fix: make sure host attribute is set rather than blank in logs on windows by using the env var 'COMPUTERNAME' instead of 'HOSTNAME'. Thus make it less difficult to order recipes in the log by time.
# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Relinks the debug exe/dlls in a ROM if the make file is present
require 5.003_07;
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
use English;
use Cwd;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
my $PerlLibPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
# check user has a version of perl that will cope
require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
use lib $PerlLibPath;
use Modload;
# Globals
my $debug = 0;
my $rombuild;
my @executables = ( 'euser' );
cwd =~ /^(.:)/o;
my $drive = $1;
# get EPOCROOT for searching directories
my $epocroot = lc $ENV{EPOCROOT};
exit 0;
# main
sub main
my $file;
my $text;
my $data;
my $bss;
my $textlen;
my $datalen;
my $bsslen;
open (ROM, "<$rombuild")
or die "ERROR: Can't open rombuild log file \"$rombuild\"\n";
die "ERROR: \"$rombuild\" isn't a rombuild log file\n"
unless ((<ROM> =~ /^ROMBUILD/) || (<ROM> =~ /^ROMBUILD/));
# build up a hash of all the make files indexed by build and exe name
# do this in a more directed way based on the map files for the
# executables we are interested in.
%map = ();
&dirsearch($epocroot . "EPOC32\\", "BUILD");
while (<ROM>)
if (/^Writing Rom image/)
# stop at end of first ROM, ignoring any extension ROMs
# This is necessary because the same file could appear
# at different places in different extensions.
if (/^Processing file (.*)/)
my $datalen;
my $skip;
$file = lc $1;
$text = $bss = $data = $datalen = 0;
# Work out final addresses of sections
while (defined($_=<ROM>) && !/^$/)
if (/^Code start addr:\s+(\w+)/)
$text = hex($1);
elsif (/^DataBssLinearBase:\s+(\w+)/)
$data = hex($1);
elsif (/^Code size:\s+(\w+)/)
$textlen = hex($1);
elsif (/^Data size:\s+(\w+)/)
$datalen = hex($1);
$bss = $data + $datalen;
elsif (/^BssSize:\s+(\w+)/)
$bsslen = hex($1);
# Sanity check - text section can't be zero (other sections may be)
die "ERROR: Can't find rombuild info for \"$file\"\n"
if (!$text);
# get the build and exe name
# protect $epocroot with \Q and \E to stop it
# using \ as a special character
if ($file =~ /^\Q$epocroot\Eepoc32\\release\\(.*)\\(.*)\\(.*)$/o)
$build = lc $1;
$debrel = uc $2;
$executablefile = lc $3;
# Only relink this file if it's kernel-side or matches the regexp
if ($build =~ /^(M|S)/i)
$skip = 0;
$skip = 1;
foreach $re (@executables)
$skip = 0 if ($file =~ /$re/i);
print "$file - skipped\n" if ($skip && $debug);
next if ($skip);
if (! defined $map{"$build $executablefile"})
print "$file - no makefile\n";
if ($debrel ne "UDEB")
print "$file - can't fixup $debrel\n";
# relink this file
print "$file";
# lookup the makefile name
($makepath, $workdir) = @{$map{"$build $executablefile"}};
# only relink if we have a makefile
if ($makepath && $workdir)
# optimisation: don't relink if already at correct address
$file =~ /(.+\.)[^\.]+/;
my $symfile = $drive.$1."sym";
my $buf;
my $elffile;
open SYMFILE, $symfile or print"\nCannot open $symfile\n";
read SYMFILE, $buf, 4;
if ($buf =~/^\x7F\x45\x4C\x46/){
$elffile = $buf;
close SYMFILE;
if ($elffile){
if ((-e $file) && (-e $symfile) &&
open (CHILD, "fromelf -v $symfile |"))
my $oldtext;
my $olddata;
my $foundcode = 0;
my $founddata = 0;
while (<CHILD>)
if (/ER_RO/)
$foundcode = 1;
if (/ER_RW/)
$founddata = 1;
if (/Addr : 0x\w+/)
if ($founddata == 1)
$founddata = 0;
$olddata = hex($_);
if ($foundcode == 1)
$foundcode = 0;
$oldtext = hex($_);
close CHILD;
$skip = 1 if ((!$textlen || ($text == $oldtext)) && (!$datalen || ($data == $olddata)));
else {
if ((-e $file) && (-e $symfile) &&
open (CHILD, "objdump --headers $symfile |"))
my $oldtext;
my $olddata;
my $oldbss;
while (<CHILD>)
if (/^\s+\d+\s+(\.\w+)\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s/)
if ($1 eq '.text')
$oldtext = hex($2);
elsif ($1 eq '.data')
$olddata = hex($2);
elsif ($1 eq '.bss')
$oldbss = hex($2);
close CHILD;
$skip = 1 if ((!$textlen || ($text == $oldtext)) &&
(!$datalen || ($data == $olddata)) &&
(!$bsslen || ($bss == $oldbss)));
print " - current" if ($skip && $debug);
if (!$skip)
chdir $workdir
or die "Can't cd to build directory \"$workdir\"\n";
# save executable in case relink fails
rename $file, "$file.bak"
or die "Can't rename \"$file\": $ERRNO\n"
if -e $file;
$makepath = &fixMakefile($makepath);
my $command;
if ($elffile){
if($makepath =~ /\.gcce/i){
$command =
sprintf ("make -r -s -f \"$makepath\" $debrel " .
"USERLDFLAGS=\"-Ttext 0x%lx -Tdata 0x%lx\"", $text, $data);
else {
$command =
sprintf ("make -r -s -f \"$makepath\" $debrel " .
"USERLDFLAGS=\"--ro-base 0x%lx --rw-base 0x%lx\"", $text, $data);
else {
$command =
sprintf ("make -r -s -f \"$makepath\" $debrel " .
"USERLDFLAGS=\"--image-base 0 -Ttext 0x%lx " .
"-Tdata 0x%lx -Tbss 0x%lx\"",
$text, $data, $bss);
print "\n\"$command\"" if ($debug);
open (CHILD, "$command |")
or die "\nERROR: Can't run \"$command\": $ERRNO\n";
close CHILD;
unlink $makepath;
if (-e $file)
unlink "$file.bak";
else # relink failed for some reason - restore saved
rename "$file.bak", $file;
print "\n";
print " - can't fixup\n";
close ROM;
# args - get command line args
sub args
my $arg;
my @args;
my $flag;
&help if (!@ARGV);
while (@ARGV)
$arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg=~/^[\-\/](\S*)$/)
if ($flag=~/^[\?h]$/i)
print "\nERROR: Unknown flag \"-$flag\"\n";
exit 1;
push @args,$arg;
$rombuild = shift @args;
if (@args)
foreach $file (@args)
push @executables, quotemeta($file);
# recursive directory search
sub dirsearch
my ($input_path, $dir) = @_;
my $searchpath = "$input_path$dir\\";
my $workdir;
return unless (opendir DIRHANDLE, $searchpath);
my @allfiles = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIRHANDLE;
closedir DIRHANDLE;
# Breadth first search: scan files and collect list of subdirectories
my @dirlist;
foreach $entry (@allfiles)
my $entrypath = "$searchpath$entry";
if (-d $entrypath)
# don't look in udeb & urel directories which contain objects and binaries
push @dirlist, $entry unless ($entry =~ /(deb|rel)$/i);
elsif ($entry =~ /$dir$/i)
# ARM4/xxx.ARM4 => generated makefile
my $liney;
open (FILE, "<$entrypath");
while ($liney=<FILE>)
if ($liney =~ /^\# CWD\s(.+)\\/)
$workdir = lc $1;
if ($liney =~ /^\# Target\s(.*)$/)
my $target = lc $1;
# add to the hash table
my $build = lc $dir;
$map{"$build $target"} = [lc "$entrypath", $workdir];
$workdir = undef;
close FILE;
undef @allfiles;
# Now process the subdirectories...
foreach $entry (@dirlist)
&dirsearch ($searchpath,$entry);
undef @dirlist;
sub help ()
my $build;
print "\nfixupsym - " .
"Fix up executables with locations taken from a ROM image (Build ",
&E32tpver, ")\n";
exit 0;
sub usage ()
print <<EOF
fixupsym <logfile> [<executables>]
<logfile> Log file from rombuild tool.
<executables> Names of additional executables to fix up.
ASSP-specific executables and EUSER are always included.
fixupsym rombuild.log efile efsrv .fsy
exit 0;
sub fixMakefile()
my $makefile = shift @_;
my $tmpMakfile = $makefile.".TMP";
open (FILEIN, $makefile) or die "Can't open file \"$makefile\" \n";
open (FILEOUT, ">".$tmpMakfile) or die "Can't create file \"$tmpMakfile\" \n";
while(<FILEIN>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\s*elf2e32/){
print FILEOUT "#".$_;
else {
print FILEOUT $_;
close FILEIN;
close FILEOUT;