changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
parent 1 be27ed110b50
child 180 e02a83d4c571
child 592 3215c239276a
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/common/python/lib/test/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1630 +0,0 @@
-# -*- encoding: latin-1 -*-
-#Name        : 
-#Part of     : Helium 
-#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-#All rights reserved.
-#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-#at the URL "".
-#Initial Contributors:
-#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-""" Testing ATS3 framework. """
-# pylint: disable-msg=E1101,C0302,w0142,w0603,R0912,F0401,R0902,R0903,R0201,W0404
-#w0142 => * and ** were used
-#w0603 => global variables used TSRC_PATH etc
-#R*    => will be fixed while refactoring
-#F0401 => pylint didn't find "path" module
-#E1101 => Mocker shows mockery
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from pprint import pprint
-from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring, tostring
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
-import difflib
-import logging
-import tempfile
-import zipfile
-import os
-import subprocess
-from path import path
-import amara
-import mocker
-from ntpath import sep as atssep
-from ntpath import sep as sossep
-import ats3
-import ats3.testconfigurator as atc
-import ats3.dropgenerator as adg
-import ats3.parsers as parser
-TSRC = None
-OUTPUT = None
-# Shortcuts
-E = et.Element
-SE = et.SubElement
-class Bunch(object):
-    """ Configuration object. Argument from constructor are converted into class attributes. """
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
-def equal_xml(xml1, xml2):
-    """Check the equality of the given XML snippets.
-    Tag name equality:
-    >>> equal_xml('<a/>', '<a/>')
-    True
-    >>> equal_xml('<a/>', '<b/>')
-    False
-    Attribute equality:
-    >>> equal_xml('<a k="v"/>', '<a k="v"/>')
-    True
-    >>> equal_xml('<a k="v"/>', '<a k="w"/>')
-    False
-    Text content equality:
-    >>> equal_xml('<a>v</a>', '<a>v</a>')
-    True
-    >>> equal_xml('<a>v</a>', '<a>w</a>')
-    False
-    >>> equal_xml('<a>v</a>', '<a></a>')
-    False
-    Text content equality when whitespace differs:
-    >>> equal_xml('<a>v</a>', '<a>v </a>')
-    True
-    Equality of child elements:
-    >>> equal_xml('<a><b><c k="v"/></b></a>', '<a><b><c k="v"/></b></a>')
-    True
-    >>> equal_xml('<a><b><c k="v"/></b></a>', '<a><b><c k="w"/></b></a>')
-    False
-    >>> equal_xml('<a><b><c k="v"/>v</b></a>', '<a><b><c k="v"/>w</b></a>')
-    False
-    >>> equal_xml('<a><b><c k="v"/>v</b></a>', '<a><b><c k="v"/>v </b></a>')
-    True
-    """
-    def __init__():
-        check_instance(xml1, xml2)
-    def check_instance(xml1, xml2):
-        """if xml1 and xml2 are instances, converts to strings"""
-        if isinstance(xml1, basestring):
-            xml1 = fromstring(xml1)
-        if isinstance(xml2, basestring):
-            xml2 = fromstring(xml2)
-        check_tags(xml1, xml2)
-    def check_tags(xml1, xml2):
-        """check xml tags and text equality"""
-        if xml1.tag != xml2.tag:
-            return False
-        if xml1.attrib != xml2.attrib:
-            return False
-        if xml1.text:
-            if not xml2.text:
-                return False
-        if xml2.text:
-            if not xml1.text:
-                return False
-        produce_xml_children(xml1, xml2)
-    def produce_xml_children(xml1, xml2):
-        """checks if xml children are of same length and are equal?"""
-        if xml1.text and xml2.text and xml1.text.strip() != xml2.text.strip():
-            return False
-        if xml1.tail is not None and xml2.tail is not None:
-            if xml1.tail.strip() != xml2.tail.strip():
-                return False
-        elif xml1.tail != xml2.tail:
-            return False
-        children1 = list(xml1.getchildren())
-        children2 = list(xml2.getchildren())
-        if len(children1) != len(children2):
-            return False
-        for child1, child2 in zip(children1, children2):
-            return equal_xml(child1, child2)
-    return True        
-def setup_module():
-    """ Setup test environment. """
-    TEST_PATH = path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
-    OUTPUT = TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"output")
-    component = TEST_PATH
-    component.joinpath("group").makedirs()
-    for path_parts in (("tsrc", "group", "bld.inf"),
-                       ("tsrc", "group", "test.pkg"),
-                       ("tsrc", "testmodules", "file1.dll"),
-                       ("tsrc", "testmodules", "file2.dll"),
-                       ("tsrc", "data", "file1"),
-                       ("tsrc", "data", "file2"),
-                       ("tsrc", "data", "file3"),
-                       ("tsrc", "data", "mmc", "file4"),
-                       ("tsrc", "data", "c", "file5"),
-                       ("tsrc", "conf", "file1.cfg"),
-                       ("tsrc", "conf", "file2.cfg"),
-                       ("tsrc", "init", "TestFramework.ini"),
-                       ("tsrc", "custom", "prepostaction.xml"),
-                       ("tsrc", "custom", "postpostaction.xml"),
-                       # These do not have to be under 'tsrc':
-                       ("tsrc", "output", "images", "file1.fpsx"),
-                       ("tsrc", "output", "images", "file2.fpsx"),
-                       ("tsrc", "sis", "file1.sisx"),
-                       ("tsrc", "sis", "file2.sisx"),
-                       ("tsrc", "sis", "file3.sisx"),
-                       ("tsrc", "trace_init", "trace_activation_1.xml")):
-        filepath = component.joinpath(*path_parts)
-        if not filepath.parent.exists():
-            filepath.parent.makedirs()
-        filepath.touch()
-        TEST_FILES.setdefault(path_parts[1], []).append(filepath)
-    TSRC = component.joinpath("tsrc")
-    filepath = OUTPUT.joinpath("pmd", "pmd_file.pmd")
-    if not filepath.parent.exists():
-        filepath.parent.makedirs()
-    filepath.touch()
-    TEST_FILES.setdefault("pmd_file", []).append(filepath)
-    tracing = component.joinpath("tsrc", "trace_init")
-    root = E('ConfigurationFile')
-    confs = E("Configurations")
-    trace_act = SE(confs, "TraceActivation")
-    conf = SE(trace_act, "Configuration")
-    conf.set('Name', 'MCU')
-    mcu = SE(conf, "MCU")
-    sett = SE(mcu, "settings")
-    SE(sett, "timestamp")
-    root.append(confs)
-    ettree = et.ElementTree(root)
-    doc = amara.parse(et.tostring(ettree.getroot()))
-    handle = open(tracing.joinpath("trace_activation_1.xml"), "w")
-    handle.write(doc.xml(indent="yes"))
-    handle.close()
-#    tracing.writestr("trace_activation_1.xml", doc.xml(indent=u"yes"))
-    group = component.joinpath("tsrc", "group")
-    group.joinpath("bld.inf").write_text(
-        r"""
-        stif.mmp /* xyz.mmp */ abcd.mmp
-        /*xyz.mmp*/
-        eunit.mmp /* xyz.mmp */
-        both.mmp
-        ..\sub-component\group\sub-component.mmp
-        """.replace('\\', os.sep))
-    group.joinpath("test.pkg").write_text(
-        r"""
-        ;Language - standard language definitions
-        &EN
-        ; standard SIS file header
-        #{"BTEngTestApp"},(0x04DA27D5),1,0,0
-        ;Supports Series 60 v 3.0
-        (0x101F7961), 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
-        ;Localized Vendor Name
-        %{"BTEngTestApp"}
-        ;Unique Vendor name
-        :"Nokia"
-        ; Files to copy
-        "\tsrc\testmodules\file1.dll"-"c:\sys\bin\file1.dll"
-        "\tsrc\testmodules\file2.dll"-"c:\sys\bin\file2.dll"
-        "\tsrc\data\file1"-"e:\sys\bin\file1"
-        "\tsrc\data\file2"-"e:\sys\bin\file2"
-        "\tsrc\data\file3"-"e:\sys\bin\file3"
-        "\tsrc\conf\file1.cfg"-"!:\sys\bin\file1.cfg"
-        "\tsrc\conf\file2.cfg"-"!:\sys\bin\file2.cfg"
-        "\tsrc\init\TestFramework.ini"-"!:\sys\bin\TestFramework.ini"
-        "\tsrc\sis\file1.sisx"-"!:\sys\bin\file1.sisx"
-        "\tsrc\sis\file2.sisx"-"!:\sys\bin\file2.sisx"
-        """.replace('\\', os.sep))
-    group.joinpath("stif.mmp").write_text("LIBRARY stiftestinterface.lib")
-    group.joinpath("eunit.mmp").write_text("LIBRARY eunit.lib")
-    group.joinpath("both.mmp").write_text("LIBRARY stiftestinterface.lib eunit.lib")
-    init = component.joinpath("tsrc", "init")
-    init.joinpath("TestFramework.ini").write_text(
-        r"""
-#     - Sets a device reset module's dll name(Reboot).
-#        + If Nokia specific reset module is not available or it is not correct one
-#          StifHWResetStub module may use as a template for user specific reset
-#          module. 
-TestReportMode= FullReport        # Possible values are: 'Empty', 'Summary', 'Environment',
-                                                               'TestCases' or 'FullReport'
-CreateTestReport= YES            # Possible values: YES or NO
-TestReportFilePath= C:\LOGS\TestFramework\
-TestReportFileName= TestReport
-TestReportFormat= TXT            # Possible values: TXT or HTML
-        """)
-def teardown_module():
-    """ Cleanup environment after testing. """    
-    def __init__():
-        path(TEST_PATH).rmtree()
-# CTC related functions    
-def check_ctc_write(steps):
-    """Checks if CTC data is written on the CTC log"""
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Save CTC data"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "execute"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("parameters") == "writelocal"
-    assert params[1].get("file") == path(r"z:\sys\bin\ctcman.exe")
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Save CTC data"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "execute"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("parameters") == "writefile"
-    assert params[1].get("file") == path(r"z:\sys\bin\ctcman.exe")
-def check_ctc_log(steps, testtype=""):
-    """Fetches CTC Log"""
-    #For the ctcdata.txt to be published on the ATS network drive
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Fetch CTC data for post commands execution" #"Fetch and clean CTC data"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "fetch-log"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("delete") == "false"
-    if testtype == "withpkgfiles":
-        assert params[1].get("local-path") == r"\\\ctc_helium\builds\drop0\set1\ctcdata"
-    else:
-        assert params[1].get("local-path") == r"\\\ctc_helium\builds\drop0\set0\ctcdata"
-    assert params[2].get("path") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "ctc" + os.sep + "ctcdata.txt")
-    #For the ctcdata.txt to be published on the build network drive
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Fetch and clean CTC data" #"Fetch and clean CTC data"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "fetch-log"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("delete") == "true"
-    assert params[1].get("path") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "ctc" + os.sep + "ctcdata.txt")
-def check_ctc_start(steps):
-    """Checks if CTC starts in ATS"""
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Create CTC log dir"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "makedir"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("dir") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "ctc")
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "CTC start"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "execute"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("file") == path(r"z:\sys\bin\ctcman.exe")   
-def check_fetch_logs(steps):
-    """Checks fetching log directory is created"""
-    step =
-    if "Fetch test" in step.get("name"):
-        assert step.get("name") == "Fetch test module logs"
-        assert step.findtext("./command") == "fetch-log"
-        params = step.findall("./params/param")
-        assert params[0].get("type") == "text"
-        assert params[1].get("delete") == "true"
-        if step.get("harness") == "STIF":
-            assert params[2].get("path") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + "testframework" + os.sep + "*")
-        elif step.get("harness") == "EUNIT":
-            assert params[2].get("path") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "Shared" + os.sep + "EUnit" + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + "*")
-    else:
-        step =
-        assert step.get("name") == "Fetch test module logs"
-        assert step.findtext("./command") == "fetch-log"
-        params = step.findall("./params/param")
-        assert params[0].get("type") == "text"
-        assert params[1].get("delete") == "true"
-        assert params[2].get("path") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + "testframework" + os.sep + "*")  
-def check_diamonds_action(action):
-    """ Testing Diamonds action. """
-    assert action.findtext("./type") == "DiamondsAction"
-    assert not action.findall("./params/param") 
-def check_send_email_action(action, reportemail):
-    """verifies if sening email option works"""
-    assert action.findtext("./type") == "SendEmailAction"
-    params = action.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("name") == "subject"
-    assert params[0].get("value") == "email subject"
-    assert params[1].get("name") == "type"
-    assert params[1].get("value") == "ATS3_REPORT"
-    assert params[2].get("name") == "send-files"
-    assert params[2].get("value") == "true"
-    assert params[3].get("name") == "to"
-    assert params[3].get("value") == reportemail
-def check_ats_report_action(action, filestore):
-    """verifies if sening ATS report option works"""
-    assert action.findtext("./type") == "FileStoreAction"
-    params = action.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("name") == "to-folder"
-    assert params[0].get("value") == filestore
-    assert params[1].get("name") == "report-type"
-    assert params[1].get("value") == "ATS_REPORT"
-    assert params[2].get("name") == "date-format"
-    assert params[2].get("value") == "yyyyMMdd"
-    assert params[3].get("name") == "time-format"
-    assert params[3].get("value") == "HHmmss"
-def check_stif_report_action(action, filestore):
-    """verifies if sening STIF report option works"""
-    assert action.findtext("./type") == "FileStoreAction"
-    params = action.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("name") == "to-folder"
-    assert params[0].get("value") == filestore
-    assert params[1].get("name") == "report-type"
-    assert params[1].get("value") == "STIF_COMPONENT_REPORT_ALL_CASES"
-    assert params[2].get("name") == "run-log"
-    assert params[2].get("value") == "true"
-    assert params[3].get("name") == "date-format"
-    assert params[3].get("value") == "yyyyMMdd"
-    assert params[4].get("name") == "time-format"
-    assert params[4].get("value") == "HHmmss"
-def check_log_dir(steps):
-    """ Test the log dir. """
-    step =
-    if step.get("harness") is "STIF":
-        assert step.get("name") == "Create STIF log dir"
-    elif step.get("harness") is "EUNIT":
-        assert step.get("name") == "Create EUNIT log dir"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "makedir"
-def check_trace_start(steps, filestore):
-    """Checks if tracing is started on the ATS"""
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Start tracing"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "trace-start"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("ta") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "trace_activation" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml")
-    assert params[1].get("tgrp") == "MCU"
-    assert params[2].get("pmd") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd")
-    assert params[3].get("log") == filestore.joinpath("traces", "set0", "tracelog.blx")
-    assert params[4].get("timeout") == "60"
-    assert params[5].get("date-format") == "yyyyMMdd"
-    assert params[6].get("time-format") == "HHmmss"
-def check_trace_end_steps(steps, filestore):
-    """ Test trace end step. """
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Stop tracing"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "trace-stop"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("timeout") == "60"
-    step =
-    assert step.get("name") == "Convert tracing"
-    assert step.findtext("./command") == "trace-convert"
-    params = step.findall("./params/param")
-    assert params[0].get("pmd") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd")
-    assert params[1].get("log") == filestore.joinpath("traces", "set0", "tracelog.blx")
-    assert params[2].get("timeout") == "60"
-    assert params[3].get("date-format") == "yyyyMMdd"
-    assert params[4].get("time-format") == "HHmmss"
-class TestTestPlan(mocker.MockerTestCase):
-    """Creates TestPlan mocker setup"""
-    def __init__(self, methodName="runTest"):
-        mocker.MockerTestCase.__init__(self, methodName)  
-    def setUp(self):
-        """ Setup TestTestPlan testsuite. """
-        opts = Bunch(testrun_name="testrun", harness="STIF", 
-                     device_type="product", plan_name="ats3_test_plan",
-                     diamonds_build_url="", report_email="", file_store=path(), test_timeout="60",
-                     device_hwid="5425", trace_enabled="True", ctc_enabled="True", eunitexerunner_flags="/E S60AppEnv /R Off", 
-                     multiset_enabled=False, ats_network_drive=r"\ats\", monsym_files="")
-        self.atp = ats3.Ats3TestPlan(opts)
-        self.config_files = TEST_FILES["conf"]
-        self.data_files = TEST_FILES["data"]
-        self.engine_ini_file = TEST_FILES["init"][0]
-        self.image_files = TEST_FILES["output"]
-        self.sis_files = TEST_FILES["sis"]
-        self.testmodule_files = TEST_FILES["testmodules"]
-        self.ctc_enabled = self.atp["ctc_enabled"]
-        self.custom_dir = "CustomD"
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = self.atp["eunitexerunner_flags"]
-        if self.atp["trace_enabled"].lower() == "true":
-            self.trace_activation_files = TEST_FILES["trace_init"]    
-            self.pmd_files = TEST_FILES["pmd_file"]
-        else:
-            self.trace_activation_files = []    
-            self.pmd_files = []
-        self.test_timeout = self.atp["test_timeout"]
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = self.atp["eunitexerunner_flags"]
-        self.device_hwid = self.atp["device_hwid"]
-        self.test_harness = self.atp["harness"]
-        self.src_dst = [("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll", "testmodule"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll", "testmodule"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1", "e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1", "data"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2", "e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2", "data"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3", "e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3", "data"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg", "conf"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg", "conf"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini", "engine_ini"),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "sis" + os.sep + "file1.sisx", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.sisx", ""),
-            ("" + os.sep + "tsrc" + os.sep + "sis" + os.sep + "file2.sisx", "c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.sisx", ""),]
-        self.component_path = str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-    def test_creation(self):
-        """ Testing creation. """        
-        assert self.atp["testrun_name"] == "testrun"
-        assert self.atp["harness"] == "STIF"
-        assert self.atp["device_type"] == "product"
-    def test_insert_set(self):
-        """ Inserting a set of file. """        
-        self.atp.insert_set(data_files=self.data_files,
-                           config_files=self.config_files,
-                           engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                           image_files=self.image_files,
-                           testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                           test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                           eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                           pmd_files=self.pmd_files,                            
-                           trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                           component_path=self.component_path)
-        self.atp.insert_set(image_files=self.image_files,                           
-                           engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                           sis_files=self.sis_files,
-                           test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                           eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                           pmd_files=self.pmd_files,                            
-                           trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                           component_path=self.component_path)
-        self.atp.insert_set(data_files=self.data_files,
-                           config_files=self.config_files,
-                           engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                           image_files=self.image_files,
-                           testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                           test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                           eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                           src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                           pmd_files=self.pmd_files,                            
-                           trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                           component_path=self.component_path)
-        self.atp.insert_set(engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                           test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                           eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                           image_files=self.image_files,
-                           test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                           src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                           pmd_files=self.pmd_files,                            
-                           trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                           component_path=self.component_path)
-        self.atp.insert_set(test_timeout=self.test_timeout,      
-                           eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,               
-                           image_files=self.image_files,                        
-                           test_harness=self.test_harness,                      
-                           src_dst=self.src_dst,                                
-                           pmd_files=self.pmd_files,                            
-                           trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                           component_path=self.component_path)  
-        assert self.atp.sets[0] == dict(name="set0",
-                                       data_files=self.data_files,
-                                       config_files=self.config_files,
-                                       engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                                       image_files=self.image_files,
-                                       testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                                       test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                                       eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                                       test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                                       src_dst=[],
-                                       pmd_files=self.pmd_files,
-                                       trace_path=self.atp.file_store.joinpath(u"§RUN_NAME§" + os.sep + u"§RUN_START_DATE§_§RUN_START_TIME§", "traces", "set0", "tracelog.blx"),
-                                       trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                                       ctc_enabled=self.atp["ctc_enabled"],
-                                       custom_dir=None,
-                                       component_path=self.component_path)
-        assert self.atp.sets[1] == dict(name="set1",
-                                       image_files=self.image_files,
-                                       engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                                       sis_files=self.sis_files,
-                                       test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                                       eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                                       test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                                       pmd_files=self.pmd_files,
-                                       trace_path=self.atp.file_store.joinpath(u"§RUN_NAME§" + os.sep + u"§RUN_START_DATE§_§RUN_START_TIME§", "traces", "set1", "tracelog.blx"),
-                                       trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                                       ctc_enabled=self.atp["ctc_enabled"],
-                                       custom_dir=None,
-                                       component_path=self.component_path)
-        assert self.atp.sets[2] == dict(name="set2",
-                                       data_files=self.data_files,
-                                       config_files=self.config_files,
-                                       engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                                       image_files=self.image_files,
-                                       testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                                       test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                                       eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                                       test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                                       src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                                       pmd_files=self.pmd_files,
-                                       trace_path=self.atp.file_store.joinpath(u"§RUN_NAME§" + os.sep + u"§RUN_START_DATE§_§RUN_START_TIME§", "traces", "set2", "tracelog.blx"),
-                                       trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                                       ctc_enabled=self.atp["ctc_enabled"],
-                                       custom_dir=None,
-                                       component_path=self.component_path)
-        assert self.atp.sets[3] == dict(name="set3",
-                                       data_files=[],
-                                       config_files=[],
-                                       engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,
-                                       image_files=self.image_files,
-                                       testmodule_files=[],
-                                       test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                                       eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                                       test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                                       src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                                       pmd_files=self.pmd_files,
-                                       trace_path=self.atp.file_store.joinpath(u"§RUN_NAME§" + os.sep + u"§RUN_START_DATE§_§RUN_START_TIME§", "traces", "set3", "tracelog.blx"),
-                                       trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                                       ctc_enabled=self.atp["ctc_enabled"],
-                                       custom_dir=None,
-                                       component_path=self.component_path)
-        assert self.atp.sets[4] == dict(name="set4",
-                                       data_files=[],
-                                       config_files=[],
-                                       engine_ini_file=None,
-                                       image_files=self.image_files,
-                                       testmodule_files=[],
-                                       test_timeout=self.test_timeout,
-                                       eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                                       test_harness=self.test_harness,
-                                       src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                                       pmd_files=self.pmd_files,
-                                       trace_path=self.atp.file_store.joinpath(u"§RUN_NAME§" + os.sep + u"§RUN_START_DATE§_§RUN_START_TIME§", "traces", "set4", "tracelog.blx"),
-                                       trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                                       ctc_enabled=self.atp["ctc_enabled"],
-                                       custom_dir=None,
-                                       component_path=self.component_path)
-    def test_post_actions_email(self):
-        """ Testing the send email post-action. """        
-        assert not self.atp.post_actions
-        receiver = ""
-        self.atp.report_email = receiver
-        assert len(self.atp.post_actions) == 1
-        action, items = self.atp.post_actions[0]
-        items = dict(items)
-        assert action == "SendEmailAction"
-        assert items["to"] == receiver
-    def test_post_actions_ats3_report_only(self):
-        """ Testing the ats3 report only post-action. """        
-        file_store = path("path/to/files")
-        self.atp.file_store = file_store
-        self.atp.harness = "EUNIT"
-        assert len(self.atp.post_actions) == 2
-        action, items = self.atp.post_actions[0]
-        items = dict(items)
-        assert action == "FileStoreAction"
-        assert items["report-type"] == "ATS3_REPORT"
-        assert items["to-folder"].startswith(file_store)
-        assert items["to-folder"].endswith("ATS3_REPORT")
-    def test_post_actions_stif(self):
-        """ Testing STIF post-actions. """        
-        file_store = path("path/to/files")
-        self.atp.file_store = file_store
-        assert len(self.atp.post_actions) == 2
-        action, items = self.atp.post_actions[1]
-        items = dict(items)
-        assert action == "FileStoreAction"
-        assert items["report-type"] == "STIF_COMPONENT_REPORT_ALL_CASES"
-        assert items["to-folder"].startswith(file_store)
-        assert items["to-folder"].endswith("STIF_REPORT")
-    def test_post_actions_diamonds(self):
-        """ Testing Diamonds post-actions. """        
-        self.atp.diamonds_build_url = ""
-        assert len(self.atp.post_actions) == 1
-        action, items = self.atp.post_actions[0]
-        assert action == "DiamondsAction"
-        assert not items
-class TestComponentParser(mocker.MockerTestCase):
-    """ Testing the Ats3ComponentParser component parser. """
-    def __init__(self, methodName="runTest"):
-        mocker.MockerTestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
-    def assert_paths(self, path1, path2):
-        """ Checking the path. Validates that path1 and path2 are instance of path and they are equals. """
-        if not isinstance(path1, path):
-            path1 = path(path1)
-        if not isinstance(path2, path):
-            path2 = path(path2)            
-        return self.assertEqual(path1.normpath(), path2.normpath())
-    def setUp(self):
-        """ Setting up TestComponentParser testsuite."""
-        opts = Bunch(build_drive=path(TEST_PATH+os.sep), target_platform="target platform", eunitexerunner_flags="/E S60AppEnv /R Off",
-                     data_dir=["data"], flash_images=[], sis_files=[], test_timeout="60", harness="STIF", trace_enabled="True")
-        self.acp = atc.Ats3ComponentParser(opts)
-        self.acp.tsrc_dir = TSRC
-    def test_detect_dlls(self):
-        """ Testing dlls detection. """
-        # Setup mock objects.
-        process = self.mocker.mock()
-        process.communicate()
-        self.mocker.result(["lib1.dll\npath/to/another/library.dll\nsome/other/file.txt\nlib2.dll\nlib3.dll\n"])
-        obj = self.mocker.replace("subprocess.Popen")
-        obj("abld -w test build target platform", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        self.mocker.result(process)
-        exists = self.mocker.replace("os.path.exists")
-        exists()
-        self.mocker.result(True)
-        exists()
-        self.mocker.result(True)
-        exists()
-        self.mocker.result(True)
-        exists()
-        self.mocker.result(False)
-        self.mocker.replay()
-        self.assertEqual([u"lib1.dll", u"library.dll", u"lib2.dll"],
-                         [ for dll in self.acp.tsrc_dll_files()])
-    def test_harness(self):
-        """ Detect test harness."""
-        mmp_parser = parser.MmpFileParser()
-        group = TSRC.joinpath("group")
-        for harness, mmp in [
-            ("STIF", group / "stif.mmp"),
-            ("EUNIT", group / "eunit.mmp"),
-            ("STIF", group / "both.mmp"),
-            ]:
-            self.assertEqual(harness, mmp_parser.get_harness(mmp))
-class TestXMLGeneration(mocker.MockerTestCase):
-    """
-    Unit tests for the test.xml generation.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, methodName="runTest"):
-        mocker.MockerTestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
-        self.data_files = None
-        self.config_files = None
-        self.testmodule_files = None
-        self.image_files = None
-        self.engine_ini_file = None
-        self.report_email = None
-        self.file_store = None
-        self.diamonds_build_url = None
-        self.test_harness = None     
-        self.src_dst = []
-        self.trace_enabled = None
-        self.pmd_files = None
-        self.trace_activation_files = None
-        self.ctc_enabled = None
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = None
-        self.test_plan = None
-        self.gen = None
-        self.custom_dir = None
-    def generate_xml(self, trace_enabled="False"):
-        """ Generating the XML. """
-        def files(*paths):
-            """creating tsrc path list"""
-            return [TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", tpath) for tpath in paths]
-        self.testmodule_files = files("testmodules/file1.dll", "testmodules/file2.dll")
-        self.data_files = files("data/file1", "data/file2", "data/file3")
-        self.config_files = files("conf/file1.cfg", "conf/file2.cfg")
-        self.image_files = files("output/images/file1.fpsx", "output/images/file2.fpsx")
-        self.engine_ini_file = files("init/TestFramework.ini")[0]
-        self.report_email = ""
-        self.file_store = path(r"path/to/reports")
-        self.diamonds_build_url = ""
-        self.test_harness = "STIF"        
-        self.src_dst = []
-        self.trace_enabled = trace_enabled
-        self.pmd_files = TEST_FILES["pmd_file"]
-        self.trace_activation_files = files("trace_init/trace_activation_1.xml")
-        self.ctc_enabled = "True"
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = "/E S60AppEnv /R Off"
-        self.custom_dir = "CustomB"
-        self.component_path = str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-        self.ats_network_drive = r"\ats\"
-        self.mocker.restore()
-        test_plan = self.mocker.mock(count=False)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["testrun_name"]).result("test")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["harness"]).result("STIF")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_type"]).result("product")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["plan_name"]).result("test plan")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["diamonds_build_url"]).result(self.diamonds_build_url)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["test_timeout"]).result("60")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["eunitexerunner_flags"]).result("/E S60AppEnv /R Off")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_hwid"]).result("5425")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["custom_dir"]).result("custom")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.custom_dir).result(path(r"self.custom_dir"))
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["ats_network_drive"]).result(self.ats_network_drive)
-        if self.trace_enabled.lower() == "true":
-            mocker.expect(test_plan["trace_enabled"]).result("True")
-        else:
-            mocker.expect(test_plan["trace_enabled"]).result("False")
-        if self.trace_enabled == "False":
-            mocker.expect(test_plan.sets).result([
-                dict(name="set0", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness="STIF", src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir=self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-                dict(name="set1", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,test_harness="STIF", src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir=self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-            ])
-        elif self.trace_enabled == "True":
-            mocker.expect(test_plan.sets).result([
-                dict(name="set0", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness="STIF", src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                     pmd_files=self.pmd_files, trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                     trace_path=self.file_store.joinpath("traces", "set0", "tracelog.blx"),
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags, component_path=self.component_path),
-                dict(name="set1", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file,test_harness="STIF", src_dst=self.src_dst,
-                     pmd_files=self.pmd_files, trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                     trace_path=self.file_store.joinpath("traces", "set1", "tracelog.blx"),
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags, component_path=self.component_path),
-            ])
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.post_actions).result([
-            ("SendEmailAction", (("subject", "email subject"),
-                                 ("type", "ATS3_REPORT"),
-                                 ("send-files", "true"),
-                                 ("to", self.report_email))),
-            ("FileStoreAction", (("to-folder", self.file_store),
-                                 ("report-type", "ATS_REPORT"),
-                                 ("date-format", "yyyyMMdd"),
-                                 ("time-format", "HHmmss"))),
-            ("FileStoreAction", (("to-folder", self.file_store),
-                                 ("report-type", "STIF_COMPONENT_REPORT_ALL_CASES"),
-                                 ("run-log", "true"),
-                                 ("date-format", "yyyyMMdd"),
-                                 ("time-format", "HHmmss"))),
-            ("DiamondsAction", ())
-        ])
-        self.mocker.replay()
-        self.test_plan = test_plan
-        self.gen = adg.Ats3TestDropGenerator()
-        return self.gen.generate_xml(test_plan)
-    def test_basic_structure(self):
-        """ Check that the overall test.xml structure is valid. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        # Check basics.
-        assert xml.find(".").tag == "test"
-        assert xml.find("./name").text == "test"
-        assert xml.find("./buildid").text == self.diamonds_build_url
-        assert xml.find("./target").tag
-        assert xml.find("./target/device").tag
-        harness, type_, device_hwid = xml.findall("./target/device/property")
-        assert harness.get("value") == "STIF"
-        assert type_.get("value") == "product"
-        assert device_hwid.get("value") == "5425"
-        # Check generation of the test plan.
-        assert xml.find("./plan").get("name") == "test Plan"
-        assert xml.find("./plan/session").tag 
-        sets = xml.findall("./plan/session/set")
-        assert len(sets) == 2
-        assert sets[0].get("name") == "set0-"+str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-        assert sets[0].find("./target/device").tag
-    def test_set_structure(self):
-        """ Check that a <set> element's structure is valid. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        tstset = xml.find("./plan/session/set")
-        assert tstset.tag
-        case = tstset.find("./case")
-        assert case.tag
-        assert case.get("name") == "set0 case"
-    def test_case_flash_elems(self):
-        """ Test case flash elems. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        case = xml.find("./plan/session/set/case")
-        flashes = case.findall("./flash")
-        assert len(flashes) == len(self.image_files)
-        for i, flash_file in enumerate(self.image_files):
-            assert flashes[i].get("target-alias") == "DEFAULT_STIF"
-            assert flashes[i].get("images") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images") /
-    def test_case_steps(self):
-        """ Test case steps. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        steps = iter(xml.findall("./plan/session/set/case/step"))
-        check_ctc_start(steps)
-        check_log_dir(steps)
-        self.check_install_data(steps)
-        self.check_install_configuration(steps)
-        self.check_install_tmodules(steps)
-        self.check_install_engine_ini(steps)
-        self.check_run_cases(steps)
-        check_ctc_write(steps)
-        check_ctc_log(steps)
-        check_fetch_logs(steps)
-    def check_install_data(self, steps):
-        """ Test install data. """
-        for filename in self.data_files:
-            step =
-            assert step.get("name") == "Install data: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")            
-            src = params[0].get("src")
-            assert ==
-            assert src.parent == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data")            
-            dst = params[1].get("dst")
-            assert ==
-            assert dst.parent == path(r"e:\testing\data")
-    def check_install_configuration(self, steps):
-        """ Test install configuration. """
-        for filepath in self.config_files:
-            step =
-            assert step.get("name") == "Install conf: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")
-            assert params[0].get("src") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf") /
-            assert params[1].get("dst") == path(r"e:\testing\conf") /
-    def check_install_tmodules(self, steps):
-        """ Test install tmodules. """
-        for filepath in self.testmodule_files:
-            step =
-            assert step.get("name") == "Install testmodule: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")
-            assert params[0].get("src") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules") /
-            assert params[1].get("dst") == path(r"c:\sys\bin") /            
-    def check_install_engine_ini(self, steps):
-        """ Test install engine ini. """
-        filepath = self.engine_ini_file
-        step =
-        assert step.get("name") == "Install engine_ini: %s" %
-        assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-        params = step.findall("./params/param")
-        assert params[0].get("src") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "init") /
-        assert params[1].get("dst") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "testframework") /
-    def check_run_cases(self, steps):
-        """ Test run cases. """
-        step =
-        filepath = self.engine_ini_file
-        assert step.get("name") == "Execute test: %s" %
-        assert step.findtext("./command") == "run-cases"
-        params = step.findall("./params/param")
-        assert params[0].get("filter") == "*"
-        assert params[1].get("timeout") == "60"
-        assert params[2].get("engineini") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "testframework") /
-    def test_steps_trace_enabled(self):
-        """ Test steps trace enabled. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml(trace_enabled="True")
-        steps = iter(xml.findall("./plan/session/set/case/step"))
-        check_ctc_start(steps)
-        check_log_dir(steps)
-        self.check_install_data(steps)
-        self.check_install_configuration(steps)
-        self.check_install_tmodules(steps)
-        self.check_install_engine_ini(steps)
-        check_trace_start(steps, self.file_store)
-        self.check_run_cases(steps)
-        check_trace_end_steps(steps, self.file_store)
-        check_ctc_write(steps)
-        check_ctc_log(steps)
-        check_fetch_logs(steps) 
-    def test_post_actions(self):
-        """ Post actions are inserted into XML. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()        
-        post_actions = xml.findall("./postAction")
-        check_send_email_action(post_actions[0], self.report_email)
-        check_ats_report_action(post_actions[1], self.file_store)
-        check_stif_report_action(post_actions[2], self.file_store)
-        check_diamonds_action(post_actions[3])
-    def test_files(self):
-        """ Testing files. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        files = iter(xml.findall("./files/file"))
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"        
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"        
-        self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
-        xml = self.generate_xml(trace_enabled="True")
-        files = iter(xml.findall("./files/file"))
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml"        
-        self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
-    def test_generate_drop(self):
-        """ Manifest for ATS3Drop directory structure is generated. """
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        strbuffer = StringIO()
-        self.gen.generate_drop(self.test_plan, xml, strbuffer)
-        zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(strbuffer, "r")
-        try:
-            contents = sorted(path(tpath).normpath() for tpath in zfile.namelist())
-            expected = sorted(path(tpath).normpath()
-                           for tpath in [r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"test.xml"])
-            diff = difflib.context_diff(expected, contents)
-            assert contents == expected, "\n".join(diff)
-        finally:
-            zfile.close()
-    def test_generate_drop_trace (self):
-        "Manifest for ATS3Drop directory structure is generated when trace enabled."
-        xml = self.generate_xml(trace_enabled="True")
-        strbuffer = StringIO()
-        self.gen.generate_drop(self.test_plan, xml, strbuffer)
-        zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(strbuffer, "r")
-        try:
-            contents = sorted(path(tpath).normpath() for tpath in zfile.namelist())
-            expected = sorted(path(tpath).normpath()
-                           for tpath in [r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"test.xml"])
-            diff = difflib.context_diff(expected, contents)
-            assert contents == expected, "\n".join(diff)
-        finally:
-            zfile.close()
-class TestXMLGenerationWithPKG(mocker.MockerTestCase):
-    """
-    Unit tests for the test.xml generation.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, methodName="runTest"):
-        mocker.MockerTestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
-        self.src_dst1 = []
-        self.data_files = None
-        self.config_files = None
-        self.testmodule_files = None
-        self.image_files = None
-        self.engine_ini_file = None
-        self.report_email = None
-        self.file_store = None
-        self.diamonds_build_url = None
-        self.trace_enabled = None
-        self.pmd_files = None
-        self.trace_activation_files = None
-        self.ctc_enabled = None
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = None
-        self.test_plan = None
-        self.gen = None
-        self.src_dst0 = []
-        self.custom_dir = None
-    def generate_xml(self, harness, trace_enabled="False"):
-        """Generates XML"""
-        def files(*paths):
-            """generates paths for the files"""
-            return [TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", tpath) for tpath in paths]
-        self.src_dst1 = []
-        self.data_files = files("data/file1", "data/file2", "data/file3")
-        self.config_files = files("conf/file1.cfg", "conf/file2.cfg")
-        self.testmodule_files = files("testmodules/file1.dll", "testmodules/file2.dll")
-        self.image_files = files("output/images/file1.fpsx", "output/images/file2.fpsx")
-        self.engine_ini_file = files("init/TestFramework.ini")[0]
-        self.report_email = ""
-        self.file_store = path("path/to/reports")
-        self.diamonds_build_url = ""
-        self.trace_enabled = trace_enabled
-        self.pmd_files = TEST_FILES["pmd_file"]
-        self.trace_activation_files = files("trace_init/trace_activation_1.xml")
-        self.ctc_enabled = "True"
-        self.eunitexerunner_flags = "/E S60AppEnv /R Off"
-        self.custom_dir = "custom"
-        self.custom_files = files("custom/postpostaction.xml", "custom/prepostaction.xml")
-        self.component_path = str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-        self.ats_network_drive = r"\ats\"
-        self.src_dst0 = [
-            (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), "testmodule"),
-            (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), "testmodule"),
-            (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"), "data"),
-            (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"), "data"),
-            (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"), "data"),
-            ]
-        if harness == "STIF" or harness == "MULTI_HARNESS":
-            harness0 = harness1 = "STIF"
-            if "MULTI_HARNESS" in harness:
-                harness1 = "EUNIT"
-                self.src_dst1 = [
-                    (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), "testmodule"),
-                    (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), "testmodule"),
-                    (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"), "data"),
-                    (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"), "data"),
-                    (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"), "data"),
-                    ] 
-            self.src_dst0 = [
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"), "testmodule"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "testmodules" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"), "testmodule"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file1"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"), "data"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file2"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"), "data"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "data" + os.sep + "file3"), path(r"e:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"), "data"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"), "conf"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "conf" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"), "conf"),
-                (TEST_PATH.joinpath(r"tsrc" + os.sep + "init" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"), path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"), "engine_ini"),
-                ]
-            if "STIF" in harness:
-                self.src_dst1 = self.src_dst0
-        elif harness == "EUNIT":
-            harness0 = harness1 = harness
-            self.src_dst1 = self.src_dst0
-        self.mocker.restore()
-        test_plan = self.mocker.mock(count=False)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["testrun_name"]).result("test")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["harness"]).result(harness)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_type"]).result("product")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["plan_name"]).result("test plan")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["diamonds_build_url"]).result(self.diamonds_build_url)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["test_timeout"]).result("60")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["eunitexerunner_flags"]).result("/E S60AppEnv /R Off")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["eunitexerunner?flags"]).result(self.eunitexerunner_flags)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_hwid"]).result("5425")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["trace_enabled"]).result(self.trace_enabled)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["ctc_enabled"]).result(self.ctc_enabled)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["custom_dir"]).result("custom1A")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.custom_dir).result(path(r"self.custom_dir"))
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["ats_network_drive"]).result(self.ats_network_drive)
-        if self.trace_enabled == "False":
-            mocker.expect(test_plan.sets).result([
-                dict(name="set0", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness=harness0,src_dst=self.src_dst0,
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir = self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-                dict(name="set1", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness=harness1, src_dst=self.src_dst1,
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir = self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-            ])
-        else:
-            mocker.expect(test_plan.sets).result([
-                dict(name="set0", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness=harness0, src_dst=self.src_dst0,
-                     pmd_files=self.pmd_files, trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                     trace_path=self.file_store.joinpath("traces", "set0", "tracelog.blx"),
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir = self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-                dict(name="set1", image_files=self.image_files, data_files=self.data_files,
-                     config_files=self.config_files, testmodule_files=self.testmodule_files,
-                     engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness=harness1, src_dst=self.src_dst1,
-                     pmd_files=self.pmd_files, trace_activation_files=self.trace_activation_files,
-                     trace_path=self.file_store.joinpath("traces", "set1", "tracelog.blx"),
-                     ctc_enabled=self.ctc_enabled, eunitexerunner_flags=self.eunitexerunner_flags,
-                     custom_dir = self.custom_dir, component_path=self.component_path),
-            ])
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.post_actions).result([
-            ("SendEmailAction", (("subject", "email subject"),
-                                 ("type", "ATS3_REPORT"),
-                                 ("send-files", "true"),
-                                 ("to", self.report_email))),
-            ("FileStoreAction", (("to-folder", self.file_store),
-                                 ("report-type", "ATS_REPORT"),
-                                 ("date-format", "yyyyMMdd"),
-                                 ("time-format", "HHmmss"))),
-            ("FileStoreAction", (("to-folder", self.file_store),
-                                 ("report-type", "STIF_COMPONENT_REPORT_ALL_CASES"),
-                                 ("run-log", "true"),
-                                 ("date-format", "yyyyMMdd"),
-                                 ("time-format", "HHmmss"))),
-            ("DiamondsAction", ())
-        ])
-        self.mocker.replay()
-        self.test_plan = test_plan
-        self.gen = adg.Ats3TestDropGenerator()
-        return self.gen.generate_xml(test_plan)
-    def test_basic_structure(self):
-        "Check that the overall test.xml structure is valid."
-        test_harness = ["STIF", "EUNIT", "MULTI_HARNESS"]
-        for thar in test_harness:
-            xml = self.generate_xml(thar)
-            # Check basics.
-            assert xml.find(".").tag == "test"
-            assert xml.find("./name").text == "test"
-            assert xml.find("./buildid").text == self.diamonds_build_url
-            assert xml.find("./target").tag
-            assert xml.find("./target/device").tag
-            if self.test_plan["harness"] == "MULTI_HARNESS":
-                harness_1, type_1, device_hwid_1, harness_2, type_2, device_hwid_2 = xml.findall("./target/device/property")
-            else:
-                harness_1, type_1, device_hwid_1 = xml.findall("./target/device/property")
-            if self.test_plan["harness"] == "MULTI_HARNESS":
-                assert harness_1.get("value") == "STIF"
-                assert type_1.get("value") == "product"
-                assert device_hwid_1.get("value") == "5425"
-                assert harness_2.get("value") == "EUNIT"
-                assert type_2.get("value") == "product"
-                assert device_hwid_2.get("value") == "5425"
-            else:
-                assert harness_1.get("value") == thar
-                assert type_1.get("value") == "product"
-                assert device_hwid_1.get("value") == "5425"
-        # Check generation of the test plan.
-        assert xml.find("./plan").get("name") == "test Plan"
-        assert xml.find("./plan/session").tag 
-        sets = xml.findall("./plan/session/set")
-        assert len(sets) == 2
-        assert sets[0].get("name") == "set0-"+str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-        assert sets[0].find("./target/device").tag
-    def test_set_structure(self):
-        "Check that a <set> element's structure is valid."
-        xml = self.generate_xml("STIF")
-        tstset = xml.find("./plan/session/set")
-        assert tstset.tag
-        case = tstset.find("./case")
-        assert case.tag
-        assert case.get("name") == "set0 case"
-    def test_case_flash_elems(self):
-        """Checks flash target element in the test.xml file"""
-        xml = self.generate_xml("STIF")
-        case = xml.find("./plan/session/set/case")
-        flashes = case.findall("./flash")
-        assert len(flashes) == len(self.image_files)
-        for i, flash_file in enumerate(self.image_files):
-            assert flashes[i].get("target-alias") == "DEFAULT_STIF"
-            assert flashes[i].get("images") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images") /
-    def test_case_steps(self):
-        """Checks cases in steps in the test.xml file"""
-        test_harness = ["STIF", "EUNIT", "MULTI_HARNESS"]
-        for thar in test_harness:
-            xml = self.generate_xml(thar)
-            steps = iter(xml.findall("./plan/session/set/case/step"))
-            check_ctc_start(steps)
-            check_log_dir(steps)
-            if "MULTI_HARNESS" in thar:            
-                self.check_install_step(steps, "STIF")
-                self.check_run_cases(steps)
-                check_ctc_write(steps)
-                check_ctc_log(steps)
-                check_fetch_logs(steps)
-                check_ctc_start(steps)
-                check_log_dir(steps)
-                self.check_install_step(steps, "EUNIT", set_count="1")
-                self.check_run_cases(steps)
-                check_ctc_write(steps)
-                check_ctc_log(steps, "withpkgfiles")
-                check_fetch_logs(steps)
-            else:
-                self.check_install_step(steps, thar)
-                self.check_run_cases(steps)
-                check_ctc_write(steps)
-                check_ctc_log(steps)
-                check_fetch_logs(steps)
-    def check_install_step(self, steps, harness, set_count="0"):
-        """Checks install steps in the test.xml file"""
-        if harness == "MULTI_HARNESS":
-            dst = [self.src_dst0, self.src_dst1]
-        else:
-            dst = [self.src_dst0]
-        if set_count == "1":
-            dst = [self.src_dst1]
-        for dest in dst:
-            for file1 in dest:
-                step =
-                filename = file1[1]
-                letter = filename[filename.rfind(":")-1:filename.rfind(":")]
-                filename = filename[filename.rfind(os.sep)+1:]
-                if "Install" in step.get("name"):
-                    assert step.get("name") == "Install %s: %s" %  (file1[2], filename)
-                    assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-                    params = step.findall("./params/param")            
-                    src = params[0].get("src")
-                    assert == filename
-                    assert src.parent == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set" + set_count + os.sep + letter + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin")
-                    dst = params[1].get("dst")
-                    assert == filename
-                    assert dst.parent == path(letter + ":" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin")
-    def check_run_cases(self, steps):
-        """Checks run cases in the test.xml file"""
-        step =
-        if step.get("harness") == "STIF":
-            file_ = self.engine_ini_file 
-            assert step.get("name") == "Execute test: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "run-cases"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")
-            assert params[0].get("filter") == "*"
-            assert params[1].get("timeout") == "60"
-            assert params[2].get("engineini") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin") /
-        elif step.get("harness") == "EUNIT":
-            file_ = self.testmodule_files[0]
-            if "Execute" in step.get("name"):
-                assert step.get("name") == "Execute test: %s" %
-                assert step.findtext("./command") == "execute"
-                params = step.findall("./params/param")
-                assert params[0].get("file") == path(r"z:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "EUNITEXERUNNER.EXE")
-                assert params[1].get("result-file") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "Shared" + os.sep + "EUnit" + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + "file1_log.xml")
-                assert params[2].get("parameters") == "/E S60AppEnv /R Off /F file1 /l xml file1.dll"
-                assert params[3].get("timeout") == "60"
-                step =
-                file_ = self.testmodule_files[1]
-                assert step.get("name") == "Execute test: %s" %
-                assert step.findtext("./command") == "execute"
-                params = step.findall("./params/param")
-                assert params[0].get("file") == path(r"z:" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "EUNITEXERUNNER.EXE")
-                assert params[1].get("result-file") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "Shared" + os.sep + "EUnit" + os.sep + "logs" + os.sep + "file2_log.xml")
-                assert params[2].get("parameters") == "/E S60AppEnv /R Off /F file2 /l xml file2.dll"
-                assert params[3].get("timeout") == "60"
-    def test_steps_trace_enabled(self):
-        """checks if traing is enabled"""
-        test_harness = ["STIF"]
-        for thar in test_harness:
-            xml = self.generate_xml(thar, trace_enabled="True")
-            steps = iter(xml.findall("./plan/session/set/case/step"))
-            check_ctc_start(steps)
-            check_log_dir(steps)
-            self.check_install_step(steps, thar)
-            check_trace_start(steps, self.file_store)
-            self.check_run_cases(steps)
-            check_trace_end_steps(steps, self.file_store)
-            check_ctc_write(steps)
-            check_ctc_log(steps)
-            check_fetch_logs(steps)
-    def test_post_actions(self):
-        "Post actions are inserted into XML."
-        xml = self.generate_xml("STIF")
-        post_actions = xml.findall("./postAction")
-        check_send_email_action(post_actions[0], self.report_email)
-        check_ats_report_action(post_actions[1], self.file_store)
-        check_stif_report_action(post_actions[2], self.file_store)
-        check_diamonds_action(post_actions[3])
-    def test_files(self):
-        """Tests if the files are created for mock"""
-        xml = self.generate_xml("STIF")
-        files = iter(xml.findall("./files/file"))
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"        
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
-        xml = self.generate_xml(harness="STIF", trace_enabled="True")
-        files = iter(xml.findall("./files/file"))
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg"
-        assert == r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini"
-        self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
-    def test_generate_drop(self):
-        "Manifest for ATS3Drop directory structure is generated."        
-        xml = self.generate_xml("STIF")
-        strbuffer = StringIO()
-        self.gen.generate_drop(self.test_plan, xml, strbuffer)
-        zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(strbuffer, "r")
-        try:
-            contents = sorted(path(tpath).normpath() for tpath in zfile.namelist())
-            expected = sorted(path(tpath).normpath()
-                           for tpath in [r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"test.xml"])
-            diff = difflib.context_diff(expected, contents)
-            assert contents == expected, "\n".join(diff)
-        finally:
-            zfile.close()
-    def test_generate_drop_trace_enabled(self):
-        "Manifest for ATS3Drop directory structure is generated when trace enabled."
-        xml = self.generate_xml(harness="STIF", trace_enabled="True")
-        strbuffer = StringIO()
-        self.gen.generate_drop(self.test_plan, xml, strbuffer)
-        zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(strbuffer, "r")
-        try:
-            contents = sorted(path(tpath).normpath() for tpath in zfile.namelist())
-            expected = sorted(path(tpath).normpath()
-                           for tpath in [r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file1.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "images" + os.sep + "file2.fpsx",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "pmds" + os.sep + "pmd_file.pmd",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.cfg",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "e" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file3",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "trace_init" + os.sep + "trace_activation_1.xml",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "TestFramework.ini",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file1.dll",
-                                     r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set1" + os.sep + "c" + os.sep + "sys" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + "file2.dll",
-                                     r"test.xml"])
-            diff = difflib.context_diff(expected, contents)
-            assert contents == expected, "\n".join(diff)
-        finally:
-            zfile.close()
-class TestDropGenerationWithSis(mocker.MockerTestCase):
-    """
-    Unit tests for the test.xml generation with sis files.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, methodName="runTest"):
-        mocker.MockerTestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
-        self.sis_files = None
-        self.image_files = None
-        self.engine_ini_file = None
-        self.report_email = None
-        self.file_store = None
-        self.diamonds_build_url = None
-        self.harness = None
-        self.test_plan = None
-        self.gen = None
-        self.src_dst = []
-    def generate_xml(self):
-        """Geberates XML if sis files"""
-        def files(*paths):
-            """generates paths for the files"""
-            return [TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", tpath) for tpath in paths]
-        self.sis_files = files("sis/file1.sisx", "sis/file2.sisx", "sis/file3.sisx")
-        self.image_files = files("output/images/file1.fpsx", "output/images/file2.fpsx")
-        self.engine_ini_file = files("init/TestFramework.ini")[0]
-        self.report_email = ""
-        self.file_store = path("path/to/reports")
-        self.diamonds_build_url = ""
-        self.harness = "STIF"
-        self.component_path = str(TEST_PATH.joinpath("tsrc", "group"))
-        self.ats_network_drive = r"\ats\"
-        test_plan = self.mocker.mock(count=False)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["testrun_name"]).result("test")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["harness"]).result("STIF")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_type"]).result("product")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["plan_name"]).result("test plan")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["diamonds_build_url"]).result(self.diamonds_build_url)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["test_timeout"]).result("60")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["device_hwid"]).result("5425")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["ctc_enabled"]).result("False")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["trace_enabled"]).result("False")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["custom_dir"]).result("CustomC")
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.custom_dir).result(path(r"self.custom_dir"))
-        mocker.expect(test_plan["ats_network_drive"]).result(self.ats_network_drive)
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.sets).result([
-            dict(name="set0", image_files=self.image_files, sis_files=self.sis_files,
-                 engine_ini_file=self.engine_ini_file, test_harness=self.harness, ctc_enabled="False", component_path=self.component_path),
-             ])
-        mocker.expect(test_plan.post_actions).result([])
-        self.mocker.replay()
-        self.test_plan = test_plan
-        self.gen = adg.Ats3TestDropGenerator()
-        return self.gen.generate_xml(test_plan)
-    def test_case_steps(self):
-        """Checks cases in steps in the test.xml file"""
-        xml = self.generate_xml()
-        #print doc.xml(indent="yes")        
-        steps = iter(xml.findall("./plan/session/set/case/step"))
- # Stif log dir creation.
-        self.check_install_sis_files(steps)
- # Install engine ini.
-        self.check_install_sis_to_device(steps)
- # Run cases.
- # Fetch logs.
-        self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
-    def check_install_sis_files(self, steps):
-        """Checks sis files install steps in the test.xml file"""
-        for filename in self.sis_files:
-            step =
-            assert step.get("name") == "Install sis: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "install"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")
-            # TO DO: Should sis files be specified outside of the set?
-            assert params[0].get("src") == path(r"ATS3Drop" + os.sep + "set0" + os.sep + "sis") /
-            assert params[1].get("dst") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "testframework") /
-    def check_install_sis_to_device(self, steps):
-        """Checks sis files installation on the device"""
-        for filename in self.sis_files:
-            step =
-            assert step.get("name") == "Install SIS to the device: %s" %
-            assert step.findtext("./command") == "install-software"
-            params = step.findall("./params/param")
-            assert params[-1].get("sisPackageName") == path(r"c:" + os.sep + "testframework") /