changeset 3 e1eecf4d390d
child 9 b211d87c390a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/test/common/	Mon Nov 16 09:46:46 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# Runs the specified suite of raptor tests
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import imp
+import datetime
+import traceback
+raptor_tests = imp.load_source("raptor_tests", "common/")
+# Command line options ########################################################
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser(
+		prog = "run",
+		usage = "%prog [Options]")
+parser.add_option("-u", "--upload", action = "store", type = "string",
+		dest = "upload", default = None,
+		help = "Path for uploading results (Can be UNC path)")
+parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", action = "store", type = "choice",
+		dest = "branch", choices = ["master", "m", "fix", "f", "wip", "w"],
+		help = "string indicating which branch is being tested:\n" + \
+		"master, fix or wip. Default is 'fix'")
+parser.add_option("-s", "--suite", action = "store", type = "string",
+		dest = "suite", help = "regex to use for selecting test suites")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--tests", action = "store", type = "string",
+		dest = "tests", help = "regex to use for selecting tests")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action = "store_true", dest = "debug_mode",
+		default = False, help = "Turns on debug-mode")
+parser.add_option("--test-home", action = "store", type = "string",
+		dest = "test_home",
+		help = "Location of custom .sbs_init.xml (name of directory in " +
+		"'custom_options'): test/custom_options/<test_home>/.sbs_init.xml")
+parser.add_option("--what-failed", action = "store_true", dest = "what_failed",
+		help = "Re-run all the tests that failed in the previous test run")
+parser.add_option("--clean", action = "store_true", dest = "clean",
+		help = "Clean EPOCROOT after each test is run")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# Check for --what-failed and override '-s' and '-t' (including flagless regex)
+if options.what_failed:
+	try:
+		what_failed_file = open("what_failed", "r")
+		what_failed = what_failed_file.readline()
+		what_failed_file.close()
+		print "Running: run " + what_failed
+		first = what_failed.find('"')
+		second = what_failed.find('"', (first + 1))
+		options.suite = what_failed[(first + 1):second]
+		first = what_failed.find('"', (second + 1))
+		second = what_failed.find('"', (first + 1))
+		options.tests = what_failed[(first + 1):second]
+	except:
+		# If no file exists, nothing failed, so run as usual
+		pass
+# Allow flagless test regex
+if (options.tests == None) and (len(args) > 0):
+	options.tests = args[len(args) - 1]
+if options.upload != None:
+	if options.branch != None:
+		if options.branch == "m":
+			branch = "master"
+		elif options.branch == "f":
+			branch = "fix"
+		elif options.branch == "w":
+			branch = "wip"
+		else:
+			branch = options.branch
+	else:
+		print "Warning: Test branch not set - Use " + \
+				"'-b [master|fix|wip]'\n Using default of 'Fix'..."
+		branch = "fix"
+if options.debug_mode:
+	raptor_tests.activate_debug()
+# Set $HOME environment variable for finding a custom .sbs_init.xml 
+if options.test_home != None:
+	home_dir = options.test_home
+	if home_dir in os.listdir("./custom_options"):
+		os.environ["HOME"] = os.environ["SBS_HOME"] + "/test/custom_options/" \
+				+ home_dir + "/"
+	else:
+		print "Warning: Path to custom .sbs_init.xml file not found (" + \
+				home_dir + ")\nUsing defaults..."
+		options.test_home = None
+def format_milliseconds(microseconds):
+	""" format a microsecond time in milliseconds """
+	milliseconds = (microseconds / 1000)
+	if milliseconds == 0:
+		return "000"
+	elif milliseconds < 10:
+		return "00" + str(milliseconds)
+	elif milliseconds < 100:
+		return "0" + str(milliseconds)
+	return milliseconds
+class TestRun(object):
+	"""Represents any series of tests"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.test_set = []
+		self.failed_tests = []
+		self.error_tests = []
+		self.pass_total = 0
+		self.fail_total = 0
+		self.skip_total = 0
+		self.exception_total = 0
+		self.test_total = 0
+		# For --what-failed:
+		self.suites_failed = []
+		self.tests_failed = []
+	def aggregate(self, atestrun):
+		""" Aggregate other test results into this one """
+		self.test_set.append(atestrun)
+		self.test_total += len(atestrun.test_set)
+	def show(self):
+		for test_set in self.test_set:
+			print "\n\n" + str(test_set.suite_dir) + ":\n"
+			# If a suite has failed/erroneous tests, add it to what_failed
+			if (test_set.fail_total + test_set.exception_total) > 0:
+				self.suites_failed.append(test_set.suite_dir)
+			if len(test_set.test_set) < 1:
+				print "No tests run"
+			else:
+				print "PASSED: " + str(test_set.pass_total)
+				print "FAILED: " + str(test_set.fail_total)
+				if test_set.skip_total > 0:
+					print "SKIPPED: " + str(test_set.skip_total)
+				if test_set.exception_total > 0:
+					print "EXCEPTIONS: " + str(test_set.exception_total)
+				if test_set.fail_total > 0:
+					print "\nFAILED TESTS:"
+					# Add each failed test to what_failed and print it
+					for test in test_set.failed_tests:
+						self.tests_failed.append("^" + test + ".py")
+						print "\t", test
+				if test_set.exception_total > 0:
+					print "\nERRONEOUS TESTS:"
+					# Add each erroneous test to what_failed and print it
+					for test in test_set.error_tests:
+						first = test.find("'")
+						second = test.find("'", (first + 1))
+						self.tests_failed.append("^" +
+								test[(first + 1):second] + ".py")
+						print "\t", test
+	def what_failed(self):
+		"Create the file for --what-failed if there were failing tests"
+		if len(self.suites_failed) > 0:
+			self.what_failed = open("what_failed", "w")
+			# Add the suites and tests to the file as command-line options
+			self.what_failed.write('-s "')
+			loop_number = 0
+			for suite in self.suites_failed:
+				loop_number += 1
+				self.what_failed.write(suite)
+				# If this is not the last suite, prepare to add another
+				if loop_number < len(self.suites_failed):
+					self.what_failed.write("|")
+			self.what_failed.write('" -t "')
+			loop_number = 0
+			for test in self.tests_failed:
+				loop_number += 1
+				self.what_failed.write(test)
+				# If this is not the last test, prepare to add another
+				if loop_number < len(self.tests_failed):
+					self.what_failed.write("|")
+			self.what_failed.write('"')
+			self.what_failed.close()
+		else:
+			# If there were no failing tests this time, remove any previous file
+			try:
+				os.remove("what_failed")
+			except:
+				try:
+					os.chmod("what_failed", stat.S_IRWXU)
+					os.remove("what_failed")
+				except:
+					pass
+class Suite(TestRun):
+	"""A test suite"""
+	python_file_regex = re.compile("(.*)\.py$", re.I)
+	def __init__(self, dir, parent):
+		TestRun.__init__(self)
+		self.suite_dir = dir
+		# Upload directory (if set)
+		self.upload_location = parent.upload_location
+		# Regex for searching for tests
+		self.test_file_regex = parent.test_file_regex
+		self.test_pattern = parent.testpattern
+	def run(self):
+		"""run the suite"""
+		self.time_stamp =
+		self.results = {}
+		self.start_times = {}
+		self.end_times = {}
+		print "\n\nRunning " + str(self.suite_dir) + "..."
+		# Iterate through all files in specified directory
+		for test in os.listdir(self.suite_dir):
+			# Only check '*.py' files
+			name_match = self.python_file_regex.match(test)
+			if name_match is not None:
+				if self.test_file_regex is not None:
+					# Each file that matches -t input is imported if any
+					name_match = self.test_file_regex.match(test)
+				else:
+					name_match = 1
+				if name_match is not None:
+					import_name = test[:-3]
+					try:
+						self.test_set.append(imp.load_source(import_name,
+								(raptor_tests.ReplaceEnvs(self.suite_dir
+								+ "/" + test))))
+					except:
+						print "\n", (sys.exc_type.__name__ + ":"), \
+								sys.exc_value, "\n", \
+								traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_traceback)
+		test_number = 0
+		test_total = len(self.test_set)
+		if test_total < 1:
+			print "No tests in suite "+self.suite_dir+" matched by specification '"+self.test_pattern+"' (regex: /.*"+self.test_pattern+".*/)\n";
+		# Run each test, capturing all its details and its results
+		for test in self.test_set:
+			test_number += 1
+			# Save start/end times and save in dictionary for TMS
+			start_time =
+			try:
+				print "\n\nTEST " + str(test_number) + "/" + \
+						str(test_total) + ":\n",
+				test_object =
+				end_time =
+				# Add leading 0s
+ = raptor_tests.fix_id(
+				# No millisecond function, so need to use microseconds/1000
+				start_milliseconds = start_time.microsecond
+				end_milliseconds = end_time.microsecond
+				# Add trailing 0's if required
+				start_milliseconds = \
+						format_milliseconds(start_milliseconds)
+				end_milliseconds = \
+						format_milliseconds(end_milliseconds)
+				self.start_times[] = \
+						start_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S:" +
+						str(start_milliseconds))
+				self.end_times[] = \
+						end_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S:" + \
+						str(end_milliseconds))
+				run_time = (end_time - start_time)
+				run_time_seconds = (str(run_time.seconds) + "." + \
+						str(format_milliseconds(run_time.microseconds)))
+				print ("RunTime: " + run_time_seconds + "s")
+				# Add to pass/fail count and save result to dictionary
+				if test_object.result == raptor_tests.SmokeTest.PASS:
+					self.pass_total += 1
+					self.results[] = "Passed"
+				elif test_object.result == raptor_tests.SmokeTest.FAIL:
+					self.fail_total += 1
+					self.results[] = "Failed"
+					self.failed_tests.append(
+				elif test_object.result == raptor_tests.SmokeTest.SKIP:
+					self.skip_total += 1
+				# Clean epocroot after running each test if --clean option is specified
+				if options.clean:
+					print "\nCLEANING TEST RESULTS..."
+					raptor_tests.clean_epocroot()
+			except:
+				print "\nTEST ERROR:"
+				print (sys.exc_type.__name__ + ":"), \
+						sys.exc_value, "\n", \
+						traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_traceback)
+				self.exception_total += 1
+				self.error_tests.append(str(self.test_set[test_number - 1]))
+		if self.upload_location != None:
+			self.create_csv()
+		end_time_stamp =
+		runtime = end_time_stamp - self.time_stamp
+		seconds = (str(runtime.seconds) + "." + \
+				str(format_milliseconds(runtime.microseconds)))
+		if options.upload:
+			self.create_tri(seconds)
+		print ("\n" + str(self.suite_dir) + " RunTime: " + seconds + "s")
+	def create_csv(self):
+		"""
+		This method will create a CSV file with the smoke test's output
+				in order to successfully upload results to TMS QC
+		"""
+		# This sorts the dictionaries by their key values (Test IDs)
+		id_list = run_tests.sort_dict(self.results)
+		self.test_file_name = (self.suite_dir + "_" + \
+				self.time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "_" +
+				branch + "_results.csv")
+		# This is the path for file-creation on the server. Includes
+		self.test_path = (self.upload_location + "/csv/" + self.suite_dir + "/"
+				+ self.test_file_name)
+		try:
+			if not os.path.isdir(self.upload_location + "/csv/" +
+					self.suite_dir):
+				os.makedirs(self.upload_location + "/csv/" + self.suite_dir)
+			csv_file = \
+					open(raptor_tests.ReplaceEnvs(os.path.normpath(self.test_path)),
+					"w")
+			csv_file.write("TestCaseID,StartTime,EndTime,Result\n")
+			for test_id in id_list:
+				csv_file.write("PCT-SBSV2-" + self.suite_dir + "-" + test_id + \
+						"," + str(self.start_times[test_id]) + "," + \
+						str(self.end_times[test_id]) + "," + \
+						self.results[test_id] + "\n")
+			csv_file.close()
+		except OSError, e:
+			print "SBS_TESTS: Error:", e
+	def create_tri(self, overall_seconds):
+		"""
+		This method will create a TRI (xml) file containing the location of the
+				CSV file in order to successfully upload results to TMS QC
+		"""
+		# Path for the tri file
+		tri_path = (self.upload_location + "/new/" + self.suite_dir + \
+				"_" + self.time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ".xml")
+		run_name_timestamp = self.time_stamp.strftime(self.suite_dir + \
+				"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+		date_time_timestamp = self.time_stamp.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
+		test_set_name = "Root\\Product Creation Tools\\Regression\\" + \
+				"SBS v2 (Raptor)\\" + self.suite_dir + "_"
+		if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+			test_set_name += ("WinXP_" + branch)
+		else:
+			test_set_name += ("Linux_" + branch)
+		# /mnt/ -> // Fixes the difference in paths for lon-rhdev mounts vs. win
+		if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+			if self.test_path.startswith("/mnt/"):
+				self.test_path = self.test_path.replace("mnt", "", 1)
+		try:
+			tri_file = \
+					open(raptor_tests.ReplaceEnvs(os.path.normpath(tri_path)), \
+					"w")
+			tri_file.write(
+					"<TestRunInfo>\n" + \
+						"\t<RunName>\n\t\t" + \
+							run_name_timestamp + \
+						"\n\t</RunName>\n" + \
+						"\t<TestGroup>\n" + \
+							"\t\tSBSv2 (Non-SITK)\n" + \
+						"\t</TestGroup>\n" + \
+						"\t<DateTime>\n\t\t" + \
+							date_time_timestamp + \
+						"\n\t</DateTime>\n" + \
+						"\t<RunDuration>\n\t\t" + \
+							overall_seconds + \
+						"\n\t</RunDuration>\n" + \
+						'\t<TestSet name="' + test_set_name + '">\n' + \
+							"\t\t<TestResults>\n\t\t\t" + \
+								self.test_path + \
+							"\n\t\t</TestResults>\n" + \
+						"\t</TestSet>\n" + \
+					"</TestRunInfo>")
+			tri_file.close()
+			print "Tests uploaded to '" + self.upload_location + "' (" + \
+					branch + ")"
+		except OSError, e:
+			print "SBS_TESTS: Error:", e
+class SuiteRun(TestRun):
+	""" Represents a 'run' of a number of test suites """
+	def __init__(self, suitepattern = None, testpattern = None,
+			upload_location = None):
+		TestRun.__init__(self)
+		# Add common directory to list of paths to search for modules
+		sys.path.append(raptor_tests.ReplaceEnvs("$(SBS_HOME)/test/common"))
+		if suitepattern:
+			self.suite_regex = re.compile(".*" + suitepattern + ".*", re.I)
+		else:
+			self.suite_regex = re.compile(".*\_suite$", re.I)
+		if testpattern:
+			self.test_file_regex = re.compile(".*" + testpattern + ".*",
+					re.I)
+		else:
+			self.test_file_regex = None
+		self.suitepattern = suitepattern
+		self.testpattern = testpattern
+		self.upload_location = upload_location
+	def run_tests(self):
+		"""
+		Run all the tests in the specified suite (directory)
+		"""
+		suites = []
+		for dir in os.listdir("."):
+			name_match = self.suite_regex.match(dir)
+			# Each folder that matches the suite pattern will be looked into
+			# Also checks to make sure the found entry is actually a directory
+			if name_match is not None and os.path.isdir(dir):
+				s = Suite(dir, self)
+				self.aggregate(s)
+				suites.append(dir)
+		# Print which options were used
+		if options.test_home == None:
+			options_dir = "defaults)"
+		else:
+			options_dir = "'" + options.test_home + "' options file)"
+		print "\n(Tests run using %s" %options_dir
+		# Summarise the entire test run
+		if self.suitepattern and (self.test_total < 1):
+			print "\nNo suites matched specification '" + self.suitepattern + \
+					"'\n"
+		else:
+			print "Overall summary (%d suites, %d tests):" \
+					%(len(suites), self.test_total)
+			self.what_failed()
+	def sort_dict(self, input_dict):
+		"""
+		This method sorts values in a dictionary
+		"""
+		keys = input_dict.keys()
+		keys.sort()
+		return keys
+# Clean epocroot before running tests
+run_tests = SuiteRun(suitepattern = options.suite, testpattern = options.tests,
+		upload_location = options.upload)