Make TC fail when there is an error. This is hypothetical in this version but the next version of the TC is in testing.
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#if !defined(__ELFDLL_H__)
#define __ELFDLL_H__
//#include <e32rom.h>
#include "e32ldfmt.h"
#include <elfdefs.h>
#include "elffile.h"
#define DLLSYMPREFIX0 "#"
#define DLLSYMSUFFIX "#<\\DLL>"
#define ORDBASE 16
#define EXPORTTABLENAME "DLL##ExportTable"
#define EXPORTTABLESIZENAME "DLL##ExportTableSize"
class NamedExportSymbol;
class OrdZeroRecord;
struct NeededDLLsList;
const TUint KNameLookupOffsetFlag32 = 0x0001;
class ELFFile::ELFDllData
ELFFile * iElfFile;
char * iDynStrTab;
// bytesize of the dynamic string table
TInt iDynStrTabSize;
Elf32_Sym * iDynSymTab;
// size of an entry in the dynamic symbol table
TInt iSymSize;
// the rela relocation table
Elf32_Rela * iRela;
// size of rela relocation table in bytes
TInt iRelaSz;
// size of a rela entry in bytes
TInt iRelaEnt;
// the rel relocation table
Elf32_Rel * iRel;
// size of rel relocation table in bytes
TInt iRelSz;
// size of a rel entry in bytes
TInt iRelEnt;
Elf32_HashTable * iHashTable;
// Exported symbols required for lookup via names.
NamedExportSymbol *iNamedExportSymbolHead;
// Number of exported symbols - this doesn't nclude the absent symbols.
TInt iNamedExportCount;
// header of the export symbol info table
E32EpocExpSymInfoHdr iSymInfoHdr;
// String table size for the symbol names.
TUint iSymStringTableSize;
TUint iStringNameOffset;
// Dependency list
// Static Dependencies - An 'import relocation' entry is required to be created
// for each such record.
OrdZeroRecord *iDepRecords;
OrdZeroRecord *iDepRecordsTail;
// List of names obtained from DT_NEEDED entries in ELF.
// The order in which they appear is the order in which symbol
// lookup shall be followed.
NeededDLLsList *iNeededDllNames;
NeededDLLsList *iNeededDllNamesTail;
// Ordinal 0 of this binary. - A local relocation needs to be created for this
// record.
OrdZeroRecord *iOrdZeroRec;
TInt iNamedLookupEnabled;
ELFDllData(ELFFile * f);
TBool Init();
TBool ParseDllSymbol(Elf32_Sym * s, char*& dll, TUint& len, TInt& ord);
class DllSymbol
char * iDll;
TUint iLen;
TInt iOrd;
Elf32_Phdr * iSegment;
Elf32_Rel * iRel;
DllSymbol * iNext;
DllSymbol(char * n, TUint l, TInt o)
: iDll(n), iLen(l), iOrd(o), iSegment(0),iRel(0),iNext(0)
delete iNext;
DllSymbol * DllSymbolP(Elf32_Sym * s);
TBool AddSymbol(DllSymbol * s);
class DllRec
char * iName;
TUint iLen;
TInt nImports;
DllSymbol * iHead;
DllSymbol * iTail;
DllRec * iNext;
DllRec(char * n, TInt l, DllSymbol * s) :
iName(n), iLen(l), nImports(1), iHead(s), iTail(s), iNext(0)
delete iHead;
delete iNext;
void AddSymbol(DllSymbol * s);
DllRec * iDllHead;
DllRec * iDllTail;
Elf32_Word iExportTableSymIdx;
Elf32_Word iExportTableSizeSymIdx;
TBool InitExportInfo();
TBool iImageIsDll;
TBool ImageIsDll() { return iImageIsDll; }
Elf32_Word FindSymbolIndex(TText * s);
TInt iNumberOfImports;
TInt iNumberOfExports;
TInt iNumberOfImportDlls;
TInt iStringTableSize;
TInt iNumberOfRelocs;
TInt iNumberOfCodeRelocs;
TInt iNumberOfDataRelocs;
TInt NumberOfImports(void);
TInt NumberOfExports(void);
TInt NumberOfImportDlls(void);
TInt NumberOfRelocs(void);
TInt NumberOfCodeRelocs() { return iNumberOfCodeRelocs; }
TInt NumberOfDataRelocs() { return iNumberOfDataRelocs; }
TBool GetRelocs(Elf32_Rel **aCodeRelocs, Elf32_Rel **aDataRelocs);
TUint GetExportTableOffset(void);
char * CreateImportSection(TInt &aSize);
TBool CreateSymLookupTable();
TBool SetupSymbolValues();
TBool SetupSymbolNames();
void Sort(NamedExportSymbol** aDstList, NamedExportSymbol* aSrcList);
void MergeSort(NamedExportSymbol** aDstList, NamedExportSymbol** aSrcList);
void MergeSort(NamedExportSymbol** aDstList, NamedExportSymbol** aSrcList, \
TUint aLeft, TUint aRight);
TBool AddToDependency(TUint aOff);
TBool CreateDependency();
OrdZeroRecord* FindDependency(char* aName, TUint aLen);
DllRec * SearchImports(char *aName);
TInt GetLookupTblSize(){ return iSymInfoHdr.iSize;}
void SetLookupTblBase(TInt);
void GetExportSymInfoHeader(E32EpocExpSymInfoHdr& aSymInfoHdr);
void SetExportSymInfo();
TUint GetSymLookupSection(char* aBuff);
// This class is used to create symbols to support named lookups.
class NamedExportSymbol
NamedExportSymbol(char* aName, Elf32_Addr aValue);
delete iNext;
char* Name() { return iSymbolName;}
void Name(char* aName) {iSymbolName = aName;}
TUint NameOffset() {return iSymbolNameOffset;}
void NameOffset(TUint aOffset) {iSymbolNameOffset = aOffset;}
Elf32_Addr Value() { return iValue;}
void Value(Elf32_Addr aValue) { iValue = aValue;}
NamedExportSymbol* Next() { return iNext;}
void Next(NamedExportSymbol* aNext) { iNext = aNext;}
Elf32_Rel iReloc; // relocation entry for the symbol address
TUint iSymRelocType; // Whether it is a code or data relocation for this symbol
char* iSymbolName; // Symbol name
TInt iSymIdx;
TUint iSymbolNameOffset;// offset of name in string table.
Elf32_Addr iValue; // symbol value - this is the address of the symbol
NamedExportSymbol *iNext; // next symbol
// This class is used to support symbol lookup of the static dependencies by linking in their
// 0th ordinal.
class OrdZeroRecord
OrdZeroRecord(char* aName):
iName(aName), iNext(0){}
delete iNext;
char *iName; // (linkas) name of the dependency
Elf32_Rel iReloc; // a relocation entry for the 0th ordinal of each dependency
OrdZeroRecord *iNext; // next dependency
TUint iOffset;
struct NeededDLLsList
NeededDLLsList(TUint aOff) : iOffset(aOff), iNext(0)
delete iNext;
TUint iOffset;
NeededDLLsList *iNext;