author Ross Qin <>
Fri, 29 Oct 2010 10:03:48 +0800
changeset 670 46ea84d14897
parent 587 85df38eb4012
permissions -rw-r--r--
remove migrated template meta data files (in DFS_MCL wk42)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : remote.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<!--* @package framework -->
<project name="startup.remote">
    <description>Local actions to setup remote builds.</description>
    <!--* @property work.area.temp.dir
    A temporary network location to use if triggering remote builds from a central machine.
    @type string
    @editable required
    @scope public
    <!--* @property remote.builds.config.file
    The configuration file for starting remote builds.
    @type string
    @editable required
    @scope public
    <!-- Tars a complete work area to distribute to other machines. -->
    <target name="tar-work-area">
            <format property="workarea.timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"/>
        <echo message="In 10s the \${minor.version} directory will be tarred from the ${ccm.home.dir} directory into ${ccm.home.dir}\WorkArea_${env.COMPUTERNAME}_${workarea.timestamp}.tgz. Press Ctrl-C to stop."/>
        <sleep seconds="10"/>
        <shellscript shell="cmd.exe" tmpsuffix=".bat" dir="${ccm.home.dir}">
            <arg value="/c"/>
            <arg value="call"/>
            tar --create ${minor.version} | gzip  >${ccm.home.dir}\WorkArea_${env.COMPUTERNAME}_${workarea.timestamp}.tgz

    <!-- Uploads a tarball to a network location. -->
    <target name="upload-work-area" depends="tar-work-area">
        <copy file="${ccm.home.dir}\WorkArea_${env.COMPUTERNAME}_${workarea.timestamp}.tgz" todir="${work.area.temp.dir}"/>
        <property name="work.area.cache.file" value="${work.area.temp.dir}\WorkArea_${env.COMPUTERNAME}_${workarea.timestamp}.tgz"/>

    <!-- Generates an Ant file containing commands to execute to run remote builds. -->
    <target name="gen-remote-tasks">
        <xslt in="${remote.builds.config.file}" out="${build.cache.dir}/${}_remote_builds.ant.xml" style="${helium.dir}/tools/startup/antserver/remote_builds_to_ant_script.xslt" force="true"/>

    <!-- Distributes a work area to remote machines. -->
    <target name="distribute-work-area" depends="upload-work-area,gen-remote-tasks">
        <ant antfile="${build.cache.dir}/${}_remote_builds.ant.xml" target="do-distribute-work-area"/>
    <!-- Checks that a remote machine has an Ant server running. -->
    <target name="check-server">
        <property name="machine" value="localhost"/>
        <remoteant machine="${machine}">
            <runtarget target="config"/>

    <!-- Starts the remote builds defined in the remote build configuration file. -->
    <target name="start-remote-builds" depends="gen-remote-tasks">        
        <ant antfile="${build.cache.dir}/${}_remote_builds.ant.xml" target="do-start-remote-builds"/>
        <!-- Sleep is needed to give enough time for the remote build operation to get sent. -->
        <sleep seconds="5"/>