changeset 3 e1eecf4d390d
parent 0 044383f39525
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/examples/sbs_init.xml	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/examples/sbs_init.xml	Mon Nov 16 09:46:46 2009 +0000
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<build xmlns=""
-       xmlns:xsi=""
-       xsi:schemaLocation=" build/2_0.xsd">
-	<!--
-	To change the defaults for Raptor, edit and copy this file
-	to $SBS_HOME
-	This will be used unless there is a file called $HOME/.sbs_init.xml
-	(note the "." before the "s") which will be used instead.
-	Read on to the next <var> to see other things you can do with this file.
-	 -->
-	<var name="defaults.init">
-		<!-- environment variables used in this configuration -->
-		<env name="EPOCROOT" default="/" type="path"/>
-		<!-- default parameter settings -->
-		<!-- Make command parameter file -->
-		<set name="makeEngine" value="make"/>
-		<!-- Location of the highest level makefile -->
-		<set name="topMakefile" value="$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/build/Makefile"/>
-		<!-- Name of the build logging file -->
-		<set name="logFileName" value="$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/build/Makefile.%TIME.log"/>
-		<!-- Default build configuration name -->
-		<set name="defaultConfig" value="default"/>
-		<!-- Names of standard build files -->
-		<set name="buildInformation" value="bld.inf"/>
-		<set name="systemDefinition" value="System_Definition.xml"/>
-		<!-- Standard directories -->
-		<set name="systemConfig" value="lib/config"/>
-		<set name="systemFLM" value="lib/flm"/>
-		<set name="systemPlugins" value="python/plugins"/>
-		<set name="systemDefinitionBase" value="."/>
-		<!-- Do not print any information messages? -->
-		<set name="quiet" value="false"/>
-		<!-- How many jobs to run in parallel? (for make -j) -->
-		<set name="jobs" value="4"/>
-		<!-- How many attempts to run a job before recording an error?
-		This is useful for builds that can have transient failures. -->
-		<set name="tries" value="1"/>
-		<!-- Carry on trying to build even if some commands fail? -->
-		<set name="keepGoing" value="false"/>
-		<!-- Do we use a bld.inf or System_Definition.xml if both are in the CWD -->
-		<set name="preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition" value="false"/>
-		<!-- Always use ignore OS detection? -->
-		<set name="ignoreOsDetection" value="false"/>
-		<!-- Always use a specific list of filters -->
-		<set name="filterList" value="FilterTerminal,FilterLogfile"/>
-	</var>
-	<!-- 
-	Other variants can be defined and used on the command line. The "bob"
-	variant below adds a macro called "BOB" to a configuration. Use it by
-	typing the command:
-	sbs -c armv5.bob -c winscw.bob
-	-->
-	<var name="bob">
-		<append name="CDEFS" value="BOB"/>
-	</var>
-	<!--
-	Aliases are used to give shorter names to strings of variants. Internally
-	things like armv5_urel are defined as aliases, so the following are the
-	same build:
-	sbs -c armv5_urel
-	sbs -c arm.v5.urel.rvct2_2
-	This means that you can re-define an alias to use a different compiler, for
-	example. The following aliases change the compiler used for armv5 and armv7
-	builds to be RVCT 4.0
-	-->
-	<alias name="armv5_urel" meaning="arm.v5.urel.rvct4_0"/>
-	<alias name="armv5_udeb" meaning="arm.v5.udeb.rvct4_0"/>
-	<alias name="armv7_urel" meaning="arm.v7.urel.rvct4_0"/>
-	<alias name="armv7_udeb" meaning="arm.v7.udeb.rvct4_0"/>
-	<!--
-	Groups allow a single -c option to expand into a set of build configurations
-	that are all done at the same time. Internally armv5 is a group of
-	armv5_urel and armv5_udeb. You can define your own groups and groups of
-	groups. The example below is a group which builds production and test code
-	for armv5 at the same time. Use it by typing the command:
-	sbs -c armv5_all
-	instead of:
-	sbs -c armv5_urel -c armv5_udeb -c armv5_urel.test -c armv5_udeb.test
-	-->
-	<group name="armv5_all">
-		<groupRef ref="armv5"/>
-		<groupRef ref="armv5" mod="test"/>
-	</group>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<build xmlns=""
+       xmlns:xsi=""
+       xsi:schemaLocation=" build/2_0.xsd">
+	<!--
+	To change the defaults for Raptor, edit and copy this file
+	to $SBS_HOME
+	This will be used unless there is a file called $HOME/.sbs_init.xml
+	(note the "." before the "s") which will be used instead.
+	Read on to the next <var> to see other things you can do with this file.
+	 -->
+	<var name="defaults.init">
+		<!-- environment variables used in this configuration -->
+		<env name="EPOCROOT" default="/" type="path"/>
+		<!-- default parameter settings -->
+		<!-- Make command parameter file -->
+		<set name="makeEngine" value="make"/>
+		<!-- Location of the highest level makefile -->
+		<set name="topMakefile" value="$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/build/Makefile"/>
+		<!-- Name of the build logging file -->
+		<set name="logFileName" value="$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/build/Makefile.%TIME.log"/>
+		<!-- Default build configuration name -->
+		<set name="defaultConfig" value="default"/>
+		<!-- Names of standard build files -->
+		<set name="buildInformation" value="bld.inf"/>
+		<set name="systemDefinition" value="System_Definition.xml"/>
+		<!-- Standard directories -->
+		<set name="systemConfig" value="lib/config"/>
+		<set name="systemFLM" value="lib/flm"/>
+		<set name="systemPlugins" value="python/plugins"/>
+		<set name="systemDefinitionBase" value="."/>
+		<!-- Do not print any information messages? -->
+		<set name="quiet" value="false"/>
+		<!-- How many jobs to run in parallel? (for make -j) -->
+		<set name="jobs" value="4"/>
+		<!-- How many attempts to run a job before recording an error?
+		This is useful for builds that can have transient failures. -->
+		<set name="tries" value="1"/>
+		<!-- Carry on trying to build even if some commands fail? -->
+		<set name="keepGoing" value="false"/>
+		<!-- Do we use a bld.inf or System_Definition.xml if both are in the CWD -->
+		<set name="preferBuildInfoToSystemDefinition" value="false"/>
+		<!-- Always use ignore OS detection? -->
+		<set name="ignoreOsDetection" value="false"/>
+		<!-- Always use a specific list of filters -->
+		<set name="filterList" value="FilterTerminal,FilterLogfile"/>
+	</var>
+	<!-- 
+	Other variants can be defined and used on the command line. The "bob"
+	variant below adds a macro called "BOB" to a configuration. Use it by
+	typing the command:
+	sbs -c armv5.bob -c winscw.bob
+	-->
+	<var name="bob">
+		<append name="CDEFS" value="BOB"/>
+	</var>
+	<!--
+	Aliases are used to give shorter names to strings of variants. Internally
+	things like armv5_urel are defined as aliases, so the following are the
+	same build:
+	sbs -c armv5_urel
+	sbs -c arm.v5.urel.rvct2_2
+	This means that you can re-define an alias to use a different compiler, for
+	example. The following aliases change the compiler used for armv5 and armv7
+	builds to be RVCT 4.0
+	-->
+	<alias name="armv5_urel" meaning="arm.v5.urel.rvct4_0"/>
+	<alias name="armv5_udeb" meaning="arm.v5.udeb.rvct4_0"/>
+	<alias name="armv7_urel" meaning="arm.v7.urel.rvct4_0"/>
+	<alias name="armv7_udeb" meaning="arm.v7.udeb.rvct4_0"/>
+	<!--
+	Groups allow a single -c option to expand into a set of build configurations
+	that are all done at the same time. Internally armv5 is a group of
+	armv5_urel and armv5_udeb. You can define your own groups and groups of
+	groups. The example below is a group which builds production and test code
+	for armv5 at the same time. Use it by typing the command:
+	sbs -c armv5_all
+	instead of:
+	sbs -c armv5_urel -c armv5_udeb -c armv5_urel.test -c armv5_udeb.test
+	-->
+	<group name="armv5_all">
+		<groupRef ref="armv5"/>
+		<groupRef ref="armv5" mod="test"/>
+	</group>