Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:07:17 +0100
changeset 511 7581d432643a
parent 0 044383f39525
child 606 30b30f9da0b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.

# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

use strict;
use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;

my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules

# check user has a version of perl that will cope
	require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
	$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
	if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
		$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
		$PerlLibPath .= "\\";

use lib $PerlLibPath;
use Defutl;

my %opts = ();

my $result = GetOptions(\%opts,

my $gPath = $opts{"path"}; # 0
my $gBldPath = $opts{"bldpath"}; # 0
my $compName = $opts{"import"}; # 1
my $gDefFile = $opts{"deffile"}; # 2
my $gDllName = $opts{"linkAs"};  # 3
my $gExpFile = $opts{"export"};
my $gLibFile = "$compName.lib" if $compName;
my $gSymbolNameLookup = $opts{"sym_name_lkup"};

my $oP = '--';

my $floatingpointmodel = "${oP}fpu softvfp";
my $interworkingp = $opts{"inter"};
my $interworking = "${oP}apcs /nointer";
$interworking = "${oP}apcs /inter" if ($interworkingp);

my @objectFiles;


my @DefDataStruct;

sub main ()
	my $FrzExportsOn=0;
	eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@DefDataStruct, $gDefFile, $FrzExportsOn); };
	die $@ if $@;

    &parseDefFile(\@DefDataStruct, $opts{absent}, $gDefFile);
    &genExpFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gExpFile) if $gExpFile;
    &genLibFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gLibFile, $gDllName) if $gLibFile;

# Usage subroutine
sub usage( )
        print "\n";
        print "DEF2DLL -Creates binary objects used to implement the Symbian OS DLL model\n";
        print "\n";
        print "Usage: def2dll --deffile=<file> [--path=<dir>] [--bldpath=<dir>] [--import=<file>]  [--linkas=<file>] [--inter] [--export=<file>] [--sym_name_lkup]\n";

        print "\nOptions:\n";
	print "\t--deffile=<file>   	 	: def file to be converted\n";
        print "\t--path =<direcotry>		: destination path\n";
        print "\t--bldpath=<direcotry>		: build path for dll\n";
        print "\t--import=<file>			: import from file name\n";
        print "\t--linkas=<file>     		: linkas to file name specified\n";
        print "\t--inter                 	: enables interworking on ARM and THUMB\n";
        print "\t--export=<file>			: export to filename\n";
        print "\t--sym_name_lkup         	: symbol name ordinal number lookupç\n";
        print "\n";
        exit 1;

my %symbols = ();
my %symbolIndexMap = ();
my $exports = 0;

sub parseDefFile ($$$)
    my ($defStructRef, $AbsentSubst, $defFile) = @_;
	my $Ref;
	foreach $Ref (@$defStructRef) {
		next if (!$Ref);
		next if (!defined ($$Ref{Ordinal}));
		my $symbol = $$Ref{Name};
		my $index = $$Ref{Ordinal};
		my $rest = $$Ref{Comment};
		my $symbolType = 'CODE';
		if ($$Ref{Data} || ($symbol =~ /^(_ZTV|_ZTI|_ZTT)/)){
			$symbolType = 'DATA';
		else {
			$exports = 1;
		if ($symbols{$symbol} and !$$Ref{Absent}) {
			warn "DEF2DLL - WARNING: $symbol duplicated in $defFile\n";
		} else {
			if ($$Ref{Absent}) {
				$symbolIndexMap{$index} = $AbsentSubst;
			} else {
				$symbols{$symbol} = $symbolType;
				$symbolIndexMap{$index} = $symbol;

sub genExpFile ($$$)
    my ($path, $bldpath, $expFile) = @_;
    my $numkeys = keys %symbolIndexMap;
    my $failed = 0;

    open EXPFILE, ">$path\\$expFile.s" or
		die "Error: can't create $path\\$expFile.s\n";

    print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT __DLL_Export_Table__\n\n";
    print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n\n";
    print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n\n";
    print EXPFILE "\tAREA ExportTable, CODE\n";

    print EXPFILE "__DLL_Export_Table__\n";
	if ($interworkingp) {
	  print EXPFILE "\tBX lr\n";
	} else {
	  print EXPFILE "\tMOV pc, lr\n";

    print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n";
    printf EXPFILE "\tDCD %d\n", $numkeys;
	if($gSymbolNameLookup) {
		print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 \n";# This is the 0th ordinal for elftran to fill in.
    print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n";

    my @orderedSyms;
    my $maxIndex = 0;
    my $index;
    foreach $index (keys %symbolIndexMap) {
		$maxIndex = $index if $index > $maxIndex;
		$orderedSyms[$index] = $symbolIndexMap{$index};

    print EXPFILE "\tPRESERVE8\n\n";
    my $n;
    for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxIndex ; $n++) {
		my $entry = $orderedSyms[$n];
		if ($entry) {
			print EXPFILE "\tIMPORT $entry\n";
			print EXPFILE "\tDCD $entry \t; @ $n\n";
		} else {
			warn "WARNING: missing entry at index $n\n";
			print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 ; missing symbol\n";

    # create a .directive section
    print EXPFILE "\n\n\tAREA |.directive|, READONLY, NOALLOC\n";
    # Mark the section as armlink edit commands
    print EXPFILE "\tDCB  \"#<SYMEDIT>#\\n\"\n"; 
    # mark the imported symbol for 'dynamic' export
    print EXPFILE "\tDCB  \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTable\\n\"\n";
    print EXPFILE "\tDCB  \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTableSize\\n\"\n";

    print EXPFILE "\tEND";
    close EXPFILE;

    $failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $path\\$expFile.exp $path\\$expFile.s";
    unlink ("$path\\$expFile.s") unless $failed;
    die "Error: cant create $path\\$expFile.exp\n" if $failed;

my %DataSymbols = ();

sub genVtblExportFile($$)
    my ($bldpath, $dllName) = @_;
    my $FileName = "VtblExports";

    open VTBLFILE, ">$bldpath\\$FileName.s" or
		die "Error: can't create $bldpath\\$FileName.s\n";

    print VTBLFILE "\tAREA |.directive|, NOALLOC, READONLY, ALIGN=2\n";
    printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<SYMEDIT\>\#\\n\"\n";

    my $symbol;
    foreach $symbol (sort keys %DataSymbols) {
		my $index = $DataSymbols{$symbol};
		$symbol =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;	# remove enclosing quotes
		printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"IMPORT \#\<DLL\>$dllName\#\<\\\\DLL\>%x AS $symbol \\n\"\n", $index;
#    printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<\\\\VTBLSYMS\>\#\\n\"\n";
    print VTBLFILE "\tEND";
    close VTBLFILE;

    my $failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $bldpath\\$FileName.o $bldpath\\$FileName.s";
    unlink ("$bldpath\\$FileName.s");
    die "Error: cant create $bldpath\\$FileName.o\n" if $failed;
    push @objectFiles, "$bldpath\\$FileName.o";

sub genLibFile ($$$$)
    my ($path, $bldpath, $libFile, $dllName) = @_;
    my $tempFileName = "$bldpath\\$compName";
    my $viaFileName = sprintf("$bldpath\\_t%x_via_.txt", time);
    my $keyz = keys %symbolIndexMap;
    my $failed = 0;
    my $key;

    if ($keyz > 0) {
		open STUBGEN, "|$ENV{'EPOCROOT'}/epoc32/tools/genstubs" if $exports;
		foreach $key (sort keys %symbolIndexMap) {
			my $symbol = $symbolIndexMap{$key};
			my $stubFileName = "$tempFileName-$key";
			if ( $symbols{$symbol} eq 'DATA') {
				$DataSymbols{$symbol} = $key;
			} else {
				printf STUBGEN "$stubFileName.o $symbol #<DLL>$dllName#<\\DLL>%x\n", $key;
				push @objectFiles, "$stubFileName.o";
		genVtblExportFile($bldpath, $dllName);
    } else {
		# create dummy stub so armar creates a .lib for us
		open STUBGEN, "|$ENV{'EPOCROOT'}/epoc32/tools/genstubs";
		print STUBGEN "$tempFileName-stub.o $tempFileName##stub $dllName##dummy\n";
		push @objectFiles, "$tempFileName-stub.o";
    close STUBGEN;

    open VIAFILE, ">$viaFileName" or
		die "Error: can't create VIA fie $viaFileName\n";

    print VIAFILE "${oP}create \"$path\\$libFile\"\n";
    my $objectFile;
    foreach $objectFile (@objectFiles) {
		print VIAFILE "\"$objectFile\"\n";
    close VIAFILE;

    $failed = system( "armar ${oP}via $viaFileName");
    push @objectFiles, $viaFileName;
    unlink @objectFiles;
    die "Error: can't create $path\\$libFile\n" if $failed;
