cleanups from reviews.
#Name :
#Part of : Helium
#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
#All rights reserved.
#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
#at the URL "".
#Initial Contributors:
#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
import os
import sys
import shutil
import string
if __name__ == "__main__":
argc = len(sys.argv)
if argc >= 4 or argc < 2:
print 'Simple tool for one-time converting ini-files to SystemDefinitions'
print 'remeber to manually edit the outputs'
print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], 'infile [outfile] '
filename = sys.argv[1]
## r"C:\USERS\work\systemdefinitionXML\spp_config\build\spp_convcom.ini"
if argc == 3:
filename2 = sys.argv[2]
filename2, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
filename2 += ".xml"
print "outfilename is %s" % filename2
#filename = "logparse_rules.txt"
file = open (filename,"r")
global DATA
DATA = file.readlines()
shutil.copyfile("spp_dtd.xml", filename2)
outfile = open(filename2,"a")
component = ""
compname = ""
bld_path = ""
outfile.write('<SystemDefinition name="spp_SystemModel" schema="1.4.0">\n')
outfile.write(' <systemModel>\n')
outfile.write('<layer name="%s">\n' % filename)
outfile.write(' <logicalset name="%s">\n' % filename)
#print DATA
for line in DATA:
if '[' in line:
if not component == "":
#the first one
outfile.write('</component> \n')
outfile.write('</module> \n')
component = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
print "we have component here : ", component
outfile.write('<module name="%s"> \n' % component.strip())
if "name" in line:
compname = line.split('=')[1]
# print "we have name here : ", compname
outfile.write('<component name="%s"> \n' % compname.strip())
if "bld_path" in line:
bldpath = line.split('=')[1]
bldpath = bldpath.strip()
bldpath = bldpath.strip('\\')
bldpath = bldpath.replace('<', '')
bldpath = bldpath.replace('>', '')
# print "we have path here : ", bldpath
outfile.write('<unit unitID="%s_%s" name="%s" bldFile="%s" mrp=""/> \n' %
(os.path.basename(filename), component.strip(), compname.strip(), bldpath.strip()))
print "finishing"
outfile.write('</component> \n')
outfile.write('</module> \n')
outfile.write(' </logicalset>\n')
outfile.write(' </layer>\n')
outfile.write(' </systemModel>\n')