changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/common/docutils-0.5-py2.5.egg/docutils/	Wed Dec 23 19:29:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+# $Id: 5033 2007-03-21 19:51:22Z wiemann $
+# Author: David Goodger <>
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+Calling the ``publish_*`` convenience functions (or instantiating a
+`Publisher` object) with component names will result in default
+behavior.  For custom behavior (setting component options), create
+custom component objects first, and pass *them* to
+``publish_*``/`Publisher`.  See `The Docutils Publisher`_.
+.. _The Docutils Publisher:
+__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
+import sys
+import pprint
+from types import StringType
+from docutils import __version__, __version_details__, SettingsSpec
+from docutils import frontend, io, utils, readers, writers
+from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
+from docutils.transforms import Transformer
+import docutils.readers.doctree
+class Publisher:
+    """
+    A facade encapsulating the high-level logic of a Docutils system.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reader=None, parser=None, writer=None,
+                 source=None, source_class=io.FileInput,
+                 destination=None, destination_class=io.FileOutput,
+                 settings=None):
+        """
+        Initial setup.  If any of `reader`, `parser`, or `writer` are not
+        specified, the corresponding ``set_...`` method should be called with
+        a component name (`set_reader` sets the parser as well).
+        """
+        self.document = None
+        """The document tree (`docutils.nodes` objects)."""
+        self.reader = reader
+        """A `docutils.readers.Reader` instance."""
+        self.parser = parser
+        """A `docutils.parsers.Parser` instance."""
+        self.writer = writer
+        """A `docutils.writers.Writer` instance."""
+        for component in 'reader', 'parser', 'writer':
+            assert not isinstance(getattr(self, component), StringType), \
+                   ('passed string as "%s" parameter; use "%s_name" instead'
+                    % (getattr(self, component), component, component))
+        self.source = source
+        """The source of input data, a `` instance."""
+        self.source_class = source_class
+        """The class for dynamically created source objects."""
+        self.destination = destination
+        """The destination for docutils output, a ``
+        instance."""
+        self.destination_class = destination_class
+        """The class for dynamically created destination objects."""
+        self.settings = settings
+        """An object containing Docutils settings as instance attributes.
+        Set by `self.process_command_line()` or `self.get_settings()`."""
+    def set_reader(self, reader_name, parser, parser_name):
+        """Set `self.reader` by name."""
+        reader_class = readers.get_reader_class(reader_name)
+        self.reader = reader_class(parser, parser_name)
+        self.parser = self.reader.parser
+    def set_writer(self, writer_name):
+        """Set `self.writer` by name."""
+        writer_class = writers.get_writer_class(writer_name)
+        self.writer = writer_class()
+    def set_components(self, reader_name, parser_name, writer_name):
+        if self.reader is None:
+            self.set_reader(reader_name, self.parser, parser_name)
+        if self.parser is None:
+            if self.reader.parser is None:
+                self.reader.set_parser(parser_name)
+            self.parser = self.reader.parser
+        if self.writer is None:
+            self.set_writer(writer_name)
+    def setup_option_parser(self, usage=None, description=None,
+                            settings_spec=None, config_section=None,
+                            **defaults):
+        if config_section:
+            if not settings_spec:
+                settings_spec = SettingsSpec()
+            settings_spec.config_section = config_section
+            parts = config_section.split()
+            if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] == 'application':
+                settings_spec.config_section_dependencies = ['applications']
+        #@@@ Add self.source & self.destination to components in future?
+        option_parser = OptionParser(
+            components=(self.parser, self.reader, self.writer, settings_spec),
+            defaults=defaults, read_config_files=1,
+            usage=usage, description=description)
+        return option_parser
+    def get_settings(self, usage=None, description=None,
+                     settings_spec=None, config_section=None, **defaults):
+        """
+        Set and return default settings (overrides in `defaults` dict).
+        Set components first (`self.set_reader` & `self.set_writer`).
+        Explicitly setting `self.settings` disables command line option
+        processing from `self.publish()`.
+        """
+        option_parser = self.setup_option_parser(
+            usage, description, settings_spec, config_section, **defaults)
+        self.settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
+        return self.settings
+    def process_programmatic_settings(self, settings_spec,
+                                      settings_overrides,
+                                      config_section):
+        if self.settings is None:
+            defaults = (settings_overrides or {}).copy()
+            # Propagate exceptions by default when used programmatically:
+            defaults.setdefault('traceback', 1)
+            self.get_settings(settings_spec=settings_spec,
+                              config_section=config_section,
+                              **defaults)
+    def process_command_line(self, argv=None, usage=None, description=None,
+                             settings_spec=None, config_section=None,
+                             **defaults):
+        """
+        Pass an empty list to `argv` to avoid reading `sys.argv` (the
+        default).
+        Set components first (`self.set_reader` & `self.set_writer`).
+        """
+        option_parser = self.setup_option_parser(
+            usage, description, settings_spec, config_section, **defaults)
+        if argv is None:
+            argv = sys.argv[1:]
+        self.settings = option_parser.parse_args(argv)
+    def set_io(self, source_path=None, destination_path=None):
+        if self.source is None:
+            self.set_source(source_path=source_path)
+        if self.destination is None:
+            self.set_destination(destination_path=destination_path)
+    def set_source(self, source=None, source_path=None):
+        if source_path is None:
+            source_path = self.settings._source
+        else:
+            self.settings._source = source_path
+        self.source = self.source_class(
+            source=source, source_path=source_path,
+            encoding=self.settings.input_encoding)
+    def set_destination(self, destination=None, destination_path=None):
+        if destination_path is None:
+            destination_path = self.settings._destination
+        else:
+            self.settings._destination = destination_path
+        self.destination = self.destination_class(
+            destination=destination, destination_path=destination_path,
+            encoding=self.settings.output_encoding,
+            error_handler=self.settings.output_encoding_error_handler)
+    def apply_transforms(self):
+        self.document.transformer.populate_from_components(
+            (self.source, self.reader, self.reader.parser, self.writer,
+             self.destination))
+        self.document.transformer.apply_transforms()
+    def publish(self, argv=None, usage=None, description=None,
+                settings_spec=None, settings_overrides=None,
+                config_section=None, enable_exit_status=None):
+        """
+        Process command line options and arguments (if `self.settings` not
+        already set), run `self.reader` and then `self.writer`.  Return
+        `self.writer`'s output.
+        """
+        exit = None
+        try:
+            if self.settings is None:
+                self.process_command_line(
+                    argv, usage, description, settings_spec, config_section,
+                    **(settings_overrides or {}))
+            self.set_io()
+            self.document =, self.parser,
+                                             self.settings)
+            self.apply_transforms()
+            output = self.writer.write(self.document, self.destination)
+            self.writer.assemble_parts()
+        except SystemExit, error:
+            exit = 1
+            exit_status = error.code
+        except Exception, error:
+            if not self.settings:       # exception too early to report nicely
+                raise
+            if self.settings.traceback: # Propagate exceptions?
+                self.debugging_dumps()
+                raise
+            self.report_Exception(error)
+            exit = 1
+            exit_status = 1
+        self.debugging_dumps()
+        if (enable_exit_status and self.document
+            and (self.document.reporter.max_level
+                 >= self.settings.exit_status_level)):
+            sys.exit(self.document.reporter.max_level + 10)
+        elif exit:
+            sys.exit(exit_status)
+        return output
+    def debugging_dumps(self):
+        if not self.document:
+            return
+        if self.settings.dump_settings:
+            print >>sys.stderr, '\n::: Runtime settings:'
+            print >>sys.stderr, pprint.pformat(self.settings.__dict__)
+        if self.settings.dump_internals:
+            print >>sys.stderr, '\n::: Document internals:'
+            print >>sys.stderr, pprint.pformat(self.document.__dict__)
+        if self.settings.dump_transforms:
+            print >>sys.stderr, '\n::: Transforms applied:'
+            print >>sys.stderr, (' (priority, transform class, '
+                                 'pending node details, keyword args)')
+            print >>sys.stderr, pprint.pformat(
+                [(priority, '%s.%s' % (xclass.__module__, xclass.__name__),
+                  pending and pending.details, kwargs)
+                 for priority, xclass, pending, kwargs
+                 in self.document.transformer.applied])
+        if self.settings.dump_pseudo_xml:
+            print >>sys.stderr, '\n::: Pseudo-XML:'
+            print >>sys.stderr, self.document.pformat().encode(
+                'raw_unicode_escape')
+    def report_Exception(self, error):
+        if isinstance(error, utils.SystemMessage):
+            self.report_SystemMessage(error)
+        elif isinstance(error, UnicodeError):
+            self.report_UnicodeError(error)
+        else:
+            print >>sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, error)
+            print >>sys.stderr, ("""\
+Exiting due to error.  Use "--traceback" to diagnose.
+Please report errors to <>.
+Include "--traceback" output, Docutils version (%s [%s]),
+Python version (%s), your OS type & version, and the
+command line used.""" % (__version__, __version_details__,
+                         sys.version.split()[0]))
+    def report_SystemMessage(self, error):
+        print >>sys.stderr, ('Exiting due to level-%s (%s) system message.'
+                             % (error.level,
+                                utils.Reporter.levels[error.level]))
+    def report_UnicodeError(self, error):
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            '%s: %s\n'
+            '\n'
+            'The specified output encoding (%s) cannot\n'
+            'handle all of the output.\n'
+            'Try setting "--output-encoding-error-handler" to\n'
+            '\n'
+            '* "xmlcharrefreplace" (for HTML & XML output);\n'
+            % (error.__class__.__name__, error,
+               self.settings.output_encoding))
+        try:
+            data = error.object[error.start:error.end]
+            sys.stderr.write(
+                '  the output will contain "%s" and should be usable.\n'
+                '* "backslashreplace" (for other output formats, Python 2.3+);\n'
+                '  look for "%s" in the output.\n'
+                % (data.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'),
+                   data.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')))
+        except AttributeError:
+            sys.stderr.write('  the output should be usable as-is.\n')
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            '* "replace"; look for "?" in the output.\n'
+            '\n'
+            '"--output-encoding-error-handler" is currently set to "%s".\n'
+            '\n'
+            'Exiting due to error.  Use "--traceback" to diagnose.\n'
+            'If the advice above doesn\'t eliminate the error,\n'
+            'please report it to <>.\n'
+            'Include "--traceback" output, Docutils version (%s),\n'
+            'Python version (%s), your OS type & version, and the\n'
+            'command line used.\n'
+            % (self.settings.output_encoding_error_handler,
+               __version__, sys.version.split()[0]))
+default_usage = '%prog [options] [<source> [<destination>]]'
+default_description = ('Reads from <source> (default is stdin) and writes to '
+                       '<destination> (default is stdout).  See '
+                       '<> for '
+                       'the full reference.')
+def publish_cmdline(reader=None, reader_name='standalone',
+                    parser=None, parser_name='restructuredtext',
+                    writer=None, writer_name='pseudoxml',
+                    settings=None, settings_spec=None,
+                    settings_overrides=None, config_section=None,
+                    enable_exit_status=1, argv=None,
+                    usage=default_usage, description=default_description):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` for command-line-based file I/O (input and
+    output file paths taken automatically from the command line).  Return the
+    encoded string output also.
+    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically` for the remainder.
+    - `argv`: Command-line argument list to use instead of ``sys.argv[1:]``.
+    - `usage`: Usage string, output if there's a problem parsing the command
+      line.
+    - `description`: Program description, output for the "--help" option
+      (along with command-line option descriptions).
+    """
+    pub = Publisher(reader, parser, writer, settings=settings)
+    pub.set_components(reader_name, parser_name, writer_name)
+    output = pub.publish(
+        argv, usage, description, settings_spec, settings_overrides,
+        config_section=config_section, enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return output
+def publish_file(source=None, source_path=None,
+                 destination=None, destination_path=None,
+                 reader=None, reader_name='standalone',
+                 parser=None, parser_name='restructuredtext',
+                 writer=None, writer_name='pseudoxml',
+                 settings=None, settings_spec=None, settings_overrides=None,
+                 config_section=None, enable_exit_status=None):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use with file-like I/O.
+    Return the encoded string output also.
+    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically`.
+    """
+    output, pub = publish_programmatically(
+        source_class=io.FileInput, source=source, source_path=source_path,
+        destination_class=io.FileOutput,
+        destination=destination, destination_path=destination_path,
+        reader=reader, reader_name=reader_name,
+        parser=parser, parser_name=parser_name,
+        writer=writer, writer_name=writer_name,
+        settings=settings, settings_spec=settings_spec,
+        settings_overrides=settings_overrides,
+        config_section=config_section,
+        enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return output
+def publish_string(source, source_path=None, destination_path=None,
+                   reader=None, reader_name='standalone',
+                   parser=None, parser_name='restructuredtext',
+                   writer=None, writer_name='pseudoxml',
+                   settings=None, settings_spec=None,
+                   settings_overrides=None, config_section=None,
+                   enable_exit_status=None):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use with string I/O.  Return
+    the encoded string or Unicode string output.
+    For encoded string output, be sure to set the 'output_encoding' setting to
+    the desired encoding.  Set it to 'unicode' for unencoded Unicode string
+    output.  Here's one way::
+        publish_string(..., settings_overrides={'output_encoding': 'unicode'})
+    Similarly for Unicode string input (`source`)::
+        publish_string(..., settings_overrides={'input_encoding': 'unicode'})
+    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically`.
+    """
+    output, pub = publish_programmatically(
+        source_class=io.StringInput, source=source, source_path=source_path,
+        destination_class=io.StringOutput,
+        destination=None, destination_path=destination_path,
+        reader=reader, reader_name=reader_name,
+        parser=parser, parser_name=parser_name,
+        writer=writer, writer_name=writer_name,
+        settings=settings, settings_spec=settings_spec,
+        settings_overrides=settings_overrides,
+        config_section=config_section,
+        enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return output
+def publish_parts(source, source_path=None, source_class=io.StringInput,
+                  destination_path=None,
+                  reader=None, reader_name='standalone',
+                  parser=None, parser_name='restructuredtext',
+                  writer=None, writer_name='pseudoxml',
+                  settings=None, settings_spec=None,
+                  settings_overrides=None, config_section=None,
+                  enable_exit_status=None):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher`, and return a dictionary of document parts.
+    Dictionary keys are the names of parts, and values are Unicode strings;
+    encoding is up to the client.  For programmatic use with string I/O.
+    For encoded string input, be sure to set the 'input_encoding' setting to
+    the desired encoding.  Set it to 'unicode' for unencoded Unicode string
+    input.  Here's how::
+        publish_parts(..., settings_overrides={'input_encoding': 'unicode'})
+    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically`.
+    """
+    output, pub = publish_programmatically(
+        source=source, source_path=source_path, source_class=source_class,
+        destination_class=io.StringOutput,
+        destination=None, destination_path=destination_path,
+        reader=reader, reader_name=reader_name,
+        parser=parser, parser_name=parser_name,
+        writer=writer, writer_name=writer_name,
+        settings=settings, settings_spec=settings_spec,
+        settings_overrides=settings_overrides,
+        config_section=config_section,
+        enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return
+def publish_doctree(source, source_path=None,
+                    source_class=io.StringInput,
+                    reader=None, reader_name='standalone',
+                    parser=None, parser_name='restructuredtext',
+                    settings=None, settings_spec=None,
+                    settings_overrides=None, config_section=None,
+                    enable_exit_status=None):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use with string I/O.
+    Return the document tree.
+    For encoded string input, be sure to set the 'input_encoding' setting to
+    the desired encoding.  Set it to 'unicode' for unencoded Unicode string
+    input.  Here's one way::
+        publish_doctree(..., settings_overrides={'input_encoding': 'unicode'})
+    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically`.
+    """
+    pub = Publisher(reader=reader, parser=parser, writer=None,
+                    settings=settings,
+                    source_class=source_class,
+                    destination_class=io.NullOutput)
+    pub.set_components(reader_name, parser_name, 'null')
+    pub.process_programmatic_settings(
+        settings_spec, settings_overrides, config_section)
+    pub.set_source(source, source_path)
+    pub.set_destination(None, None)
+    output = pub.publish(enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return pub.document
+def publish_from_doctree(document, destination_path=None,
+                         writer=None, writer_name='pseudoxml',
+                         settings=None, settings_spec=None,
+                         settings_overrides=None, config_section=None,
+                         enable_exit_status=None):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` to render from an existing document
+    tree data structure, for programmatic use with string I/O.  Return
+    the encoded string output.
+    Note that document.settings is overridden; if you want to use the settings
+    of the original `document`, pass settings=document.settings.
+    Also, new document.transformer and document.reporter objects are
+    generated.
+    For encoded string output, be sure to set the 'output_encoding' setting to
+    the desired encoding.  Set it to 'unicode' for unencoded Unicode string
+    output.  Here's one way::
+        publish_from_doctree(
+            ..., settings_overrides={'output_encoding': 'unicode'})
+    Parameters: `document` is a `docutils.nodes.document` object, an existing
+    document tree.
+    Other parameters: see `publish_programmatically`.
+    """
+    reader = docutils.readers.doctree.Reader(parser_name='null')
+    pub = Publisher(reader, None, writer,
+                    source=io.DocTreeInput(document),
+                    destination_class=io.StringOutput, settings=settings)
+    if not writer and writer_name:
+        pub.set_writer(writer_name)
+    pub.process_programmatic_settings(
+        settings_spec, settings_overrides, config_section)
+    pub.set_destination(None, destination_path)
+    return pub.publish(enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+def publish_programmatically(source_class, source, source_path,
+                             destination_class, destination, destination_path,
+                             reader, reader_name,
+                             parser, parser_name,
+                             writer, writer_name,
+                             settings, settings_spec,
+                             settings_overrides, config_section,
+                             enable_exit_status):
+    """
+    Set up & run a `Publisher` for custom programmatic use.  Return the
+    encoded string output and the Publisher object.
+    Applications should not need to call this function directly.  If it does
+    seem to be necessary to call this function directly, please write to the
+    Docutils-develop mailing list
+    <>.
+    Parameters:
+    * `source_class` **required**: The class for dynamically created source
+      objects.  Typically `io.FileInput` or `io.StringInput`.
+    * `source`: Type depends on `source_class`:
+      - If `source_class` is `io.FileInput`: Either a file-like object
+        (must have 'read' and 'close' methods), or ``None``
+        (`source_path` is opened).  If neither `source` nor
+        `source_path` are supplied, `sys.stdin` is used.
+      - If `source_class` is `io.StringInput` **required**: The input
+        string, either an encoded 8-bit string (set the
+        'input_encoding' setting to the correct encoding) or a Unicode
+        string (set the 'input_encoding' setting to 'unicode').
+    * `source_path`: Type depends on `source_class`:
+      - `io.FileInput`: Path to the input file, opened if no `source`
+        supplied.
+      - `io.StringInput`: Optional.  Path to the file or object that produced
+        `source`.  Only used for diagnostic output.
+    * `destination_class` **required**: The class for dynamically created
+      destination objects.  Typically `io.FileOutput` or `io.StringOutput`.
+    * `destination`: Type depends on `destination_class`:
+      - `io.FileOutput`: Either a file-like object (must have 'write' and
+        'close' methods), or ``None`` (`destination_path` is opened).  If
+        neither `destination` nor `destination_path` are supplied,
+        `sys.stdout` is used.
+      - `io.StringOutput`: Not used; pass ``None``.
+    * `destination_path`: Type depends on `destination_class`:
+      - `io.FileOutput`: Path to the output file.  Opened if no `destination`
+        supplied.
+      - `io.StringOutput`: Path to the file or object which will receive the
+        output; optional.  Used for determining relative paths (stylesheets,
+        source links, etc.).
+    * `reader`: A `docutils.readers.Reader` object.
+    * `reader_name`: Name or alias of the Reader class to be instantiated if
+      no `reader` supplied.
+    * `parser`: A `docutils.parsers.Parser` object.
+    * `parser_name`: Name or alias of the Parser class to be instantiated if
+      no `parser` supplied.
+    * `writer`: A `docutils.writers.Writer` object.
+    * `writer_name`: Name or alias of the Writer class to be instantiated if
+      no `writer` supplied.
+    * `settings`: A runtime settings (`docutils.frontend.Values`) object, for
+      dotted-attribute access to runtime settings.  It's the end result of the
+      `SettingsSpec`, config file, and option processing.  If `settings` is
+      passed, it's assumed to be complete and no further setting/config/option
+      processing is done.
+    * `settings_spec`: A `docutils.SettingsSpec` subclass or object.  Provides
+      extra application-specific settings definitions independently of
+      components.  In other words, the application becomes a component, and
+      its settings data is processed along with that of the other components.
+      Used only if no `settings` specified.
+    * `settings_overrides`: A dictionary containing application-specific
+      settings defaults that override the defaults of other components.
+      Used only if no `settings` specified.
+    * `config_section`: A string, the name of the configuration file section
+      for this application.  Overrides the ``config_section`` attribute
+      defined by `settings_spec`.  Used only if no `settings` specified.
+    * `enable_exit_status`: Boolean; enable exit status at end of processing?
+    """
+    pub = Publisher(reader, parser, writer, settings=settings,
+                    source_class=source_class,
+                    destination_class=destination_class)
+    pub.set_components(reader_name, parser_name, writer_name)
+    pub.process_programmatic_settings(
+        settings_spec, settings_overrides, config_section)
+    pub.set_source(source, source_path)
+    pub.set_destination(destination, destination_path)
+    output = pub.publish(enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status)
+    return output, pub