Release note: Amendment to SF Bug 1511 fix - removal of blanked DEFFILE keyword from e32abiv2ani.flm
## Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).# All rights reserved.# This component and the accompanying materials are made available# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"# which accompanies this distribution, and is available# at the URL "".## Initial Contributors:# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.## Contributors:## Description: ## This package contains routines to create features data file.use featurefile;package featuresdat;BEGIN{ @ISA = qw (featurefile); # Declare this a child of featurefile class} use featureparser;use strict;# Class constructorsub new{ my ($class,$xmlDBHandle) = @_; my $object = $class->SUPER::new($xmlDBHandle); # Invoke base class new function $object->{_FEATURELIST} = undef; $object->{_FEATUREHASHMAP} = undef; $object->{_FILEVERSION} = 0x0001; return $object;}# Subroutine to create feature map# @param $object - Object reference which is passed implicitlysub createFeatureMap{ my $object = shift; foreach my $fidMain (@{$object->{_FEATURELIST}}) { my $fid = $fidMain->{uid}; # Check whether the feature is present in feature list XMl file or not. # If not, then generate an error message and discard this feature. if (!$object->isPresentInFeatureListXML($fidMain)) { next; } # "0th" bit of the Status Flag is set depending on whether the feature is included by using "FEATURE" keyword or # excluded using "EXCLUDE_FEATURE" keyword (i.e. "0th" bit will be set as '1' if the feature is included or else will # be set as '0' if feature is excluded). if ($fidMain->{include} == 1) { $fidMain->{SF} |= 1; } elsif ($fidMain->{exclude} == 1) { $fidMain->{SF} &= 0xFFFFFFFE; } $object->{_FEATUREHASHMAP}->{$fid} = { SF=>$fidMain->{SF}, UD=>$fidMain->{UD} }; } }# Subroutine to write the feature entries in the features data file.# @param $object - Object reference which is passed implicitlysub writeFeatures{ my $object = shift; foreach my $featureId (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$object->{_FEATUREHASHMAP}})) { $object->write2File($featureId); $object->write2File($object->{_FEATUREHASHMAP}->{$featureId}->{SF}); $object->write2File($object->{_FEATUREHASHMAP}->{$featureId}->{UD}); }}# Subroutine to set the count of Default Support Range(D.S.R)# @param $object - Object reference which is passed implicitlysub setDefaultRangeCount{ my $object = shift; # Set the Default Range Count only for core image feature database file. if ($object->{_FEATUREFILENAME} =~ /features.dat$/i ) { $object->{_DEFAULTRANGECOUNT} = ($object->{_XMLDBHANDLE})->defaultIncludeCount(); } else { $object->{_DEFAULTRANGECOUNT} = 0; }}1;