Make TC fail when there is an error. This is hypothetical in this version but the next version of the TC is in testing.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Enabler for overriding file and data entries from platform iby files.
# Example 1: Replace an existing file with a different source files
# This replaces the original line with the override line.
# NOTE! One must define the ROM_IMAGE section for the overrides correctly.
# Some platform.iby
# data=file.txt sys\bin\file.txt // In ROM_IMAGE[3]
# product.iby
# ROM_IMAGE[3] data-override=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
# output
# data=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
# Example 2: Remove an existing file from a platform iby
# This deletes the original line from the iby structure.
# Some platform.iby
# data=file.txt sys\bin\file.txt // In ROM_IMAGE[3]
# product.iby
# ROM_IMAGE[3] {
# data-override=empty sys\bin\file.txt
# }
# output
# REM OVERRIDE data=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
package override;
use strict;
use warnings;
use plugincommon;
use constant REPLACE_ADD => 0; # Replace with override Add override
use constant REPLACE_SKIP => 1; # Replace with override Do nothing
use constant REPLACE_WARN => 2; # Replace with override Do nothing but warn
use constant SKIP_ADD => 3; # Do nothing Add override
use Exporter();
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&override_info &override_init &override_process);
my $conf = "";
sub override_info
name => "override",
invocation => "InvocationPoint2",
initialize => "override::override_init",
single => "override::override_process"});
sub override_init
plugin_init("", $conf = shift());
sub override_process
plugin_start("", $conf);
my $obydata = shift();
my %targets = ();
my @overrides = ();
my @oconfstack = (REPLACE_WARN);
my @romelemcnt = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
# Go through all the tmp6.oby (InvocationPoint2) lines and store
# normal targets' data to %targets and override targets' data to @overrides
dprint(2, "Finding overrides...");
foreach (@{$obydata})
my $parse = parse_obyline($_);
if ($parse == 2) {
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
# Override configuration keyword
if (defined($1)) {
} else {
push(@oconfstack, defined($2) ? REPLACE_ADD : (defined($3) ? REPLACE_SKIP : (defined($4) ? REPLACE_WARN : SKIP_ADD)));
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
$_ = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
elsif ($parse == 1 && $gKeyword =~ /-override/i) {
# Override entry
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
push(@overrides, [$gLnum - 1, $gRomid, $oconfstack[$#oconfstack]]);
elsif ($parse == 1 && $gKeyword =~ FILESPECKEYWORD) {
# Normal file specification entry
$targets{lc("$gTarget/$gRomid")} = $gLnum - 1;
# Loop through all overrides and handle them
dprint(3, @overrides ? "Handling overrides..." : "No override entries found");
foreach (@overrides)
my ($lnum, $romid, $type) = @{$_};
parse_keyline(${$obydata}[$lnum], 1);
dprint(2, "Handling : `$gLine' ($romid, " . ("REPLACE/ADD", "REPLACE/SKIP", "REPLACE/WARN", "SKIP/ADD")[$type] . ")");
${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
(my $target = $gTarget) =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
if (exists($targets{lc("$target/$romid")})) {
# Override target found
my ($line, $keyword, $source, $attrib) = ($gLine, $gKeyword, $gSource, $gAttrib);
parse_keyline(${$obydata}[$lnum = $targets{lc("$target/$romid")}], 1);
dprint(2, "Target : `$gLine' ($romid, #" . ($lnum + 1) . ")");
if ($type == SKIP_ADD) {
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target found and override type SKIP");
elsif ($source =~ /^"?empty"?$/i) {
# Empty keyword -> comment line out
${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
dprint(1, "Remove ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$gLine' due to `$line'");
dprint(2, "Replace with: `${$obydata}[$lnum]' (Override source EMPTY)");
else {
# Replace existing line with new line
$keyword =~ s/-override//i;
$attrib = ($attrib eq "" ? $gAttrib : ($attrib =~ /^\s*empty$/i ? "" : $attrib));
$line = ${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$keyword=$source $gTarget$attrib\n";
dprint(1, "Replace ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$gLine' with `$line'");
dprint(2, "Replace with: `$line'");
else {
# Override target not found
if (!$romelemcnt[$romid] && $type != REPLACE_ADD && $type != SKIP_ADD) {
# Ignore override non-XXX/ADD targets on empty ROM_IMAGE sections
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found, override target's ROM_IMAGE[$romid] section is empty");
# Check if override target exists in different ROM section
my $warn = "";
foreach my $tromid (0 .. 7) {
$warn = "Override target `$target' found from ROM_IMAGE[$tromid] while override is for ROM_IMAGE[$romid]", last
if exists($targets{lc("$target/$tromid")});
if ($type == REPLACE_SKIP) {
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found " . ($warn ? "from ROM_IMAGE[$romid] " : "") . "and override type SKIP");
elsif ($type == REPLACE_WARN) {
dprint(-3, $warn ? "$warn, ignoring `$target'" : "Ignoring override target `$target', target not found");
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found and override type WARN");
else {
(my $line = $gLine) =~ s/^(\S+?)-override/$1/i;
${$obydata}[$lnum] = $line;
dprint(-3, $warn) if $warn;
dprint(1, "Add ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$line' from `$gLine'");
dprint(2, "Add new : `$line' (Target not found, override type ADD)");