Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:07:17 +0100
changeset 511 7581d432643a
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.

# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# This package invokes single and multiple external tools

package externaltools;

require Exporter;
@ISA=qw (Exporter);
@EXPORT=qw (

use Modload; # Dynamically loads the module
my %invocations; # Indexed by invocation name;

#Set the Module path to load perl modules
	my $epocToolsPath = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\tools\\";

# Get all the external tool perl module files to load them
sub loadTools{
	my $toolList = shift;
	my @toolModules = split(/,/,$toolList);
	foreach my $tool (@toolModules) {
		# An optional command line can be passed to the tool if it is of the form "<toolname>[:<cmdline>]"
		if ($tool !~ /^([^:]+)(:(.*))?$/) {
			print "No tool specified as parameter for external tool invocation\n";
		my $toolName = $1;
		my $toolCmdLine = $3;
		my $toolDetailsMap = $toolName.'::' . $toolName.'_info';
		update(&$toolDetailsMap, $toolCmdLine);

#Initialises information from external tool
sub update 
	my ($info, $toolCmdLine) = @_;
	my $toolName;
	my $toolStage;

	# name - name of the tool. used to associate with appropriate oby tool
	#		keyword
	# invocation - stage when tool shall be invoked.
	# multiple - routine to invoke for multiple invocation
	# single - routine to invoke for single invocation
	# initialize - optional routine to initialize tool before main invocation.
	if (defined ($info->{name})) {
		$toolName = $info->{name};
	if (defined ($info->{invocation})) {
		$toolStage = lc $info->{invocation};
    push @{$invocations{$toolStage}}, $info;
	if (defined ($info->{initialize}))

# Called between the buildrom stage to invoke single or multiple invocation
sub runExternalTool {
	my ($stageName,$OBYData) = @_;
	$stageName = lc $stageName;
	my @toolInfoList =  @{$invocations{$stageName}}; # Collect Tools with respect to its stagename.
	foreach my $tool (@toolInfoList) { # Traverse for the tools

		if (exists($tool->{single})) {#Check if single invocation exists
			if (defined ($OBYData)) {
				invoke_single($OBYData, $tool);
			else {
				print "Empty OBYData array reference in Single Invocation\n";

		}#End Single if 

		if (exists($tool->{multiple})) { #Check if multiple invocation exists
			if (defined ($OBYData)) { 
				# Called from appropriate stage to invoke multiple invocation
				invoke_multiple($OBYData, $tool);
			else {
				print "Empty OBYData Line in Multiple Invocation\n";

		}#End Multiple if 

	}#End of tool traversal
}#End of Method

#Runs Tool for each line of the OBY file
#Gets modified line and adds to OBY line data reference
sub invoke_multiple
    my ($OBYDataRef,$tool) = @_;
	my $modifiedOBYLine;
	my $toolName;
	my $index = 0;# Index each OBY line
	my $arrayLength = scalar(@$OBYDataRef);
	my $OBYLineRef;

	while ($index < $arrayLength) {

		$OBYLineRef = \$OBYDataRef->[$index];# Get the line reference
		if ($$OBYLineRef =~/tool=(\w+)/){ # Match for 'tool' keyword
			$toolName = $1;

			if ($toolName eq $tool->{name}) {# Match the tool name
				my $routine=$tool->{multiple};
				$modifiedOBYLine = &$routine($$OBYLineRef); #Invoke multiple Invocation, get modified line
				if (defined ($modifiedOBYLine)) { # If line is not empty
					$$OBYLineRef = $modifiedOBYLine; # Modify the line reference with new line

			}#End of if toolname match

		}#End of if 'tool' keyword match

		$index++; # For each line of OBY file.
	}#End of oby line traversal <while>


#Runs Tool only once.
#Add new data to the obydata array reference.
sub invoke_single {

    my ($OBYDataRef,$tool) = @_;
    my $routine = $tool->{single};
    &$routine($OBYDataRef);#Invoke single Invocation, update new data
