Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:07:17 +0100
changeset 511 7581d432643a
parent 427 d8edd94cd8e2
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: support new trace compiler features for preventing clashes. Automatically turn on OST_TRACE_COMPILER_IN_USE macro. Look for trace header in systemincludes. Make directories in makefile parse to prevent clashes during build. Correct path for autogen headers. Correct case issue with autogen headers on Linux.

# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# Raptor installer/uninstaller script

# Standard NSIS Library includes 
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "WinMessages.nsh"

# Extra plugin includes
!include "nsDialogs.nsh"
!include "Registry.nsh"
!include "NSISpcre.nsh"
!include "Time.nsh"

# Define functions from NSISpcre.nsh 
!insertmacro REMatches
!insertmacro un.REMatches
!insertmacro REQuoteMeta

# Variables
Var RESULT # Generic variable to obtain results, and immediately thrown away after
Var RESULT2 # Generic variable to obtain results, and immediately thrown away after
Var USERONLYINSTALL_HWND # HWND of radio button control for user-only installation
Var ALLUSERSINSTALL_HWND # HWND of radio button control for system installation
Var NOENVCHANGES_HWND    # HWND of radio button control for file-only installation
Var USERONLYINSTALL_STATE # State of user-only radio button
Var ALLUSERSINSTALL_STATE # State of system radio button
Var NOENVCHANGES_STATE # State of file-only installation radio button
Var INSTALL_TYPE # Type of installer ("USR" or "SYS")

# Custom includes (depend on above variables so much be here)
!include "raptorinstallerutils.nsh" # Functions and macros for handling environment variables
# !include "raptorversion.nsh" # Define the RAPTOR_VERSION variable

# Defines
!define RAPTOR "sbs"

########################## Attributes ###########################
# Name of installer executable to create!
# Name for the installer caption
Name "Raptor v${RAPTOR_VERSION}"

####################### Generic Behaviour #######################
# Vista support; use admin in case user decides to install Raptor for all users
RequestExecutionLevel admin
# Set XPStyle on
XPStyle on

###################### Installer Behaviour ######################
# Warn on Cancel
# Abort warning text
!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT "Are you sure you want to quit the ${INSTALLER_NAME} installer?"
# Cancel is default button on cancel dialogue boxes.
# Don't just to final page
# Show installer details
ShowInstDetails show

##################### Pages in the installer #####################
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\license.txt
!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT "Installation type"
Page custom UserOrSysInstall UserOrSysInstallLeave
!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE DirLeave # Directory page exit function - disallow spaces in $INSTDIR
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

######################## .onInit function ########################
Function .onInit
    StrCpy $INSTDIR "C:\Apps\Raptor"

#################### Sections in the installer ####################
# "Sections" - i.e. components to install. This installer
# only has Raptor, so there is no point giving options 
# to the user.
Section "Install Raptor" INSTALLRAPTOR
    # Install Raptor
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\bin\*.* 
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\examples"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\examples\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\lib\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\python"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\python\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\schema"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\schema\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\bin"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\win32\bin\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\bv"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${BV_LOCATION}\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\cygwin"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${CYGWIN_LOCATION}\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\mingw"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${MINGW_LOCATION}\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\python264"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${PYTHON_LOCATION}\*.*
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\notes"
    File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\notes\*.*
    ${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
        # Back up system and user environments before changing them.
        !insertmacro DefineDateStamp
        !define SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\SysEnvBackUpPreInstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
        !define USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\UsrEnvBackUpPreInstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
        # Save System Environment just in case.
        ${registry::SaveKey} "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
        ${If} $RESULT == 0
            DetailPrint "Successfully backed up system environment in ${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
            DetailPrint "Failed to back up system environment due to an unknown error."
        # Save user Environment just in case.
        ${registry::SaveKey} "HKCU\Environment" "${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
        ${If} $RESULT == 0
            DetailPrint "Successfully backed up user environment in ${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
            DetailPrint "Failed to back up user environment due to an unknown error."
    	# Reset error flag
    	# Write SBS_HOME variable; if it exists, the user will be asked if they want it to be overwritten.
    	# Read the env var from the appropriate place
    	!insertmacro ReadEnvVar $SBS_HOME $RESULT
    	${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so $SBS_HOME exists
    		DetailPrint "Env Var $SBS_HOME exists with value $RESULT"
    		# Ask user if they want it replaced. If yes, write it, if no don't write it.
    		MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "The ${INSTALLER_NAME} installer has detected that you already have the SBS_HOME environment variable set with value $RESULT. Would you like the installer to overwrite it with the value $INSTDIR? Click yes to over write with value $INSTDIR, and no to leave it as $RESULT." IDYES write_env_var_yes IDNO write_env_var_no
    	${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
    		DetailPrint "Env Var $SBS_HOME does not exist!"
    	# Write SBS_HOME to registry
    	Push "SBS_HOME" # Third on stack
    	Push "$INSTDIR" # Second on stack
    	Push "" # First on stack
    	# Needs env var name, env var value, then "" on the stack
    	call WriteEnvVar
    	# Prepend PATH with %SBS_HOME%\bin
    	Push "%SBS_HOME%\bin" # First on stack
    	call PrependToPath
    	goto end
    	DetailPrint "Not writing the environment variable $SBS_HOME."
	# Generate batch file to set environment variables for Raptor
	StrCpy $RESULT "@REM Environment variables for ${INSTALLER_NAME}$\r$\nset SBS_HOME=$INSTDIR$\r$\nset PATH=%SBS_HOME%\bin;%PATH%$\r$\n"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
	!insertmacro WriteFile "RaptorEnv.bat" "$RESULT"

# Finishing up installation.
    ${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
    	# Refresh environment to get changes for SBS_HOME and PATH
        !insertmacro RefreshEnv
	# Write the uninstaller
	# Unload registry plug in

# Custom install page to select install type
Function UserOrSysInstall
    !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Choose Installation Type" "Choose the type of installation \
    you would like for your computer."
	nsDialogs::Create 1018
	# Exit is unable to create dialog
	${If} $DIALOG == error
	# Create second radio button for system install
	#${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 10u 100% 33% "Install Raptor for all users on this computer. \
    #(Recommended).$\nThis option modifies system wide environment variables."
    # Create first radio button for user install
    #${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 45u 100% 67% "Install Raptor just for me on this computer.\
    #$\nThis option modifies only user environment variables."
	# Create first radio button for system install
	${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 0% 100% 30% "Install Raptor for all users on this computer. \
    (Recommended).$\nThis option modifies system wide environment variables."
    # Create second radio button for user install
    ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 25% 100% 30% "Install Raptor just for me on this computer.\
    $\nThis option modifies only user environment variables."
    # Create third radio button for file-only install
    ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 50% 100% 40% "Install, but do not modify the environment.\
    $\nThis option only unpacks Raptor's files. A batch file in the installation \ 
    folder (RaptorEnv.bat) can be used to set Raptor's environment variables in a command prompt."
	# Update page control with previous state, if set.
	# Initially these will be blank, so set system install to be on by default.
    ${AndIf} $NOENVCHANGES_STATE == ""
	${Else} # Previously set, user has returned to this page using "Back" button

# Store the states of the radio buttons once the user has left the page.
Function UserOrSysInstallLeave
    # Set the ${INSTALL_TYPE} variable
        StrCpy $INSTALL_TYPE "USR"
        StrCpy $INSTALL_TYPE "SYS"
        StrCpy $INSTALL_TYPE "NO_ENV"
    ${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "USR"
    ${AndUnless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "SYS"
    ${AndUnless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
        Abort "Failed to determine installation type.\n\
        $$INSTALL_TYPE = $\"$INSTALL_TYPE$\"."

Function DirLeave
	StrCpy $0 " "
	${REQuoteMeta} $9 $0 # $9 now contains the meta-quoted version of $0
	${If} $INSTDIR =~ $9
		MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Please choose a directory without a space in it."

########################### Uninstaller #########################
######################## .onInit function ########################
Function un.onInit
	!undef DATE_STAMP
	!insertmacro DefineDateStamp
########################### Behaviour ###########################
# Warn on Cancel
# Abort warning text
!define MUI_UNABORTWARNING_TEXT "Are you sure you want to quit the ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller?"
# Cancel is default button on cancel dialogue boxes.
# Don't just to final page
# Show uninstaller details
ShowUninstDetails show

#################### Pages in the uninstaller ####################
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH

################## Sections in the uninstaller ##################
# There is only one section in the uninstaller.
Section "Uninstall"
    # Delete Raptor
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\bin
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\examples
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\lib
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\python
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\schema
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\win32
    RmDir /r $INSTDIR\notes
    Delete $INSTDIR\RaptorEnv.bat
    !define SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\SysEnvBackUpPreUninstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
    !define USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\UsrEnvBackUpPreUninstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
    # Save System Environment just in case.
    ${registry::SaveKey} "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
    ${If} $RESULT == 0
        DetailPrint "Successfully backed up system environment in ${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
        DetailPrint "Failed to back up system environment due to an unknown error."
    # Save user Environment just in case.
    ${registry::SaveKey} "HKCU\Environment" "${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
    ${If} $RESULT == 0
        DetailPrint "Successfully backed up user environment in ${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
        DetailPrint "Failed to back up user environment due to an unknown error."
	# Reset error flag
	# Read user SBS_HOME
	!insertmacro ReadUsrEnvVar "SBS_HOME" $RESULT
	${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so user %SBS_HOME% exists
		DetailPrint "Removing user environment variable SBS_HOME ($RESULT)"
		# Reset error flag
		!insertmacro RmUsrEnvVar "SBS_HOME"
		${If} ${Errors}
			DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not remove the user environment variable SBS_HOME."
			DetailPrint "Please remove it manually."
	${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
		DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find user environment variable SBS_HOME."
		DetailPrint "If required, this variable may need to be removed manually."
	# Reset error flag
	# Read system SBS_HOME
	!insertmacro ReadSysEnvVar "SBS_HOME" $RESULT
	${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so system $SBS_HOME exists
		DetailPrint "Removing system environment variable SBS_HOME ($RESULT)"
		# Reset error flag
		!insertmacro RmSysEnvVar "SBS_HOME"
		${If} ${Errors}
			DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not remove the \
            System environment variable SBS_HOME."
			DetailPrint "Please remove it manually."
	${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
		DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find system environment variable SBS_HOME."
		DetailPrint "If required, this variable may need to be removed manually."
	################################# Clean up the path env vars #################################
	# Reset error flag
	# Read user path
	!insertmacro ReadUsrPath $RESULT
    DetailPrint "Read user Path: $RESULT"
	${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so user $SBS_HOME exists
		${If} $RESULT == "" # If it came back empty.
			DetailPrint "No user Path available - nothing to do."
            ${If} $RESULT un.=~ "%SBS_HOME%\\bin;" # Only need to act if %SBS_HOME%\bin; is in the Path
    			DetailPrint "Removing %SBS_HOME%\bin; from user path"
    			# Reset error flag and clean user Path
    			!insertmacro RemoveFromPathString $RESULT "%SBS_HOME%\bin;"
    			DetailPrint "DEBUG: User path $$RESULT = "
    	        DetailPrint "DEBUG: User path  $RESULT"
    			${If} $RESULT == ""
    				!insertmacro RmUsrEnvVar "Path"
    				# Write cleaned Path to registry
    	            !insertmacro WriteUsrEnvVarExp "Path" $RESULT
    			${If} ${Errors}
    				DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not clean the user Path. Please clean it manually."
                DetailPrint "Nothing to remove from user path."
	${Else} # No user path
		DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find user Path environment variable."
		DetailPrint "Please check that the variable exists and remove %SBS_HOME\bin manually if required."
    # Read system path
    !insertmacro ReadSysPath $RESULT
    DetailPrint "Read system Path: $RESULT"
    ${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so system path read OK.
        ${If} $RESULT un.=~ "%SBS_HOME%\\bin;" # Only need to act if %SBS_HOME%\bin; is in the Path 
            DetailPrint "Removing %SBS_HOME%\bin; from system path"
            # Reset error flag
            !insertmacro RemoveFromPathString $RESULT "%SBS_HOME%\bin;"
            DetailPrint "DEBUG: System Path $$RESULT = "
            DetailPrint "DEBUG: System Path $RESULT"
            # Write cleaned PATH to registry
            !insertmacro WriteSysEnvVarExp "Path" $RESULT
            ${If} ${Errors}
                DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not clean the PATH."
                DetailPrint "Please clean it manually."
            DetailPrint "Nothing to remove from system path."
    ${Else} # Some error reading system path
        DetailPrint "Note: Unable to read the system Path environment variable."
        DetailPrint "Please check that the variable and remove %SBS_HOME\bin manually if required."
	# Refresh environment to get changes for SBS_HOME and PATH
    !insertmacro RefreshEnv
	# Unload registry plug in

# Languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

################################################ End ################################################