author kelvzhu
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:16:46 +0800
changeset 655 3f65fd25dfd4
permissions -rw-r--r--
sync up SVN codes

# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# summarise an automated build log
# documentation available in generic\tools\e32toolp\docs\scanlog.txt
# please update the documentation when modifying this file

package Scanlog;

use strict;
use Carp;

# CheckForErrors
# Inputs
# $line - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of error in the line
# Return false for no error found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Error Strings
sub CheckForErrors
  my ($line) = @_;

	# FLEXlm license server errors
	if ($line =~ /FLEXlm error:/)
		return 1;

	# ABLD ERROR: Project Bldmake directory "\EPOC32\BUILD\APP-FRAMEWORK\UIKLAF\GROUP\" does not exist

	if ($line =~ /(ABLD|BLDMAKE) ERROR:/)
		return 1;


	if ($line =~ /FATAL ERROR\(S\):/)
		return 1;

	# NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\apps\DevStudio\VC\BIN\NMAKE.EXE' : return code '0x2'

	if ($line =~ /fatal error U1077/)
		return 1;
	# match all falal error
	if ($line =~ /^fatal error/i)
		return 1;

	# NMAKE : warning U4010: 'FINALCOPYFXCM' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...

	if ($line =~ /warning U4010/)
		return 1;

	# make: *** [SAVESPACECONVTOOL] Error 2

	if ($line =~ /make(\.exe)?(\[\d+\])?: \*\*\* /)
		return 1;

	# make: Target `SAVESPACE' not remade because of errors.

	if ($line =~ /make(\.exe)?(\[\d+\])?: .* not remade /)
		return 1;

	# "..\UCRT\Ecrt0.cpp", line 24: Error:  #390: function "main" may not be called or have its address taken
	# "EUSER\\epoc\\arm\\Uc_i64.cia", line 16: Error: A1356W: Instruction not supported on targeted CPU

	if ($line =~ /"(.*)", line (\d+): (Error: +(.\d+.*?):.*)$/)
		return 1;

	# Fatal error: Internal fault: 0x5c6e (200322) in _ZN17CContactLocalView20HandleDatabaseEventLE23TContactDbObserverEvent

	if ($line =~ /error: ((Internal fault):.*)$/)
		return 1;
	# networkPrim.c
  #    0 [main] make 2020 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
  #  265 [main] make 2020 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
	if ($line =~ /Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION/)
		return 1;

	# MSGBROWSER.WINSCW:3233: target `\EPOC32\RELEASE\WINSCW\UDEB\Z\System\Data' given more than once in the same rule.
	if ($line =~ /target .* given more than once in the same rule/)
		return 1;
	# ERROR: <anything>
	if ($line =~ /^ERROR: /m)
		return 1;
	# ERROR (for CDB errors)
	if ($line =~ /^ERROR\t/)
		return 1;
	# elf2e32 : Error: E1035: Undefined Symbol blah blah blah
	# elf2e32 : Error: E1036: Symbol blah blah blah
	if ($line =~ /^\s*elf2e32\s*:\s*Error\s*:\s*/i)
		return 1;
	# Not already returned so return false
	return 0;

# CheckForRemarks
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of Warning in the line according to the warning codes
# defined in the checkList array
# The list is the current known EABI warnings which are considered to be 
# Remarks
# Return false for no Warning found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Warning Strings defined
# in the array CheckList
my %RVCT_checklist=(

# Warnings to be fixed if deemed safe

 "#111-D" => "statement is unreachable",
 "#186-D" => "pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero",
 "#236-D" => "controlling expression is constant",
 "#494-D" => "declaring a void parameter list with a typedef is nonstandard",
 "C2874W" => "xxx may be used before set",
 "C3017W" => "xxx may be used before set",
# Warnings not required to be fixed, too risky

 "#1293-D" => "assignment in condition",
# Warnings not required to be fixed, too big a workload

 "#177-D" => "variable abc was declared but never referenced",
 "#550-D" => "variable xxx was set but never used",
 "#830-D" => "function \"XXX::operator new(xyz)\" has no corresponding operator delete (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object)",
 "L6331W" => "No eligible global symbol matches pattern _ll_cmpeq.",

sub CheckForRemarks
    my ($line) = @_;

    # "..\UCRT\Ecrt0.cpp", line 12: Warning:  #335-D: linkage specification is not allowed
    # "s16c.o(.directive)", line 70: Warning: L6331W: s16c.o(.directive)(line 70, col 14) No eligible global symbol matches pattern _fsqrt.
    if ($line =~ /".*", line \d+: Warning: +(.\d+.*?):/)
	    # Some compiler warnings about about style rather than substance. The RVCT
	    # compiler warnings are easily identified, and the RVCT_checklist above
	    # classifies the warnings present in the Symbian OS source code which are
	    # not currently considered to be violations of the "zero warnings" policy.
	    # It is the responsibility of the Master Codeline Forum to manage this list,
	    # as part of the "zero warnings" policy.
		return defined($RVCT_checklist{$1});

	# Command line warning D4025 : overriding '/O1' with '/Od'
    if ($line =~ /Command line warning D4025 : /)
    	# This could be fixed by more subtle code in
    	# which avoids putting both /O1 and /Od on the command line
		return 1;
    if( $line =~ /^REMARK: /m)
        return 1;

	# Windows Event log warning from GNU Make - Treat as remark for the time being.
	if ($line =~ /^EventType:\s+Error\s+Source:\s+GNU\s+Make/)
		return 1;

  # This is used convert what would be picked up as warning in to a remark, as remarks are check for first
	# It also returns an additional value of the number of lines to slurp up to get the so the multi line
	# warning (remark) is only seen once.
	# ..\SETEL\ET_PHONE.CPP:19: warning: cannot find matching deallocation function 
  # ..\SETEL\ET_PHONE.CPP:19: warning: for 'CReqEntry'
	if ($line =~ /:\d+: warning: cannot find matching deallocation function/)
		return 1,1;

	# fix to get scanlog catch the output of #pragma message (...) as a remark
	#Codewarrior 3.0 doesn't output line number for #pragma message, whereas 3.1.1 outputs line number.
	#The regexp below matches both the cases
    if( $line =~ /((:\d+)*: note: )/)
        return 1;
	# getrel failed.
	# Error: testtools_stat_desktop DP00391_DeveloperProduct not found
	if( $line =~ /^Error:.+not found/)
        return 1;
	# Not already returned so return false
    return 0;

# CheckForWarnings
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of Warning in the line
# Return false for no Warning found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Warning Strings
sub CheckForWarnings
  my ($line) = @_;

	# linkfouraif.rss(25) : Warning: (047) the STRUCT that this resource is based on contains a

	if ($line =~ /\\\\(.*?)\(\d+\)\s:\sWarning:\s\(\d+\)/)

		return 1;

	# RCOMP Warning: Unmatched enum name used as simple initialiser

	if ($line =~ /Warning: Unmatched/i)
		return 1;

	# BLDMAKE WARNING: read-only ABLD.BAT will be overwritten

	if ($line =~ /^BLDMAKE WARNING:/)
		return 1;

	# \FORM\GROUP\BLD.INF(28) : Exported source file \form\group\tagma.rtf not found

	if ($line =~ /WARNING\(S\)/)
		return 1;

	# WARNING: Can't find following headers in User or System Include Paths
	# WARNING: Frozen .DEF file \CSTUBSHELL\BMARM\STUBRUNU.DEF not found - project not frozen
	# WARNING: Not attempting to create any import libraries.
	# WARNING: rls_string STRING_r_ssl_error_ssl_AlertNoRenegotiation; either has incorrect syntax or no value

	if ($line =~ /^WARNING: /m)
		return 1;

	# \BIOMSG\BITSINC\BioTestUtils.inl(4) : warning C4100: 'iOperation' : unreferenced formal parameter

	if ($line =~ /\(\d+\) : warning C/)
		return 1;

	# LINK : warning LNK4005: no objects used from library \EPOC32\RELEASE\WINS\UDEB\ESTOR.LIB

	if ($line =~ /LINK : warning/)
		return 1;

	# ..\\..\\BAFL\\SRC\\Bacline.cpp:68: warning: value computed is not used

	if ($line =~ /:\d+: warning:/)
		return 1;

	# "..\UCRT\Ecrt0.cpp", line 12: Warning:  #335-D: linkage specification is not allowed
	# "s16c.o(.directive)", line 70: Warning: L6331W: s16c.o(.directive)(line 70, col 14) No eligible global symbol matches pattern _fsqrt.

	if ($line =~ /"(.*)", line (\d+): (Warning: +(.\d+.*?):.*)$/)
		return 1;
	# /../../kvm/VmEPOC/src/emuNetDebuggerTransport.c
	# ### mwccsym2 Usage Warning:
	# #   Specified directory 'Z:/epoc32/include/libcnot' not found
	# ... t_winscw_udeb_cw_obj_g/serialDebuggerTransport.o
	# Linking lib ... winscw_udeb_cw_bin/tkmidp20_kvm.lib 

	if ($line =~ /Usage Warning:/)
		return 1;
	# mwld.exe: No symbols were exported

	if ($line =~ /mwld.exe:/)
		return 1;

	# === target == tools\e32tools
	# Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/Op'
	if ($line =~ /^Command line warning/m)
		return 1;
	# MAKEDEF WARNING: 1 export(s) not yet Frozen:

	if ($line =~ /^MAKEDEF WARNING:/m)
		return 1;

	# Comment from PETRAN which is actually a warning rather than an error
	# ERROR: bad relocation:  [00004f60] = 00000f68

	if ($line =~ /ERROR: bad relocation:/)
		return 1;

	# 1 warning

	if ($line =~ /^(\d+) warning/m)
		return 1;

	# Windows Event log warning from Sophos Antivirus Scan
	if ($line =~ /^EventType:\s+Error\s+Source:\s+SweepNT/)
		return 1;

        # WARN (for CDB warnings)

	if ($line =~ /^WARN\t/)
		return 1;
	#elf2e32 : Warning: W1041: Unsupported Target Type 'PLUGIN3'.
        #Elf2e32: Warning: New Symbol _Z24ImplementationGroupProxyRi found, export(s) not yet Frozen
	if ($line =~ /^\s*elf2e32\s*:\s*Warning\s*:\s*/i)
		return 1;
	#Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:.......
	if ($line =~ /^Can't locate (.*) in \@INC/ )
		return 1;

	# Not already returned so return false
	return 0;

# CheckForIgnore
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true if line can be ignored
# Return false if line cannot be ignored
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Warning Strings which can be ignored
sub CheckForIgnore
	my ($line) = @_;
	# "..\\..\\..\\E32\\nkern\\arm\\Ncsched.cia", line 617: Warning: A1495E: Target of branch is a data address
	if ($line =~ /"(.*)", line (\d+): Warning: A1495E: Target of branch is a data address/)
		return 1;
	# BLDMAKE WARNING: ARMV7 requires at least RVCT 3.1.674.
	# It's not useful to heed this warning, as we're already on control of which platforms we're going to build
	if ($line =~ /^BLDMAKE WARNING: ARMV\d requires at least RVCT /)
		return 1;
	# Not already returned so return false
	return 0;

# CheckForNotBuilt
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of Warning in the line
# Return false for no Warning found
# $iNotBuilt - Name of thing not built
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Strings for things not built
sub CheckForNotBuilt
  my ($line) = @_;
  # MISSING COMPONENT alp2csh: can't find tools\sdk_eng\alp2csh\group\bld.inf

	if ($line =~ /^MISSING COMPONENT (.*):.* find (.*)$/m)
		return (1,$2);


	if ($line =~ /^MISSING: (\S+)/m)
		return (1,$1);
	# Not already returned so return false
	return 0;

# CheckForMissing
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of Warning in the line
# Return false for no Warning found
# $iNotBuilt - Name of thing not built
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Strings for things not built
sub CheckForMissing
  my ($line) = @_;
	if ($line =~ /fatal error U1073: .* make '(.*)'/)
		return (1,$1);
	# Not already returned so return false
	return 0;

# CheckForRealTimeErrors
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of a Real Time Error in the line
#        plus string detailing error (if available)
# Return false for no Real Time Error found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Error Strings
# At the time of adding this subroutine, such error strings were only reported by
# Scripts calling this subroutine should note that, for example, lines beginning with "ERROR:" will
# also be considered to be errors by subroutine CheckForErrors, above. 
sub CheckForRealTimeErrors
  my ($line) = @_;

	if ($line =~ /^Error:\s*RealTimeBuild:\s*(.*)/mi)
		return (1,$1);  # Return True plus any other text on line
	# Not already returned so return False
	return 0;

# CheckForMigrationNotes
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true for presence of Migration_Note in the line
# Return false for no Migration_Note found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Migration_Note Strings

my %migration_list=(
# Warnings to be fixed over longer period as they may indicate errors in code

 "#61-D" => "integer operation result is out of range",
 "#68-D" => "integer conversion resulted in a change of sign",
 "#108-D" => "signed bit field of length 1",
 "#128-D" => "loop is not reachable from preceding code",
 "#191-D" => "type qualifier is meaningless on cast type",
 "A1495E" => "Target of branch is a data address",
 "A1608W" => "MOV pc,<rn> instruction used, but BX <rn> is preferred",
 "A1745W" => "This register combination is DEPRECATED",
 "A1764W" => "SWP instructions are deprecated in architecture ARMv6 and above",
 "A1786W" => "This instruction using SP is deprecated in ARMv7",
 "A1788W" => "Explicit use of PC in this instruction is deprecated",
 "#1446-D" => "non-POD class type passed through ellipsis",
 "#1559-D" => "dllexport/dllimport conflict with \"foo\"; dllexport assumed",
 "#1566-D" => "dllexport/dllimport conflict with \"foo\"; dllimport/dllexport dropped"

sub CheckForMigrationNotes
  my ($line) = @_;

if ($line =~ /".*", line \d+: Warning: +(.\d+.*?):/)
    # Some compiler warnings may indicate errors that should be fixed when a
    # migration to a new compiler has occured. These may have been long standing
    # issues in the OS and whilst not currently considered to be violations of the
    #"zero warnings" policy should be fixed in any new development work.
    # It is the responsibility of the Master Codeline Forum to manage this list.
    return defined($migration_list{$1});

if ($line =~ m/^MIGRATION_NOTE:\s*(.*)/i)
  return (1,$1);

if ($line =~ m/^WARNING: Working Directory: "(.*)\\sf\\app\\techview\\buildverification\\smoketest\\(.*)"	Executing: "abld.bat (.*)":/i)
  return 1;

return 0;

# CheckForAdvisoryNotes
# Inputs
# $iLine - Line of text to check
# Outputs
# Return true if the input matches against a known set of Advisory_Note strings defined in the advisory_list
# Return false for no Advisory_Note found
# Description
# This function matches the input against a known set of Advisory_Note Strings defined
# in the array CheckList
my %Advisory_checklist=(
# Warnings categorized as advisory notes
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comtv\\toolkit ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comtv\\commsui ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comtv\\apps ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comtt/edg\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comtt\\edg ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comgen/openenv/oetools/docs\\test ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/comgen\\networking ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/tools\\baseline ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd\\tools ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/XSRproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/XSRproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/XSRproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/XSRproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/Wi-Fiproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/Wi-Fiproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/Wi-Fiproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/Wi-Fiproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard4cproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard4cproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard4cproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard4cproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard3cproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard3cproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard3cproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/sdcard3cproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/midp2.0product\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/midp2.0product\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/midp2.0product\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/midp2.0product/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/javaproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/javaproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/javaproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/javaproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchiproduct\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchiproduct\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchiproduct\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchiproduct/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchi1.1product\\pkgdef ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchi1.1product\\Messages ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchi1.1product\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit/cldchi1.1product/com/symbian/sdk/productinstaller\\graphics ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/DevKit\\SourceDefinitions ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/DevKit\\PackageDefinitions ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/unref/orphan/cedprd\\DevKit ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT09_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT09_Test\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT09_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT08_Prototype\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT08_Prototype\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT08_Prototype\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT07_Deprecated\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT07_Deprecated\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT07_Deprecated\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT06_Released\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT06_Released\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT06_Released\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT05_PubAll\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT05_PubAll\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT05_PubAll\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT04_PubPartner\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT04_PubPartner\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT04_PubPartner\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT03_IntComp\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT03_IntComp\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT03_IntComp\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT02_IntTech\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT02_IntTech\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT02_IntTech\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT01_NoAPIs\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT01_NoAPIs\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/UnitTests/PCT01_NoAPIs\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/IntegrationTests/PCT10_Integration\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/IntegrationTests/PCT10_Integration\\results ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/IntegrationTests/PCT10_Integration\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T25_All_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T25_All_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T24_All_Prototype\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T24_All_Prototype\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T23_All_Deprecated\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T23_All_Deprecated\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T22_All_Released\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T22_All_Released\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T21_PubAll_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T21_PubAll_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T20_PubAll_Proto\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T20_PubAll_Proto\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T19_PubAll_Dep\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T19_PubAll_Dep\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T18_PubAll_Rel\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T18_PubAll_Rel\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T17_PubAll_All\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T17_PubAll_All\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T16_PubPartner_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T16_PubPartner_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T15_PubPartner_Proto\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T15_PubPartner_Proto\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T14_PubPartner_Dep\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T14_PubPartner_Dep\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T13_PubPartner_Rel\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T13_PubPartner_Rel\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T12_PubPartner_All\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T12_PubPartner_All\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T11_IntComp_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T11_IntComp_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T10_IntComp_Proto\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T10_IntComp_Proto\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T09_IntComp_Dep\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T09_IntComp_Dep\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T08_IntComp_Rel\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T08_IntComp_Rel\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T07_IntComp_All\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T07_IntComp_All\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T06_IntTech_Test\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T06_IntTech_Test\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T05_IntTech_Proto\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T05_IntTech_Proto\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T04_IntTech_Dep\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T04_IntTech_Dep\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T03_IntTech_Rel\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T03_IntTech_Rel\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T02_IntTech_All\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T02_IntTech_All\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T01_Unclassified\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/TestData/Components/T01_Unclassified\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker\\TestData ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker/src\\ProgramCheckerBase ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker\\docs ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/programchecker\\bin ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT_TestLib\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT_TestLib\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.1\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.1\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC4.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC2.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC2.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC2.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT08.TC2.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT06.TC2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT06.TC2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC4\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC4\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC4\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC1\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC1\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT05.TC1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC5.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC5.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC5.1\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC5.1\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC5\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC4.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC4.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC4.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC4.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC3.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC3.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC3.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC3.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT04.TC1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT03.TC1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC1.3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT02.TC1.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.1\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.1\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC5.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.2\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.2\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.2\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.1\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.1\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC3.1\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC2.3\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC2.3\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/tests/TestData/RMT01.TC2.3\\data ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool\\tests ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/src\\XML ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool/src\\GCCBinUtils ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool\\sample ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/srcanamdw_os/migrationtool\\docs ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os\\depcheck ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests/T_ImportsAnalyser\\TestData ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests\\T_ImportsAnalyser ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests/T_CapSearch\\TestData ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests\\T_CapSearch ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests/T_CapImportCheck\\TestData ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests\\T_CapImportCheck ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests/T_CapCheck\\TestData ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/tests\\T_CapCheck ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools\\src ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/sample\\ImportsAnalyser ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/sample\\CapSearch ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/sample\\CapImportCheck ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/sample/CapCheck\\Sample_XML_ECL ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/sample\\CapCheck ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools\\group ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools/docs\\Design ' => 0,
'M:/clean-src/os/buildtools/binanamdw_os/captools\\data ' => 0,


sub CheckForAdvisoryNotes
    my ($line) = @_;
    # "s16c.o(.directive)", line 70: Warning: L6331W: s16c.o(.directive)(line 70, col 14) No eligible global symbol matches pattern _fsqrt.
    if ($line =~ /".*", line \d+: Warning: +(.\d+.*?):/)
	    # Some compiler warnings about about style rather than substance. The RVCT
	    # compiler warnings are easily identified, and the Advisory_checklist above
	    # classifies the warnings present in the Symbian OS source code which are
	    # not currently considered to be violations of the "zero warnings" policy.
	    # It is the responsibility of the Master Codeline Forum to manage this list,
	    # as part of the "zero warnings" policy.
		return defined($Advisory_checklist{$1});
	# ignore undesired codes in //EPOC/
	if ($line =~ /ADVISORY NOTE: Missing distribution.policy.s60 file in (.*)/)
		if (exists $Advisory_checklist{$1}){		
			return $Advisory_checklist{$1};
			return 1;
    # Downgrade Kits errors and warnings
    if (($line =~ /^WARNING: .+ matched against rule/i) ||
        ($line =~ /^WARNING: .+ matched tests/i))
	    # Kits generation is not critical in MCL products and it 
	    # should not be BRAG affecting.
		return 1;

	if ($line =~ /returning cat X/)
		# Look for the phrase returning cat X. This is generated due to distribution policy file being remvoed
		return 1;

	if ($line =~ /ERROR.*Unable to perform a comparison using empty databases/i) 
		# Look for the phrase BC Comparision. Generates when base comparision is failed due to the unavailability of the base build.

		return 1;

	if ($line =~ /ERROR: Fatal exception \"execSpecialInstructions() failed with \d{1,} lines on stderr\"/i) 
		# Look for the Run variability warnings. Generates while processing the variabilities.

		return 1;
	if ($line =~ /WARN.*API Classifier load failed/i) 
		# Look for the classifier load warnings. Generates when unable to load the API's.

		return 1;

	if ($line =~ /WARNING: Envinfo overall status was not found/i) 
		# Look for the classifier load warnings. Generates when unable to load the API's.

		return 1;

	if ($line =~ /warning:\s*no newline at end of file/i && $line !~ /\.((rls)|(rsc)|(rss)|(rh)|(ra)|(hrh)|(rsg)|(loc)):\d{1,}:\d{1,}:\s*/i) 
		# no newline at end of file warnings are to be captured as it can create some issues with different compilers
		# currently this will not work as remarks section is capturing this, which should not. 
		# Resource files should not be considered.

		return 1;
	if ($line =~ /^ADVISORY NOTE:/) 
		# For use by any advisory notes.

		return 1;
		if ($line =~ /^ERROR: Fatal exception \"ProcessVariability: Unable to copy .* \[Errno 13\] Permission denied: .*/) 
		# For buildrefdoc permission denied intermittent error

		return 1;

# This is used convert what would be picked up as warning in to a advisory note, as advisory notes are check for first
	# It also returns an additional value of the number of lines to slurp up to get the so the multi line
	# warning (advisorynote) is only seen once.

# This is used convert what would be picked up as error in to a advisory note, as advisory notes are check for first
	# It also returns an additional value of the number of lines to slurp up to get the so the multi line
	# errors (advisorynote) is only seen once.