fix: make sure host attribute is set rather than blank in logs on windows by using the env var 'COMPUTERNAME' instead of 'HOSTNAME'. Thus make it less difficult to order recipes in the log by time.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Enabler for overriding file and data entries from platform iby files.
# Example 1: Replace an existing file with a different source files
# This replaces the original line with the override line.
# NOTE! One must define the ROM_IMAGE section for the overrides correctly.
# Some platform.iby
# data=file.txt sys\bin\file.txt // In ROM_IMAGE[3]
# product.iby
# ROM_IMAGE[3] data-override=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
# output
# data=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
# Example 2: Remove an existing file from a platform iby
# This deletes the original line from the iby structure.
# Some platform.iby
# data=file.txt sys\bin\file.txt // In ROM_IMAGE[3]
# product.iby
# ROM_IMAGE[3] {
# data-override=empty sys\bin\file.txt
# }
# output
# REM OVERRIDE data=file_product.txt sys\bin\file.txt
package override;
use strict;
use warnings;
use plugincommon;
use constant REPLACE_ADD => 0; # Replace with override Add override
use constant REPLACE_SKIP => 1; # Replace with override Do nothing
use constant REPLACE_WARN => 2; # Replace with override Do nothing but warn
use constant SKIP_ADD => 3; # Do nothing Add override
use Exporter();
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&override_info &override_init &override_process);
my $conf = "";
sub override_info
name => "override",
invocation => "InvocationPoint2",
initialize => "override::override_init",
single => "override::override_process"});
sub override_init
plugin_init("", $conf = shift());
sub override_process
plugin_start("", $conf);
my $obydata = shift();
my %targets = ();
my @overrides = ();
my @oconfstack = (REPLACE_WARN);
my @romelemcnt = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
# Go through all the tmp6.oby (InvocationPoint2) lines and store
# normal targets' data to %targets and override targets' data to @overrides
dprint(2, "Finding overrides...");
foreach (@{$obydata})
my $parse = parse_obyline($_);
if ($parse == 2) {
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
# Override configuration keyword
if (defined($1)) {
} else {
push(@oconfstack, defined($2) ? REPLACE_ADD : (defined($3) ? REPLACE_SKIP : (defined($4) ? REPLACE_WARN : SKIP_ADD)));
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
$_ = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
elsif ($parse == 1 && $gKeyword =~ /-override/i) {
# Override entry
dprint(2, "#$gLnum: `$gLine'");
push(@overrides, [$gLnum - 1, $gRomid, $oconfstack[$#oconfstack]]);
elsif ($parse == 1 && $gKeyword =~ FILESPECKEYWORD) {
# Normal file specification entry
$targets{lc("$gTarget/$gRomid")} = $gLnum - 1;
# Loop through all overrides and handle them
dprint(3, @overrides ? "Handling overrides..." : "No override entries found");
foreach (@overrides)
my ($lnum, $romid, $type) = @{$_};
parse_keyline(${$obydata}[$lnum], 1);
dprint(2, "Handling : `$gLine' ($romid, " . ("REPLACE/ADD", "REPLACE/SKIP", "REPLACE/WARN", "SKIP/ADD")[$type] . ")");
${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
(my $target = $gTarget) =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
if (exists($targets{lc("$target/$romid")})) {
# Override target found
my ($line, $keyword, $source, $attrib) = ($gLine, $gKeyword, $gSource, $gAttrib);
parse_keyline(${$obydata}[$lnum = $targets{lc("$target/$romid")}], 1);
dprint(2, "Target : `$gLine' ($romid, #" . ($lnum + 1) . ")");
if ($type == SKIP_ADD) {
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target found and override type SKIP");
elsif ($source =~ /^"?empty"?$/i) {
# Empty keyword -> comment line out
${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$gHandlestr $gLine";
dprint(1, "Remove ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$gLine' due to `$line'");
dprint(2, "Replace with: `${$obydata}[$lnum]' (Override source EMPTY)");
else {
# Replace existing line with new line
$keyword =~ s/-override//i;
$attrib = ($attrib eq "" ? $gAttrib : ($attrib =~ /^\s*empty$/i ? "" : $attrib));
$line = ${$obydata}[$lnum] = "$keyword=$source $gTarget$attrib\n";
dprint(1, "Replace ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$gLine' with `$line'");
dprint(2, "Replace with: `$line'");
else {
# Override target not found
if (!$romelemcnt[$romid] && $type != REPLACE_ADD && $type != SKIP_ADD) {
# Ignore override non-XXX/ADD targets on empty ROM_IMAGE sections
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found, override target's ROM_IMAGE[$romid] section is empty");
# Check if override target exists in different ROM section
my $warn = "";
foreach my $tromid (0 .. 7) {
$warn = "Override target `$target' found from ROM_IMAGE[$tromid] while override is for ROM_IMAGE[$romid]", last
if exists($targets{lc("$target/$tromid")});
if ($type == REPLACE_SKIP) {
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found " . ($warn ? "from ROM_IMAGE[$romid] " : "") . "and override type SKIP");
elsif ($type == REPLACE_WARN) {
dprint(-3, $warn ? "$warn, ignoring `$target'" : "Ignoring override target `$target', target not found");
dprint(2, "Do nothing : Target not found and override type WARN");
else {
(my $line = $gLine) =~ s/^(\S+?)-override/$1/i;
${$obydata}[$lnum] = $line;
dprint(-3, $warn) if $warn;
dprint(1, "Add ROM_IMAGE[$romid] `$line' from `$gLine'");
dprint(2, "Add new : `$line' (Target not found, override type ADD)");