<#--============================================================================ Name : Part of : Helium Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).All rights reserved.This component and the accompanying materials are made availableunder the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"which accompanies this distribution, and is availableat the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".Initial Contributors:Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.Contributors:Description:============================================================================-->.. index:: module: Minibuild test configurationsMinibuild test configurations=============================Minibuilds are buildbots (automated test systems) that are used to test parts of Helium. For each platform/family of products e.g. 5132 and 5152 a buildbot is created that tests the platform using a subset of the complete build. All build bots are automatically executed each time something is checked in to the Helium subversion trunk... index:: single: Minibuild test configurations- getting startedGetting Started---------------.. toctree::<#list project.getReference('internal.ref.minibuilds')?split(';') as filename> ${filename?replace('\\', '/')}</#list>