author Daniel Jacobs <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 14:22:55 +0100
changeset 444 31c715210447
parent 217 0f5e3a7fb6af
child 628 7c4a911dc066
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changes to delete on failed compile test.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : logging.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<!--* @package framework -->
<project name="logging" xmlns:hlm="">
        Targets related to log parsing, rendaring, upload to diamonds etc.
    <!-- This is where the preparation build logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="prep.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/prep"/>
    <!-- This is where the compile logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="compile.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/compile"/>
    <!-- This is where the ats test logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="test.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/test"/>
    <!-- This is where the archive logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="archive.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/archive"/>
    <!-- This is where the roms logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="roms.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/roms"/>       
    <!-- This is where the post build logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="post.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/post"/>
    <!-- This is where the localisation logs are stored.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="localisation.log.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/localisation"/>    
    <!-- Macro to record content to a separate log file without recording in the main log. -->
    <macrodef name="recordStartMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="emacsmode" default="false"/>
                <available file="${build.log.dir}" type="dir"/>
                    <hlm:record name="${build.log.dir}/@{name}" action="start" append="true" emacsmode="@{emacsmode}" loglevel="${ant.loglevel}"/>

    <!-- Macro to stop recording content to a separate log file without recording in the main log. -->
    <macrodef name="recordStopMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
                <available file="${build.log.dir}/@{name}"/>
                    <hlm:record name="${build.log.dir}/@{name}" action="stop" append="true"/>

    <!--Macro to stop recording to the main log file (if present) and record to
        a separate log file that is filtered after logging is stopped. -->
    <macrodef name="filterRecordStartMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="pattern" default=""/>
        <attribute name="category" default=""/>
            <hlm:record name="${build.cache.log.dir}/temp_ant_build.log" action="start" loglevel="${ant.loglevel}">
                <hlm:recordfilter category="@{category}" regexp="@{pattern}" />

    <!--Macro to stop recording the seperate filtered log file, filter the passwords
    and start recording in main log file -->
    <macrodef name="filterRecordStopMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="log" default="${build.log}"/>
        <attribute name="append" default="true"/>
            <hlm:record name="${build.cache.log.dir}/temp_ant_build.log" action="stop"/>                    
            <concat destfile="@{log}" append="@{append}">
                <filelist dir="${build.cache.log.dir}" files="temp_ant_build.log"/>                        
            <delete file="${build.cache.log.dir}/temp_ant_build.log" failonerror="false"/>
            <echo>End of filtering @{log} for passwords</echo>
    <!-- Extract logs from text file and process error/warnings/components name etc
    into xml file.
    @deprecated Please consider using the metadata framework.
    <scriptdef name="logextract" language="jython"  uri="">
        <attribute name="file" />
        <attribute name="outputfile" />
        <element name="fileset" type="fileset"/>
        <element name="logfilterset" classname=""/>
import os.path
import log2xml

def convertFile(inputfile, outputfile, config):
    if (outputfile != None):
        print "output file not none"
        print "output file: %s" % outputfile
        targetfile = str(outputfile)
        #print "output file: %s" % outputfile
        targetfile = "%s.xml" % inputfile
        #print "targetFile %s" % targetfile
    if not os.path.exists(targetfile) or \
       (os.path.exists(targetfile) and os.path.getmtime(inputfile) > os.path.getmtime(targetfile)):
        self.getProject().log("Converting %s..." % inputfile)
        log2xml.convert(inputfile, targetfile, False, config)
        self.getProject().log("Extracted log is uptodate: %s" % inputfile)
logfilterset = elements.get("logfilterset")
if logfilterset != None and logfilterset.size() > 0:
    # if any logfilterset are dfined then
    # it override the default configuration
    config = {}
    for filtersetid in range(logfilterset.size()):
        filterset = logfilterset.get(filtersetid)
        if filterset.isReference():
            filterset = filterset.getRefid().getReferencedObject(project)
        filters = filterset.getFilters()
        for filterid in range(filters.size()):
            if not filters.get(filterid).getCategory() in config:
                config[filters.get(filterid).getCategory()] = []

fileset = elements.get("fileset")
outputfile = attributes.get("outputfile")
if fileset != None and fileset.size() > 0:
    for filesetid in range(fileset.size()):
        dirscanner = fileset.get(filesetid).getDirectoryScanner(project)
        for filename in dirscanner.getIncludedFiles():
            inputfile = str(, str(filename)).getAbsolutePath())
            convertFile(inputfile, outputfile, config)
elif attributes.get("file") != None:
    inputfile = str("file"))).getAbsolutePath())
    convertFile(inputfile, outputfile, config)
    self.log("No input specified.")
    <!--Macro to stop recording to the main log file (if present) and record to
        a separate log file into a temporary location (doesn't need the build aread to work). -->
    <macrodef name="tempRecordStartMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.cache.log.dir}"/>
            <hlm:record name="${build.cache.log.dir}/@{name}" action="start" loglevel="${ant.loglevel}"/>

    <!--Macro to restart  the main log file (if present) and stop recording to
        a separate log file into a temporary location the file is next xml summarized 
        and potentially copied to the build area (if exists). Else those files will get copied during the 
        build area preparation. -->
    <macrodef name="tempRecordStopMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="phase" default=""/>
        <attribute name="database" default="${metadata.dbfile}"/>
        <attribute name="filterref" default="filterset.temprecord"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.cache.log.dir}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.cache.log.dir}/signals"/>
            <hlm:record name="${build.cache.log.dir}/@{name}" action="stop" loglevel="${ant.loglevel}"/>
            <!--Temporary solution, the logextract in general 
                needs to be handled in a better way (not all logs needs to be processed,
                logextract / counting errors could be merged and logextract should be
                executed on a need basis and not to process for all stopmacro.-->
            <!-- Todo: metadata: replace logextract -->
            <hlm:metadatarecord database="@{database}">
                    <fileset casesensitive="false" file="${build.cache.log.dir}/@{name}" />
                    <metadatafilterset refid="@{filterref}" />
            <hlm:generateBuildStatus dbfile="@{database}" output-dir="${build.cache.log.dir}/signals" file="@{name}" />
                <isset property="@{phase}.log.dir" />
                    <mkdir dir="${@{phase}.log.dir}"/>
                    <copy todir="${@{phase}.log.dir}" failonerror="false">
                        <fileset casesensitive="false" file="${build.cache.log.dir}/@{name}" />
                    <copy todir="${build.log.dir}" failonerror="false">
                        <fileset casesensitive="false" file="${build.cache.log.dir}/@{name}" />
            <copy todir="${build.signal.status.dir}" failonerror="false">
                <fileset casesensitive="false" dir="${build.cache.log.dir}/signals" />
    <!-- Macro to start logging to a separate log file.
    This will stop logging to the main ant_build log file until stopSpecificLogMacro
    is called. -->
    <macrodef name="startSpecificLogMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="regexp" default=""/>
        <attribute name="backup" default="false"/>
        <attribute name="phase" default=""/>
                <isset property="@{phase}.log.dir" />
                    <mkdir dir="${@{phase}.log.dir}"/>
            <mkdir dir="@{name}/.."/>
            <hlm:record name="@{name}" action="start" loglevel="verbose" backup="@{backup}" backupProperty="">
                <hlm:recordfilter category="@{phase}" regexp="@{regexp}" />

    <!--Macro to restart  the main log file (if present) and stop recording to
        a separate log file. -->
    <macrodef name="stopSpecificLogMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="name"/>
        <attribute name="phase" default=""/>
            <hlm:record name="@{name}" action="stop" loglevel="verbose"/>

    <!-- Temp BMD macro -->
    <macrodef name="bmdLogExtractMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="log"/>
        <attribute name="metadatafilterset" default="common"/>
            <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
                    <fileset casesensitive="false" file="@{log}"/>
                    <metadatafilterset refid="@{metadatafilterset}" />
            <!-- todo: check to add for usage and add genbuildstatus macro -->
            <basename property="" file="@{log}"/>
            <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/db2xml.xml.ftl"
                <data expandProperties="yes">
                    dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
                    log: ${}
                    ant: antProperties()
    <!-- Merges all XML log files ending in ".log2.xml" in the build log directory
    into a single summary log file. -->
    <target name="log-merge"  unless="metadata.enable">
        <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/>
            <srcfileset dir="${build.log.dir}" includes="**/${}*.log.xml"/>
            <targetfileset file="${build.summary.file}"/>
                <available file="${build.summary.file}"/>
                <echo>Merging all *.log.xml files</echo>        
                <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary"/>
                <xmltask  dest="${build.summary.file}">
                    <insert path="/"  >
                <for param="file">
                        <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
                            <include name="**/${}*.log.xml"/>
                        <fileset dir="${}">
                            <include name="**/${}*.log.xml"/>
                        <echo>Inserting @{file} into summary.</echo>
                        <!--<xmltask source="${build.summary.file}"
                           <insert path="/logSummary" file="@{file}" />
                        <hlm:assertPropertySet property="build.summary.file" message="Property build.summary.file is not defined." />
                        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
# Temporary solution
import log2xml
log2xml.append_summary(project.getProperty('build.summary.file'), r'@{file}')
                <echo>Summary XML log file does not need updating.</echo>
    <!-- Outputs an HTML readable version of the summary log. -->
    <target name="render-log-summary">
                <available file="${build.log.dir}/${}_info.log.xml"/>
                <available file="${metadata.dbfile}"/>
                <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/log/summary_metadata_orm.html.ftl"
                    <freemarkerLinks expandProperties="yes">
                        macro: ${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/macro
                    <data expandProperties="yes">
                        dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
                        loginfo: xml(${build.log.dir}/${}_info.log.xml)
                        ant: antProperties()
                        <available file="${build.log.dir}/${}_summary.html"/>
                        <echo message="Error: failed to generate Summary file" />
    <!-- Prepare email for build summary -->
    <target name="logger-email" depends="log-merge">
        <fmpp sourceRoot="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/log" includes="email.html.ftl" outputRoot="${build.log.dir}/summary"
              replaceExtension="html.ftl, html">
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                doc: xml(${build.summary.file})
                ant: antProperties()

    <!-- Test target to show how Diamond metadata could be rendered. -->
    <target name="render-diamonds-data" depends="log-merge">
        <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/diamonds"/>
        <fmpp sourceRoot="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/diamonds"
              outputRoot="${build.log.dir}/summary/diamonds" includes="diamonds.xml.ftl"
              replaceExtension="xml.ftl, xml">
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                doc: xml(${build.summary.file})
                ant: antProperties()

    <!-- Render the CC dashboad summary. -->
    <target name="render-cc-summary" depends="log-merge">
        <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary"/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/log/cc_summary_metadata_orm.html.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
                ant: antProperties()

    <!-- Creates a full summary log from all the build logs. -->
    <target name="build-log-summary" depends="render-log-summary"/>
    <!-- Test target to check signal. -->
    <target name="check-signal" />
    <!-- Starting the main ant_build log -->
    <target name="start-ant-log" >