fix: make sure host attribute is set rather than blank in logs on windows by using the env var 'COMPUTERNAME' instead of 'HOSTNAME'. Thus make it less difficult to order recipes in the log by time.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Adds a LOCALISE macro that enables configuration of localised files.
# The localised language selection is done with a ADD_LANGUAGE macro.
# Syntax: LOCALISE
# type=LOCALISE(source, target[, languages])
# source => the source file. The section that needs to be localised should be marked with ??.
# target => the target file. The section that needs to be localised should be marked with ??.
# languages => a space delimited list of language codes
# Example:
# Add languages
# Use Case 1:
# Localises a App resoure file.
# Output:
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# Use Case 2:
# Localise all resource files under a section
# // All resource files will be localised
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.rsc RESOURCE_DIR\app.rsc
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App2.rsc RESOURCE_DIR\app2.rsc
# Output:
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r01 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r01
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r02 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r02
# data=APP_RESOURCE_DIR\App.r03 RESOURCE_DIR\app.r03
# Version 4
# Path corrections to widget support.
# Version 3
# Support for Idle widgets.
# Version 2
# Localises also *.hlp to *.h%s.
# Version 1
# Initial version.
package localise_all_resources;
use strict;
use Exporter ();
our ( $VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT );
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw( &localise_all_resources_info
my %localise_all_resources_infostruct =
name => "localise_all_resources",
invocation => "InvocationPoint1",
single => "localise_all_resources::do_localise_all_resources_extension"
my $line;
my @newobydata;
my %languages;
my $verbose=0;
my $errors=0;
my $localise_all_resource=0;
sub localise_all_resources_info
return \%localise_all_resources_infostruct;
# Entry point for the plugi
sub do_localise_all_resources_extension
print "========================== Begin localise_all_resources =======================\n" if $verbose;
my $obydata = shift;
undef @newobydata;
foreach $line (@{$obydata})
# Ignore REM statements, to avoid processing "REM __SCALABLE_IMAGE( ... )"
if ($line =~ /^\s*REM/i)
push @newobydata, $line;
if (is_localise_all_resources_begin($line))
$localise_all_resource = 1;
push @newobydata, "REM handled $line";
if (is_localise_all_resources_end($line))
$localise_all_resource = 0;
push @newobydata, "REM handled $line";
if ( $localise_all_resource )
# localise all rsc files inside the localise_all_resources section
# resource files .rsc
if ( is_resource_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_resource($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# help files .hlp
if ( is_help_entry_hlp($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_help_hlp($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the .dtd files that have \\01\\ in their source target path
if ( is_dtd_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localisable_path($line);
$line = create_localise_entry_from_dtd($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the active idle .o0001 files
if ( is_active_idle_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localisable_path($line);
$line = create_localise_entry_from_active_idle($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# localise the elocl file
if ( is_elocl_entry($line) )
# match data/file=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
$line = create_localise_entry_from_elocl($line);
push @newobydata, "$line\n";
# Default case
push @newobydata, $line;
@{$obydata} = @newobydata;
print "========================== End localise_all_resources =======================\n" if $verbose;
#Stop image creation in error case
#exit(1) if ($errors);
# trim(string)
# Removes spaces from both ends of the string.
# Returns a trimmed string.
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub is_localise_all_resources_begin($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*LOCALISE_ALL_RESOURCES_BEGIN\s*$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_localise_all_resources_end($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*LOCALISE_ALL_RESOURCES_END\s*$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=foobar.rsc resource/foobar.rsc
sub is_resource_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\.rsc[\"|\']?$/i &&
$target =~ m/\.rsc[\"|\']?$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match
sub is_help_entry_xhtml($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\\01\\/i &&
$target =~ m/\\01\\/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=foobar.hlp resource/foobar.hlp
sub is_help_entry_hlp($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/\.hlp[\"|\']?$/i &&
$target =~ m/\.hlp[\"|\']?$/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=DATAZ_\\resource\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\ RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\
sub is_dtd_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if (($source =~ m/\\01\\.*\.dtd/i &&
$target =~ m/\\01\\.*\.dtd/i ) ||
($source =~ m/\\00\\.*\.dtd/i &&
$target =~ m/\\00\\.*\.dtd/i ))
return 1;
return 0;
# match data=DATAZ_\\resource\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\ RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\xhtml\\01\\0x01000000\\
sub is_active_idle_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if (($source =~ m/\.o0001/i &&
$target =~ m/\.o0001/i ) ||
($source =~ m/\.o0000/i &&
$target =~ m/\.o0000/i ))
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_elocl_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
if ($source =~ m/elocl\.dll/i &&
$target =~ m/elocl\.loc/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# get the type from an iby entry
sub get_type_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $1;
return "";
# get the source file from an iby entry
sub get_source_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $2;
return "";
# get the target file from an iby entry
sub get_target_from_entry($)
my $entry = shift;
if ( $entry =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
return $3;
return "";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_resource($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the .rsc to .r%02d
$source =~ s/\.rsc/\.r%s/i;
$target =~ s/\.rsc/\.r%s/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_help($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\01\\ to \\%02d\\
$source =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
$target =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from help entry hlp
sub create_localise_entry_from_help_hlp($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the .hlp to .h%02d
$source =~ s/\.hlp/\.h%s/i;
$target =~ s/\.hlp/\.h%s/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_dtd($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\01\\ to \\%02d\\
# $source =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $target =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $source =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# $target =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/i;
# #print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localise entry from resource entry
sub create_localise_entry_from_active_idle($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\0001\\ to \\%04d\\
$source =~ s/o0001/o%04d/i;
$target =~ s/o0001/o%04d/i;
$source =~ s/o0000/o%04d/i;
$target =~ s/o0000/o%04d/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
sub create_localise_entry_from_elocl($)
my $entry = shift;
my $type = get_type_from_entry($entry);
my $source = get_source_from_entry($entry);
my $target = get_target_from_entry($entry);
#convert the \\0001\\ to \\%04d\\
$source =~ s/\.dll/\.%02d/i;
$target =~ s/\.loc/\.%02d/i;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source $target\n";
return "$type=LOCALISE($source, $target)";
# create localisable path from /00/ or /01/ paths
sub create_localisable_path($)
my $entry = shift;
$entry =~ s/\\01\\/\\%02d\\/ig;
$entry =~ s/\\00\\/\\%02d\\/ig;
#print "create_localise_entry_from_resource: $source\n";
return $entry;
1; # Return a true value from the file