More extensive error reporting in sysdef perl tools. Allow sysdef merging with an empty upstream model.
# ============================================================================
# Name :
# Part of : build_RnD
# Description : S60 specific IBY file macro handling
# Version : %version: 1 %
# Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
# This material, including documentation and any related computer
# programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
# rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
# adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
# prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
# confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
# without the prior written consent of Nokia.
# ============================================================================
# 07.08.2006 Juha Ristimäki
# Initial version.
package s60ibymacros;
use Exporter ();
our ( $VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT );
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw( &s60ibymacros_info &DoS60IbyModifications );
my %s60ibymacros_infostruct =
name => "s60ibymacros",
invocation => "InvocationPoint1",
single => "s60ibymacros::DoS60IbyModifications"
my @newobydata;
sub s60ibymacros_info
return \%s60ibymacros_infostruct;
sub DoS60IbyModifications
my $obydata = shift;
undef @newobydata;
foreach $line (@{$obydata})
if ($line =~ /^\s*REM/i)
# Ignore REM statements, to avoid processing "REM __SCALABLE_IMAGE( ... )"
push @newobydata, $line;
elsif( ! ( HandleIconMacros($line) || HandleCenrepMacros($line) ) )
push @newobydata, $line;
@{$obydata} = @newobydata;
sub HandleCenrepMacros
my $line = shift;
if ( $line =~ m/^.*__CENREP_TXT_FILES\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)/i )
# __CENREP_TXT_FILES(dataz_, source dir, target dir)
my $sourcepath="$1\\$2";
my $targetpath=$3;
my $s60extras_export_list_filename = "$sourcepath"."\\s60extras_export_list.txt";
open(DH, $s60extras_export_list_filename);
my @dlist = <DH>;
chop @dlist;
my $cenreptxtfile;
foreach $cenreptxtfile (@dlist)
if ($cenreptxtfile =~ /^\S+\.txt/)
push @newobydata, "data=$sourcepath\\$cenreptxtfile $targetpath\\$cenreptxtfile\n";
return 1;
sub HandleIconMacros
my $line = shift;
if ( $line =~ m/^.*__SCALABLE_IMAGE\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)/i )
# __SCALABLE_IMAGE(emulator directory, file rom dir, dataz_, resource rom dir,
# filename, resource filename)
my $sourcepath="$1\\$2";
my $targetpath=$3;
my $filename=$4;
if( -e "$sourcepath\\$filename.mbm" )
push @newobydata, "AUTO-BITMAP=$sourcepath\\$filename.mbm $targetpath\\$filename.mbm\n";
if( -e "$sourcepath\\$filename.mif" )
push @newobydata, "data=$sourcepath\\$filename.mif $targetpath\\$filename.mif\n";
elsif( ! -e "$sourcepath\\$filename.mbm ")
print STDERR "* Invalid image file name: $sourcepath\\$filename.mbm or .mif\n";
return 1;
1; # Return a true value from the file