author srilekhas
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 21:02:28 +0100
changeset 644 01667c882e63
parent 602 3145852acc89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added in fix to Bug 2149

# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:

use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use Getopt::Long;
use IniData;
use EnvDb;
use Utils;
use PrepRel;
use CommandController;

# Constants.

use constant UPDATED => 0;
use constant UNCHANGED => 1;

# Globals.

my $verbose = 0;
my $newMrpName;
my $inputFile;
my $comp;
my $ver;
my $intVer;
my $iniData = IniData->New();
my $commandController = CommandController->New($iniData, 'PrepEnv');
my $envDb;
my $mode;
my $samemrps;
my $fixedIntVer;
my $printlatestversion;
my $skipPendingRelease;

# Main.


# Subs.

sub ProcessCommandLine {
  Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
  my $help;
  GetOptions("h" => \$help, "v+" => \$verbose, "m" => \$samemrps, "i=s" => \$fixedIntVer, "l" => \$printlatestversion, "p" => \$skipPendingRelease);

  if ($help) {

  $inputFile = shift @ARGV;

  unless ($#ARGV == -1) {
    print "Error: Invalid number of arguments\n";
  if ($printlatestversion && $inputFile) {
    print "Error: can't use -l with an input file\n";
  if ($skipPendingRelease && $inputFile) {
    print "Error: can't use -p with an input file\n";

  $envDb = EnvDb->Open($iniData, $verbose);

sub Usage {
  my $exitCode = shift;

  Utils::PrintDeathMessage($exitCode, "\nUsage: prepenv [options] [<input_file_name>]


-h  help
-v  verbose output (-vv very verbose)
-m          don't query for MRP location (assume same as previously)
-i <number> use this internal version number for each component

Options only valid in interactive mode:
-l          print latest version number
-p          skip those components that are pending release

Note: if prepenv is failing to recognise some components are dirty,
run 'envinfo -f' then run 'prepenv' again.\n");

sub PrepEnv {
  if (defined $inputFile) {
  else {

sub HandleInputFile {
  open (IN, $inputFile) or die "Error: Couldn't open $inputFile: $!\n";
  my $numEntriesUpdated = 0;
  my $numEntriesAdded = 0;
  my $numErrors = 0;
  my $lineNum = 0;
  while (my $line = <IN>) {
    # Remove line feed, white space and comments.
    chomp $line;
    $line =~ s/^\s*$//;
    $line =~ s/#.*//;
    if ($line eq '') {
      # Nothing left.

    local @ARGV;
    @ARGV = split (/\s+/, $line);
    my $mrpName;
    GetOptions("m=s" => \$mrpName);
    (my $comp, my $ver, my $intVer) = @ARGV;
    unless (defined $comp and defined $ver and $#ARGV <= 2) {
      die "Error: Line $lineNum contains invalid arguments in \"$inputFile\"\n";
    $intVer ||= undef;
    $mrpName ||= undef;
    if (!defined $mrpName && $samemrps) {
      eval {
        $mrpName = $envDb->MrpName($comp);
      if ($@) {
        die "Error: Could not get MRP location for \"$comp\", because $@\n";
    if (!defined $intVer && $fixedIntVer) {
      $intVer = $fixedIntVer;
    my $updating = $envDb->Version($comp);
    if ($verbose) {
      if (defined $updating) {
	print "Updating $comp $ver...\n";
      else {
	print "Adding $comp $ver...\n";
    eval {
      PrepRel::PrepRel($iniData, $envDb, $comp, $ver, $intVer, $mrpName);
    if ($@) {
      print $@;
    elsif (defined $updating) {
    else {
  close (IN);
  print "$numEntriesAdded component(s) added, $numEntriesUpdated component(s) updated, $numErrors error(s)\n";

sub HandleInteractive {
  my $verInfo = $envDb->VersionInfo();
  my $numUpdatedEntries = 0;
  my $numUnchangedEntries = 0;
  foreach my $thisComp (sort keys %{$verInfo}) {
    my $thisStatus = $envDb->Status($thisComp);
    if ($thisStatus == EnvDb::STATUS_DIRTY or $thisStatus == EnvDb::STATUS_DIRTY_SOURCE or ($thisStatus == EnvDb::STATUS_PENDING_RELEASE && !$skipPendingRelease)) {
      my $action = DoInteraction($thisComp, $verInfo->{$thisComp});
      if ($action == UPDATED) {
      else {
  print "$numUpdatedEntries component(s) updated, $numUnchangedEntries component(s) unchanged\n";
  if ($numUpdatedEntries + $numUnchangedEntries == 0) {
    my $pendingReleaseString = $skipPendingRelease?"":" or pending release";
    print <<ENDGIBBER;
No components appeared dirty$pendingReleaseString. If you were expecting to see more dirty 
components, run 'envinfo -f' then run prepenv again.

sub DoInteraction {
  my $comp = shift;
  my $ver = shift;
  my $modified = 0;

  ShowLatestVer($comp) if $printlatestversion;

  print "$comp version [$ver] ";

  my $newVer = <STDIN>;
  chomp $newVer;
  if ($newVer) {
    $modified = 1;
  else {
    undef $newVer;

  my $newIntVer;
  if ($fixedIntVer) {
    $newIntVer = $fixedIntVer;
  } else {
    my $intVer = $envDb->InternalVersion($comp);
    print "$comp internal version ";
    if (defined $intVer and !defined $newVer) {
      print "[$intVer] ";
    $newIntVer = <STDIN>;
    chomp $newIntVer;
    if ($newIntVer) {
      $modified = 1;
    else {
      undef $newIntVer;

  my $mrpName = $envDb->MrpName($comp);
  my $newMrpName;
  if ($samemrps) {
    $newMrpName = $mrpName;
  } else {
    print "$comp mrp name [$mrpName] ";
    $newMrpName = <STDIN>;
    chomp $newMrpName;
    if ($newMrpName) {
      $modified = 1;
    else {
      undef $newMrpName;

  my $return = UNCHANGED;
  if ($modified) {
    eval {
      PrepRel::PrepRel($iniData, $envDb, $comp, $newVer, $newIntVer, $newMrpName);
    if ($@) {
      print $@;
    else {
      $return = UPDATED;

  print "\n";
  return $return;

sub ShowLatestVer {
  my $comp = shift;
  my $reldata = RelData->OpenSet($iniData, $comp, $verbose);
  if ($reldata) {
    my $reldatum = $reldata->[0];
    if ($reldatum) {
      print "$comp: Latest version: ".$reldatum->Version . " (internal version ".$reldatum->InternalVersion.")\n";
  print "No previous versions.\n";


=head1 NAME

PrepEnv - Prepares an environment for release.


  prepenv [options] [<input_file_name>]


  -h  help
  -v  verbose output (-vv very verbose)
  -i  <internal> use this internal version number instead of prompting
  -m  don't prompt for MRP location

Options valid only in interactive mode:

  -l  show latest version number
  -p  skip those components that are pending release


Before an environment can be released, the status of each component that needs to be released must be set to I<pending release> and the new versions and F<mrp> names must be specified. C<PrepEnv> provides two ways of manipulating this information in the environment database:

=over 4

=item 1 Interactively

If no arguments are given to C<PrepEnv>, it will enter an interactive mode asking for version, internal version and mrp name for each component in the database with a status of I<dirty> or I<binaries clean, source dirty> (or I<pending release> unless -p is specified). It won't ask for internal version or MRP name if you have used the -i or -m respectively. The current value of each will be presented in square brackets. Hitting I<return> will preserve the current value. If all the current values are selected for a particular component, it's environment database entry will not be changed, otherwise the values will be updated and its status will be set to I<pending release>.

=item 3 Via an input file

The name of an input file may be specified as an argument. The structure of each line in the file must be as follows:

 <component_name> <version> [<internal_version>] [-m <mrp_name>]

Note, you can optionally specify internal version (assuming the F<reltools.ini> keyword C<require_internal_versions> has not been specified) and F<mrp> name. You can also optionally specify a new F<mrp> name, but to distinguish this from an internal version you much precede it with '-m'.


Note, C<PrepEnv> (and its counterpart C<PrepRel>) do nothing more than update your the environment database. You can execute these commands as many times as you like before running C<MakeEnv> to actually release the environment.

C<PrepEnv> does not always identify dirty components correctly. If you've just made a component dirty, then run C<prepenv> immediately afterwards, it will not notice that dirty component. To solve this you should run C<EnvInfo -f> before running C<PrepEnv>. C<PrepEnv> will then ask you about components correctly. This is a deliberate design decision: otherwise, C<PrepEnv> would have to do a slow environment scan before prompting you. Normally, you'll have run C<envinfo -f> first, so the environment scan is redundant.




 Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 All rights reserved.
 This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 which accompanies this distribution, and is available
 at the URL "".
 Initial Contributors:
 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
