changeset 3 e1eecf4d390d
parent 0 044383f39525
child 5 593a8820b912
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Mon Nov 16 09:46:46 2009 +0000
@@ -1,213 +1,213 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-# makefile module
-# This module is for writing calls to Function-Like Makefiles
-import re
-import os
-import generic_path
-class MakefileSelector(object):
-	"""A "query" which is used to separate some flm interface calls
-	  into separate makefile trees."""
-	def __init__(self, name="default", interfacepattern=None, defaulttarget=None, ignoretargets=None):
-		if interfacepattern is not None:
-			self.interfacepattern=re.compile(interfacepattern, re.I)
-		else:
-			self.interfacepattern=None
-		self.defaulttarget=defaulttarget
-		self.ignoretargets=ignoretargets
-class Makefile(object):
-	"""Representation of the file that is created from the build specification 
-	   tree.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, directory, selector, parent=None, filenamebase="Makefile", prologue=None, epilogue=None, defaulttargets=None):
-		self.filenamebase = filenamebase
- = directory
-		if != "":
-			extension = "." +
-		else:
-			extension = ""
-		self.filename = generic_path.Join(directory,filenamebase + extension)
-		self.selector = selector
-		self.parent = parent
-		self.childlist = []
-		self.file = None
-		self.prologue = prologue
-		self.epilogue = epilogue
-		self.defaulttargets = defaulttargets
-		self.dead = False
-	def open(self):
-		if self.dead:
-			raise Exception, "Attempt to reopen completed makefile %s " % (self.filename)
-		if self.file is None:
-			directory = self.filename.Dir()
-			if not (str(directory) == "" or directory.Exists()):
-				try:
-					os.makedirs(directory.GetLocalString())
-				except Exception,e:
-					raise Exception, "Cannot make directory '%s' for file '%s' in '%s': %s " % (str(directory),str(self.filename),str(,str(e))
-			self.file = open(str(self.filename),"w+")
-			self.file.write('# GENERATED MAKEFILE : DO NOT EDIT\n\n')
-			if self.selector.defaulttarget:
-				self.file.write('MAKEFILE_GROUP:=%s\n.PHONY:: %s\n%s:: # Default target\n' \
-							% (self.selector.defaulttarget, self.selector.defaulttarget, self.selector.defaulttarget))
-			else:
-				self.file.write('MAKEFILE_GROUP:=DEFAULT\n')
-			if self.prologue != None:
-				self.file.write(self.prologue)
-			if self.defaulttargets != None:
-				self.file.write('# dynamic default targets\n')
-				for defaulttarget in self.defaulttargets:
-					self.file.write('.PHONY:: %s\n' % defaulttarget)
-					self.file.write('%s:\n' % defaulttarget)
-				self.file.write('\n')
-	def addChild(self, child):
-		self.file.write("include %s\n" % child.filename)
-	def createChild(self, subdir):
-		child = Makefile(str(self.filename.Dir().Append(subdir)), self.selector, self, self.filenamebase, self.prologue, self.epilogue, self.defaulttargets)
-		self.addChild(child)
-		return child
-	def addCall(self, specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard = None):
-		"""Add an FLM call to the makefile.
-			specname is the name of the build specification (e.g. the mmp name)
-			configname is the name of the configuration which this call is made for
-			flmpath is the absolute path to the flm
-			parameters is an array of tuples, (paramname, paramvalue)	
-			guard is a hash value that should be unique to the FLM call
-		   This call will return False if the ifname does not match the selector for 
-		   the makefile. e.g. it prevents one from adding a resource FLM call to a
-		   makefile which is selecting export FLM calls. Selection is overridden if
-		   useAllInterfaces is True.
-		"""
-		# create the directory if it does not exist
-		if self.selector.interfacepattern is not None:
-			ifmatch =
-			if ifmatch == None and useAllInterfaces == False:
-				return False
-		# now we can write the values into the makefile
-		self.file.write("# call %s\n" % flmpath)
-		self.file.write("SBS_SPECIFICATION:=%s\n" % specname)
-		self.file.write("SBS_CONFIGURATION:=%s\n\n" % configname)
-		if guard:
-			self.file.write("ifeq ($(%s),)\n%s:=1\n\n" % (guard, guard))
-		for (p, value) in parameters:
-			self.file.write("%s:=%s\n" % (p, value))
-		self.file.write("include %s\n" % flmpath)
-		self.file.write("MAKEFILE_LIST:= # work around potential gnu make stack overflow\n\n")
-		if guard:
-			self.file.write("endif\n\n")
-		return True
-	def close(self):
-		if self.file is not None:
-			if self.epilogue != None:
-				self.file.write(self.epilogue)
-			self.file.write('# END OF GENERATED MAKEFILE : DO NOT EDIT\n')
-			self.file.close()
-			self.file = None
-			self.dead = True
-	def __del__(self):
-		self.close()
-class MakefileSet(object):
-	grouperselector = MakefileSelector(name="")
-	defaultselectors = [ 
-		MakefileSelector("export", '\.export$', "EXPORT"),
-		MakefileSelector("bitmap", '\.bitmap$', "BITMAP"),
-		MakefileSelector("resource", '\.resource$', "RESOURCE"),
-		MakefileSelector("default", '\.(?!export$|bitmap$|resource$).*$', "ALL")
-		]
-	def __init__(self, directory, selectors=defaultselectors, makefiles=None, parent=None, filenamebase="Makefile", prologue=None, epilogue=None, defaulttargets=None):
- = generic_path.Path(directory)
-		self.filenamebase = filenamebase
-		self.parent = parent
-		if makefiles is not None:
-			self.makefiles = makefiles
-		else:
-			self.makefiles = []
-			for sel in selectors:
-				self.makefiles.append(Makefile(directory, sel, None, filenamebase, prologue, epilogue, defaulttargets))
-		self.groupermakefile = Makefile(directory, MakefileSet.grouperselector, None, filenamebase, "# GROUPER MAKEFILE\n\nALL::\n\n", "\n")
-		for mf in self.makefiles:
-			self.groupermakefile.addChild(mf)
-	def createChild(self, subdir):
-		"""Create a set of "sub" makefiles that are included by this set."""
-		newmakefiles = []
-		for mf in self.makefiles:
-			newmf = mf.createChild(subdir)
-			newmakefiles.append(newmf)
-		newset = MakefileSet(str(, None, newmakefiles, self, self.filenamebase)
-		self.groupermakefile.addChild(newset.groupermakefile)
-		return newset
-	def addCall(self, specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard = None):
-		"""Find out which makefiles to write this FLM call to 
-		   and write it to those (e.g. the exports makefile) """
-		for f in self.makefiles:
-			f.addCall(specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard)
-	def makefileNames(self):
-		for mf in self.makefiles:
-			yield str(mf.filename)
-	def ignoreTargets(self, makefile):
-		"""Get hold of a makefile's selector based on its name and
-		   determine whether it ignores targets based on a regexp."""
-		for mf in self.makefiles:
-			filename = str(mf.filename)			
-			if filename == makefile:
-				return mf.selector.ignoretargets 
-		return None
-	def close(self):
-		for mf in self.makefiles:
-			mf.close()
-		self.groupermakefile.close()
-	def __del__(self):
-		self.close()
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# makefile module
+# This module is for writing calls to Function-Like Makefiles
+import re
+import os
+import generic_path
+class MakefileSelector(object):
+	"""A "query" which is used to separate some flm interface calls
+	  into separate makefile trees."""
+	def __init__(self, name="default", interfacepattern=None, defaulttarget=None, ignoretargets=None):
+		if interfacepattern is not None:
+			self.interfacepattern=re.compile(interfacepattern, re.I)
+		else:
+			self.interfacepattern=None
+		self.defaulttarget=defaulttarget
+		self.ignoretargets=ignoretargets
+class Makefile(object):
+	"""Representation of the file that is created from the build specification 
+	   tree.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, directory, selector, parent=None, filenamebase="Makefile", prologue=None, epilogue=None, defaulttargets=None):
+		self.filenamebase = filenamebase
+ = directory
+		if != "":
+			extension = "." +
+		else:
+			extension = ""
+		self.filename = generic_path.Join(directory,filenamebase + extension)
+		self.selector = selector
+		self.parent = parent
+		self.childlist = []
+		self.file = None
+		self.prologue = prologue
+		self.epilogue = epilogue
+		self.defaulttargets = defaulttargets
+		self.dead = False
+	def open(self):
+		if self.dead:
+			raise Exception, "Attempt to reopen completed makefile %s " % (self.filename)
+		if self.file is None:
+			directory = self.filename.Dir()
+			if not (str(directory) == "" or directory.Exists()):
+				try:
+					os.makedirs(directory.GetLocalString())
+				except Exception,e:
+					raise Exception, "Cannot make directory '%s' for file '%s' in '%s': %s " % (str(directory),str(self.filename),str(,str(e))
+			self.file = open(str(self.filename),"w+")
+			self.file.write('# GENERATED MAKEFILE : DO NOT EDIT\n\n')
+			if self.selector.defaulttarget:
+				self.file.write('MAKEFILE_GROUP:=%s\n.PHONY:: %s\n%s:: # Default target\n' \
+							% (self.selector.defaulttarget, self.selector.defaulttarget, self.selector.defaulttarget))
+			else:
+				self.file.write('MAKEFILE_GROUP:=DEFAULT\n')
+			if self.prologue != None:
+				self.file.write(self.prologue)
+			if self.defaulttargets != None:
+				self.file.write('# dynamic default targets\n')
+				for defaulttarget in self.defaulttargets:
+					self.file.write('.PHONY:: %s\n' % defaulttarget)
+					self.file.write('%s:\n' % defaulttarget)
+				self.file.write('\n')
+	def addChild(self, child):
+		self.file.write("include %s\n" % child.filename)
+	def createChild(self, subdir):
+		child = Makefile(str(self.filename.Dir().Append(subdir)), self.selector, self, self.filenamebase, self.prologue, self.epilogue, self.defaulttargets)
+		self.addChild(child)
+		return child
+	def addCall(self, specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard = None):
+		"""Add an FLM call to the makefile.
+			specname is the name of the build specification (e.g. the mmp name)
+			configname is the name of the configuration which this call is made for
+			flmpath is the absolute path to the flm
+			parameters is an array of tuples, (paramname, paramvalue)	
+			guard is a hash value that should be unique to the FLM call
+		   This call will return False if the ifname does not match the selector for 
+		   the makefile. e.g. it prevents one from adding a resource FLM call to a
+		   makefile which is selecting export FLM calls. Selection is overridden if
+		   useAllInterfaces is True.
+		"""
+		# create the directory if it does not exist
+		if self.selector.interfacepattern is not None:
+			ifmatch =
+			if ifmatch == None and useAllInterfaces == False:
+				return False
+		# now we can write the values into the makefile
+		self.file.write("# call %s\n" % flmpath)
+		self.file.write("SBS_SPECIFICATION:=%s\n" % specname)
+		self.file.write("SBS_CONFIGURATION:=%s\n\n" % configname)
+		if guard:
+			self.file.write("ifeq ($(%s),)\n%s:=1\n\n" % (guard, guard))
+		for (p, value) in parameters:
+			self.file.write("%s:=%s\n" % (p, value))
+		self.file.write("include %s\n" % flmpath)
+		self.file.write("MAKEFILE_LIST:= # work around potential gnu make stack overflow\n\n")
+		if guard:
+			self.file.write("endif\n\n")
+		return True
+	def close(self):
+		if self.file is not None:
+			if self.epilogue != None:
+				self.file.write(self.epilogue)
+			self.file.write('# END OF GENERATED MAKEFILE : DO NOT EDIT\n')
+			self.file.close()
+			self.file = None
+			self.dead = True
+	def __del__(self):
+		self.close()
+class MakefileSet(object):
+	grouperselector = MakefileSelector(name="")
+	defaultselectors = [ 
+		MakefileSelector("export", '\.export$', "EXPORT"),
+		MakefileSelector("bitmap", '\.bitmap$', "BITMAP"),
+		MakefileSelector("resource", '\.resource$', "RESOURCE"),
+		MakefileSelector("default", '\.(?!export$|bitmap$|resource$).*$', "ALL")
+		]
+	def __init__(self, directory, selectors=defaultselectors, makefiles=None, parent=None, filenamebase="Makefile", prologue=None, epilogue=None, defaulttargets=None):
+ = generic_path.Path(directory)
+		self.filenamebase = filenamebase
+		self.parent = parent
+		if makefiles is not None:
+			self.makefiles = makefiles
+		else:
+			self.makefiles = []
+			for sel in selectors:
+				self.makefiles.append(Makefile(directory, sel, None, filenamebase, prologue, epilogue, defaulttargets))
+		self.groupermakefile = Makefile(directory, MakefileSet.grouperselector, None, filenamebase, "# GROUPER MAKEFILE\n\nALL::\n\n", "\n")
+		for mf in self.makefiles:
+			self.groupermakefile.addChild(mf)
+	def createChild(self, subdir):
+		"""Create a set of "sub" makefiles that are included by this set."""
+		newmakefiles = []
+		for mf in self.makefiles:
+			newmf = mf.createChild(subdir)
+			newmakefiles.append(newmf)
+		newset = MakefileSet(str(, None, newmakefiles, self, self.filenamebase)
+		self.groupermakefile.addChild(newset.groupermakefile)
+		return newset
+	def addCall(self, specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard = None):
+		"""Find out which makefiles to write this FLM call to 
+		   and write it to those (e.g. the exports makefile) """
+		for f in self.makefiles:
+			f.addCall(specname, configname, ifname, useAllInterfaces, flmpath, parameters, guard)
+	def makefileNames(self):
+		for mf in self.makefiles:
+			yield str(mf.filename)
+	def ignoreTargets(self, makefile):
+		"""Get hold of a makefile's selector based on its name and
+		   determine whether it ignores targets based on a regexp."""
+		for mf in self.makefiles:
+			filename = str(mf.filename)			
+			if filename == makefile:
+				return mf.selector.ignoretargets 
+		return None
+	def close(self):
+		for mf in self.makefiles:
+			mf.close()
+		self.groupermakefile.close()
+	def __del__(self):
+		self.close()