author timothy.murphy@nokia.com
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 22:37:45 +0100
changeset 532 1083c9a3a7cf
parent 0 044383f39525
child 313 1ffe9da724c1
child 590 360bd6b35136
child 606 30b30f9da0b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
minimising dependencies might have helped after all by ecluding something that's getting updated that maybe shouldn't. Try it out again.

// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

target			elf2e32.exe
targettype		exe

sourcepath	../source
source 	    deffile.cpp  deflatecompress.cpp  dll_fb_target.cpp  dll_rebuild_target.cpp  e32exporttable.cpp 
source	 	filedump.cpp  e32imagefile.cpp elf2e32.cpp  elffilesupplied.cpp errorhandler.cpp exetarget.cpp exexp_fb_target.cpp 
source	 	exexp_rebuild_target.cpp  export_type_fb_target.cpp  export_type_rebuild_target.cpp  export_type_target.cpp  h_utl.cpp 
source	 	huffman.cpp  imgdump.cpp  inflate.cpp  librarytarget.cpp  main.cpp  messagehandler.cpp  messageimplementation.cpp 
source	 	parameterlistinterface.cpp  parametermanager.cpp  pl_common.cpp  pl_dllsymbol.cpp 	pl_dso_handler.cpp  pl_elfconsumer.cpp 
source	 	pl_elfexecutable.cpp  pl_elfexports.cpp  pl_elfimportrelocation.cpp  pl_elfimports.cpp  pl_elflocalrelocation.cpp  pl_elfproducer.cpp 
source	 	pl_elfrelocation.cpp  pl_elfrelocations.cpp  pl_symbol.cpp  polydll_fb_target.cpp  polydll_rebuild_target.cpp  usecasebase.cpp 
source	 	byte_pair.cpp  pagedcompress.cpp checksum.cpp stdexe_target.cpp

systeminclude    /epoc32/include  /epoc32/include/tools  
userinclude		../source ../include

option 	GCC -w

VENDORID 0x70000001