changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/common/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx/	Wed Dec 23 19:29:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    sphinx.environment
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Global creation environment.
+    :copyright: 2007-2008 by Georg Brandl.
+    :license: BSD.
+import re
+import os
+import time
+import heapq
+import types
+import imghdr
+import difflib
+import cPickle as pickle
+from os import path
+from glob import glob
+from string import uppercase
+from itertools import izip, groupby
+    import hashlib
+    md5 = hashlib.md5
+except ImportError:
+    # 2.4 compatibility
+    import md5
+    md5 =
+from docutils import nodes
+from import FileInput, NullOutput
+from docutils.core import Publisher
+from docutils.utils import Reporter, relative_path
+from docutils.readers import standalone
+from docutils.parsers.rst import roles
+from docutils.parsers.rst.languages import en as english
+from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.html import MetaBody
+from docutils.writers import UnfilteredWriter
+from docutils.transforms import Transform
+from import ContentsFilter
+from sphinx import addnodes
+from sphinx.util import get_matching_docs, SEP, ustrftime
+from sphinx.directives import additional_xref_types
+default_settings = {
+    'embed_stylesheet': False,
+    'cloak_email_addresses': True,
+    'pep_base_url': '',
+    'rfc_base_url': '',
+    'input_encoding': 'utf-8',
+    'doctitle_xform': False,
+    'sectsubtitle_xform': False,
+# This is increased every time an environment attribute is added
+# or changed to properly invalidate pickle files.
+default_substitutions = set([
+    'version',
+    'release',
+    'today',
+dummy_reporter = Reporter('', 4, 4)
+class RedirStream(object):
+    def __init__(self, writefunc):
+        self.writefunc = writefunc
+    def write(self, text):
+        if text.strip():
+            self.writefunc(text)
+class NoUri(Exception):
+    """Raised by get_relative_uri if there is no URI available."""
+    pass
+class DefaultSubstitutions(Transform):
+    """
+    Replace some substitutions if they aren't defined in the document.
+    """
+    # run before the default Substitutions
+    default_priority = 210
+    def apply(self):
+        config = self.document.settings.env.config
+        # only handle those not otherwise defined in the document
+        to_handle = default_substitutions - set(self.document.substitution_defs)
+        for ref in self.document.traverse(nodes.substitution_reference):
+            refname = ref['refname']
+            if refname in to_handle:
+                text = config[refname]
+                if refname == 'today' and not text:
+                    # special handling: can also specify a strftime format
+                    text = ustrftime(config.today_fmt or _('%B %d, %Y'))
+                ref.replace_self(nodes.Text(text, text))
+class MoveModuleTargets(Transform):
+    """
+    Move module targets to their nearest enclosing section title.
+    """
+    default_priority = 210
+    def apply(self):
+        for node in self.document.traverse(
+            if not node['ids']:
+                continue
+            if node['ids'][0].startswith('module-') and \
+                   node.parent.__class__ is nodes.section:
+                node.parent['ids'] = node['ids']
+                node.parent.remove(node)
+class HandleCodeBlocks(Transform):
+    """
+    Move doctest blocks out of blockquotes.
+    """
+    default_priority = 210
+    def apply(self):
+        for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.block_quote):
+            if len(node.children) == 1 and isinstance(node.children[0],
+                                                      nodes.doctest_block):
+                node.replace_self(node.children[0])
+class CitationReferences(Transform):
+    """
+    Handle citation references before the default docutils transform does.
+    """
+    default_priority = 619
+    def apply(self):
+        for citnode in self.document.traverse(nodes.citation_reference):
+            cittext = citnode.astext()
+            refnode = addnodes.pending_xref(cittext, reftype='citation',
+                                            reftarget=cittext)
+            refnode += nodes.Text('[' + cittext + ']')
+            citnode.parent.replace(citnode, refnode)
+class SphinxStandaloneReader(standalone.Reader):
+    """
+    Add our own transforms.
+    """
+    transforms = [CitationReferences, DefaultSubstitutions, MoveModuleTargets,
+                  HandleCodeBlocks]
+    def get_transforms(self):
+        return standalone.Reader.get_transforms(self) + self.transforms
+class SphinxDummyWriter(UnfilteredWriter):
+    supported = ('html',)  # needed to keep "meta" nodes
+    def translate(self):
+        pass
+class SphinxContentsFilter(ContentsFilter):
+    """
+    Used with BuildEnvironment.add_toc_from() to discard cross-file links
+    within table-of-contents link nodes.
+    """
+    def visit_pending_xref(self, node):
+        text = node.astext()
+        self.parent.append(nodes.literal(text, text))
+        raise nodes.SkipNode
+class BuildEnvironment:
+    """
+    The environment in which the ReST files are translated.
+    Stores an inventory of cross-file targets and provides doctree
+    transformations to resolve links to them.
+    """
+    # --------- ENVIRONMENT PERSISTENCE ----------------------------------------
+    @staticmethod
+    def frompickle(config, filename):
+        picklefile = open(filename, 'rb')
+        try:
+            env = pickle.load(picklefile)
+        finally:
+            picklefile.close()
+        env.config.values = config.values
+        if env.version != ENV_VERSION:
+            raise IOError('env version not current')
+        return env
+    def topickle(self, filename):
+        # remove unpicklable attributes
+        warnfunc = self._warnfunc
+        self.set_warnfunc(None)
+        values = self.config.values
+        del self.config.values
+        picklefile = open(filename, 'wb')
+        # remove potentially pickling-problematic values from config
+        for key, val in vars(self.config).items():
+            if key.startswith('_') or \
+                   isinstance(val, types.ModuleType) or \
+                   isinstance(val, types.FunctionType) or \
+                   isinstance(val, (type, types.ClassType)):
+                del self.config[key]
+        try:
+            pickle.dump(self, picklefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        finally:
+            picklefile.close()
+        # reset attributes
+        self.config.values = values
+        self.set_warnfunc(warnfunc)
+    # --------- ENVIRONMENT INITIALIZATION -------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, srcdir, doctreedir, config):
+        self.doctreedir = doctreedir
+        self.srcdir = srcdir
+        self.config = config
+        # the application object; only set while update() runs
+ = None
+        # the docutils settings for building
+        self.settings = default_settings.copy()
+        self.settings['env'] = self
+        # the function to write warning messages with
+        self._warnfunc = None
+        # this is to invalidate old pickles
+        self.version = ENV_VERSION
+        # All "docnames" here are /-separated and relative and exclude the source suffix.
+        self.found_docs = set()     # contains all existing docnames
+        self.all_docs = {}          # docname -> mtime at the time of build
+                                    # contains all built docnames
+        self.dependencies = {}      # docname -> set of dependent file names, relative to
+                                    # documentation root
+        # File metadata
+        self.metadata = {}          # docname -> dict of metadata items
+        # TOC inventory
+        self.titles = {}            # docname -> title node
+        self.tocs = {}              # docname -> table of contents nodetree
+        self.toc_num_entries = {}   # docname -> number of real entries
+                                    # used to determine when to show the TOC in a sidebar
+                                    # (don't show if it's only one item)
+        self.toctree_includes = {}  # docname -> list of toctree includefiles
+        self.files_to_rebuild = {}  # docname -> set of files (containing its TOCs)
+                                    # to rebuild too
+        self.glob_toctrees = set()  # docnames that have :glob: toctrees
+        # X-ref target inventory
+        self.descrefs = {}          # fullname -> docname, desctype
+        self.filemodules = {}       # docname -> [modules]
+        self.modules = {}           # modname -> docname, synopsis, platform, deprecated
+        self.labels = {}            # labelname -> docname, labelid, sectionname
+        self.anonlabels = {}        # labelname -> docname, labelid
+        self.progoptions = {}       # (program, name) -> docname, labelid
+        self.reftargets = {}        # (type, name) -> docname, labelid
+                                    # where type is term, token, envvar, citation
+        # Other inventories
+        self.indexentries = {}      # docname -> list of
+                                    # (type, string, target, aliasname)
+        self.versionchanges = {}    # version -> list of
+                                    # (type, docname, lineno, module, descname, content)
+        self.images = {}            # absolute path -> (docnames, unique filename)
+        # These are set while parsing a file
+        self.docname = None         # current document name
+        self.currmodule = None      # current module name
+        self.currclass = None       # current class name
+        self.currdesc = None        # current descref name
+        self.currprogram = None     # current program name
+        self.index_num = 0          # autonumber for index targets
+        self.gloss_entries = set()  # existing definition labels
+        # Some magically present labels
+        self.labels['genindex'] = ('genindex', '', _('Index'))
+        self.labels['modindex'] = ('modindex', '', _('Module Index'))
+        self.labels['search']   = ('search', '', _('Search Page'))
+    def set_warnfunc(self, func):
+        self._warnfunc = func
+        self.settings['warning_stream'] = RedirStream(func)
+    def warn(self, docname, msg, lineno=None):
+        if docname:
+            if lineno is None:
+                lineno = ''
+            self._warnfunc('%s:%s: %s' % (self.doc2path(docname), lineno, msg))
+        else:
+            self._warnfunc('GLOBAL:: ' + msg)
+    def clear_doc(self, docname):
+        """Remove all traces of a source file in the inventory."""
+        if docname in self.all_docs:
+            self.all_docs.pop(docname, None)
+            self.metadata.pop(docname, None)
+            self.dependencies.pop(docname, None)
+            self.titles.pop(docname, None)
+            self.tocs.pop(docname, None)
+            self.toc_num_entries.pop(docname, None)
+            self.toctree_includes.pop(docname, None)
+            self.filemodules.pop(docname, None)
+            self.indexentries.pop(docname, None)
+            self.glob_toctrees.discard(docname)
+            for subfn, fnset in self.files_to_rebuild.items():
+                fnset.discard(docname)
+                if not fnset:
+                    del self.files_to_rebuild[subfn]
+            for fullname, (fn, _) in self.descrefs.items():
+                if fn == docname:
+                    del self.descrefs[fullname]
+            for modname, (fn, _, _, _) in self.modules.items():
+                if fn == docname:
+                    del self.modules[modname]
+            for labelname, (fn, _, _) in self.labels.items():
+                if fn == docname:
+                    del self.labels[labelname]
+            for key, (fn, _) in self.reftargets.items():
+                if fn == docname:
+                    del self.reftargets[key]
+            for key, (fn, _) in self.progoptions.items():
+                if fn == docname:
+                    del self.progoptions[key]
+            for version, changes in self.versionchanges.items():
+                new = [change for change in changes if change[1] != docname]
+                changes[:] = new
+            for fullpath, (docs, _) in self.images.items():
+                docs.discard(docname)
+                if not docs:
+                    del self.images[fullpath]
+    def doc2path(self, docname, base=True, suffix=None):
+        """
+        Return the filename for the document name.
+        If base is True, return absolute path under self.srcdir.
+        If base is None, return relative path to self.srcdir.
+        If base is a path string, return absolute path under that.
+        If suffix is not None, add it instead of config.source_suffix.
+        """
+        suffix = suffix or self.config.source_suffix
+        if base is True:
+            return path.join(self.srcdir, docname.replace(SEP, path.sep)) + suffix
+        elif base is None:
+            return docname.replace(SEP, path.sep) + suffix
+        else:
+            return path.join(base, docname.replace(SEP, path.sep)) + suffix
+    def find_files(self, config):
+        """
+        Find all source files in the source dir and put them in self.found_docs.
+        """
+        exclude_dirs  = [d.replace(SEP, path.sep) for d in config.exclude_dirs]
+        exclude_trees = [d.replace(SEP, path.sep) for d in config.exclude_trees]
+        self.found_docs = set(get_matching_docs(
+            self.srcdir, config.source_suffix, exclude_docs=set(config.unused_docs),
+            exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, exclude_trees=exclude_trees,
+            exclude_dirnames=['_sources'] + config.exclude_dirnames))
+    def get_outdated_files(self, config_changed):
+        """
+        Return (added, changed, removed) sets.
+        """
+        # clear all files no longer present
+        removed = set(self.all_docs) - self.found_docs
+        added = set()
+        changed = set()
+        if config_changed:
+            # config values affect e.g. substitutions
+            added = self.found_docs
+        else:
+            for docname in self.found_docs:
+                if docname not in self.all_docs:
+                    added.add(docname)
+                    continue
+                # if the doctree file is not there, rebuild
+                if not path.isfile(self.doc2path(docname, self.doctreedir,
+                                                 '.doctree')):
+                    changed.add(docname)
+                    continue
+                # check the mtime of the document
+                mtime = self.all_docs[docname]
+                newmtime = path.getmtime(self.doc2path(docname))
+                if newmtime > mtime:
+                    changed.add(docname)
+                    continue
+                # finally, check the mtime of dependencies
+                for dep in self.dependencies.get(docname, ()):
+                    try:
+                        # this will do the right thing when dep is absolute too
+                        deppath = path.join(self.srcdir, dep)
+                        if not path.isfile(deppath):
+                            changed.add(docname)
+                            break
+                        depmtime = path.getmtime(deppath)
+                        if depmtime > mtime:
+                            changed.add(docname)
+                            break
+                    except EnvironmentError:
+                        # give it another chance
+                        changed.add(docname)
+                        break
+        return added, changed, removed
+    def update(self, config, srcdir, doctreedir, app=None):
+        """(Re-)read all files new or changed since last update.  Yields a summary
+        and then docnames as it processes them.  Store all environment docnames
+        in the canonical format (ie using SEP as a separator in place of
+        os.path.sep)."""
+        config_changed = False
+        if self.config is None:
+            msg = '[new config] '
+            config_changed = True
+        else:
+            # check if a config value was changed that affects how doctrees are read
+            for key, descr in config.config_values.iteritems():
+                if not descr[1]:
+                    continue
+                if self.config[key] != config[key]:
+                    msg = '[config changed] '
+                    config_changed = True
+                    break
+            else:
+                msg = ''
+            # this value is not covered by the above loop because it is handled
+            # specially by the config class
+            if self.config.extensions != config.extensions:
+                msg = '[extensions changed] '
+                config_changed = True
+        # the source and doctree directories may have been relocated
+        self.srcdir = srcdir
+        self.doctreedir = doctreedir
+        self.find_files(config)
+        added, changed, removed = self.get_outdated_files(config_changed)
+        # if files were added or removed, all documents with globbed toctrees
+        # must be reread
+        if added or removed:
+            changed.update(self.glob_toctrees)
+        msg += '%s added, %s changed, %s removed' % (len(added), len(changed),
+                                                     len(removed))
+        yield msg
+        self.config = config
+ = app
+        # clear all files no longer present
+        for docname in removed:
+            if app:
+                app.emit('env-purge-doc', self, docname)
+            self.clear_doc(docname)
+        # read all new and changed files
+        for docname in sorted(added | changed):
+            yield docname
+            self.read_doc(docname, app=app)
+        if config.master_doc not in self.all_docs:
+            self.warn(None, 'master file %s not found' %
+                      self.doc2path(config.master_doc))
+ = None
+        # remove all non-existing images from inventory
+        for imgsrc in self.images.keys():
+            if not os.access(path.join(self.srcdir, imgsrc), os.R_OK):
+                del self.images[imgsrc]
+        if app:
+            app.emit('env-updated', self)
+    # --------- SINGLE FILE READING --------------------------------------------
+    def read_doc(self, docname, src_path=None, save_parsed=True, app=None):
+        """
+        Parse a file and add/update inventory entries for the doctree.
+        If srcpath is given, read from a different source file.
+        """
+        # remove all inventory entries for that file
+        if app:
+            app.emit('env-purge-doc', self, docname)
+        self.clear_doc(docname)
+        if src_path is None:
+            src_path = self.doc2path(docname)
+        if self.config.default_role:
+            role_fn, messages = roles.role(self.config.default_role, english,
+                                           0, dummy_reporter)
+            if role_fn:
+                roles._roles[''] = role_fn
+            else:
+                self.warn(docname, 'default role %s not found' %
+                          self.config.default_role)
+        self.docname = docname
+        self.settings['input_encoding'] = self.config.source_encoding
+        class SphinxSourceClass(FileInput):
+            def read(self):
+                data =
+                if app:
+                    arg = [data]
+                    app.emit('source-read', docname, arg)
+                    data = arg[0]
+                return data
+        # publish manually
+        pub = Publisher(reader=SphinxStandaloneReader(),
+                        writer=SphinxDummyWriter(),
+                        source_class=SphinxSourceClass,
+                        destination_class=NullOutput)
+        pub.set_components(None, 'restructuredtext', None)
+        pub.process_programmatic_settings(None, self.settings, None)
+        pub.set_source(None, src_path)
+        pub.set_destination(None, None)
+        try:
+            pub.publish()
+            doctree = pub.document
+        except UnicodeError, err:
+            from sphinx.application import SphinxError
+            raise SphinxError(err.message)
+        self.filter_messages(doctree)
+        self.process_dependencies(docname, doctree)
+        self.process_images(docname, doctree)
+        self.process_metadata(docname, doctree)
+        self.create_title_from(docname, doctree)
+        self.note_labels_from(docname, doctree)
+        self.note_indexentries_from(docname, doctree)
+        self.note_citations_from(docname, doctree)
+        self.build_toc_from(docname, doctree)
+        # store time of reading, used to find outdated files
+        self.all_docs[docname] = time.time()
+        if app:
+            app.emit('doctree-read', doctree)
+        # make it picklable
+        doctree.reporter = None
+        doctree.transformer = None
+        doctree.settings.warning_stream = None
+        doctree.settings.env = None
+        doctree.settings.record_dependencies = None
+        for metanode in doctree.traverse(MetaBody.meta):
+            # docutils' meta nodes aren't picklable because the class is nested
+            metanode.__class__ = addnodes.meta
+        # cleanup
+        self.docname = None
+        self.currmodule = None
+        self.currclass = None
+        self.gloss_entries = set()
+        if save_parsed:
+            # save the parsed doctree
+            doctree_filename = self.doc2path(docname, self.doctreedir, '.doctree')
+            dirname = path.dirname(doctree_filename)
+            if not path.isdir(dirname):
+                os.makedirs(dirname)
+            f = open(doctree_filename, 'wb')
+            try:
+                pickle.dump(doctree, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+        else:
+            return doctree
+    def filter_messages(self, doctree):
+        """
+        Filter system messages from a doctree.
+        """
+        filterlevel = self.config.keep_warnings and 2 or 5
+        for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.system_message):
+            if node['level'] < filterlevel:
+                node.parent.remove(node)
+    def process_dependencies(self, docname, doctree):
+        """
+        Process docutils-generated dependency info.
+        """
+        deps = doctree.settings.record_dependencies
+        if not deps:
+            return
+        docdir = path.dirname(self.doc2path(docname, base=None))
+        for dep in deps.list:
+            dep = path.join(docdir, dep)
+            self.dependencies.setdefault(docname, set()).add(dep)
+    def process_images(self, docname, doctree):
+        """
+        Process and rewrite image URIs.
+        """
+        existing_names = set(v[1] for v in self.images.itervalues())
+        docdir = path.dirname(self.doc2path(docname, base=None))
+        for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.image):
+            # Map the mimetype to the corresponding image.  The writer may
+            # choose the best image from these candidates.  The special key * is
+            # set if there is only single candiate to be used by a writer.
+            # The special key ? is set for nonlocal URIs.
+            node['candidates'] = candidates = {}
+            imguri = node['uri']
+            if imguri.find('://') != -1:
+                self.warn(docname, 'Nonlocal image URI found: %s' % imguri, node.line)
+                candidates['?'] = imguri
+                continue
+            # imgpath is the image path *from srcdir*
+            imgpath = path.normpath(path.join(docdir, imguri))
+            # set imgpath as default URI
+            node['uri'] = imgpath
+            if imgpath.endswith(os.extsep + '*'):
+                for filename in glob(path.join(self.srcdir, imgpath)):
+                    new_imgpath = relative_path(self.srcdir, filename)
+                    if filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'):
+                        candidates['application/pdf'] = new_imgpath
+                    elif filename.lower().endswith('.svg'):
+                        candidates['image/svg+xml'] = new_imgpath
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            f = open(filename, 'rb')
+                            try:
+                                imgtype = imghdr.what(f)
+                            finally:
+                                f.close()
+                        except (OSError, IOError):
+                            self.warn(docname, 'Image file %s not readable' % filename)
+                        if imgtype:
+                            candidates['image/' + imgtype] = new_imgpath
+            else:
+                candidates['*'] = imgpath
+            # map image paths to unique image names (so that they can be put
+            # into a single directory)
+            for imgpath in candidates.itervalues():
+                self.dependencies.setdefault(docname, set()).add(imgpath)
+                if not os.access(path.join(self.srcdir, imgpath), os.R_OK):
+                    self.warn(docname, 'Image file not readable: %s' % imgpath,
+                              node.line)
+                if imgpath in self.images:
+                    self.images[imgpath][0].add(docname)
+                    continue
+                uniquename = path.basename(imgpath)
+                base, ext = path.splitext(uniquename)
+                i = 0
+                while uniquename in existing_names:
+                    i += 1
+                    uniquename = '%s%s%s' % (base, i, ext)
+                self.images[imgpath] = (set([docname]), uniquename)
+                existing_names.add(uniquename)
+    def process_metadata(self, docname, doctree):
+        """
+        Process the docinfo part of the doctree as metadata.
+        """
+        self.metadata[docname] = md = {}
+        try:
+            docinfo = doctree[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            # probably an empty document
+            return
+        if docinfo.__class__ is not nodes.docinfo:
+            # nothing to see here
+            return
+        for node in docinfo:
+            if node.__class__ is
+                # handled specially by docutils
+                md['author'] = node.astext()
+            elif node.__class__ is nodes.field:
+                name, body = node
+                md[name.astext()] = body.astext()
+        del doctree[0]
+    def create_title_from(self, docname, document):
+        """
+        Add a title node to the document (just copy the first section title),
+        and store that title in the environment.
+        """
+        for node in document.traverse(nodes.section):
+            titlenode = nodes.title()
+            visitor = SphinxContentsFilter(document)
+            node[0].walkabout(visitor)
+            titlenode += visitor.get_entry_text()
+            self.titles[docname] = titlenode
+            return
+    def note_labels_from(self, docname, document):
+        for name, explicit in document.nametypes.iteritems():
+            if not explicit:
+                continue
+            labelid = document.nameids[name]
+            if labelid is None:
+                continue
+            node = document.ids[labelid]
+            if name.isdigit() or node.has_key('refuri') or \
+                   node.tagname.startswith('desc_'):
+                # ignore footnote labels, labels automatically generated from a
+                # link and description units
+                continue
+            if name in self.labels:
+                self.warn(docname, 'duplicate label %s, ' % name +
+                          'other instance in %s' % self.doc2path(self.labels[name][0]),
+                          node.line)
+            self.anonlabels[name] = docname, labelid
+            if node.tagname == 'section':
+                sectname = node[0].astext() # node[0] == title node
+            elif node.tagname == 'figure':
+                for n in node:
+                    if n.tagname == 'caption':
+                        sectname = n.astext()
+                        break
+                else:
+                    continue
+            else:
+                # anonymous-only labels
+                continue
+            self.labels[name] = docname, labelid, sectname
+    def note_indexentries_from(self, docname, document):
+        entries = self.indexentries[docname] = []
+        for node in document.traverse(addnodes.index):
+            entries.extend(node['entries'])
+    def note_citations_from(self, docname, document):
+        for node in document.traverse(nodes.citation):
+            label = node[0].astext()
+            if ('citation', label) in self.reftargets:
+                self.warn(docname, 'duplicate citation %s, ' % label +
+                          'other instance in %s' % self.doc2path(
+                    self.reftargets['citation', label][0]), node.line)
+            self.reftargets['citation', label] = (docname, node['ids'][0])
+    def note_toctree(self, docname, toctreenode):
+        """Note a TOC tree directive in a document and gather information about
+           file relations from it."""
+        if toctreenode['glob']:
+            self.glob_toctrees.add(docname)
+        includefiles = toctreenode['includefiles']
+        for includefile in includefiles:
+            # note that if the included file is rebuilt, this one must be
+            # too (since the TOC of the included file could have changed)
+            self.files_to_rebuild.setdefault(includefile, set()).add(docname)
+        self.toctree_includes.setdefault(docname, []).extend(includefiles)
+    def build_toc_from(self, docname, document):
+        """Build a TOC from the doctree and store it in the inventory."""
+        numentries = [0] # nonlocal again...
+        try:
+            maxdepth = int(self.metadata[docname].get('tocdepth', 0))
+        except ValueError:
+            maxdepth = 0
+        def build_toc(node, depth=1):
+            entries = []
+            for subnode in node:
+                if isinstance(subnode, addnodes.toctree):
+                    # just copy the toctree node which is then resolved
+                    # in self.get_and_resolve_doctree
+                    item = subnode.copy()
+                    entries.append(item)
+                    # do the inventory stuff
+                    self.note_toctree(docname, subnode)
+                    continue
+                if not isinstance(subnode, nodes.section):
+                    continue
+                title = subnode[0]
+                # copy the contents of the section title, but without references
+                # and unnecessary stuff
+                visitor = SphinxContentsFilter(document)
+                title.walkabout(visitor)
+                nodetext = visitor.get_entry_text()
+                if not numentries[0]:
+                    # for the very first toc entry, don't add an anchor
+                    # as it is the file's title anyway
+                    anchorname = ''
+                else:
+                    anchorname = '#' + subnode['ids'][0]
+                numentries[0] += 1
+                reference = nodes.reference('', '', refuri=docname,
+                                            anchorname=anchorname,
+                                            *nodetext)
+                para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference)
+                item = nodes.list_item('', para)
+                if maxdepth == 0 or depth < maxdepth:
+                    item += build_toc(subnode, depth+1)
+                entries.append(item)
+            if entries:
+                return nodes.bullet_list('', *entries)
+            return []
+        toc = build_toc(document)
+        if toc:
+            self.tocs[docname] = toc
+        else:
+            self.tocs[docname] = nodes.bullet_list('')
+        self.toc_num_entries[docname] = numentries[0]
+    def get_toc_for(self, docname):
+        """Return a TOC nodetree -- for use on the same page only!"""
+        toc = self.tocs[docname].deepcopy()
+        for node in toc.traverse(nodes.reference):
+            node['refuri'] = node['anchorname']
+        return toc
+    # -------
+    # these are called from docutils directives and therefore use self.docname
+    #
+    def note_descref(self, fullname, desctype, line):
+        if fullname in self.descrefs:
+            self.warn(self.docname,
+                      'duplicate canonical description name %s, ' % fullname +
+                      'other instance in %s' % self.doc2path(self.descrefs[fullname][0]),
+                      line)
+        self.descrefs[fullname] = (self.docname, desctype)
+    def note_module(self, modname, synopsis, platform, deprecated):
+        self.modules[modname] = (self.docname, synopsis, platform, deprecated)
+        self.filemodules.setdefault(self.docname, []).append(modname)
+    def note_progoption(self, optname, labelid):
+        self.progoptions[self.currprogram, optname] = (self.docname, labelid)
+    def note_reftarget(self, type, name, labelid):
+        self.reftargets[type, name] = (self.docname, labelid)
+    def note_versionchange(self, type, version, node, lineno):
+        self.versionchanges.setdefault(version, []).append(
+            (type, self.docname, lineno, self.currmodule, self.currdesc, node.astext()))
+    def note_dependency(self, filename):
+        basename = path.dirname(self.doc2path(self.docname, base=None))
+        # this will do the right thing when filename is absolute too
+        filename = path.join(basename, filename)
+        self.dependencies.setdefault(self.docname, set()).add(filename)
+    # -------
+    # --------- RESOLVING REFERENCES AND TOCTREES ------------------------------
+    def get_doctree(self, docname):
+        """Read the doctree for a file from the pickle and return it."""
+        doctree_filename = self.doc2path(docname, self.doctreedir, '.doctree')
+        f = open(doctree_filename, 'rb')
+        try:
+            doctree = pickle.load(f)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        doctree.settings.env = self
+        doctree.reporter = Reporter(self.doc2path(docname), 2, 4,
+                                    stream=RedirStream(self._warnfunc))
+        return doctree
+    def get_and_resolve_doctree(self, docname, builder, doctree=None,
+                                prune_toctrees=True):
+        """Read the doctree from the pickle, resolve cross-references and
+           toctrees and return it."""
+        if doctree is None:
+            doctree = self.get_doctree(docname)
+        # resolve all pending cross-references
+        self.resolve_references(doctree, docname, builder)
+        # now, resolve all toctree nodes
+        for toctreenode in doctree.traverse(addnodes.toctree):
+            result = self.resolve_toctree(docname, builder, toctreenode,
+                                          prune=prune_toctrees)
+            if result is None:
+                toctreenode.replace_self([])
+            else:
+                toctreenode.replace_self(result)
+        return doctree
+    def resolve_toctree(self, docname, builder, toctree, prune=True, maxdepth=0,
+                        titles_only=False):
+        """
+        Resolve a *toctree* node into individual bullet lists with titles
+        as items, returning None (if no containing titles are found) or
+        a new node.
+        If *prune* is True, the tree is pruned to *maxdepth*, or if that is 0,
+        to the value of the *maxdepth* option on the *toctree* node.
+        If *titles_only* is True, only toplevel document titles will be in the
+        resulting tree.
+        """
+        def _walk_depth(node, depth, maxdepth, titleoverrides):
+            """Utility: Cut a TOC at a specified depth."""
+            for subnode in node.children[:]:
+                if isinstance(subnode, (addnodes.compact_paragraph, nodes.list_item)):
+                    subnode['classes'].append('toctree-l%d' % (depth-1))
+                    _walk_depth(subnode, depth, maxdepth, titleoverrides)
+                elif isinstance(subnode, nodes.bullet_list):
+                    if maxdepth > 0 and depth > maxdepth:
+                        subnode.parent.replace(subnode, [])
+                    else:
+                        _walk_depth(subnode, depth+1, maxdepth, titleoverrides)
+        def _entries_from_toctree(toctreenode, separate=False):
+            """Return TOC entries for a toctree node."""
+            includefiles = map(str, toctreenode['includefiles'])
+            entries = []
+            for includefile in includefiles:
+                try:
+                    toc = self.tocs[includefile].deepcopy()
+                    if not toc.children:
+                        # empty toc means: no titles will show up in the toctree
+                        self.warn(docname, 'toctree contains reference to document '
+                                  '%r that doesn\'t have a title: no link will be '
+                                  'generated' % includefile)
+                except KeyError:
+                    # this is raised if the included file does not exist
+                    self.warn(docname, 'toctree contains reference to nonexisting '
+                              'document %r' % includefile)
+                else:
+                    # if titles_only is given, only keep the main title and
+                    # sub-toctrees
+                    if titles_only:
+                        # delete everything but the toplevel title(s) and toctrees
+                        for toplevel in toc:
+                            # nodes with length 1 don't have any children anyway
+                            if len(toplevel) > 1:
+                                subtoctrees = toplevel.traverse(addnodes.toctree)
+                                toplevel[1][:] = subtoctrees
+                    # resolve all sub-toctrees
+                    for toctreenode in toc.traverse(addnodes.toctree):
+                        i = toctreenode.parent.index(toctreenode) + 1
+                        for item in _entries_from_toctree(toctreenode):
+                            toctreenode.parent.insert(i, item)
+                            i += 1
+                        toctreenode.parent.remove(toctreenode)
+                    if separate:
+                        entries.append(toc)
+                    else:
+                        entries.extend(toc.children)
+            return entries
+        maxdepth = maxdepth or toctree.get('maxdepth', -1)
+        titleoverrides = toctree.get('includetitles', {})
+        tocentries = _entries_from_toctree(toctree, separate=True)
+        if not tocentries:
+            return None
+        newnode = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', *tocentries)
+        newnode['toctree'] = True
+        # prune the tree to maxdepth and replace titles, also set level classes
+        _walk_depth(newnode, 1, prune and maxdepth or 0, titleoverrides)
+        # replace titles, if needed, and set the target paths in the
+        # toctrees (they are not known at TOC generation time)
+        for refnode in newnode.traverse(nodes.reference):
+            refnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                docname, refnode['refuri']) + refnode['anchorname']
+            if titleoverrides and not refnode['anchorname'] \
+                   and refnode['refuri'] in titleoverrides:
+                newtitle = titleoverrides[refnode['refuri']]
+                refnode.children = [nodes.Text(newtitle)]
+        return newnode
+    descroles = frozenset(('data', 'exc', 'func', 'class', 'const', 'attr', 'obj',
+                           'meth', 'cfunc', 'cmember', 'cdata', 'ctype', 'cmacro'))
+    def resolve_references(self, doctree, fromdocname, builder):
+        reftarget_roles = set(('token', 'term', 'citation'))
+        # add all custom xref types too
+        reftarget_roles.update(i[0] for i in additional_xref_types.values())
+        for node in doctree.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref):
+            contnode = node[0].deepcopy()
+            newnode = None
+            typ = node['reftype']
+            target = node['reftarget']
+            try:
+                if typ == 'ref':
+                    if node['refcaption']:
+                        # reference to anonymous label; the reference uses the supplied
+                        # link caption
+                        docname, labelid = self.anonlabels.get(target, ('',''))
+                        sectname = node.astext()
+                        if not docname:
+                            newnode = doctree.reporter.system_message(
+                                2, 'undefined label: %s' % target)
+                    else:
+                        # reference to the named label; the final node will contain the
+                        # section name after the label
+                        docname, labelid, sectname = self.labels.get(target, ('','',''))
+                        if not docname:
+                            newnode = doctree.reporter.system_message(
+                                2, 'undefined label: %s -- if you don\'t ' % target +
+                                'give a link caption the label must precede a section '
+                                'header.')
+                    if docname:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        innernode = nodes.emphasis(sectname, sectname)
+                        if docname == fromdocname:
+                            newnode['refid'] = labelid
+                        else:
+                            # set more info in contnode in case the get_relative_uri call
+                            # raises NoUri, the builder will then have to resolve these
+                            contnode = addnodes.pending_xref('')
+                            contnode['refdocname'] = docname
+                            contnode['refsectname'] = sectname
+                            newnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                                fromdocname, docname)
+                            if labelid:
+                                newnode['refuri'] += '#' + labelid
+                        newnode.append(innernode)
+                elif typ == 'keyword':
+                    # keywords are referenced by named labels
+                    docname, labelid, _ = self.labels.get(target, ('','',''))
+                    if not docname:
+                        #self.warn(fromdocname, 'unknown keyword: %s' % target)
+                        newnode = contnode
+                    else:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        if docname == fromdocname:
+                            newnode['refid'] = labelid
+                        else:
+                            newnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                                fromdocname, docname) + '#' + labelid
+                        newnode.append(contnode)
+                elif typ == 'option':
+                    progname = node['refprogram']
+                    docname, labelid = self.progoptions.get((progname, target), ('', ''))
+                    if not docname:
+                        newnode = contnode
+                    else:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        if docname == fromdocname:
+                            newnode['refid'] = labelid
+                        else:
+                            newnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                                fromdocname, docname) + '#' + labelid
+                        newnode.append(contnode)
+                elif typ in reftarget_roles:
+                    docname, labelid = self.reftargets.get((typ, target), ('', ''))
+                    if not docname:
+                        if typ == 'term':
+                            self.warn(fromdocname, 'term not in glossary: %s' % target,
+                                      node.line)
+                        elif typ == 'citation':
+                            self.warn(fromdocname, 'citation not found: %s' % target,
+                                      node.line)
+                        newnode = contnode
+                    else:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        if docname == fromdocname:
+                            newnode['refid'] = labelid
+                        else:
+                            newnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                                fromdocname, docname, typ) + '#' + labelid
+                        newnode.append(contnode)
+                elif typ == 'mod':
+                    docname, synopsis, platform, deprecated = \
+                        self.modules.get(target, ('','','', ''))
+                    if not docname:
+                        newnode ='missing-reference',
+                                                               self, node, contnode)
+                        if not newnode:
+                            newnode = contnode
+                    elif docname == fromdocname:
+                        # don't link to self
+                        newnode = contnode
+                    else:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        newnode['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(
+                            fromdocname, docname) + '#module-' + target
+                        newnode['reftitle'] = '%s%s%s' % (
+                            (platform and '(%s) ' % platform),
+                            synopsis, (deprecated and ' (deprecated)' or ''))
+                        newnode.append(contnode)
+                elif typ in self.descroles:
+                    # "descrefs"
+                    modname = node['modname']
+                    clsname = node['classname']
+                    searchorder = node.hasattr('refspecific') and 1 or 0
+                    name, desc = self.find_desc(modname, clsname,
+                                                target, typ, searchorder)
+                    if not desc:
+                        newnode ='missing-reference',
+                                                               self, node, contnode)
+                        if not newnode:
+                            newnode = contnode
+                    else:
+                        newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
+                        if desc[0] == fromdocname:
+                            newnode['refid'] = name
+                        else:
+                            newnode['refuri'] = (
+                                builder.get_relative_uri(fromdocname, desc[0])
+                                + '#' + name)
+                        newnode['reftitle'] = name
+                        newnode.append(contnode)
+                else:
+                    raise RuntimeError('unknown xfileref node encountered: %s' % node)
+            except NoUri:
+                newnode = contnode
+            if newnode:
+                node.replace_self(newnode)
+        # allow custom references to be resolved
+'doctree-resolved', doctree, fromdocname)
+    def create_index(self, builder, _fixre=re.compile(r'(.*) ([(][^()]*[)])')):
+        """Create the real index from the collected index entries."""
+        new = {}
+        def add_entry(word, subword, dic=new):
+            entry = dic.get(word)
+            if not entry:
+                dic[word] = entry = [[], {}]
+            if subword:
+                add_entry(subword, '', dic=entry[1])
+            else:
+                try:
+                    entry[0].append(builder.get_relative_uri('genindex', fn)
+                                    + '#' + tid)
+                except NoUri:
+                    pass
+        for fn, entries in self.indexentries.iteritems():
+            # new entry types must be listed in directives/!
+            for type, string, tid, alias in entries:
+                if type == 'single':
+                    try:
+                        entry, subentry = string.split(';', 1)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        entry, subentry = string, ''
+                    if not entry:
+                        self.warn(fn, 'invalid index entry %r' % string)
+                        continue
+                    add_entry(entry.strip(), subentry.strip())
+                elif type == 'pair':
+                    try:
+                        first, second = map(lambda x: x.strip(),
+                                            string.split(';', 1))
+                        if not first or not second:
+                            raise ValueError
+                    except ValueError:
+                        self.warn(fn, 'invalid pair index entry %r' % string)
+                        continue
+                    add_entry(first, second)
+                    add_entry(second, first)
+                elif type == 'triple':
+                    try:
+                        first, second, third = map(lambda x: x.strip(),
+                                                   string.split(';', 2))
+                        if not first or not second or not third:
+                            raise ValueError
+                    except ValueError:
+                        self.warn(fn, 'invalid triple index entry %r' % string)
+                        continue
+                    add_entry(first, second+' '+third)
+                    add_entry(second, third+', '+first)
+                    add_entry(third, first+' '+second)
+                else:
+                    self.warn(fn, 'unknown index entry type %r' % type)
+        newlist = new.items()
+        newlist.sort(key=lambda t: t[0].lower())
+        # fixup entries: transform
+        #   func() (in module foo)
+        #   func() (in module bar)
+        # into
+        #   func()
+        #     (in module foo)
+        #     (in module bar)
+        oldkey = ''
+        oldsubitems = None
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(newlist):
+            key, (targets, subitems) = newlist[i]
+            # cannot move if it hassubitems; structure gets too complex
+            if not subitems:
+                m = _fixre.match(key)
+                if m:
+                    if oldkey ==
+                        # prefixes match: add entry as subitem of the previous entry
+                        oldsubitems.setdefault(, [[], {}])[0].extend(targets)
+                        del newlist[i]
+                        continue
+                    oldkey =
+                else:
+                    oldkey = key
+            oldsubitems = subitems
+            i += 1
+        # group the entries by letter
+        def keyfunc((k, v), ltrs=uppercase+'_'):
+            # hack: mutate the subitems dicts to a list in the keyfunc
+            v[1] = sorted((si, se) for (si, (se, void)) in v[1].iteritems())
+            # now calculate the key
+            letter = k[0].upper()
+            if letter in ltrs:
+                return letter
+            else:
+                # get all other symbols under one heading
+                return 'Symbols'
+        return [(key, list(group)) for (key, group) in groupby(newlist, keyfunc)]
+    def collect_relations(self):
+        relations = {}
+        getinc = self.toctree_includes.get
+        def collect(parents, docname, previous, next):
+            includes = getinc(docname)
+            # previous
+            if not previous:
+                # if no previous sibling, go to parent
+                previous = parents[0][0]
+            else:
+                # else, go to previous sibling, or if it has children, to
+                # the last of its children, or if that has children, to the
+                # last of those, and so forth
+                while 1:
+                    previncs = getinc(previous)
+                    if previncs:
+                        previous = previncs[-1]
+                    else:
+                        break
+            # next
+            if includes:
+                # if it has children, go to first of them
+                next = includes[0]
+            elif next:
+                # else, if next sibling, go to it
+                pass
+            else:
+                # else, go to the next sibling of the parent, if present,
+                # else the grandparent's sibling, if present, and so forth
+                for parname, parindex in parents:
+                    parincs = getinc(parname)
+                    if parincs and parindex + 1 < len(parincs):
+                        next = parincs[parindex+1]
+                        break
+                # else it will stay None
+            # same for children
+            if includes:
+                for subindex, args in enumerate(izip(includes, [None] + includes,
+                                                     includes[1:] + [None])):
+                    collect([(docname, subindex)] + parents, *args)
+            relations[docname] = [parents[0][0], previous, next]
+        collect([(None, 0)], self.config.master_doc, None, None)
+        return relations
+    def check_consistency(self):
+        """Do consistency checks."""
+        for docname in sorted(self.all_docs):
+            if docname not in self.files_to_rebuild:
+                if docname == self.config.master_doc:
+                    # the master file is not included anywhere ;)
+                    continue
+                self.warn(docname, 'document isn\'t included in any toctree')
+    # --------- QUERYING -------------------------------------------------------
+    def find_desc(self, modname, classname, name, type, searchorder=0):
+        """Find a description node matching "name", perhaps using
+           the given module and/or classname."""
+        # skip parens
+        if name[-2:] == '()':
+            name = name[:-2]
+        if not name:
+            return None, None
+        # don't add module and class names for C things
+        if type[0] == 'c' and type not in ('class', 'const'):
+            # skip trailing star and whitespace
+            name = name.rstrip(' *')
+            if name in self.descrefs and self.descrefs[name][1][0] == 'c':
+                return name, self.descrefs[name]
+            return None, None
+        newname = None
+        if searchorder == 1:
+            if modname and classname and \
+                   modname + '.' + classname + '.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = modname + '.' + classname + '.' + name
+            elif modname and modname + '.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = modname + '.' + name
+            elif name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = name
+        else:
+            if name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = name
+            elif modname and modname + '.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = modname + '.' + name
+            elif modname and classname and \
+                     modname + '.' + classname + '.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = modname + '.' + classname + '.' + name
+            # special case: builtin exceptions have module "exceptions" set
+            elif type == 'exc' and '.' not in name and \
+                 'exceptions.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = 'exceptions.' + name
+            # special case: object methods
+            elif type in ('func', 'meth') and '.' not in name and \
+                 'object.' + name in self.descrefs:
+                newname = 'object.' + name
+        if newname is None:
+            return None, None
+        return newname, self.descrefs[newname]
+    def find_keyword(self, keyword, avoid_fuzzy=False, cutoff=0.6, n=20):
+        """
+        Find keyword matches for a keyword. If there's an exact match, just return
+        it, else return a list of fuzzy matches if avoid_fuzzy isn't True.
+        Keywords searched are: first modules, then descrefs.
+        Returns: None if nothing found
+                 (type, docname, anchorname) if exact match found
+                 list of (quality, type, docname, anchorname, description) if fuzzy
+        """
+        if keyword in self.modules:
+            docname, title, system, deprecated = self.modules[keyword]
+            return 'module', docname, 'module-' + keyword
+        if keyword in self.descrefs:
+            docname, ref_type = self.descrefs[keyword]
+            return ref_type, docname, keyword
+        # special cases
+        if '.' not in keyword:
+            # exceptions are documented in the exceptions module
+            if 'exceptions.'+keyword in self.descrefs:
+                docname, ref_type = self.descrefs['exceptions.'+keyword]
+                return ref_type, docname, 'exceptions.'+keyword
+            # special methods are documented as object methods
+            if 'object.'+keyword in self.descrefs:
+                docname, ref_type = self.descrefs['object.'+keyword]
+                return ref_type, docname, 'object.'+keyword
+        if avoid_fuzzy:
+            return
+        # find fuzzy matches
+        s = difflib.SequenceMatcher()
+        s.set_seq2(keyword.lower())
+        def possibilities():
+            for title, (fn, desc, _, _) in self.modules.iteritems():
+                yield ('module', fn, 'module-'+title, desc)
+            for title, (fn, desctype) in self.descrefs.iteritems():
+                yield (desctype, fn, title, '')
+        def dotsearch(string):
+            parts = string.lower().split('.')
+            for idx in xrange(0, len(parts)):
+                yield '.'.join(parts[idx:])
+        result = []
+        for type, docname, title, desc in possibilities():
+            best_res = 0
+            for part in dotsearch(title):
+                s.set_seq1(part)
+                if s.real_quick_ratio() >= cutoff and \
+                   s.quick_ratio() >= cutoff and \
+                   s.ratio() >= cutoff and \
+                   s.ratio() > best_res:
+                    best_res = s.ratio()
+            if best_res:
+                result.append((best_res, type, docname, title, desc))
+        return heapq.nlargest(n, result)