Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:07:17 +0100
changeset 511 7581d432643a
parent 338 9372474d4b07
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.

# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
#! python

# Raptor installer maker!

import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import re
import optparse
import sys
import tempfile
import shutil
import unzip

tempdir = ""

parser = optparse.OptionParser()

parser.add_option("-s", "--sbs-home", dest="sbshome", help="Path to use as SBS_HOME environment variable. If not present the script exits.")

parser.add_option("-w", "--win32-support", dest="win32support", help="Path to Win32 support directory. If not present the script exits.")

parser.add_option("-b", "--bv", dest="bv", help="Path to Binary variation CPP \"root\" directory. Can be a full/relatitve path; prefix with \"WIN32SUPPORT\\\" to be relative to the Win32 support directory. Omitting this value will assume a default to a path inside the Win32 support directory.")

parser.add_option("-c", "--cygwin", dest="cygwin", help="Path to Cygwin \"root\" directory. Can be a full/relatitve path; prefix with \"WIN32SUPPORT\\\" to be relative to the Win32 support directory. Omitting this value will assume a default to a path inside the Win32 support directory.")

parser.add_option("-m", "--mingw", dest="mingw", help="Path to MinGW \"root\" directory. Can be a full/relatitve path; prefix with \"WIN32SUPPORT\\\" to be relative to the Win32 support directory. Omitting this value will assume a default to a path inside the Win32 support directory.")

parser.add_option("-p", "--python", dest="python", help="Path to Python \"root\" directory. Can be a full/relatitve path; prefix with \"WIN32SUPPORT\\\" to be relative to the Win32 support directory. Omitting this value will assume a default to a path inside the Win32 support directory.")

parser.add_option("--prefix", dest="versionprefix", help="A string to use as a prefix to the Raptor version string. This will be present in the Raptor installer's file name, the installer's pages as well as the in output from sbs -v.", type="string", default="")

parser.add_option("--postfix", dest="versionpostfix", help="A string to use as a postfix to the Raptor version string. This will be present in the Raptor installer's file name, the installer's pages as well as the in output from sbs -v.", type="string", default="")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# Required directories inside the win32-support repository
win32supportdirs = {"bv":"bv", "cygwin":"cygwin", "mingw":"mingw", "python":"python264"}

if options.sbshome == None:
	print "ERROR: no SBS_HOME passed in. Exiting..."

if options.win32support == None:
	print "ERROR: no win32support directory specified. Unable to proceed. Exiting..."
	# Check for command line overrides to defaults
	for directory in win32supportdirs:
		print "TEST %s" % directory
		value = getattr(options,directory)
		print "value =  %s" % str(value)
		if value != None: # Command line override
			if value.lower().startswith("win32support"):
				# Strip off "WIN32SUPPORT\" and join to Win32 support location
				win32supportdirs[directory] = os.path.join(options.win32support, value[13:]) 
				# Relative to current directory
				win32supportdirs[directory] = value

		else: # Use default location
			win32supportdirs[directory] = os.path.join(options.win32support, win32supportdirs[directory])
	print "\n\nwin32supportdirs = %s\n\n" % win32supportdirs

	# Check that all the specified directories exist and exit if any of them is missing.
	for directory in win32supportdirs:
		dir = win32supportdirs[directory]
		if os.path.isdir(dir):
			print "Found directory %s" % dir
			print "ERROR: directory %s does not exist. Cannot build installer. Exiting..." % dir

def generateinstallerversionheader(sbshome = None):
	shellenv = os.environ.copy()
	shellenv["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(sbshome, "python")
	raptorversioncommand = "python -c \"import raptor_version; print raptor_version.numericversion()\""
	# Raptor version is obtained from raptor_version module's numericversion function.
	sbs_version_matcher = re.compile(".*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*", re.I)
	# Create Raptor subprocess
	versioncommand = subprocess.Popen(raptorversioncommand, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=shellenv)
	raptorversion = ""
	# Get all the lines matching the RE
	for line in versioncommand.stdout.readlines():
		res = sbs_version_matcher.match(line)
		if res:
			raptorversion =
			print "Successfully determined Raptor version %s" % raptorversion

	versioncommand.wait() # Wait for process to end
	raptorversion_nsis_header_string = "# Raptor version file\n\n!define RAPTOR_VERSION %s\n" % raptorversion
	fh = open("raptorversion.nsh", "w")
	print "Wrote raptorversion.nsh"
	return 0

def generateinstallerversion(sbshome = None):
	shellenv = os.environ.copy()
	shellenv["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(sbshome, "python")
	raptorversioncommand = "python -c \"import raptor_version; print raptor_version.numericversion()\""
	# Raptor version is obtained from raptor_version module's numericversion function.
	sbs_version_matcher = re.compile(".*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*", re.I)
	# Create Raptor subprocess
	versioncommand = subprocess.Popen(raptorversioncommand, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=shellenv)
	raptorversion = ""
	# Get all the lines matching the RE
	for line in versioncommand.stdout.readlines():
		res = sbs_version_matcher.match(line)
		if res:
			raptorversion =
			print "Successfully determined Raptor version %s" % raptorversion

	versioncommand.wait() # Wait for process to end
	return raptorversion
def unzipnsis(pathtozip):
    global tempdir
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    un = unzip.unzip()
    print "Unzipping NSIS to %s..." % tempdir
    un.extract(pathtozip, tempdir)
    print "Done."
    return os.path.join(tempdir, "NSIS", "makensis.exe")
def runmakensis(nsiscommand):
	# Create makensis subprocess
	print "Running NSIS command\n%s" % nsiscommand
	makensis = subprocess.Popen(nsiscommand, shell=True)
	makensis.wait() # Wait for process to end

def cleanup():
	""" Clean up tempdir """
	global tempdir
	print "Cleaning up temporary directory %s" % tempdir
		print "Successfully deleted raptorversion.nsh."
		print "ERROR: failed to remove raptorversion.nsh - remove manually if needed."
	print "Done."

makensispath = unzipnsis(".\\")
# generateinstallerversionheader(options.sbshome)
raptorversion = options.versionprefix + generateinstallerversion(options.sbshome) + options.versionpostfix
nsiscommand = makensispath + " /DRAPTOR_LOCATION=%s /DBV_LOCATION=%s /DCYGWIN_LOCATION=%s /DMINGW_LOCATION=%s /DPYTHON_LOCATION=%s /DRAPTOR_VERSION=%s raptorinstallerscript.nsi" % (options.sbshome, 
print "nsiscommand = %s" % nsiscommand