fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This package contains routines to read the information from the Feature List XML file.
package featureparser; # Base class implementation of feature list xml parser
# Include the genericparser to use API to read from XML file.
use genericparser;
use strict;
# Class constructor
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $object = {};
# Class members
$object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE} = []; # Array of default ranges
$object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT} = 0; # Default include range count
$object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT} = 0; # Default exclude range count
$object->{_FILENAME} = undef; # Current xml file parsing
$object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT} = undef; # Root element pointer of current xml file
bless($object, $class);
return $object;
# Public methods
# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_RANGE member value of this class
# @param : array of default ranges (optional for GET)
sub defaultRangeList
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultRangeList)));
if (@_)
$object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE} = shift;
return $object->{_DEFAULT_RANGE};
# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT member value of this class
# @param : default include feature count (optional for GET)
sub defaultIncludeCount
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultIncludeCount)));
if (@_)
$object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT} = shift;
return $object->{_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_COUNT};
# Get/Set the _DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT member value of this class
# @param : default exclude feature count (optional for GET)
sub defaultExcludeCount
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(defaultExcludeCount)));
if (@_)
$object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT} = shift;
return $object->{_DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_COUNT};
# Get/Set the _FILENAME member value of this class
# @param : xml file name (optional for GET)
sub fileName
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(fileName)));
if (@_)
$object->{_FILENAME} = shift;
return $object->{_FILENAME};
# Get/Set the _ROOT_ELEMENT member value of this class
# @param : root element document pointer (optional for GET)
sub rootElement
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(rootElement)));
if (@_)
$object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT} = shift;
return $object->{_ROOT_ELEMENT};
# Parse the feature xml file
# @param : xml file name to parse
sub parseXMLFile
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(parseXMLFile)));
my $file = shift; # Get the featuredatabase XML filename
# Check for the existence of xml file
if(!(-e $file))
ERROR($file." doesn\'t exist");
return 0;
#Parse the file and Get root Element
my $root = &genericparser::getRootElement($file);
#Read the <featureset>/<feature> elements
if( !($object->createFeatureMap()) )
return 0;
#Read the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
if( !($object->createDefaultRangeMap()) )
return 0;
return 1;
return -1;
# Read the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
# @param - input range attribute set
sub createDefaultRangeMap
my ($object, @attrSet) = @_;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,"createDefaultRangeMap"));
# Get the reference to the default feature range list from the object
my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
foreach my $currNode (@attrSet)
my ($min, $max);
my %attrHashMap = ();
# Get the range attributes
$object->readRangeAttributes($currNode, \%attrHashMap);
#Get the lower and higher uids
$min = $attrHashMap{min};
$max = $attrHashMap{max};
#Validate it
if((!&IsValidNum($min)) or (!&IsValidNum($max))) {
&ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in default range");
return 0;
#Convert it to decimal
$attrHashMap{min} = &ConvertHexToDecimal($min);
$attrHashMap{max} = &ConvertHexToDecimal($max);
if( $attrHashMap{min} > $attrHashMap{max} ) {
&ERROR("Mininum/Lower UID value ".$min." is greater than Maximum/Higher UID value ".$max);
return 0;
#Add it to the existing range list
my $include = 1;
foreach my $node (@$rangeList) { #Check the range already exists
if(($node->{min} == $attrHashMap{min}) && ($node->{max} == $attrHashMap{max})
&& ($node->{support} eq $attrHashMap{support})) {
$include = 0;
if($include) { # If it is a new range attribute then add it to the list
push @$rangeList, \%attrHashMap;
$object->defaultIncludeCount($object->defaultIncludeCount()+1) if(lc($attrHashMap{support}) eq "include");
$object->defaultExcludeCount($object->defaultExcludeCount()+1) if(lc($attrHashMap{support}) eq "exclude");
return 1;
# Get the default include ranges of min and max values in 2dimensional array
sub getDefaultIncludeInfo()
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultIncludeInfo)));
my @result;
my %tempHash=();
my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
if(lc($range->{"support"}) eq "include" )
my $min_value=$range->{"min"};
my $max_value=$range->{"max"};
$tempHash{$min_value} = $max_value;
my $index = 0;
my @sortedHash = sort keys %tempHash;
foreach my $key (@sortedHash)
push @{$result[$index]},$key;
push @{$result[$index]},$tempHash{$key};
return @result;
# Get the default exclude ranges of min and max values in 2dimensional array
sub getDefaultExcludeInfo()
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultExcludeInfo)));
my @result;
my %tempHash=();
my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
if(lc($range->{"support"}) eq "exclude" )
my $min_value=$range->{"min"};
my $max_value=$range->{"max"};
$tempHash{$min_value} = $max_value;
my $index = 0;
my @sortedHash = sort {$a <=> $b}(keys %tempHash);
foreach my $key (@sortedHash){
push @{$result[$index]},$key;
push @{$result[$index]},$tempHash{$key};
return @result;
# Get the count of total number of ranges that are either included or excluded on the device as default
sub getDefaultTotalCount()
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getDefaultTotalCount)));
return ($object->defaultIncludeCount() + $object->defaultExcludeCount());
# For a given uid value, this function checks if the given uid is within the default=present range.
# @param : UID to check
sub getRangeEntry
my $object = shift;
return 0 if(!&ISREF($object,qw(getRangeEntry)));
my $aUid = shift;
my $length = $object->getDefaultTotalCount();
my $pos = 0;
my $rangeRef;
my $rangeList = $object->defaultRangeList();
foreach my $range (@$rangeList)
if ( (lc($range->{"support"}) eq "include") and ($range->{"min"} <= $aUid) and ($range->{"max"} >= $aUid) )
return $range;
return undef;
# Get the list of features
sub getFeatures($$)
my ($includeFeatureRef, $excludeFeatureRef) = @_;
my %FeatureMap = ();
my @FeatList = ();
my $featRef;
my $uid;
foreach my $feat (@$excludeFeatureRef)
$uid = $feat->{uid};
$featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
&ERROR("The feature $feat->{name} was added into the exclude as well as include list");
return 0;
elsif($featRef->{exclude} == 1)
# Already added to the final feature list
$FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
push @FeatList, $feat;
foreach my $feat (@$includeFeatureRef)
$uid = $feat->{uid};
$featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
if( $featRef->{exclude} == 1 )
&ERROR("The feature $feat->{name} was added into the exclude as well as include list");
return 0;
elsif($featRef->{include} == 1)
# Already added to the final feature list
$FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
push @FeatList, $feat;
return \@FeatList;
# ========================================================================
# Wrappers for generic xml parser
# ========================================================================
sub featureparser::getnodefromTree
sub getattrValue
sub getelementValue
# ========================================================================
# Utility sub routines
# ========================================================================
# Check whether the object is reference type
# @param : the object reference
my ($object, $method) = @_;
&ERROR("**Object is not reference-type for the method($method)");
return 0;
return 1;
# Parser debugging routines
sub WARN
print "WARNING: ".$_[0]."\n";
print "ERROR: ".$_[0]."\n";
# Return Decimal value for the given Hexadecimal number.
# @param : HexaDecimal Value
sub ConvertHexToDecimal
my $val = shift;
if(grep /^0x/i, $val)
# Input is Hexadecimal value, convert to Decimal
return hex($val);
# Decimal value
return $val;
# Validate if the given value is a valid number
sub IsValidNum
my $num = shift;
return 1 if($num =~ /^\d+$|^0[x][\da-f]+/i);
return 0;
# Validate if the given UID value is a valid number (either decimal or hexadecimal number)
sub ValidateUIDValue
my $fuid = shift;
# check to ensure that uid value contains only valid digits (decimal/hexadecimal)
if(IsValidNum $fuid)
return 1;
&ERROR("Invalid UID value".$fuid."\n");
return 0;