changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/common/docutils-0.5-py2.5.egg/docutils/parsers/rst/	Wed Dec 23 19:29:07 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# $Id: 4802 2006-11-12 18:02:17Z goodger $
+# Author: David Goodger <>
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+This is ``docutils.parsers.rst`` package. It exports a single class, `Parser`,
+the reStructuredText parser.
+1. Create a parser::
+       parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser()
+   Several optional arguments may be passed to modify the parser's behavior.
+   Please see `Customizing the Parser`_ below for details.
+2. Gather input (a multi-line string), by reading a file or the standard
+   input::
+       input =
+3. Create a new empty `docutils.nodes.document` tree::
+       document = docutils.utils.new_document(source, settings)
+   See `docutils.utils.new_document()` for parameter details.
+4. Run the parser, populating the document tree::
+       parser.parse(input, document)
+Parser Overview
+The reStructuredText parser is implemented as a state machine, examining its
+input one line at a time. To understand how the parser works, please first
+become familiar with the `docutils.statemachine` module, then see the
+`states` module.
+Customizing the Parser
+Anything that isn't already customizable is that way simply because that type
+of customizability hasn't been implemented yet.  Patches welcome!
+When instantiating an object of the `Parser` class, two parameters may be
+passed: ``rfc2822`` and ``inliner``.  Pass ``rfc2822=1`` to enable an initial
+RFC-2822 style header block, parsed as a "field_list" element (with "class"
+attribute set to "rfc2822").  Currently this is the only body-level element
+which is customizable without subclassing.  (Tip: subclass `Parser` and change
+its "state_classes" and "initial_state" attributes to refer to new classes.
+Contact the author if you need more details.)
+The ``inliner`` parameter takes an instance of `states.Inliner` or a subclass.
+It handles inline markup recognition.  A common extension is the addition of
+further implicit hyperlinks, like "RFC 2822".  This can be done by subclassing
+`states.Inliner`, adding a new method for the implicit markup, and adding a
+``(pattern, method)`` pair to the "implicit_dispatch" attribute of the
+subclass.  See `states.Inliner.implicit_inline()` for details.  Explicit
+inline markup can be customized in a `states.Inliner` subclass via the
+``patterns.initial`` and ``dispatch`` attributes (and new methods as
+__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
+import docutils.parsers
+import docutils.statemachine
+from docutils.parsers.rst import states
+from docutils import frontend, nodes
+class Parser(docutils.parsers.Parser):
+    """The reStructuredText parser."""
+    supported = ('restructuredtext', 'rst', 'rest', 'restx', 'rtxt', 'rstx')
+    """Aliases this parser supports."""
+    settings_spec = (
+        'reStructuredText Parser Options',
+        None,
+        (('Recognize and link to standalone PEP references (like "PEP 258").',
+          ['--pep-references'],
+          {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),
+         ('Base URL for PEP references '
+          '(default "").',
+          ['--pep-base-url'],
+          {'metavar': '<URL>', 'default': '',
+           'validator': frontend.validate_url_trailing_slash}),
+         ('Template for PEP file part of URL. (default "pep-%04d")',
+          ['--pep-file-url-template'],
+          {'metavar': '<URL>', 'default': 'pep-%04d'}),
+         ('Recognize and link to standalone RFC references (like "RFC 822").',
+          ['--rfc-references'],
+          {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),
+         ('Base URL for RFC references (default "").',
+          ['--rfc-base-url'],
+          {'metavar': '<URL>', 'default': '',
+           'validator': frontend.validate_url_trailing_slash}),
+         ('Set number of spaces for tab expansion (default 8).',
+          ['--tab-width'],
+          {'metavar': '<width>', 'type': 'int', 'default': 8,
+           'validator': frontend.validate_nonnegative_int}),
+         ('Remove spaces before footnote references.',
+          ['--trim-footnote-reference-space'],
+          {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),
+         ('Leave spaces before footnote references.',
+          ['--leave-footnote-reference-space'],
+          {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'trim_footnote_reference_space'}),
+         ('Disable directives that insert the contents of external file '
+          '("include" & "raw"); replaced with a "warning" system message.',
+          ['--no-file-insertion'],
+          {'action': 'store_false', 'default': 1,
+           'dest': 'file_insertion_enabled',
+           'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),
+         ('Enable directives that insert the contents of external file '
+          '("include" & "raw").  Enabled by default.',
+          ['--file-insertion-enabled'],
+          {'action': 'store_true'}),
+         ('Disable the "raw" directives; replaced with a "warning" '
+          'system message.',
+          ['--no-raw'],
+          {'action': 'store_false', 'default': 1, 'dest': 'raw_enabled',
+           'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),
+         ('Enable the "raw" directive.  Enabled by default.',
+          ['--raw-enabled'],
+          {'action': 'store_true'}),))
+    config_section = 'restructuredtext parser'
+    config_section_dependencies = ('parsers',)
+    def __init__(self, rfc2822=None, inliner=None):
+        if rfc2822:
+            self.initial_state = 'RFC2822Body'
+        else:
+            self.initial_state = 'Body'
+        self.state_classes = states.state_classes
+        self.inliner = inliner
+    def parse(self, inputstring, document):
+        """Parse `inputstring` and populate `document`, a document tree."""
+        self.setup_parse(inputstring, document)
+        self.statemachine = states.RSTStateMachine(
+              state_classes=self.state_classes,
+              initial_state=self.initial_state,
+              debug=document.reporter.debug_flag)
+        inputlines = docutils.statemachine.string2lines(
+              inputstring, tab_width=document.settings.tab_width,
+              convert_whitespace=1)
+, document, inliner=self.inliner)
+        self.finish_parse()
+class DirectiveError(Exception):
+    """
+    Store a message and a system message level.
+    To be thrown from inside directive code.
+    Do not instantiate directly -- use `Directive.directive_error()`
+    instead!
+    """
+    def __init__(self, level, message):
+        """
+        Initialize with message `message`.  `level` is a system message level.
+        """
+        Exception.__init__(self)
+        self.level = level
+        self.message = message
+class Directive:
+    """
+    Base class for reStructuredText directives.
+    The following attributes may be set by subclasses.  They are
+    interpreted by the directive parser (which runs the directive
+    class):
+    - `required_arguments`: The number of required arguments (default:
+      0).
+    - `optional_arguments`: The number of optional arguments (default:
+      0).
+    - `final_argument_whitespace`: A boolean, indicating if the final
+      argument may contain whitespace (default: False).
+    - `option_spec`: A dictionary, mapping known option names to
+      conversion functions such as `int` or `float` (default: {}, no
+      options).  Several conversion functions are defined in the
+      directives/ module.
+      Option conversion functions take a single parameter, the option
+      argument (a string or ``None``), validate it and/or convert it
+      to the appropriate form.  Conversion functions may raise
+      `ValueError` and `TypeError` exceptions.
+    - `has_content`: A boolean; True if content is allowed.  Client
+      code must handle the case where content is required but not
+      supplied (an empty content list will be supplied).
+    Arguments are normally single whitespace-separated words.  The
+    final argument may contain whitespace and/or newlines if
+    `final_argument_whitespace` is True.
+    If the form of the arguments is more complex, specify only one
+    argument (either required or optional) and set
+    `final_argument_whitespace` to True; the client code must do any
+    context-sensitive parsing.
+    When a directive implementation is being run, the directive class
+    is instantiated, and the `run()` method is executed.  During
+    instantiation, the following instance variables are set:
+    - ``name`` is the directive type or name (string).
+    - ``arguments`` is the list of positional arguments (strings).
+    - ``options`` is a dictionary mapping option names (strings) to
+      values (type depends on option conversion functions; see
+      `option_spec` above).
+    - ``content`` is a list of strings, the directive content line by line.
+    - ``lineno`` is the line number of the first line of the directive.
+    - ``content_offset`` is the line offset of the first line of the content from
+      the beginning of the current input.  Used when initiating a nested parse.
+    - ``block_text`` is a string containing the entire directive.
+    - ``state`` is the state which called the directive function.
+    - ``state_machine`` is the state machine which controls the state which called
+      the directive function.
+    Directive functions return a list of nodes which will be inserted
+    into the document tree at the point where the directive was
+    encountered.  This can be an empty list if there is nothing to
+    insert.
+    For ordinary directives, the list must contain body elements or
+    structural elements.  Some directives are intended specifically
+    for substitution definitions, and must return a list of `Text`
+    nodes and/or inline elements (suitable for inline insertion, in
+    place of the substitution reference).  Such directives must verify
+    substitution definition context, typically using code like this::
+        if not isinstance(state, states.SubstitutionDef):
+            error = state_machine.reporter.error(
+                'Invalid context: the "%s" directive can only be used '
+                'within a substitution definition.' % (name),
+                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
+            return [error]
+    """
+    # There is a "Creating reStructuredText Directives" how-to at
+    # <>.  If you
+    # update this docstring, please update the how-to as well.
+    required_arguments = 0
+    """Number of required directive arguments."""
+    optional_arguments = 0
+    """Number of optional arguments after the required arguments."""
+    final_argument_whitespace = False
+    """May the final argument contain whitespace?"""
+    option_spec = None
+    """Mapping of option names to validator functions."""
+    has_content = False
+    """May the directive have content?"""
+    def __init__(self, name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
+                 content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
+ = name
+        self.arguments = arguments
+        self.options = options
+        self.content = content
+        self.lineno = lineno
+        self.content_offset = content_offset
+        self.block_text = block_text
+        self.state = state
+        self.state_machine = state_machine
+    def run(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError('Must override run() is subclass.')
+    # Directive errors:
+    def directive_error(self, level, message):
+        """
+        Return a DirectiveError suitable for being thrown as an exception.
+        Call "raise self.directive_error(level, message)" from within
+        a directive implementation to return one single system message
+        at level `level`, which automatically gets the directive block
+        and the line number added.
+        You'd often use self.error(message) instead, which will
+        generate an ERROR-level directive error.
+        """
+        return DirectiveError(level, message)
+    def debug(self, message):
+        return self.directive_error(0, message)
+    def info(self, message):
+        return self.directive_error(1, message)
+    def warning(self, message):
+        return self.directive_error(2, message)
+    def error(self, message):
+        return self.directive_error(3, message)
+    def severe(self, message):
+        return self.directive_error(4, message)
+    # Convenience methods:
+    def assert_has_content(self):
+        """
+        Throw an ERROR-level DirectiveError if the directive doesn't
+        have contents.
+        """
+        if not self.content:
+            raise self.error('Content block expected for the "%s" directive; '
+                             'none found.' %
+def convert_directive_function(directive_fn):
+    """
+    Define & return a directive class generated from `directive_fn`.
+    `directive_fn` uses the old-style, functional interface.
+    """
+    class FunctionalDirective(Directive):
+        option_spec = getattr(directive_fn, 'options', None)
+        has_content = getattr(directive_fn, 'content', False)
+        _argument_spec = getattr(directive_fn, 'arguments', (0, 0, False))
+        required_arguments, optional_arguments, final_argument_whitespace \
+            = _argument_spec
+        def run(self):
+            return directive_fn(
+      , self.arguments, self.options, self.content,
+                self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text,
+                self.state, self.state_machine)
+    # Return new-style directive.
+    return FunctionalDirective