--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/startup/bootstrap/bootstrap.ant.xml Tue Mar 16 17:16:51 2010 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/startup/bootstrap/bootstrap.ant.xml Thu Mar 18 15:06:42 2010 +0000
@@ -20,12 +20,19 @@
+<!--* @package framework -->
<project name="startup.bootstrap" default="install-dependencies" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
Download libraries to bootstrap helium
+ <!-- The general type of the build. This is used for checking the tools environment. Potential values include core, ido, product.
+ @type string
+ -->
<property name="build.type" value="subcon" />
+ <!-- The tools dependencies Ivy settings configuration file.
+ @type string
+ -->
<property name="tools.ivy.config.file" location="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/tools_ivy_settings.xml" />
<!-- Set proxy using Nokia settings by default -->
@@ -35,7 +42,15 @@
<setproxy proxyhost="${proxy.host}" proxyport="${proxy.port}" />
+ <!-- Name of ivy jar.
+ @type string
+ @scope private
+ -->
<property name="ivy.filename" value="ivy-2.0.0-beta2.jar" />
+ <!-- Location of ivy jar.
+ @type string
+ @scope private
+ -->
<property name="ivy.file" value="${helium.dir}/external/antlibs/${ivy.filename}" />
<available file="${ivy.file}" property="ivy.file.present" />
@@ -46,7 +61,7 @@
<!-- Install CruiseControl if not already installed -->
- <target name="install-cruisecontrol">
+ <target name="install-cruisecontrol" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
<available file="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/real_cruisecontrol.bat" />
@@ -86,20 +101,20 @@
<ivy:cleancache />
- <!-- Private: unzip jars -->
+ <!-- unzip jars. @scope private-->
<target name="unzip-jar">
<unzip src="${artifact.file}" dest="${helium.dir}/external/antlibs" />
- <!-- Private: unzip eggs -->
+ <!-- unzip eggs. @scope private -->
<target name="unzip-egg">
<unzip src="${artifact.file}" dest="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib/2.5" />
- <!-- Private: ungzip eggs -->
+ <!-- ungzip eggs. @scope private -->
<target name="gunzip-egg">
<gunzip src="${artifact.file}" dest="${artifact.file}.tar" />
<untar src="${artifact.file}.tar" dest="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib/2.5" />
- <!-- Private: unbzip egg -->
+ <!-- unbzip egg. @scope private -->
<target name="bunzip-egg">
<bunzip2 src="${artifact.file}" dest="${artifact.file}.tar" />
<untar src="${artifact.file}.tar" dest="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib/2.5" />