author srilekhas
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 21:02:28 +0100
changeset 644 01667c882e63
parent 602 3145852acc89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added in fix to Bug 2149

# COPYRIGHT 1996-2000 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.

## $Id: //depot/libnet/Net/FTP/ $
## Package to read/write on ASCII data connections

package Net::FTP::A;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $buf $VERSION);
use Carp;

require Net::FTP::dataconn;

@ISA = qw(Net::FTP::dataconn);
$VERSION = "1.16";

sub read {
  my    $data 	 = shift;
  local *buf 	 = \$_[0]; shift;
  my    $size 	 = shift || croak 'read($buf,$size,[$offset])';
  my    $timeout = @_ ? shift : $data->timeout;

  if (length(${*$data}) < $size && !${*$data}{'net_ftp_eof'}) {
    my $blksize = ${*$data}{'net_ftp_blksize'};
    $blksize = $size if $size > $blksize;

    my $l = 0;
    my $n;

      my $readbuf = defined(${*$data}{'net_ftp_cr'}) ? "\015" : '';

      $data->can_read($timeout) or
	   croak "Timeout";

      if ($n = sysread($data, $readbuf, $blksize, length $readbuf)) {
        ${*$data}{'net_ftp_bytesread'} += $n;
	${*$data}{'net_ftp_cr'} = substr($readbuf,-1) eq "\015"
					? chop($readbuf)
					: undef;
      else {
        return undef
	  unless defined $n;

        ${*$data}{'net_ftp_eof'} = 1;

      $readbuf =~ s/\015\012/\n/sgo;
      ${*$data} .= $readbuf;

      unless (length(${*$data})) {

        redo READ
	  if($n > 0);

        $size = length(${*$data})
          if($n == 0);

  $buf = substr(${*$data},0,$size);
  substr(${*$data},0,$size) = '';

  length $buf;

sub write {
  my    $data 	= shift;
  local *buf 	= \$_[0]; shift;
  my    $size 	= shift || croak 'write($buf,$size,[$timeout])';
  my    $timeout = @_ ? shift : $data->timeout;

  (my $tmp = substr($buf,0,$size)) =~ s/\r?\n/\015\012/sg;

  # If the remote server has closed the connection we will be signal'd
  # when we write. This can happen if the disk on the remote server fills up

  local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE' unless $^O eq 'MacOS';

  my $len = length($tmp);
  my $off = 0;
  my $wrote = 0;

  my $blksize = ${*$data}{'net_ftp_blksize'};

  while($len) {
    $data->can_write($timeout) or
	 croak "Timeout";

    $off += $wrote;
    $wrote = syswrite($data, substr($tmp,$off), $len > $blksize ? $blksize : $len);
    return undef
      unless defined($wrote);
    $len -= $wrote;





  © 1996-2000 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
