Elimitate those testing messups that result from the case of the drive letter in SBS_HOME or EPOCROOT
* Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Area-related API
#ifndef __R_AREASET_H__
#define __R_AREASET_H__
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32rom.h> // TLinAddr
typedef std::vector<std::string> TStringList;
struct DepInfo
TBool dependOthers;
TBool beenDepended;
int index;
std::string portName;
TStringList depFilesList;
dependOthers = EFalse;
beenDepended = EFalse;
index = -1;
typedef std::map<std::string, DepInfo> TDepInfoList;
class TRomBuilderEntry;
A zone of memory in which files are stored.
Areas (except the default one - see below) are relocated from ROM to
RAM at boot time.
When created an area is given a "destination base address" (the start
of the area in RAM) and a maximum size.
During processing the "source base address" (the start of the area in
ROM) is set once and the area is extended each time a file is
processed by setting repeatedly the "source limit address" (the top
of the area in ROM).
The default area contains files that don't need relocation. So its
"source base address" and "destination base address" are the same.
class Area
const char* Name() const;
void SetSrcBaseAddr(TLinAddr aSrcBaseAddr);
TLinAddr SrcBaseAddr() const;
TBool ExtendSrcLimitAddr(TLinAddr aSrcLimitAddr, TUint& aOverflow);
TLinAddr SrcLimitAddr() const;
TLinAddr DestBaseAddr() const;
TUint MaxSize() const;
TUint UsedSize() const;
TBool IsDefault() const;
void AddFile(TRomBuilderEntry* aFile);
TInt SortFilesForPagedRom();
// only AreaSet can create areas
Area(const char* aName, TLinAddr aDestBaseAddr, TUint aMaxSize, Area* aNext=0);
void ReleaseAllFiles();
void WriteDependenceGraph();
TRomBuilderEntry* iFirstPagedCode; // For PagedRom only
const char* iName;
TLinAddr iDestBaseAddr;
TLinAddr iSrcBaseAddr;
TLinAddr iSrcLimitAddr;
TUint iMaxSize;
TBool iIsDefault;
TRomBuilderEntry* iFiles;
TRomBuilderEntry** iNextFilePtrPtr;
Area* iNextArea;
friend class AreaSet;
friend class FilesInAreaIterator;
friend class NonDefaultAreasIterator;
inline const char* Area::Name() const
return iName;
inline void Area::SetSrcBaseAddr(TLinAddr aSrcBaseAddr)
// setting allowed only once
assert(iSrcBaseAddr == 0);
assert(aSrcBaseAddr != 0);
iSrcLimitAddr = iSrcBaseAddr = aSrcBaseAddr;
inline TLinAddr Area::SrcBaseAddr() const
// must have been set before
assert(iSrcBaseAddr != 0);
return iSrcBaseAddr;
inline TLinAddr Area::SrcLimitAddr() const
// must have been set before
assert(iSrcBaseAddr != 0);
return iSrcLimitAddr;
inline TLinAddr Area::DestBaseAddr() const
return iDestBaseAddr;
inline TUint Area::MaxSize() const
return iMaxSize;
inline TUint Area::UsedSize() const
return iSrcLimitAddr-iSrcBaseAddr;
inline TBool Area::IsDefault() const
return iIsDefault;
class TRomBuilderEntry;
Iterate over every file in a given area.
Files are iterated in the order in which they have been appended to
the area.
class FilesInAreaIterator
FilesInAreaIterator(const Area& aArea);
TBool IsDone() const;
TRomBuilderEntry* Current() const;
void GoToNext();
TRomBuilderEntry* iCurrentFile;
inline FilesInAreaIterator::FilesInAreaIterator(const Area& aArea)
: iCurrentFile(aArea.iFiles)
inline TBool FilesInAreaIterator::IsDone() const
return iCurrentFile == 0;
inline TRomBuilderEntry* FilesInAreaIterator::Current() const
return iCurrentFile;
Set of areas indexed by name.
There can be only one default area identified by its name
class AreaSet
enum TAddResult
TAddResult AddArea(const char* aName, TLinAddr aDestBaseAddr, TUint aMaxSize, const char*& aOverlappingArea);
void ReleaseAllAreas();
Area* FindByName(const char* aName) const;
TInt Count() const;
Area* DefaultArea() const;
Area* iNonDefaultAreas;
Area* iDefaultArea;
TInt iAreaCount;
static const char KDefaultAreaName[];
friend class NonDefaultAreasIterator;
inline TInt AreaSet::Count() const
return iAreaCount;
inline Area* AreaSet::DefaultArea() const
return iDefaultArea;
Iterate over every non-default area of a given area set.
class NonDefaultAreasIterator
NonDefaultAreasIterator(const AreaSet& aAreaSet);
TBool IsDone() const;
Area& Current() const;
void GoToNext();
Area* iCurrentArea;
inline NonDefaultAreasIterator::NonDefaultAreasIterator(const AreaSet& aAreaSet)
: iCurrentArea(aAreaSet.iNonDefaultAreas)
inline TBool NonDefaultAreasIterator::IsDone() const
return iCurrentArea == 0;
inline Area& NonDefaultAreasIterator::Current() const
assert(iCurrentArea != 0);
return *iCurrentArea;
#endif // __R_AREASET_H__