Fri, 18 Dec 2009 18:19:11 +0000
changeset 115 5869e06bf2ac
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
Cause whatcomp output to use the incoming epocroot value. i.e. if epocroot is relative then so is the what output. e.g. if EPOCROOT=\ then the output will be of the form "\epoc32\release\armv5\...." If it's "..\myepocroot" then the output will be "..\myepocroot\epoc32\release\armv5". If it's absolute then the what output will also be absolute.

# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

# This package contains routines to read the information from the Feature List XML file.
package featureparser;  # Base class implementation of feature list xml parser

# Include the genericparser to use API to read from XML file.
use genericparser;
use strict;

# Class constructor
sub new {
	my $class = shift;

	my $object = {};
	# Class members
	$object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE} = [];        # Array of default ranges
	$object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT} = 0;       # Default include range count
	$object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT} = 0;       # Default exclude range count
	$object->{_FILENAME} = undef;      # Current xml file parsing
	$object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT} = undef;  # Root element pointer of current xml file
	bless($object, $class);
	return $object;

# Public methods

# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_RANGE member value of this class
# @param : array of default ranges (optional for GET)
sub defaultRangeList 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultRangeList)));
	if (@_)
		$object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE} = shift; 
	return $object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE};

# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT member value of this class
# @param : default include feature count (optional for GET)
sub defaultIncludeCount
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultIncludeCount)));
	if (@_)
		$object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT} = shift; 
	return $object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT};

# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT member value of this class
# @param : default exclude feature count (optional for GET)
sub defaultExcludeCount 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultExcludeCount)));
	if (@_) 
		$object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT} = shift; 
	return $object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT};

# Get/Set the _FILENAME member value of this class
# @param : xml file name (optional for GET)
sub fileName 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(fileName)));
	if (@_) 
		$object->{_FILENAME} = shift; 
	return $object->{_FILENAME};

# Get/Set the _ROOT_ELEMENT member value of this class
# @param : root element document pointer (optional for GET)
sub rootElement 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(rootElement)));
	if (@_) 
		$object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT} = shift; 
	return $object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT};

# Parse the feature xml file
# @param : xml file name to parse
sub parseXMLFile 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(parseXMLFile)));
	my $file = shift; # Get the featuredatabase XML filename
	# Check for the existence of xml file
	if(!(-e $file)) 
		ERROR($file." doesn\'t exist");
		return 0;
	#Parse the file and Get root Element
	my $root = &genericparser::getRootElement($file);
		#Read the <featureset>/<feature> elements
		if( !($object->createFeatureMap()) ) 
			return 0;
		#Read the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
		if( !($object->createDefaultRangeMap()) ) 
			return 0;
		return 1;

	return -1;

# Read the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
# @param - input range attribute set
sub createDefaultRangeMap
	my ($object, @attrSet) = @_; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,"createDefaultRangeMap"));
	# Get the reference to the default feature range list from the object
	my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
	foreach my $currNode (@attrSet)
		my ($min, $max);
		my %attrHashMap = ();

		# Get the range attributes
		$object->readRangeAttributes($currNode, \%attrHashMap);
		#Get the lower and higher uids
		$min = $attrHashMap{min};
		$max = $attrHashMap{max};
		#Validate it
		if((!&IsValidNum($min)) or (!&IsValidNum($max))) {
			&ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in default range");
			return 0;

		#Convert it to decimal
		$attrHashMap{min} = &ConvertHexToDecimal($min);
		$attrHashMap{max} = &ConvertHexToDecimal($max);
		if( $attrHashMap{min} > $attrHashMap{max} ) {
			&ERROR("Mininum/Lower UID value ".$min." is greater than Maximum/Higher UID value ".$max);
			return 0;
		#Add it to the existing range list
		my $include = 1;
		foreach my $node (@$rangeList) { #Check the range already exists
			if(($node->{min} == $attrHashMap{min}) && ($node->{max} == $attrHashMap{max}) 
				&& ($node->{support} eq $attrHashMap{support})) {
				$include = 0;
		if($include) { # If it is a new range attribute then add it to the list
			push @$rangeList, \%attrHashMap;
			$object->defaultIncludeCount($object->defaultIncludeCount()+1) if(lc($attrHashMap{support}) eq "include");
			$object->defaultExcludeCount($object->defaultExcludeCount()+1) if(lc($attrHashMap{support}) eq "exclude");

	return 1;

# Get the default include ranges of min and max values in 2dimensional array
sub getDefaultIncludeInfo()
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultIncludeInfo)));
	my @result;	
	my %tempHash=();
	my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
	foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
		if(lc($range->{"support"}) eq "include" )
			my $min_value=$range->{"min"};
			my $max_value=$range->{"max"};
			$tempHash{$min_value} = $max_value;

	my $index = 0;
	my @sortedHash = sort keys %tempHash;

	foreach my $key (@sortedHash)
		push @{$result[$index]},$key;
		push @{$result[$index]},$tempHash{$key};	
	return @result;

# Get the default exclude ranges of min and max values in 2dimensional array
sub getDefaultExcludeInfo()
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultExcludeInfo)));
	my @result;
	my %tempHash=();
	my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
	foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
		if(lc($range->{"support"}) eq "exclude" )
			my $min_value=$range->{"min"};
			my $max_value=$range->{"max"};
			$tempHash{$min_value} = $max_value;

	my $index = 0;
	my @sortedHash = sort {$a <=> $b}(keys %tempHash);
	foreach my $key (@sortedHash){
		push @{$result[$index]},$key;
		push @{$result[$index]},$tempHash{$key};
	return @result;

# Get the count of total number of ranges that are either included or excluded on the device as default
sub getDefaultTotalCount()
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultTotalCount)));
	return ($object->defaultIncludeCount() + $object->defaultExcludeCount());

# For a given uid value, this function checks if the given uid is within the default=present range.
# @param : UID to check
sub getRangeEntry
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getRangeEntry)));
	my $aUid = shift;
	my $length = $object->getDefaultTotalCount();
	my $pos = 0;
	my $rangeRef;

	my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
	foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
		if ( (lc($range->{"support"}) eq "include") and ($range->{"min"} <= $aUid) and ($range->{"max"} >= $aUid) )
			return $range;
	return undef;

# Get the list of features
sub getFeatures($$)
	my ($includeFeatureRef, $excludeFeatureRef) = @_;
	my %FeatureMap = ();
	my @FeatList = ();
	my $featRef;
	my $uid;

	foreach my $feat (@$excludeFeatureRef)
		$uid = $feat->{uid};

		$featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};

		if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
			&ERROR("The feature $feat->{name} was added into the exclude as well as include list");
			return 0;
		elsif($featRef->{exclude} == 1)
#			Already added to the final feature list
			$FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
			push @FeatList, $feat;

	foreach my $feat (@$includeFeatureRef)
		$uid = $feat->{uid};

		$featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};

		if( $featRef->{exclude} == 1 )
			&ERROR("The feature $feat->{name} was added into the exclude as well as include list");
			return 0;
		elsif($featRef->{include} == 1)
#			Already added to the final feature list
			$FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
			push @FeatList, $feat;

	return \@FeatList;

# ========================================================================
# Wrappers for generic xml parser
# ========================================================================
sub featureparser::getnodefromTree 

sub getattrValue 

sub getelementValue 

# ========================================================================
# Utility sub routines
# ========================================================================
# Check whether the object is reference type
# @param : the object reference
sub ISREF 
	my ($object, $method) = @_;
		&ERROR("**Object is not reference-type for the method($method)");
		return 0;
	return 1;

# Parser debugging routines
sub WARN 
	print "WARNING: ".$_[0]."\n";
sub ERROR 
	print "ERROR: ".$_[0]."\n";

# Return Decimal value for the given Hexadecimal number.
# @param : HexaDecimal Value
sub ConvertHexToDecimal 
	my $val = shift;
	if(grep /^0x/i, $val) 
		# Input is Hexadecimal value, convert to Decimal
		return hex($val);	 
		# Decimal value
		return $val;

# Validate if the given value is a valid number
sub IsValidNum 
	my $num = shift;
	return 1 if($num =~ /^\d+$|^0[x][\da-f]+/i);
	return 0;

# Validate if the given UID value is a valid number (either decimal or hexadecimal number)
sub ValidateUIDValue 
	my $fuid = shift;
	# check to ensure that uid value contains only valid digits (decimal/hexadecimal)
	if(IsValidNum $fuid) 
		return 1;
		&ERROR("Invalid UID value".$fuid."\n");
		return 0;
