Fixing sbs_filter issue.
/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
* Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
* $Date: 2008-02-27 15:00:24 -0500 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) $
/*! \file period.hpp
This file contain the implementation of the period abstraction. This is
basically the same idea as a range. Although this class is intended for
use in the time library, it is pretty close to general enough for other
numeric uses.
#include "boost/operators.hpp"
namespace boost {
namespace date_time {
//!Provides generalized period type useful in date-time systems
/*!This template uses a class to represent a time point within the period
and another class to represent a duration. As a result, this class is
not appropriate for use when the number and duration representation
are the same (eg: in the regular number domain).
A period can be specified by providing either the begining point and
a duration or the begining point and the end point( end is NOT part
of the period but 1 unit past it. A period will be "invalid" if either
end_point <= begin_point or the given duration is <= 0. Any valid period
will return false for is_null().
Zero length periods are also considered invalid. Zero length periods are
periods where the begining and end points are the same, or, the given
duration is zero. For a zero length period, the last point will be one
unit less than the begining point.
In the case that the begin and last are the same, the period has a
length of one unit.
The best way to handle periods is usually to provide a begining point and
a duration. So, day1 + 7 days is a week period which includes all of the
first day and 6 more days (eg: Sun to Sat).
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
class period : private
boost::less_than_comparable<period<point_rep, duration_rep>
, boost::equality_comparable< period<point_rep, duration_rep>
> >
typedef point_rep point_type;
typedef duration_rep duration_type;
period(point_rep first_point, point_rep end_point);
period(point_rep first_point, duration_rep len);
point_rep begin() const;
point_rep end() const;
point_rep last() const;
duration_rep length() const;
bool is_null() const;
bool operator==(const period& rhs) const;
bool operator<(const period& rhs) const;
void shift(const duration_rep& d);
void expand(const duration_rep& d);
bool contains(const point_rep& point) const;
bool contains(const period& other) const;
bool intersects(const period& other) const;
bool is_adjacent(const period& other) const;
bool is_before(const point_rep& point) const;
bool is_after(const point_rep& point) const;
period intersection(const period& other) const;
period merge(const period& other) const;
period span(const period& other) const;
point_rep begin_;
point_rep last_;
//! create a period from begin to last eg: [begin,end)
/*! If end <= begin then the period will be invalid
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::period(point_rep first_point,
point_rep end_point) :
last_(end_point - duration_rep::unit())
//! create a period as [begin, begin+len)
/*! If len is <= 0 then the period will be invalid
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::period(point_rep first_point, duration_rep len) :
last_(first_point + len-duration_rep::unit())
{ }
//! Return the first element in the period
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
point_rep period<point_rep,duration_rep>::begin() const
return begin_;
//! Return one past the last element
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
point_rep period<point_rep,duration_rep>::end() const
return last_ + duration_rep::unit();
//! Return the last item in the period
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
point_rep period<point_rep,duration_rep>::last() const
return last_;
//! True if period is ill formed (length is zero or less)
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::is_null() const
return end() <= begin_;
//! Return the length of the period
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
duration_rep period<point_rep,duration_rep>::length() const
if(last_ < begin_){ // invalid period
return last_+duration_rep::unit() - begin_;
return end() - begin_; // normal case
//! Equality operator
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::operator==(const period& rhs) const
return ((begin_ == rhs.begin_) &&
(last_ == rhs.last_));
//! Strict as defined by rhs.last <= lhs.last
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::operator<(const period& rhs) const
return (last_ < rhs.begin_);
//! Shift the start and end by the specified amount
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
void period<point_rep,duration_rep>::shift(const duration_rep& d)
begin_ = begin_ + d;
last_ = last_ + d;
/** Expands the size of the period by the duration on both ends.
*So before expand
* [-------]
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* After expand(2)
* [----------------------]
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
void period<point_rep,duration_rep>::expand(const duration_rep& d)
begin_ = begin_ - d;
last_ = last_ + d;
//! True if the point is inside the period, zero length periods contain no points
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::contains(const point_rep& point) const
return ((point >= begin_) &&
(point <= last_));
//! True if this period fully contains (or equals) the other period
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::contains(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
return ((begin_ <= other.begin_) && (last_ >= other.last_));
//! True if periods are next to each other without a gap.
/* In the example below, p1 and p2 are adjacent, but p3 is not adjacent
* with either of p1 or p2.
* [-p1-)
* [-p2-)
* [-p3-)
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::is_adjacent(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
return (other.begin() == end() ||
begin_ == other.end());
//! True if all of the period is prior or t < start
/* In the example below only point 1 would evaluate to true.
* [---------])
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* 1 2 3 4 5
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::is_after(const point_rep& t) const
if (is_null())
return false; //null period isn't after
return t < begin_;
//! True if all of the period is prior to the passed point or end <= t
/* In the example below points 4 and 5 return true.
* [---------])
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* 1 2 3 4 5
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::is_before(const point_rep& t) const
if (is_null())
return false; //null period isn't before anything
return last_ < t;
//! True if the periods overlap in any way
/* In the example below p1 intersects with p2, p4, and p6.
* [---p1---)
* [---p2---)
* [---p3---)
* [---p4---)
* [-p5-)
* [-p6-)
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
bool period<point_rep,duration_rep>::intersects(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
return ( contains(other.begin_) ||
other.contains(begin_) ||
((other.begin_ < begin_) && (other.last_ >= begin_)));
//! Returns the period of intersection or invalid range no intersection
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::intersection(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
if (begin_ > other.begin_) {
if (last_ <= other.last_) { //case2
return *this;
//case 1
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(begin_, other.end());
else {
if (last_ <= other.last_) { //case3
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(other.begin_, this->end());
return other;
//! Returns the union of intersecting periods -- or null period
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::merge(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
if (this->intersects(other)) {
if (begin_ < other.begin_) {
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(begin_, last_ > other.last_ ? this->end() : other.end());
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(other.begin_, last_ > other.last_ ? this->end() : other.end());
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(begin_,begin_); // no intersect return null
//! Combine two periods with earliest start and latest end.
/*! Combines two periods and any gap between them such that
* start = min(p1.start, p2.start)
* end = max(p1.end , p2.end)
* [---p1---)
* [---p2---)
* result:
* [-----------p3----------)
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
period<point_rep,duration_rep>::span(const period<point_rep,duration_rep>& other) const
point_rep start((begin_ < other.begin_) ? begin() : other.begin());
point_rep newend((last_ < other.last_) ? other.end() : this->end());
return period<point_rep,duration_rep>(start, newend);
} } //namespace date_time