add a test for annofile2log workaround for log corruption
/** Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: * These declarations are used all over the program.* @internalComponent* @released**/#ifndef COMMON_H#define COMMON_H#include "typedefs.h"/**Forward declaration@internalComponent@released*/class ReportWriter;class Checker;class ImageReader;/**Typedefs used all over the tool.@internalComponent@released*/typedef std::multimap<String, ExeNamesVsDepListMap> ImageVsDependencyMap;typedef std::list<unsigned int> UnIntList;typedef std::vector<ReportWriter*> WriterPtrList;typedef std::vector<Checker*> CheckerPtrList;typedef std::vector<ImageReader*> ImageReaderPtrList;/**Constants used to mark whether the option received or not.@internalComponent@released*/const unsigned int KNone = 0x0;const unsigned int QuietMode = 0x1;const unsigned int KAll = 0x2;const unsigned int KXmlReport = 0x4;const unsigned int KVerbose = 0x8;const unsigned int KSidAll = 0x10;const unsigned int KNoCheck = 0x20;const unsigned int KE32Input = 0x40;//Can set value for new options over here/**Class used to put each attribute of a exetuble into integrated container.@internalComponent@released*/class ExeAttribute{public: ExeAttribute(){}; ~ExeAttribute(){}; String iAttName; String iAttValue; String iAttStatus;};/**Enums used during command line input processing.@internalComponent@released*/typedef enum ReturnType{ ESuccess = 0, EQuit, EFail};/**Tool's exit status@internalComponent@released*/#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0#define EXIT_FAILURE 1/**Class Common, all general purpose funtions can be included here.@internalComponent@released*/class Common{public: static String IntToString(unsigned int aValue); static unsigned int StringToInt(String& aStringVal);};/** Default Log file name, used for logging the progress of application.@internalComponent@released*/const String gLogFileName ("imgcheck.log");#endif //COMMON_H