changeset 618 df88fead2976
parent 587 85df38eb4012
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/testing/ats/ats.ant.xml	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/testing/ats/ats.ant.xml	Thu Jul 22 17:08:43 2010 +0300
@@ -199,58 +199,68 @@
-        <!-- Notify ATS about the drop. -->
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${ats4.enabled}" />
-            <then>
-                <hlm:python failonerror="true">
+        <trycatch property="exception">
+            <try>
+                <!-- Notify ATS about the drop. -->
+                <if>
+                    <istrue value="${ats4.enabled}" />
+                    <then>
+                        <hlm:python failonerror="true">
 version = r'${java.version}'
 if '1.6.0' in version:
     assert int(version.split('_')[1]) > 6, 'Java 6 u7 required'
-                </hlm:python>
-                <condition property="ats.import.arg" value="-import" else="">
-                    <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
-                </condition>
-                <condition property="ats4.libs" value="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4" else="${helium.dir}/external/antlibs">
-                    <available type="dir" file="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4"/>
-                </condition>
-                <java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
-                    <classpath>
-                        <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
-                        <fileset dir="${ats4.libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
-                    </classpath>
-                    <arg line="-url http://${ats.server}/ServerService -path ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.import.arg}"/>
-                </java>
-            </then>
-            <else>
-                <if>
-                    <and>
-                        <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
-                        <available classname=""/>
-                    </and>
-                    <then>
-                        <java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
+                        </hlm:python>
+                        <condition property="ats.import.arg" value="-import" else="">
+                            <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
+                        </condition>
+                        <condition property="ats4.libs" value="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4" else="${helium.dir}/external/antlibs">
+                            <available type="dir" file="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4"/>
+                        </condition>
+                        <java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
                                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
+                                <fileset dir="${ats4.libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
-                            <arg line="${ats.server} ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.username} ${ats.password}"/>
+                            <arg line="-url http://${ats.server}/ServerService -path ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.import.arg}"/>
-                        <condition property="ats.wsh.testrun.file" value="wshTestRunImport.vbs" else="wshTestRunX.vbs">
-                            <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
-                        </condition>
-                        <exec executable="cscript" dir="${}/" failonerror="true">
-                            <env key="ats3.username" value="${ats.username}" />
-                            <env key="ats3.password" value="${ats.password}" />
-                            <env key="" value="${ats.server}" />
-                            <env key="ats3.pathToDrop" value="${ats.drop.location.file}"/>
-                            <arg value="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/${ats.wsh.testrun.file}" />
-                        </exec>
+                        <if>
+                            <and>
+                                <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
+                                <available classname=""/>
+                                <not>
+                                    <istrue value="${}" />
+                                </not>
+                            </and>
+                            <then>
+                                <java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
+                                    <classpath>
+                                        <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
+                                    </classpath>
+                                    <arg line="${ats.server} ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.username} ${ats.password}"/>
+                                </java>
+                            </then>
+                            <else>
+                                <condition property="ats.wsh.testrun.file" value="wshTestRunImport.vbs" else="wshTestRunX.vbs">
+                                    <equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
+                                </condition>
+                                <exec executable="cscript" dir="${}/" failonerror="true">
+                                    <env key="ats3.username" value="${ats.username}" />
+                                    <env key="ats3.password" value="${ats.password}" />
+                                    <env key="" value="${ats.server}" />
+                                    <env key="ats3.pathToDrop" value="${ats.drop.location.file}"/>
+                                    <arg value="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/${ats.wsh.testrun.file}" />
+                                </exec>
+                            </else>
+                        </if>             
-                </if>             
-            </else>
-        </if>
+                </if>
+            </try>
+            <catch>
+                <echo message="Error: ${exception}"/>
+            </catch>
+        </trycatch>
     <!-- The target is dependent on "ats-test", should not be called independently. The target fetches flash files location -->
@@ -263,7 +273,7 @@
     import atsant
     ic = None
-        ic = atsant.IConfigATS(project.getProperty('release.images.dir'))
+        ic = atsant.IConfigATS(project.getProperty('release.images.dir'), project.getProperty(''))
     except Exception, ex:
         print ex
     if ic:
@@ -493,7 +503,7 @@
                             <arg value="--verbose" />
                             <arg line="${module.tsrc.@{module}}" />
-                        <runtarget target="do-ats-test" />
+                        <antcall target="do-ats-test" />
                         <math result="drop.file.counter" operand1="1" operation="+" operand2="${drop.file.counter}" datatype="int" />
@@ -717,4 +727,26 @@
+    <!-- Generate and upload drop using custom template -->
+    <target name="ats-custom-drop">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/ats" />
+        <runtarget target="ats-set-flash-image-path" />
+        <runtarget target="ats-set-defaults-stifeunit" />
+        <property name="ats.custom.template" value="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/templates/ats4_naviengine_template.xml"/>
+        <exec executable="python">
+            <arg line="-Wignore -m ats3.custom" />
+            <arg value="--custom-template=${ats.custom.template}" />
+            <arg value="--device-type=${}" />
+            <arg value="${}" />
+            <arg value="--drop-file=${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
+            <arg value="--report-email=${}" />
+            <arg value="--testrun-name=${}" />
+            <arg value="--flash-images=${ats.flash.images}" />
+            <arg value="--test-timeout=${ats.test.timeout}" />
+            <arg value="--test-type=${ats.custom.test.type}" />
+        </exec>
+        <runtarget target="do-ats-test" />
+    </target>