author y4jin
Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:07:04 +0800
changeset 705 67449e76cb84
parent 588 c7c26511138f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix the illegal word scanned by sfchecksource tools

Name        : 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.




<#if ant?keys?seq_contains("tracurl")>
    <#assign helium_browser_trunk=ant.tracurl>
    <#assign helium_browser_trunk="">

<#macro helium_api_location_path location>
    <#assign target_line=""/>
    <#assign res = location?matches(":(\\d+):$") />
    <#list res as m>
        <#assign target_line="#L${m?groups[1]}"/>
    <#assign location_path=location/>
    <#if location?index_of("helium\\") &gt; 0>
        <#assign location_path=location?substring(location?last_index_of('helium\\'))/>
<#--       <#assign target_url=location_path?replace("\\", "/")?replace(":(\\d+):", "", 'ri') />
    <tt class="docutils literal"><a href="${helium_browser_trunk}/${target_url}${target_line}">${location_path}</a></tt>-->

<#macro helium_project_path location>
    <#assign location_path=location/>
    <#if location?index_of("helium\\") &gt; 0>
        <#assign location_path=location?substring(location?last_index_of('helium\\'))/>
       <#assign target_url=location_path?replace("\\", "/")?replace(":(\\d+):", "", 'ri') />
    <tt class="docutils literal"><a href="${helium_browser_trunk}/${target_url}">${target_url}</a></tt>  

<#-- Macros for recursively handling random HTML elements inside documentation elements. -->
<#macro tt> <tt><#recurse></tt> </#macro>

<#macro div><#recurse></#macro>

<#macro p><#recurse>


<#macro ul>



<#macro li>    - <#recurse>

<#macro b>**<#recurse>**</#macro>

<#macro pre>


<#macro @text>${.node?trim}</#macro>