minimising dependencies might have helped after all by ecluding something that's getting updated that maybe shouldn't. Try it out again.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Adds a LOCALISE macro that enables configuration of localised files.
# The localised language selection is done with a ADD_LANGUAGE macro.
# Syntax: LOCALISE
# type=LOCALISE(source, target[, languages])
# source => the source file. The section that needs to be localised should be marked with ??.
# target => the target file. The section that needs to be localised should be marked with ??.
# languages => a space delimited list of language codes
# Example:
# Add languages
# Use Case 1:
# Localises a App resoure file.
# Output:
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# Use Case 2:
# Localise all resource files under a section
# // All resource files will be localised
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.rsc RESOURCE_DIR\app.rsc
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App2.rsc RESOURCE_DIR\app2.rsc
# Output:
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# Version 4
# Path corrections to widget support.
# Version 3
# Support for Idle widgets.
# Version 2
# Localises also *.hlp to *.h%s.
# Version 1
# Initial version.
package localise_all_resources;
use strict;
use Exporter ();
our ( $VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT );
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw( &localise_all_resources_info
my %localise_all_resources_infostruct =
name => "localise_all_resources",
invocation => "InvocationPoint1",
single => "localise_all_resources::do_localise_all_resources_extension"
my $line;
my @newobydata;
my %languages;
my $verbose=0;
my $errors=0;
my $localise_all_resource=0;
sub localise_all_resources_info
return \%localise_all_resources_infostruct;
# Entry point for the plugi
sub do_localise_all_resources_extension
print "========================== Begin localise_all_resources =======================\n" if $verbose;
my $obydata = shift;
undef @newobydata;
foreach $line (@{$obydata})
# Ignore REM statements, to avoid processing "REM __SCALABLE_IMAGE( ... )"
if ($line =~ /^\s*REM/i)
push @newobydata, $line;
if (is_localise_all_resources_begin($line))
$localise_all_resource = 1;
push @newobydata, "REM handled $line";
if (is_localise_all_resources_end($line))
$localise_all_resource = 0;
push @newobydata, "REM handled $line";
if ( $localise_all_resource )
# localise all rsc files inside the localise_all_resources section
# resource files .rsc
if ( is_resource_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_resource($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# help files .hlp
if ( is_help_entry_hlp($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_help_hlp($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the .dtd files that have \\01\\ in their source target path
if ( is_dtd_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localisable_path($line);
$line = create_localise_entry_from_dtd($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the active idle .o0001 files
if ( is_active_idle_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localisable_path($line);
$line = create_localise_entry_from_active_idle($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the elocl file
if ( is_elocl_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_elocl($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# Default case
push @newobydata, $line;
@{$obydata} = @newobydata;
print "========================== End localise_all_resources =======================\n" if $verbose;
#Stop image creation in error case
#exit(1) if ($errors);
# trim(string)
# Removes spaces from both ends of the string.
# Returns a trimmed string.
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub is_localise_all_resources_begin($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*LOCALISE_ALL_RESOURCES_BEGIN\s*$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_localise_all_resources_end($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*LOCALISE_ALL_RESOURCES_END\s*$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
sub is_resource_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\.rsc[\"|\']?$/i &&
$target =~ m/\.rsc[\"|\']?$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match
sub is_help_entry_xhtml($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\\01\\/i &&
$target =~ m/\\01\\/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=foobar.hlp resource/foobar.hlp
sub is_help_entry_hlp($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\.hlp[\"|\']?$/i &&
$target =~ m/\.hlp[\"|\']?$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=DATAZ_\\resource\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\ RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\
sub is_dtd_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if (($source =~ m/\\01\\.*\.dtd/i &&
$target =~ m/\\01\\.*\.dtd/i ) ||
($source =~ m/\\00\\.*\.dtd/i &&
$target =~ m/\\00\\.*\.dtd/i ))
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=DATAZ_\\resource\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\ RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\
sub is_active_idle_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if (($source =~ m/\.o0001/i &&
$target =~ m/\.o0001/i ) ||
($source =~ m/\.o0000/i &&
$target =~ m/\.o0000/i ))
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_elocl_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/elocl\.dll/i &&
$target =~ m/elocl\.loc/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# get the type from an iby entry
sub get_type_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $1;
return "";
# get the source file from an iby entry
sub get_source_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $2;
return "";
# get the target file from an iby entry
sub get_target_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $3;
return "";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_resource($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the .rsc to .r%02d
$source =~ s/\.rsc/\.r%s/i;
$target =~ s/\.rsc/\.r%s/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_help($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\01\\ to \\%02d\\
$source =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
$target =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from help entry hlp
sub create_localise_entry_from_help_hlp($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the .hlp to .h%02d
$source =~ s/\.hlp/\.h%s/i;
$target =~ s/\.hlp/\.h%s/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_dtd($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\01\\ to \\%02d\\
# $source =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $target =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $source =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $target =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# #print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_active_idle($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\0001\\ to \\%04d\\
$source =~ s/o0001/o%04d/i;
$target =~ s/o0001/o%04d/i;
$source =~ s/o0000/o%04d/i;
$target =~ s/o0000/o%04d/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
sub create_localise_entry_from_elocl($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\0001\\ to \\%04d\\
$source =~ s/\.dll/\.%02d/i;
$target =~ s/\.loc/\.%02d/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source $target\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localisable path from /00/ or /01/ paths
sub create_localisable_path($)
my $entry = shift;
$entry =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/ig;
$entry =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/ig;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return $entry;
1; # Return a true value from the file