fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.
* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "RESOURCE.H"
#include "DATATYPE.H"
#include "Parser.h"
#include "rcomp.hpp"
#include "NUMVAL.H"
#include "MEM.H"
#include "ERRORHAN.H"
#include "main.h"
#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
extern int verbose;
extern String::CharacterSet SourceCharacterSet;
void Panic(int aCode) // used by UNICODE_COMPRESSOR.CPP
RCTypeArray gTypes;
// StructItem based ostream functions
ostream& SimpleStructItem::StreamOut ( ostream & os)
return operator<< ( os, * this);
ostream& ArrayStructItem::StreamOut ( ostream & os)
return operator<< ( os, * this);
ostream& StructTypeStructItem::StreamOut ( ostream & os)
return operator<< ( os, * this);
ostream& StructArrayStructItem::StreamOut ( ostream & os)
return operator<< ( os, * this);
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, SimpleStructItem & o)
os << "SimpleStructItem ";
os << o.iLabel;
os << "\t" << gTypes.GetName( o.iItemType);
os << "\tDefault: " << o.iDefault;
os << "\tLength limit: " << o.iLengthLimit;
os << endl;
return os ;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, ArrayStructItem & o)
os << "ArrayStructItem ";
os << o.iLabel;
os << "\t" << gTypes.GetName( o.iItemType);
os << "\tDefaults: " << o.iDefaults;
os << "\tLen Type: " << ((o.iLenType == 0) ? "<none>" : gTypes.GetName(o.iLenType));
os << "\tSize: " << o.iSize;
os << endl;
return os ;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, StructTypeStructItem & o)
os << "StructTypeStructItem ";
os << o.iLabel;
os << endl;
return os;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, StructArrayStructItem & o)
os << "StructArrayStructItem ";
os << o.iLabel;
os << "\tLen Type: " << ( ( o.iLenType == 0) ? "<none>" : gTypes.GetName( o.iLenType) );
os << "\tSize: " << o.iSize;
os << endl;
return os;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, StructItemArray & o)
if (o.Size() == 0)
return ( os << "<none>");
StructItemArrayIterator next(o);
StructItem* p;
while ((p = next() ) != NULL)
return os;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, StructHeader & o)
os << "StructHeader ";
os << o.iLabel << endl;
os << "\tLen Type: " << ( ( o.iLenType == 0) ? "<none>" : gTypes.GetName( o.iLenType) ) << endl;
os << o.iSIA;
return os;
ostream& operator<< ( ostream & os, StructHeaderArray & o)
if (o.Size() == 0)
return ( os << "<none>");
StructHeaderArrayIterator next( o);
StructHeader* p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)
os << *p;
return os;
// ResourceItem based ostream functions
ostream& SimpleResourceItem::StreamOut(ostream& os)
return operator<<(os,*this);
ostream& ArrayResourceItem::StreamOut(ostream& os)
return operator<<(os,*this);
ostream& StructTypeResourceItem::StreamOut(ostream& os)
return operator<<(os,*this);
ostream& StructArrayResourceItem::StreamOut(ostream& os)
return operator<<(os,*this);
ostream & operator<<(ostream& os,SimpleResourceItem& o)
os << "SimpleResourceItem [" << gTypes.GetName(o.iStructItem->iItemType) << " " << o.iStructItem->iLabel << "] ";
switch( o.iStructItem->iItemType)
case L_TEXT:
case L_LTEXT:
case L_BUF:
case L_BYTE:
case L_WORD:
case L_LONG:
os << o.iValue;
case L_SRLINK:
break; // Don't know value yet.
os << endl;
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, ArrayResourceItem & o)
os << "ArrayResourceItem [" << o.iStructItem->iLabel << "] ";
os << o.iValues;
os << endl;
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, StructTypeResourceItem & o)
static unsigned long level = 0; // Recursion level.
os << "StructTypeResourceItem (Level " << level++ << ") [" << o.iStructItem->iLabel << "] " << endl;
os << "----------------------" << endl;
os << o.iResourceItems;
os << "----------------------" << endl;
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, StructArrayResourceItem & o)
static unsigned long level = 0; // Recursion level.
os << "StructArrayResourceItem (Level " << level++ << ") [" << o.iStructItem->iLabel << "] " << endl;
DataType counttype = o.iStructItem->iLenType;
if (counttype==0)
counttype = L_WORD;
unsigned long nitems = o.iArrayOfResourceItemArrays.Size();
os << "ArrayLength [" << gTypes.GetName(counttype) << "] " << nitems << endl;
if (nitems > 0)
os << "----------------------" << endl;
os << o.iArrayOfResourceItemArrays;
os << "----------------------" << endl;
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, ResourceHeader & o)
os << "ResourceHeader ";
os << o.iLabel << endl;
os << o.iRIA;
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, ResourceItemArray & o)
os << "++ResourceItemArray" << endl;
if ( o.iLenType != 0)
os << "LenType: " << gTypes.GetName( o.iLenType) << "\t";
if ( o.Size() == 0)
return ( os << "<none>");
ResourceItemArrayIterator next( o);
ResourceItem * p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)
p->StreamOut( os);
return os;
ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, ResourceItemArrayArray & o)
os << "--ResourceItemArrayArray" << endl;
if ( o.Size() == 0)
return ( os << "<none>");
ResourceItemArrayArrayIterator next( o);
ResourceItemArray * p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)
os << * p;
return os;
void StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(ResourceDataStream& aStream, const UTF16* aUncompressedUnicodeBuffer, int aUncompressedUnicodeLength)
const int uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes = aUncompressedUnicodeLength*2;
// Output buffer allocated to be one byte bigger than uncompressed input buffer.
// This is to allow for what appears to be the worst case where the string cannot be
// compressed at all. In this case enough memory has to be allocated to contain
// the uncompressable string, plus the one-byte compression mode tag.
const int maximumOutputLengthInBytes = uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes;
unsigned char* const compressedUnicodeBuffer = new unsigned char[maximumOutputLengthInBytes];
assert(compressedUnicodeBuffer != NULL);
int compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes;
CompressUnicode(compressedUnicodeBuffer, compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes, maximumOutputLengthInBytes, aUncompressedUnicodeBuffer, aUncompressedUnicodeLength);
if (compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes < uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes)
aStream.StartOfCompressedUnicodeRun(uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes, (const unsigned char*)aUncompressedUnicodeBuffer);
aStream.StreamIn(compressedUnicodeBuffer, compressedUnicodeSizeInBytes);
else if (uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes>0)
aStream.StreamIn((const unsigned char*)aUncompressedUnicodeBuffer, uncompressedUnicodeSizeInBytes);
delete [] compressedUnicodeBuffer;
// ResourceItem based RCBinaryStream functions
// These are used to write the raw data as required in the final output file
static void StreamOutSingleValue(
ResourceDataStream& aStream,
const String & aValue,
unsigned long aLinkValue,
DataType aItemType,
const String * aFileName,
int aLineNumber
ErrorHandler::Register( aFileName, aLineNumber); // Register in case conversion to number fails.
switch ( aItemType)
// 8-bit text
case L_TEXT8:
{ // Null terminator, no leading byte count.
unsigned char * p = new unsigned char[ aValue.Length() + 1];
if ( aValue.Length() > 0)
memcpy( p, aValue.GetAssertedNonEmptyBuffer(), aValue.Length() );
* ( p + aValue.Length() ) = '\0';
aStream.StreamIn(p, aValue.Length() + 1);
delete [] p;
case L_LTEXT8:
{ // Leading byte count, no null terminator. (For zero length string a byte containing
// zero is written out.
assert ( aValue.Length() <= 255 );
unsigned char * p = new unsigned char[ aValue.Length() + 1];
if ( aValue.Length() > 0)
memcpy( p + 1, aValue.GetAssertedNonEmptyBuffer(), aValue.Length() );
*p = (unsigned char)(aValue.Length());
aStream.StreamIn(p, aValue.Length() + 1);
delete [] p;
case L_BUF8: // Write just the characters from the string.
aStream.StreamIn((const unsigned char*)aValue.GetAssertedNonEmptyBuffer(), aValue.Length());
// 16-bit text
case L_BUF16: // write out unadorned 16-bit characters
int output_count; // used as character count for binary output.
// reserve enough for worst case
output_count = aValue.Length();
UTF16 *output_buffer = new UTF16[output_count];
aValue.Export(output_buffer, output_count, SourceCharacterSet);
// write out the buffer as a stream of octets.
#if defined(__TOOLS2_WINDOWS__)
StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(aStream, (const unsigned short*)output_buffer, output_count);
StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(aStream, output_buffer, output_count);
delete [] output_buffer;
case L_TEXT16: // write out a null-terminated string
// this has no support in BAFL
int output_count; // used as character count for binary output.
// reserve enough for worst case + null terminator.
output_count = aValue.Length();
UTF16 *output_buffer = new UTF16[output_count +1];
aValue.Export(output_buffer, output_count, SourceCharacterSet);
output_buffer[output_count] = 0;
output_count +=1;
// write out the buffer as a stream of octets.
#if defined(__TOOLS2_WINDOWS__)
StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(aStream, (const unsigned short*)output_buffer, output_count);
StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(aStream, output_buffer, output_count);
delete [] output_buffer;
case L_LTEXT16: // write out counted string. The count is in
// an octet, not a word.
int output_count; // used as character count for binary output.
unsigned char lbcount; // To hold the leading byte count.
// reserve enough for worst case
output_count = aValue.Length();
// XXX I have commented the assert statement below out, because an LTEXT can't have length
// XXX bigger than 255, but sometimes this happens. A solution would be to throw an error
// XXX in structst.cpp, in the SimpleStructItem::SimpleStructItem() constructor.
UTF16 *output_buffer = new UTF16[output_count];
aValue.Export(output_buffer, output_count, SourceCharacterSet);
// write out the count.
lbcount = (unsigned char) output_count;
// write out the buffer as a stream of octets.
StreamOutCompressingIfReducesSize(aStream, output_buffer, output_count);
delete [] output_buffer;
case L_BYTE:
case L_WORD:
case L_LONG:
case L_DOUBLE:
assert ( aValue.Length() > 0);
if(verbose) { MOFF; cout << "Converting " << aValue << " to number." << endl; MON;}
NumericValue( aValue, aItemType).StreamOut(aStream);
case L_SRLINK:
NumericValue( aLinkValue, L_LONG).StreamOut(aStream);
case L_LINK:
case L_LLINK:
if ( aValue.Length() > 0)
DataType dtype = ( aItemType == L_LINK) ? L_WORD : L_LONG;
if ( aValue.IsDecNatural() ) // If a resource id was specified explicitly e.g. -75 then output the value.
NumericValue(aValue, dtype).StreamOut(aStream);
// If FindId fails to find the link it will output an
// appropriate error and kill the program.
ErrorHandler::Register(aFileName, aLineNumber);
unsigned long id = pG->ResourceNameIds.FindId(aValue);
NumericValue(id, dtype).StreamOut(aStream);
{ MOFF; cout << "RCBinaryStream:Unknown type " << gTypes.GetName( aItemType) << endl; MON;}
void SimpleResourceItem::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
StreamOutSingleValue(aStream, iValue, iLinkValue, iStructItem->iItemType, iFileName, iLineNumber);
void ArrayResourceItem::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
NumericValue * itemcount = NULL;
if(iStructItem->iSize.Length() == 0) // STRUCT item says [] i.e. no size specified.
if (iStructItem->iLenType == 0) // No LEN declaration so default to WORD.
itemcount = new NumericValue( L_WORD);
itemcount = new NumericValue( iStructItem->iLenType); // Use specified type.
* itemcount = iValues.Size();
delete itemcount;
if ( iValues.Size() == 0)
StringArrayIterator next( iValues);
String * p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)
assert( iStructItem->iItemType != L_SRLINK); // Can't handle arrays of SRlinks.
StreamOutSingleValue(aStream, *p, 0, iStructItem->iItemType, iFileName, iLineNumber);
void StructTypeResourceItem::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
void StructArrayResourceItem::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
NumericValue * itemcount = NULL;
if(iStructItem->iLenType == 0) // No LEN declaration so default to WORD.
itemcount = new NumericValue( L_WORD);
itemcount = new NumericValue( iStructItem->iLenType); // Use specified type.
* itemcount = iArrayOfResourceItemArrays.Size();
delete itemcount;
if(iArrayOfResourceItemArrays.Size() == 0)
void ResourceItemArray::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
if (Size() == 0)
static unsigned int RecursionLevel = 0; // Top level should not have resource size output.
const bool outputSize=((iLenType != 0) && (RecursionLevel > 0));
if (outputSize)
ResourceItemArrayIterator next(*this);
ResourceItem * p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)
if (outputSize)
void ResourceItemArrayArray::StreamOut(ResourceDataStream& aStream) const
if (Size() == 0)
ResourceItemArrayArrayIterator next(*this);
ResourceItemArray * p;
while ( ( p = next() ) != NULL)