Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:07:17 +0100
changeset 511 7581d432643a
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.

* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* @internalComponent 
* @released

#include "image_reader.h"

ImageReader::ImageReader(const char* aFile) : iDisplayOptions(0),iImgFileName(aFile)


void ImageReader::SetDisplayOptions(TUint32 aFlag)
	iDisplayOptions |= aFlag;

bool ImageReader::DisplayOptions(TUint32 aFlag)
	return ((iDisplayOptions & aFlag) != 0);

void ImageReader::DumpData(TUint* aData, TUint aLength)
	TUint *p=aData;
	TUint i=0;
	char line[256];
	char *cp=(char*)aData;
	TUint j=0;
	memset(line,' ',sizeof(line));
	while (i<aLength)
		TUint ccount=0;
		char* linep=&line[8*5+2];
		*out<< "0x";
		*out << i << ":";
		while (i<aLength && ccount<4)
			*out<< " ";
			*out << *p++;
			for (j=0; j<4; j++)
				char c=*cp++;
				if (c<32)
					c = '.';
				*linep++ = c;
		*linep = '\0';
		*out << line+(ccount*5) << endl;

Function to extract specified file from a given image. 

@param aOffset - starting offset of the file in the image.
@param aSize - size of the file in the image.
@param aFileName - name of the file.
@param aPath - full path of the file inside image.
@param aFilePath - path where file has to be extracted.
void ImageReader::ExtractFile(TUint aOffset,TInt aSize,const char* aFileName,const char* aPath,char* aFilePath,char* aData)
	// concatenate path where specified file needs to be extracted with
	// path where file is located in the image.
	string fullPath( aFilePath );
	string delimiter( "\\" );
	string appStr( "\\\\" );
	fullPath.append( aPath );
	// replace all the occurrence of slash with double slash. 
	FindAndInsertString( fullPath, delimiter, delimiter );
	// now terminate the string with double slash.
	fullPath.append( appStr );

	// create specified directory where file needs to be extracted.
	CreateSpecifiedDir( &fullPath[0], appStr.c_str() );

	// concatenate path information with the filename
	fullPath.append( aFileName );

	// create an output stream to extract the specified file.
	ofstream outfile (fullPath.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
	// create an input stream by opening the specified image file.
	ifstream infile(ImageReader::iImgFileName.c_str(),ios::in|ios::binary);

	//declare a buffer to store the data.
	char* buffer = new char[aSize];

	if(aData != NULL)
		memcpy(buffer, aData + aOffset, aSize);
	else if(infile.is_open())
		// place the get pointer for the current input stream to offset bytes away from origin.
		//read number of bytes specified by the variable size 
		//from the stream and place it on to buffer.,aSize);
		//close the input stream after reading.
		throw ImageReaderException(ImageReader::iImgFileName.c_str(), "Failed to open the image file");

		//writes number of bytes specified by the variable size 
		//from buffer to the current output stream.
		//close the output stream after writing.
		throw ImageReaderException(aFileName, "Failed to extract the file");

	//delete the buffer.
	delete[] buffer;

Function to create a given directory. 


@param aSrcPath - path of the directory that needs to be created.
@param aDelimiter - delimiter.
void ImageReader::CreateSpecifiedDir(char* aSrcPath,const char* aDelimiter)
	char* currWorkingDir = new char[_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_];
	string origPath;


	// get the current working directory and store in buffer.
	if( _getcwd(currWorkingDir,_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_) == NULL )
		// throw an exception if unable to get current working directory information.
		throw ImageReaderException((char*)ImageReader::iImgFileName.c_str(), "Failed to get the current working directory");
		char* cPtr = strtok(aSrcPath,aDelimiter);

		// check whether cPtr is a drive or a directory.
			// if yes, then change the directory to cPtr.
			string changeToDrive ;
			// change the current working directory to the specified directory.
			if( _chdir(changeToDrive.c_str()) )
				// throw an exception if unable to change the directory specified.
				throw ImageReaderException((char*)ImageReader::iImgFileName.c_str(), "Failed to change to the directory specified");
			// if not,then create a cPtr directory. 
			// change the current working directory to cPtr.
		// repeat till cPtr is NULL.
		while (cPtr!=NULL)
			if (cPtr = strtok(NULL,aDelimiter))
				// create the directory.
				// change current working directory.
		// revert back the working directory.
		// replace the source path with the original path information.
		delete[] currWorkingDir;

Function to check whether the given string is a drive or a folder.


@param aStr - string to be checked.
@return - returns True if the given string is a drive else returns false.
TBool ImageReader::IsDrive(char* aStr)
	TInt strlength = strlen(aStr);
	//check for the last character in a given string,
	//if the last character is colon then return true else false.
	if(!strcmp(&aStr[strlength - 1],":"))
		return true;
		return false;

Function to insert a given string with a delimiter.


@param aSrcStr - string to be modified.
@param aDelimiter - string to be checked.
@param aAppStr - string to be inserted with the delimiter.
void ImageReader::FindAndInsertString(string& aSrcStr,string& aDelimiter,string& aAppStr)
	string::size_type loc = 0;
	string::size_type pos =0;
	while(( pos = aSrcStr.find( aDelimiter, loc ) ) != ( string::npos ) )
		if( pos != string::npos )
			loc = pos + aAppStr.length() + 1;

Function to replace a delimiter with a given string.


@param aSrcStr - string to be modified.
@param aDelimiter - string to be checked.
@param aReplStr - string to be replaced with the delimiter.
void ImageReader::FindAndReplaceString( string& aSrcStr, string& aDelimiter, string& aReplStr )
	string::size_type loc = 0;
	string::size_type pos =0;
	while(( pos = aSrcStr.find( aDelimiter,loc) ) != ( string::npos ) )
		if( pos != string::npos )
			aSrcStr.replace( pos, aReplStr.length(),aReplStr );
			loc = pos + aReplStr.length() + 1;

Function to extract individual or a subset of file.


@param aData - ROM/ROFS image buffer pointer.
void ImageReader::ExtractFileSet(char* aData)
	string dirSep(DIR_SEPARATOR), backSlash("\\"), Pattern;
	TUint extfileCount = 0, noWcardFlag = 0, pos;

	//Get the filelist map

	//Check for wildcards
	pos = iPattern.rfind("\\");
	if(pos == string::npos)
		pos = iPattern.rfind("/");
		if(pos == string::npos)
			pos = 0;
	pos = iPattern.find_first_of("*?", pos);
	if(pos == string::npos)
		noWcardFlag = 1;

	//Process the map
	if(fileInfoMap.size() > 0)
		FILEINFOMAP::iterator begin = fileInfoMap.begin();
		FILEINFOMAP::iterator end = fileInfoMap.end();

		// Replace all backslashes with forward slashes
		Pattern = iPattern;
		FindAndReplaceString(Pattern, backSlash, dirSep);

		// Insert root directory at the beginning if it is not there
		pos = Pattern.find_first_not_of(" ", 0);
		if(pos != string::npos)
			if( != *DIR_SEPARATOR)
				Pattern.insert(pos, dirSep);

		// Assign CWD for destination path if it is empty

		while(begin != end)
			int status = 0;
			PFILEINFO pInfo = 0;
			string fileName = (*begin).first;
			pInfo = (*begin).second;

			// First match
			status = FileNameMatch(Pattern, fileName, (iDisplayOptions & RECURSIVE_FLAG));

			// If no match
			if((!status) && noWcardFlag)
				string newPattern(Pattern);

				// Add * at the end
				if( != *DIR_SEPARATOR)
				newPattern += "*";
				status = FileNameMatch(newPattern, fileName, (iDisplayOptions & RECURSIVE_FLAG));

				// If it matches update the pattern and reset wildcard flag
					Pattern = newPattern;
					noWcardFlag = 0;

				// Extract the file

				// Separarate the path and file name
				string fullPath = fileName.substr(0, fileName.rfind(DIR_SEPARATOR));
				string file = fileName.substr(fileName.rfind(DIR_SEPARATOR)+1, fileName.length());
				FindAndReplaceString(fullPath, dirSep, backSlash);

				// Extract only those files exists in the image
				if(pInfo->iSize && pInfo->iOffset)
					ExtractFile(pInfo->iOffset, pInfo->iSize, file.c_str(), fullPath.c_str() , 
						&ImageReader::iZdrivePath[0], aData);


				delete pInfo;

	// Throw error if the extracted file count is zero
		throw ImageReaderException((char*)ImageReader::iImgFileName.c_str(), "No matching files found for the given pattern");

To match the given file name aganist the given pattern with wildcards


@param aPattern - input filename pattern.
@param aFileName - input file name.
@param aRecursiveFlag - recursive search flag.
int ImageReader::FileNameMatch(string aPattern, string aFileName, int aRecursiveFlag)
	const char *InputString = aFileName.c_str();
	const char *Pattern = aPattern.c_str();
	const char *CurrPattern = 0, *CurrString = 0;
	// If the input is empty then return false
	if((aPattern.empty()) || (!InputString))
		return 0;

	// First candidate match
	// Step 1: Look for the exact matches between the input pattern and the given file-name till 
	//         the first occurrence of wildcard character (*). This should also skip a character 
	//         from matching for the occurrence of wildcard character(?) in the pattern.
	while ((*InputString) && (*Pattern != '*')) 
		if ((toupper(*Pattern) != toupper(*InputString)) && (*Pattern != '?')) 
			return 0;
	// Wildcard match
	// Step 2: Now the input string (file-name) should be checked against the wildcard characters (* and ?). 
	//         Skip the input string if the pattern points to wildcard character(*). Do the exact match for 
	//         other characters in the patterns except the wildcard character(?). The path-separator should be 
	//         considered as non-match for non-recursive option.
	while (*InputString) 
		if ((*Pattern == '*')) 
			if (!*++Pattern) 
				// If recursive flag is set then this case matches for any character of the input string
				// from the current position
					return 1;

			// Update the current pattern and the current inputstring
			CurrPattern = Pattern;
			CurrString = InputString+1;			
		else if ((toupper(*Pattern) == toupper(*InputString)) || (*Pattern == '?')) 
			// Exact match for the path separator
			// So recursively call the function to look for the exact path level match
			if(*Pattern == '/')
				return FileNameMatch(Pattern, InputString, aRecursiveFlag);

			// Exact match so increment both
		else if ((*InputString == *DIR_SEPARATOR) && (!aRecursiveFlag))
			// Inputstring points to path separator and it is not expected here for non-recursive case
			return 0;
			// Default case where it matches for the wildcard character *
			Pattern = CurrPattern;
			InputString = CurrString++;
	// Leave any more stars in the pattern
	while (*Pattern == '*') 
	// Return the status
	return !*Pattern;