author andy simpson <>
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 15:14:33 +0100
changeset 652 311511800c67
parent 645 b8d81fa19e7d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add export for (re-applies missing part of fix for Bug 2901

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : coverity.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<project name="compile.coverity" xmlns:hlm="">
        code-coverity measure.
    <!-- Coverity property declaration and types defination-->
    <!--* @property coverity.enabled
    Value must be set to execute coverity targets.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!--* @property internal.coverity.enabled
    To run coverity related targets if coverity.enabled set to true.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    <!--* @property enabled.coverity 
    Value must be set to execute coverity targets. - deprecated: Start using coverity.enabled property.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @deprecated since 11.0
    <!--* @property coverity.commit.defects.enabled
    Set to true to commit the defects into coverity database.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!--* @property post.coverity.steps.enabled
    Set to true to run post coverity steps.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    @since 11.0.4
    <!--* @property
    Set to true if coverity error file contains zero errors.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    @since 11.0.4
    <!--* @property
    Set to true if coverity output file contains zero fatal errors.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    @since 11.0.4
    <!--* @property internal.coverity.commit.defects.enabled
    Run the targets to commit the defects into database if coverity.commit.defects.enabled set to true.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    <!--* @property coverity.defect.manager.server
    Coverity defect manager server name or ip address.
    @type string
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0 
    <!--* @property coverity.defect.manager.port
    Coverity defect manager server HTTP port or listener port number.
    @type string
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!--* @property coverity.defect.manager.product
    Coverity defect manager product name to submit the coverity errors.
    @type string
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!-- coverity output directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.output.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/coverity"/>
    <!-- coverity log directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/coverity"/>
    <!-- coverity link directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="" value="${coverity.output.dir}/coveritylink"/>
    <!-- coverity config directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.config.dir" value="${coverity.output.dir}/config"/>
    <!-- coverity analyze directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.analyze.dir" value="${}/analyze"/>
    <!-- coverity intermediate directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.inter.dir" value="${coverity.output.dir}/intermediate"/>
    <!-- coverity report directory location
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="" value="${coverity.output.dir}/coverity_report_${}"/>
    <!-- coverity report file name
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="" value="${}_coverity_build_report.html"/>
    <!-- coverity summary XML file name
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.summary.xml.file" value="${}/${}_coverity_build_summary.xml"/>
    <!-- coverity checkers XML file name
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="coverity.checkers.xml.file" value="${}/${}_coverity_build_checkers.xml"/>
    <!-- diamonds coverity report file name
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="" value="${}/${}_coverity_build_report.xml"/>
    <!-- set property if coverity is enabled -->
    <condition property="internal.coverity.enabled">
            <istrue value="${coverity.enabled}"/>
            <istrue value="${enabled.coverity}"/>
    <!-- set property if coverity.commit.defects.enabled is enabled -->
    <condition property="internal.coverity.commit.defects.enabled">
        <istrue value="${coverity.commit.defects.enabled}"/>
        <isset property="env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"/>
            <math result="" operand1="${env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}" operation="*" operand2="2" datatype="int"/>
            <!-- Number of parallel coverity emit threads can run.
            @type string
            @scope private
            <property name="" value="2"/>
    <!-- cov-build command options -->
    <hlm:coverityoptions id="">
        <arg name="--config" value="${coverity.config.dir}/coverity_config.xml"/>
        <arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.inter.dir}"/>
        <arg name="--auto-diff" value=""/>
        <arg name="--preprocess-first" value=""/>
        <arg name="--record-only" value=""/>
    <!-- To run post coverity steps -->
    <target name="post-coverity" if="internal.coverity.enabled">
        <mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}"/>
        <!-- To emit the file into defect database -->
        <runtarget target="run-coverity-emit"/>
        <!-- To collect linkage information on all files -->
        <runtarget target="run-coverity-link"/>
        <!-- To analyze the sources file -->
        <runtarget target="run-coverity-analyze"/>
        <!-- To generate the HTML error pages -->
        <runtarget target="gen-coverity-report"/>
        <!-- To commit the defects into coverity defect manager. -->
        <runtarget target="run-commit-defects"/>
    <!-- Run coverity configure if the coverity.enabled is set to true -->
    <target name="run-coverity-configure" if="internal.coverity.enabled">
        <mkdir dir="${compile.log.dir}"/>
        <!-- cov-config command options -->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="coverity.config.options">
            <hlm:arg name="--config" value="${coverity.config.dir}/coverity_config.xml"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--template" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="--comptype" value="armcc"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--compiler" value="armcc.exe"/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${compile.log.dir}/${}_coverity_configure_errors.log"
    <!-- Run coverity build with emit options if the coverity.enabled is set to true 
     re-running the cov-build with replay option will reduce the build time by ~ 20% 
    <target name="run-coverity-emit">
        <!-- cov-build emit command options -->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="coverity.emit.options">
            <arg name="--config" value="${coverity.config.dir}/coverity_config.xml"/>
            <arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.inter.dir}"/>
            <arg name="--replay" value=""/>
            <arg name="--replay-processes" value="${}"/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_emit_errors.log"
    <!-- Run coverity-analyze if the coverity.enabled is set to true 
     Sometimes the same file is compiled several times with different command-line options. 
     Due to the inherent difficulty of tracking linkage information, the cov-analyze command cannot automatically determine which files are linked together. 
     To avoid errors in function call resolution (especially in C code, which doesn't have any name mangling), use the cov-link command to get this information. 
     and also
     working with link files is faster than collecting data from the intermediate directory multiple times
     So run the cov-link commands and analyze the database using cov-analyze command.
    <target name="run-coverity-link" if="post.coverity.steps.enabled">
        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
        <!-- Run cov-link with the -co and -of options to collect linkage information on all files compiled in an emit directory.-->        
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="">
            <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.inter.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--collect" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="-of" value="${}/"/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_link_errors.log" 
        <!--Create one or more additional link files by filtering information using either an argument or a portion 
        of the pathname that was used during command-line compilation-->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="">
            <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.inter.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--compile-arg" value="armv5"/>
            <hlm:arg name="-of" value="${}/"/>
            <hlm:arg name="${}/" value=""/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_link_errors.log"
        <!--Use the link files created in the previous steps, and the emit repository in the original intermediate directory, to create a new 
        intermediate directory with an emit repository with resolved function calls -->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="">
            <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.inter.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--output-dir" value="${coverity.analyze.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="${}/" value=""/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_link_errors.log" 
    <!-- To analyze the sources file -->
    <target name="run-coverity-analyze" if="post.coverity.steps.enabled">
        <!-- cov-analyze command options -->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="coverity.analyze.options">
            <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.analyze.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--all" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="--symbian" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="--append" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="--enable-callgraph-metrics" value=""/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_analyze_errors.log" 
    <!-- Generate coverity report -->
    <target name="gen-coverity-report" if="post.coverity.steps.enabled">
        <!-- Read the summary file generated by cov-analyze and generate html file -->
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/compile/templates/coverity.summary.html.ftl"
            <data   expandProperties="yes">
                    ant: antProperties()
                    covsummary: slicedText (${coverity.analyze.dir}/c/output/summary.txt)
        <!-- To generate summary file for diamonds -->
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/compile/templates/coverity.summary.xml.ftl"
            <data   expandProperties="yes">
                    ant: antProperties()
                    covsummary: slicedText (${coverity.analyze.dir}/c/output/summary.txt)
        <!-- Run this to get the static html pages -->
        <hlm:coverityoptions id="coverity.format.errors.options">
            <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.analyze.dir}"/>
            <hlm:arg name="--filesort" value=""/>
            <hlm:arg name="--functionsort" value=""/>
        <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_format_errors.log" 
        <!-- Copy the summary file to resolve the xml load error -->
        <copy file="${coverity.analyze.dir}/c/output/errors/summary.xml" tofile="${coverity.checkers.xml.file}" overwrite="true" failonerror="false">
                <linecontains negate="true">
                    <contains value="config.dtd"/>
        <!-- Insert summary tags into checkers file -->
        <xmltask source="${coverity.checkers.xml.file}"  dest="${}" report="false">
            <insert path="/coverity" file="${coverity.summary.xml.file}"/> 
        <!-- collect all the html files into folder -->        
        <copy todir="${}" overwrite="true" failonerror="false">
            <fileset dir="${coverity.analyze.dir}/c/output/errors">
                <exclude name="index.html"/>
                <exclude name="**/*.xml"/>
                <exclude name="summary.html"/>
        <!-- Concatinate all the html pages to get the final error report page -->
        <concat destfile="${}/${}">
            <fileset dir="${}" includes="${}_coverity_build_summary.html"/>
            <fileset dir="${coverity.analyze.dir}/c/output/errors" includes="index.html"/>
    <!-- To commit the coverity defects into coverity defect manager --> 
    <target name="run-commit-defects" depends="coverity-username,coverity-password" if="internal.coverity.commit.defects.enabled">
            <istrue value="${post.coverity.steps.enabled}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}"/>
                <!-- Check is the coverity defect manager server and port numbers are set -->
                <fail message="FAILED: Coverity defect manager server/IP address is not set. Please set 'coverity.defect.manager.server'. Ex: server.domain.extension or 100.220.530.101" 
                <fail message="FAILED: Coverity defect manager HTTP port number is not set. Please set 'coverity.defect.manager.port'." 
                <!-- Check is the coverity defect manager server product is set to submit the coverity errors.-->
                <fail message="FAILED: Coverity defect manager product name is not set. Please set 'coverity.defect.manager.product'." 
                <!-- cov-commit-defects command options -->
                <hlm:coverityoptions id="coverity.commit.defects.options">
                    <hlm:arg name="--config" value="${coverity.config.dir}/coverity_config.xml"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--remote" value="${coverity.defect.manager.server}"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--port" value="${coverity.defect.manager.port}"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--user" value="${coverity.username}"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--password" value="${coverity.password}"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--dir" value="${coverity.analyze.dir}"/>
                    <hlm:arg name="--product" value="${coverity.defect.manager.product}"/>
                <!-- Run the coverity commit defects command to submit the errors into defect manager -->
                <hlm:runCoverityCommand errorlog="${post.log.dir}/${}_coverity_commit_defects_errors.log" 
    <!-- Retrieve the coverity password from the .netrc file and store it into coverity.password property. -->
    <target name="coverity-password" if="internal.coverity.commit.defects.enabled">
        <hlm:netrcPasswordMacro output-prop="coverity.password" result-prop="coverity.password.available" type="coverity"/>
        <hlm:logreplace regexp="coverity.password"/>
    <!-- Retrieve the coverity username from the .netrc file and store it into coverity.username property. -->
    <target name="coverity-username" if="internal.coverity.commit.defects.enabled">
        <hlm:netrcUsernameMacro output-prop="coverity.username" result-prop="coverity.username.available" type="coverity"/>
    <!-- To run coverity command and to check errors thrown by coverity commands -->
    <macrodef name="runCoverityCommand" uri="">
        <attribute name="errorlog"/>
        <attribute name="outputlog"/>
        <attribute name="command"/>
        <attribute name="append" default="false"/>
        <attribute name="options"/>
            <var name="" unset="true"/>
            <var name="" unset="true"/>
            <var name="post.coverity.steps.enabled" unset="true"/>
            <var name="total.coverity.errors" unset="true"/>
            <var name="total.coverity.output.errors" unset="true"/>
            <hlm:coverity command="@{command}" dir="${}/" error="@{errorlog}" append="@{append}" output="@{outputlog}">
                <hlm:coverityoptions refid="@{options}"/>
            <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
                    <fileset casesensitive="false" file="@{errorlog}"/>
                    <metadatafilterset refid="filterset.coverity.error.cli"/>
            <hlm:metadataCountSeverity severity="ERROR" log="@{errorlog}" database="${metadata.dbfile}" property="total.coverity.errors"/>
            <echo>Coverity command '@{command}' errors: ${total.coverity.errors}</echo>
            <condition property="">
                <equals arg1="${total.coverity.errors}" arg2="0"/>
            <hlm:generateBuildStatus file="@{errorlog}"/>
            <hlm:signalMacro logfile="@{errorlog}" phase="post" signal.input="coveritySignalInput"/>
                <available file="@{outputlog}" />
                    <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
                            <fileset casesensitive="false" file="@{outputlog}"/>
                            <metadatafilterset refid="filterset.coverity.output.cli"/>
                    <hlm:metadataCountSeverity severity="ERROR" log="@{outputlog}" database="${metadata.dbfile}" property="total.coverity.output.errors"/>
                    <echo>Coverity command '@{command}' errors: ${total.coverity.output.errors}</echo>
                    <condition property="">
                        <equals arg1="${total.coverity.output.errors}" arg2="0"/>
                    <hlm:generateBuildStatus file="@{outputlog}"/>
                    <hlm:signalMacro logfile="@{outputlog}" phase="post" signal.input="coveritySignalInput"/>
            <condition property="post.coverity.steps.enabled">
                    <istrue value="${}"/>
                    <istrue value="${}"/>