changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/common/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx/ext/	Wed Dec 23 19:29:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    sphinx.ext.pngmath
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Render math in HTML via dvipng.
+    :copyright: 2008 by Georg Brandl.
+    :license: BSD.
+import re
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import posixpath
+from os import path, getcwd, chdir
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+    from hashlib import sha1 as sha
+except ImportError:
+    from sha import sha
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx.util import ensuredir
+from sphinx.util.png import read_png_depth, write_png_depth
+from sphinx.application import SphinxError
+from sphinx.ext.mathbase import setup as mathbase_setup, wrap_displaymath
+class MathExtError(SphinxError):
+    category = 'Math extension error'
+DOC_HEAD = r'''
+DOC_BODY = r'''
+depth_re = re.compile(r'\[\d+ depth=(-?\d+)\]')
+def render_math(self, math):
+    """
+    Render the LaTeX math expression *math* using latex and dvipng.
+    Return the filename relative to the built document and the "depth",
+    that is, the distance of image bottom and baseline in pixels, if the
+    option to use preview_latex is switched on.
+    Error handling may seem strange, but follows a pattern: if LaTeX or
+    dvipng aren't available, only a warning is generated (since that enables
+    people on machines without these programs to at least build the rest
+    of the docs successfully).  If the programs are there, however, they
+    may not fail since that indicates a problem in the math source.
+    """
+    use_preview = self.builder.config.pngmath_use_preview
+    shasum = "%s.png" % sha(math.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+    relfn = posixpath.join(self.builder.imgpath, 'math', shasum)
+    outfn = path.join(self.builder.outdir, '_images', 'math', shasum)
+    if path.isfile(outfn):
+        depth = read_png_depth(outfn)
+        return relfn, depth
+    latex = DOC_HEAD + self.builder.config.pngmath_latex_preamble
+    latex += (use_preview and DOC_BODY_PREVIEW or DOC_BODY) % math
+    if isinstance(latex, unicode):
+        latex = latex.encode('utf-8')
+    # use only one tempdir per build -- the use of a directory is cleaner
+    # than using temporary files, since we can clean up everything at once
+    # just removing the whole directory (see cleanup_tempdir)
+    if not hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_tempdir'):
+        tempdir = self.builder._mathpng_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    else:
+        tempdir = self.builder._mathpng_tempdir
+    tf = open(path.join(tempdir, 'math.tex'), 'w')
+    tf.write(latex)
+    tf.close()
+    # build latex command; old versions of latex don't have the
+    # --output-directory option, so we have to manually chdir to the
+    # temp dir to run it.
+    ltx_args = [self.builder.config.pngmath_latex, '--interaction=nonstopmode']
+    # add custom args from the config file
+    ltx_args.extend(self.builder.config.pngmath_latex_args)
+    ltx_args.append('math.tex')
+    curdir = getcwd()
+    chdir(tempdir)
+    try:
+        try:
+            p = Popen(ltx_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        except OSError, err:
+            if err.errno != 2:   # No such file or directory
+                raise
+            if not hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_warned_latex'):
+                self.builder.warn('LaTeX command %r cannot be run (needed for math '
+                                  'display), check the pngmath_latex setting' %
+                                  self.builder.config.pngmath_latex)
+                self.builder._mathpng_warned_latex = True
+            return relfn, None
+    finally:
+        chdir(curdir)
+    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+        raise MathExtError('latex exited with error:\n[stderr]\n%s\n[stdout]\n%s'
+                           % (stderr, stdout))
+    ensuredir(path.dirname(outfn))
+    # use some standard dvipng arguments
+    dvipng_args = [self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng]
+    dvipng_args += ['-o', outfn, '-T', 'tight', '-z9']
+    # add custom ones from config value
+    dvipng_args.extend(self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng_args)
+    if use_preview:
+        dvipng_args.append('--depth')
+    # last, the input file name
+    dvipng_args.append(path.join(tempdir, 'math.dvi'))
+    try:
+        p = Popen(dvipng_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    except OSError, err:
+        if err.errno != 2:   # No such file or directory
+            raise
+        if not hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_warned_dvipng'):
+            self.builder.warn('dvipng command %r cannot be run (needed for math '
+                              'display), check the pngmath_dvipng setting' %
+                              self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng)
+            self.builder._mathpng_warned_dvipng = True
+        return relfn, None
+    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+        raise MathExtError('dvipng exited with error:\n[stderr]\n%s\n[stdout]\n%s'
+                           % (stderr, stdout))
+    depth = None
+    if use_preview:
+        for line in stdout.splitlines():
+            m = depth_re.match(line)
+            if m:
+                depth = int(
+                write_png_depth(outfn, depth)
+                break
+    return relfn, depth
+def cleanup_tempdir(app, exc):
+    if exc:
+        return
+    if not hasattr(app.builder, '_mathpng_tempdir'):
+        return
+    try:
+        shutil.rmtree(app.builder._mathpng_tempdir)
+    except Exception:
+        pass
+def html_visit_math(self, node):
+    try:
+        fname, depth = render_math(self, '$'+node['latex']+'$')
+    except MathExtError, exc:
+        sm = nodes.system_message(str(exc), type='WARNING', level=2,
+                                  backrefs=[], source=node['latex'])
+        sm.walkabout(self)
+        self.builder.warn('display latex %r: ' % node['latex'] + str(exc))
+        raise nodes.SkipNode
+    self.body.append('<img class="math" src="%s" alt="%s" %s/>' %
+                     (fname, self.encode(node['latex']).strip(),
+                      depth and 'style="vertical-align: %dpx" ' % (-depth) or ''))
+    raise nodes.SkipNode
+def html_visit_displaymath(self, node):
+    if node['nowrap']:
+        latex = node['latex']
+    else:
+        latex = wrap_displaymath(node['latex'], None)
+    try:
+        fname, depth = render_math(self, latex)
+    except MathExtError, exc:
+        sm = nodes.system_message(str(exc), type='WARNING', level=2,
+                                  backrefs=[], source=node['latex'])
+        sm.walkabout(self)
+        self.builder.warn('inline latex %r: ' % node['latex'] + str(exc))
+        raise nodes.SkipNode
+    self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS='math'))
+    self.body.append('<p>')
+    if node['number']:
+        self.body.append('<span class="eqno">(%s)</span>' % node['number'])
+    self.body.append('<img src="%s" alt="%s" />\n</div>' %
+                     (fname, self.encode(node['latex']).strip()))
+    self.body.append('</p>')
+    raise nodes.SkipNode
+def setup(app):
+    mathbase_setup(app, (html_visit_math, None), (html_visit_displaymath, None))
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_dvipng', 'dvipng', False)
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex', 'latex', False)
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_use_preview', False, False)
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_dvipng_args', ['-gamma 1.5', '-D 110'], False)
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex_args', [], False)
+    app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex_preamble', '', False)
+    app.connect('build-finished', cleanup_tempdir)