author jjkang
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:35:58 +0800
changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge missed changeset 11 (raptor v2.14 and helium 10.0)

* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* @internalComponent
* @released

#ifndef __ROM_IMAGE_READER__
#define __ROM_IMAGE_READER__

#include "image_reader.h"

class TRomLoaderHeader; 
class RomImageFSEntry 
	RomImageFSEntry (const char* aName) ;
	virtual ~RomImageFSEntry() ;
	virtual bool IsDirectory() const = 0;
	const char *Name() { return iName.c_str();}

	string iName;
	string iPath;
	RomImageFSEntry 	*iSibling;
	RomImageFSEntry 	*iChildren;

class RomImageFileEntry : public RomImageFSEntry 
	RomImageFileEntry(const char* aName) : RomImageFSEntry(aName), iExecutable(true)

	bool IsDirectory() const {
		return false;
	union ImagePtr
		TRomImageHeader		*iRomFileEntry;
		TLinAddr			iDataFileAddr;

	TRomEntry		*iTRomEntryPtr;

	bool iExecutable;

class RomImageDirEntry : public RomImageFSEntry
	RomImageDirEntry(const char* aName) : RomImageFSEntry(aName)

	bool IsDirectory() const {
		return true;


class RomImageHeader
	RomImageHeader(char* aHdr, EImageType aImgType = EROM_IMAGE );
	TRomLoaderHeader	*iLoaderHdr;
	TRomHeader			*iRomHdr;
	TExtensionRomHeader	*iExtRomHdr;
	void DumpRomHdr();
	void DumpRomXHdr();

class RomImageReader : public ImageReader
	RomImageReader(const char* aFile, EImageType aImgType = EROM_IMAGE );

	void ReadImage();
	void ProcessImage();
	void BuildDir(TRomDir *aDir, RomImageFSEntry* aPaFSEntry); 

	void AddChild(RomImageFSEntry *aParent, RomImageFSEntry *aChild, TRomEntry* aRomEntry); 
	void Validate();
	void Dump();
	void DumpTree();
	void DumpSubTree(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry);
	void DumpImage(RomImageFileEntry*);
	void DumpAttribs(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry);
	void DumpDirStructure();
	void DumpDirStructure(RomImageFSEntry*, int &aPadding);
	void ExtractImageContents();
	void TraverseImage(RomImageFSEntry*  aEntity,ofstream& aFile);
	void CheckFileExtension(RomImageFSEntry*  aEntity,ofstream& aFile);
	void LogRomEnrtyToFile(const char* aPath,const char* aEntityName,ofstream& aFile);

	void GetFileInfo(FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap);
	void ProcessDirectory(RomImageFSEntry *aEntity, FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap);
	TUint32 GetImageSize();
	TUint32 GetImageCompressionType(); 

	TLinAddr GetRomBase();
	TUint GetHdrSize();
	TLinAddr GetRootDirList();

	RomImageHeader			*iImageHeader; 
	RomImageFSEntry			*iRomImageRootDirEntry;

	void					ReadData(char* aBuffer, TUint aLength);	

	ifstream				iFile ;
	TUint32					iRomSize ;
	char*					iHeaderBuffer ;
	char*					iRomLayoutData ; 
	EImageType				iImgType; 


#endif //__ROM_IMAGE_READER__