherchanges': sorted(otherchanges.iteritems()),
+            'show_sphinx': self.config.html_show_sphinx,
+        }
+        f = open(path.join(self.outdir, 'index.html'), 'w')
+        try:
+            f.write(self.templates.render('changes/frameset.html', ctx))
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        f = open(path.join(self.outdir, 'changes.html'), 'w')
+        try:
+            f.write(self.templates.render('changes/versionchanges.html', ctx))
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        hltext = ['.. versionadded:: %s' % version,
+                  '.. versionchanged:: %s' % version,
+                  '.. deprecated:: %s' % version]
+        def hl(no, line):
+            line = '<a name="L%s"> </a>' % no + escape(line)
+            for x in hltext:
+                if x in line:
+                    line = '<span class="hl">%s</span>' % line
+                    break
+            return line
+'copying source files...'))
+        for docname in self.env.all_docs:
+            f = open(self.env.doc2path(docname))
+            lines = f.readlines()
+            targetfn = path.join(self.outdir, 'rst', os_path(docname)) + '.html'
+            ensuredir(path.dirname(targetfn))
+            f =, 'w', 'utf8')
+            try:
+                text = ''.join(hl(i+1, line) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines))
+                ctx = {'filename': self.env.doc2path(docname, None), 'text': text}
+                f.write(self.templates.render('changes/rstsource.html', ctx))
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        shutil.copyfile(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'default.css'),
+                        path.join(self.outdir, 'default.css'))
+    def hl(self, text, version):
+        text = escape(text)
+        for directive in ['versionchanged', 'versionadded', 'deprecated']:
+            text = text.replace('.. %s:: %s' % (directive, version),
+                                '<b>.. %s:: %s</b>' % (directive, version))
+        return text
+    def finish(self):
+        pass
+class TextBuilder(Builder):
+    name = 'text'
+    out_suffix = '.txt'
+    def init(self):
+        pass
+    def get_outdated_docs(self):
+        for docname in self.env.found_docs:
+            if docname not in self.env.all_docs:
+                yield docname
+                continue
+            targetname = self.env.doc2path(docname, self.outdir, self.out_suffix)
+            try:
+                targetmtime = path.getmtime(targetname)
+            except Exception:
+                targetmtime = 0
+            try:
+                srcmtime = path.getmtime(self.env.doc2path(docname))
+                if srcmtime > targetmtime:
+                    yield docname
+            except EnvironmentError:
+                # source doesn't exist anymore
+                pass
+    def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None):
+        return ''
+    def prepare_writing(self, docnames):
+        self.writer = TextWriter(self)
+    def write_doc(self, docname, doctree):
+        destination = StringOutput(encoding='utf-8')
+        self.writer.write(doctree, destination)
+        outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(docname) + self.out_suffix)
+        ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename)) # normally different from self.outdir
+        try:
+            f =, 'w', 'utf-8')
+            try:
+                f.write(self.writer.output)
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        except (IOError, OSError), err:
+            self.warn("Error writing file %s: %s" % (outfilename, err))
+    def finish(self):
+        pass
+# compatibility alias
+WebHTMLBuilder = PickleHTMLBuilder
+from sphinx.linkcheck import CheckExternalLinksBuilder
+builtin_builders = {
+    'html': StandaloneHTMLBuilder,
+    'pickle': PickleHTMLBuilder,
+    'json': JSONHTMLBuilder,
+    'web': PickleHTMLBuilder,
+    'htmlhelp': HTMLHelpBuilder,
+    'latex': LaTeXBuilder,
+    'text': TextBuilder,
+    'changes': ChangesBuilder,
+    'linkcheck': CheckExternalLinksBuilder,