Make TC fail when there is an error. This is hypothetical in this version but the next version of the TC is in testing.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# changes the paging/unpaged configuration of binaries a generated
# OBY file
# use
# externaltool=efficient_rom_paging
# in oby file to enable
# ## TODO
# ## keyword alias isn't handled
package efficient_rom_paging;
use strict;
our @EXPORT=qw(
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
my @moved_entry; # Holds all entries that has been moved without their dependencies
my %seen; # Holds all dependencies to entries in moved_entry
use File::Basename;
# routine to provide information about the tool
sub efficient_rom_paging_info ()
my %toolinfo;
$toolinfo{'name'} = "efficient_rom_paging";
$toolinfo{'invocation'} = "InvocationPoint2.5";
$toolinfo{'multiple'} = \&efficient_rom_paging_multiple;
$toolinfo{'single'} = \&efficient_rom_paging_single;
return \%toolinfo;
# routine to handle multiple invocation
sub efficient_rom_paging_multiple
my ($line) = @_;
my @args=split /[=\s]/, $line;
return "REM";
# Hash of all executables and their paged attribute
my %executables;
sub is_oby_statement
my ($li) = @_;
if ($li =~ /\s*data\s*=/) { return 1;}
if ($li =~ /\s*file\s*=/) { return 1;}
if ($li =~ /\s*dll\s*=/) { return 1;}
if ($li =~ /\s*secondary\s*=/) { return 1;}
return 0;
# Scan OBY file and move ROM_IMAGE[1] paged executables to ROM_IMAGE[0] part
sub efficient_rom_paging_single
my ($oby) = @_;
print " Making paging more efficient.\n";
my $rofs_start = 0;
#Find ROFS partition
foreach my $line (@$oby)
if ($line =~ /ROM_IMAGE\[1\]/i)
my @rom_core_partition = @$oby[0 .. $rofs_start-1];
my @rofs_partition = @$oby[$rofs_start .. $#$oby];
if (is_pagingoverride_nopaged($oby))
move_all_paged_and_default_nonexecutables_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_aliases_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
@$oby = (@rom_core_partition, @rofs_partition);
print "\n";
if (is_pagingoverride_defaultpaged($oby))
move_all_default_executables_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_paged_and_default_nonexecutables_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
if (is_pagingoverride_alwayspage($oby))
move_all_executables_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_aliases_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
@$oby = (@rom_core_partition, @rofs_partition);
print "\n";
move_all_paged_executables_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_dependencies_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition, $oby);
move_all_aliases_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_renames_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
move_all_patchdata_to_core(\@rom_core_partition, \@rofs_partition);
@$oby = (@rom_core_partition, @rofs_partition);
print "\n";
sub is_pagingoverride_nopaged
my ($oby) = @_;
for my $line (@$oby)
if ($line =~ /pagingoverride\s+nopaging/i)
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_pagingoverride_defaultpaged
my ($oby) = @_;
for my $line (@$oby)
if ($line =~ /pagingoverride\s+defaultpaged/i)
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_pagingoverride_alwayspage
my ($oby) = @_;
for my $line (@$oby)
if ($line =~ /pagingoverride\s+alwayspage/i)
return 1;
return 0;
sub setup_pageable_attribute_array
my ($rofs_partition) = @_;
my $counter = 0;
for my $line (@$rofs_partition)
if (is_oby_statement($line))
my $executable;
$line =~ /file=(\S+)/i;
$executable = $1;
open DUMP, "ELFTRAN -dump h $executable |" or die "Can't execute ELFTRAN\n";
while (my $line=<DUMP>)
if ($line =~ /pageability : (\S+)/i)
$executables{$executable} = $1;
print "." if (($counter++ % 10) == 0);
close DUMP;
sub move_all_paged_executables_to_core
my ($rom_core, $rofs) = @_;
my @rofs_execs = grep {$_ =~ /file\s*=/i} @$rofs;
for my $line (@rofs_execs)
my $executable;
$line =~ /file=(\S+) /;
$executable = $1;
if ($line =~ /\s+paged$/i || ($line !~ /\s+unpaged$/i && lc($executables{$executable}) eq 'paged'))
push @$rom_core, $line; # Add line to rom core.
# Save the executables in a list. Will be used as a cache when dependencies are searched for.
push @moved_entry, $executable;
@$rofs = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs; # Remove line from rofs partition
sub move_all_paged_nonexecutables_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @rofs_data = grep {$_ =~ /data\s*=\s*\S+\s+\S*\s+paged/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $line (@rofs_data)
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_paged_and_default_nonexecutables_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
move_all_paged_nonexecutables_to_core($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition);
my @rofs_data = grep {$_ =~ /data=\s*/} @$rofs_partition;
@rofs_data = grep {$_ !~ /unpaged/ } @rofs_data;
for my $line (@rofs_data)
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_default_executables_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @rofs_execs = grep {$_ =~ /file\s*=/i} @$rofs_partition;
# If they have been set to unpaged in the oby file, they shouldn't be moved over.
for my $executable (sort keys %executables)
if ($executables{$executable} =~ /default/i)
for my $line (@rofs_execs)
if ($line !~ /unpaged\s*$/i)
my $rofs_executable = $line;
$rofs_executable =~ /file\s*=\s*(\S+)/i;
$rofs_executable = $1;
if ($rofs_executable eq $executable)
push @moved_entry, $executable;
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_executables_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @all_executables = grep {$_ =~ /file\s*=/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $line (@all_executables)
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
push @moved_entry, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_aliases_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @all_aliases = grep {$_ =~ /^alias\s+\S+\s+\S+/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $line (@all_aliases)
$line =~ /^alias\s+(\S+)\s+\S+/i;
my $alias = $1;
$alias = basename($alias);
my @file_stmt = grep {$_ =~ /^\s*(extension|device|file|data)(\[\S+\])?\s*=\s*\S+\s+\S*($alias)(\")?[\s+|\r](\s+\S+)*\s*$/i} @$rom_core_partition;
if(scalar @file_stmt)
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_renames_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @all_renames = grep {$_ =~ /^rename\s+\S+\s+\S+/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $line (@all_renames)
$line =~ /^rename\s+(\S+)\s+\S+/i;
my $rename = $1;
$rename = basename($rename);
for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @$rom_core_partition; $i++)
if ($rename =~ $$rom_core_partition[$i])
splice(@$rom_core_partition, $i+1, 0, $line);
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_patchdata_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition) = @_;
my @all_patchdata = grep {$_ =~ /^patchdata\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $line (@all_patchdata)
$line =~ /^patchdata\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+/i;
my $patchdata = $1;
$patchdata = basename($patchdata);
if (grep($patchdata, @$rom_core_partition))
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
sub move_all_dependencies_to_core
my ($rom_core_partition, $rofs_partition, $oby) = @_;
my $counter = 0;
for my $d (@moved_entry)
if (!exists $seen{$d})
listcomp("", $d, $oby);
print "." if (($counter % 10) == 0);
# delete all dependencies that have already been moved to core rom.
for my $exec (@moved_entry)
if (exists $seen{$exec})
delete $seen{$exec};
# move all dependencies to rom core
my @rofs_execs = grep {$_ =~/file\s*=/i} @$rofs_partition;
for my $exec (keys %seen)
for my $line (@rofs_execs)
my $rofs_exec = $line;
$rofs_exec =~ /file\s*=\s*\S+\s+(\S+)/i;
$rofs_exec = $1;
$rofs_exec =~ s/"//g;
if (basename(lc($exec)) eq basename(lc($rofs_exec)))
push @$rom_core_partition, $line;
push @moved_entry, $line;
@$rofs_partition = grep {$_ ne $line} @$rofs_partition;
# for each exe, list the dependencies
sub listcomp
my ($deps, $comp, $oby) = @_;
# find dependencies of comp
my @ar=getdeps($comp, $oby);
# recurse over new dependencies
foreach my $d (@ar)
if (!exists $seen{$d})
# recurse
listcomp($deps, $d, $oby);
sub getdeps
my ($comp, $oby) = @_;
my @list=();
my $hw_base_name = basename($comp);
for my $line (@$oby)
if (is_oby_statement($line))
if ($line =~ /\\$hw_base_name/i)
$line =~ /\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*/;
$comp = $1;
open DUMP, "ELFTRAN -dump i $comp |" or die "Can't execute ELFTRAN\n";
while (my $line=<DUMP>)
if ($line =~ /imports from (\S+)/i)
my $d = $1;
$d =~ s/\{\S{8}\}//; # remove {00000000}
$d =~ s/\[\S{8}\]//; # remove [00000000]
push @list, "$d";
close DUMP;
return @list;