author kelvzhu
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:16:46 +0800
changeset 655 3f65fd25dfd4
permissions -rw-r--r--
sync up SVN codes

# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Given a baseline list of components, generate scripts to do the build

use strict;

if (@ARGV<1 || ! -e $ARGV[0])
	print <<USAGE_EOF;

  genbuild complist1 [complist2 ...]   -- generate build scripts

Given a list of components, generate the scripts necessary to
build them all using the automated build system. The scripts 
will be named after the component list, so

  genbuild \\batch\\build\\somename.txt

will generate the following scripts:

  somename_bldfiles.cmd    - run "bldmake bldfiles" on every component
  somename_export.cmd      - run "abld export" on every component
  somename_makefile.cmd    - run "abld makefile" on every component
  somename_library.cmd     - run "abld library" on every component
  somename_resource.cmd    - run "abld resource" on every component
  somename_target.cmd      - run "abld target" on every component
  somename_final.cmd       - run "abld final" on every component
  somename_check.cmd       - run "abld -check build" on every component
  somename_what.cmd        - run "abld -what build" on every component
  somename_clean.cmd       - run "abld clean" on every component
  somename_reallyclean.cmd - run "abld reallyclean" on every component

  somename_build.cmd       - use appropriate combination of above scripts
  somename_pbuild.cmd      - alternative build script for multi-machine builds

The somename_build.cmd script is controlled by options specified in the
list of components, and calls the other scripts in the correct sequence.

	exit 1;

# Check for EPOCROOT
# It's not used directly by GENBUILD, but this is a good early stage at which
# to discover that it hasn't been set...

my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable\n" if (!defined($epocroot));
$epocroot =~ s-/-\\-go;	# for those working with UNIX shells
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not include a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^.:/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must be an absolute path without a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot !~ /^\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^\\\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash\n" if ($epocroot !~ /\\$/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory\n" if (!-d $epocroot);

my $basename = $ARGV[0];
if ($basename =~ /^.*\\([^\\]+)$/)
	$basename = $1;		# lose the leading path, if any
if ($basename =~ /^([^.]+)\..*$/)
	$basename = $1;		# lose the trailing extensions, if any

my @components;
my %arm_assplist;
my $savespace="";
my $keepgoing="";
my $build_tools=0;
my $build_cwtools=0;
my $build_winc=0;
my $build_wins=0;
my $build_arm4=0;
my $build_armi=0;
my $build_thumb=0;
my $build_arm3=0;
my $build_armv5=0;
my $epoc_only=0;
my $build_winscw=0;
my $backwards_compatible_defaults = 1;

# Read from all supplied argument files, not just the first
# Supplied options apply to all components listed.

while (<>)
	my $line = lc $_;
	if ($line =~ /^$/)

	if ($line =~ /<option (\w+)\s*(.*)>/)
		my $option = $1;
		my $optargs= $2;
		if ($option eq "savespace")
			$savespace = "-savespace";
		if ($option eq "keepgoing")
			$keepgoing = "-keepgoing";
		if ($option eq "tools")
			$build_tools = 1;
		if ($option eq "cwtools")
			$build_cwtools = 1;
		if ($option eq "winc")
			$build_winc = 1;
		if ($option eq "wins")
			$build_wins = 1;
			$backwards_compatible_defaults = 0;	# explicit <option wins>
		if ($option eq "epoconly")
			$build_winc = 0;
			$epoc_only = 1;
		if ($option eq "arm4")
			$build_arm4 = 1;
			$backwards_compatible_defaults = 0;	# explicit <option arm4>
		if ($option eq "armi")
			$build_armi = 1;
			$backwards_compatible_defaults = 0;	# explicit <option armi>
		if ($option eq "thumb")
			$build_thumb = 1;
		if ($option eq "arm3")
			$build_arm3 = 1;
		if ($option eq "armv5")
			$build_armv5 = 1;
			$backwards_compatible_defaults = 0;	# explicit <option armv5>

		if ($option eq "winscw")  
			$build_winscw = 1;

		if ($option eq "arm_assp")
			$arm_assplist{$optargs} = 1;

		print "Option $1 not yet implemented\n";
	if ($line =~ /^([^<]\S+)\s+(\S+)/)
	    if (!-e "$2\\bld.inf")
		print STDERR "MISSING COMPONENT $1: can't find $2\\bld.inf\n";

	push @components, $line;

if ($backwards_compatible_defaults)
	# Older versions automatically built these targets, without <option xxx>
	$build_wins = 1;
	$build_arm4 = 1;
	$build_armi = 1;

my %specials = (
    "bldfiles e32toolp" =>
	"cd tools\\e32toolp\\group\n".
	"call setupprj\n".
	"call bld rel\n"

print_batch("bldfiles",	"cd %2\n", "call bldmake bldfiles $keepgoing");
print_batch("export",	"cd %2\n", "call abld export $keepgoing");
print_batch("makefile",	"cd %2\n", "call abld makefile $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("library",	"cd %2\n", "call abld library  $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("resource",	"cd %2\n", "call abld resource $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("target",	"cd %2\n", "call abld target   $keepgoing $savespace %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("final",	"cd %2\n", "call abld final    $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("clean",	"cd %2\n", "call abld clean    $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("reallyclean",	"cd %2\n", "call abld reallyclean $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("check",	"cd %2\n", "call abld -check build %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
print_batch("what",		"cd %2\n", "call abld -what build %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");



sub print_batch
	my ($label, @actions) = @_;

	my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
	open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";
	print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
\@echo off
echo ===-------------------------------------------------
echo === $scriptbase %1 %2 %3
echo ===-------------------------------------------------
perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$label,' started ', \$time"
echo .
set arg1=%1
set arg2=%2
set arg3=%3
goto :doit

echo === $label == %3
perl -e "print '===+ ',time"
echo .


goto :EOF



	my $line;
	foreach $line (@components)
		if ($line =~ /<special (\w+)\s+(\w+)(.*)>/)
			if ($1 eq $label)
				print FILE "REM special $1 $2\n";
				print FILE "echo === $label == $2\n";
				print FILE "setlocal\n\n";
				print FILE $specials{"$1 $2"};
				print FILE "\nendlocal\n\n";
		my @MyList;
		my $tempvar;

		@MyList = split(/\s+/,$line);
		$tempvar= lc $MyList[$#MyList];
		$tempvar =~ s/\\group//;
		push @MyList, $tempvar;
		print FILE "call :$label\t$MyList[0]\t$MyList[1]\t$MyList[2]\n";

	print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;

perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$label,' finished ', \$time"
echo .
perl -e "print '===+ ',time"
echo .


	close FILE;
	print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";

# Overall build

sub print_control
	my ($label) = @_;

	my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
	open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";

	print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
\@echo off
perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' started ', \$time"
echo .


	# Generic stuff first

	print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_export\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	# TOOLS, if any

	if ($build_tools)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile tools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  tools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_target   tools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_what     tools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_check    tools rel\n\n";

	# CWTOOLS, if any

	if ($build_cwtools)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile cwtools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  cwtools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_target   cwtools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_what     cwtools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_check    cwtools rel\n\n";

	# Emulator things, WINS and WINC

	unless ($epoc_only)
		if ($build_winc)
			print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winc\n";
			# No resource step for WINC
			print FILE "call ${basename}_library  winc\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_target   winc\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_what     winc\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_check    winc\n";
			print FILE "\n";

		if ($build_wins)
			print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile wins\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_resource wins\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_library  wins\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_target   wins\n";
			print FILE "\n";

		if ($build_winscw)
			print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winscw\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_resource winscw\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_library  winscw\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_target   winscw\n";
			print FILE "\n";

		if ($build_wins)
			print FILE "call ${basename}_final    wins\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_what     wins\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_check    wins\n";
			print FILE "\n";

		if ($build_winscw)
			print FILE "call ${basename}_final    winscw\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_what     winscw\n";
			print FILE "call ${basename}_check    winscw\n";
			print FILE "\n";

	# ARM things

	# Generic build(s) first, followed by the ASSPs (if any)

	my $name;
	my $stage;
	my @armthings = ();
	if ($build_arm4)
		push @armthings, "arm4";
	if ($build_armi)
		push @armthings, "armi";
	if ($build_thumb)
		push @armthings, "thumb";
	if ($build_arm3)
		push @armthings, "arm3";
	if ($build_armv5)
		push @armthings, "armv5";
	push @armthings, (sort keys %arm_assplist);

	foreach $stage ("makefile", "resource", "library", "target", "final", "what", "check")
		foreach $name (@armthings)
			printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
		print FILE "\n";

	print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;

perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' finished ', \$time"
echo .


	close FILE;
	print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";

# Overall build, subdivided for multi-machine building

sub print_pcontrol
	my ($label) = @_;

	my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
	open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";

	print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
\@echo off
perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' started ', \$time"
echo .

goto build_%1


	# Getting Ready
	# Building tools, include files, makefiles, resources
	# and libraries
	print FILE ":build_libs\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	# Generic stuff first

	print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_export\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	# TOOLS, if any

	if ($build_tools)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile tools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  tools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_target   tools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_what     tools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_check    tools rel\n\n";

	# CWTOOLS, if any

	if ($build_cwtools)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile cwtools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  cwtools\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_target   cwtools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_what     cwtools rel\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_check    cwtools rel\n\n";

	# Emulator things, WINS and WINC, up to resources

	if ($build_winc)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winc\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  winc\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_target   winc\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_what     winc\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_check    winc\n";
		print FILE "\n";

	if ($build_wins)
		print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile wins\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_resource wins\n";
		print FILE "call ${basename}_library  wins\n";
		print FILE "\n";

	# ARM things

	# Generic build(s) first, followed by the ASSPs (if any)

	my $name;
	my $stage;
	my @epocthings = ();
	if ($build_arm4)
		push @epocthings, "arm4";
	if ($build_armi)
		push @epocthings, "armi";
	if ($build_thumb)
		push @epocthings, "thumb";

	if ($build_arm3)
		push @epocthings, "arm3";
	if ($build_armv5)
		push @epocthings, "armv5";

	push @epocthings, (sort keys %arm_assplist);

	# For all EPOC things...

	foreach $stage ("makefile", "resource", "library")
		foreach $name (@epocthings)
			printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
		if ($build_winscw)
			printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s winscw\n", $stage;
		print FILE "\n";

	print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	# Completing the Emulator
	print FILE ":build_wins\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_target   wins\n";
	print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE ":build_wins_final\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE "call ${basename}_final    wins\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_what     wins\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_check    wins\n";
	print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	if ($build_winscw){
	# Completing the Emulator using CodeWarrior
	print FILE ":build_winscw\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_target   winscw\n";
	print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE ":build_winscw_final\n";
	print FILE "\n";

	print FILE "call ${basename}_final    winscw\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_what     winscw\n";
	print FILE "call ${basename}_check    winscw\n";
	print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
	print FILE "\n";
	# Completing the ARM targets
	foreach $name (@epocthings)
		print FILE ":build_$name\n";
		print FILE "\n";

		print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
		foreach $stage ("target", "final", "what", "check")
			printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
		print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
		print FILE "\n";

	print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;

perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' finished ', \$time"
echo .


	close FILE;
	print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";